Thursday, 27 December 2012

Satavahana Express Thunders by with a WAP4
Satavahana express thunders by with a wap4 loco...
published: 08 Mar 2007
Satavahana express
Satavahana express reaching Secunderabad, and Asansol's WAM 4 is getting ready to couple....
published: 17 Mar 2010
author: Vijay Kamal
LGD WAP7 Satavahana Express Quick hello and Stroms at MPS .
LGD WAP7 30274 Hauling 12714 Satavahana Express Gives a Quick hello and Stroms at 110 kmph...
published: 09 Jun 2012
author: Vamsee Teja
The official language of the Satavahana dynasty was ? Quizonaire GK 30
The official language of the Satavahana dynasty was ? A: Sanskrit B: Prakrit C:Bengali D: ...
published: 02 Jun 2012
Bird Eye view of BZA WAP7 with Satavahana Express PF06.
This video is taken at Secunderabad Railway station from the FOB (Foot over bridge) on the...
published: 08 Nov 2012
LGD WAP 7 Satavahana Express Shatters At 110 Kmph Pembarthi !!
LGD WAP7 30250 With 12714 Satavahana express Blasts At 110 Kmph Near Pembarthi !!...
published: 13 Aug 2012
author: Vamsee Teja
WAP-7 powered Satavahana descends down the gradient!
Lallaguda WAP-7 30309 takes charge of evening service of 12714 Secunderabad-Vijayawada Sat...
published: 01 Oct 2012
author: IRSandeep
LGD WAP7 Satavahana Express Rages Pembarthi At 110 Kmph !!!!
LGD WAP7 30250 Satavahana express Blasts At 110 Kmph and telangana express enters into loo...
published: 13 Aug 2012
author: Vamsee Teja
Lallaguda WAP-7 30271 with Satavahana glides through Bhongir
Lallaguda WAP-7 30271 with Vijayawada bound Satavahana Express glides through Bhongir....
published: 17 Nov 2011
Date : 22/04/2012 Time:16 :40 Location :yanampet LC (Ghatkesar) Camera : Caonn A3300 LGD W...
published: 23 Apr 2012
author: Vamsee Teja
LGD WAP7 Satavahana express MLY WDM2 clash at Moula Ali !!
My first video on the trip to SCR section gets off with the White Stallion of LGD screamin...
published: 12 Dec 2012
Satavahana SF express meets Intercity SF express at Nekonda
Date :13/02/2012 Time : 18:54. Station : Intakanne (Between WL and MAHB in SCR) Camera : C...
published: 17 Feb 2012
Whinning LGD WAP7 Decelerates With Satavahana Express !!!!
My Favourite ICE Disappointed me For the First Time !!! LGD WAP7 30299 12713 Satavahana Ex...
published: 09 Nov 2012
author: Vamsee Teja
WAP1 WAM4 WDG4 WDM3A WDM2A and WAP7 With Satavahana Express
This video is taken at Secunderabad Railway station from a running MMTS Local train on PF7...
published: 14 Mar 2012
Vimeo results:
Secunderabad-Vijayawada Satavahana Express
2714 Satavahana Express zipping through Moula Ali (near Secunderabad) led by Lallaguda WAP...
published: 17 Dec 2009
author: anil kumar
2714 Satavahana Express with LGD WAP-7 30237
The train slowed down for a danger signal. Video taken before Moula Ali....
published: 13 Sep 2009
author: lakshman
Exiting Vijayawada towards Warangal (2/3)
On board Satavahana Express to Secunderabad....
published: 04 Jul 2008
author: prashant
Exiting Vijayawada towards Warangal (1/3)
The Satavahana Express starts its journey to Secunderabad from Vijayawada.On the right are...
published: 04 Jul 2008
author: prashant

Youtube results:
Compilation of Satavahana Superfast enjoying WAP-7,WAP-4's rides!
Much to boast about this train!, one of the important daily intercities connectin Capital ...
published: 15 Jul 2012
author: IRSandeep
LGD WAP7 Satavahana Express Honks and Blasts at MPS Near Ghanpur !!!
Date : 28/06/2012 Time :17:50. Location : Ghanpur Camera : Canon 3300 . The best place I h...
published: 29 Jun 2012
author: Vamsee Teja
Sambamurthy, Satavahana University Student JAC Convenor HMTV Dasa Disa Karimnagar
published: 07 Feb 2010
LGD WAP7 Satavahana Blasts At MPS Neglects Caution !!!
My favourite ICE !!!! LGD WAP7 30298 Powered Satavahana Blasting At MPS Neglects A Caution...
published: 23 Oct 2012
author: Vamsee Teja