- published: 20 Oct 2011
- views: 882
- author: eastjavadotcom

Wringin Lawang Trowulan - Mojokerto
Wringin Lawang Wringin Lawang is located near to the main road at Jatipasar. The name in J...
published: 20 Oct 2011
author: eastjavadotcom
Wringin Lawang Trowulan - Mojokerto
Wringin Lawang Wringin Lawang is located near to the main road at Jatipasar. The name in Javanese means 'The Banyan Tree Gate'. The grand gate portals are made from red brick, with a base of 13 x 11 metres and a height of 15.5 metres, and dated from the 14th century. The gate is a 'Candi Bentar' or split gateway type, a structure which may have appeared during the Majapahit era. Most historians agree that this structure of the gate is an important compound in the Majapahit capital. The speculations concerned the original function of this majestic gateway have led to various suggestions, a popular one being that it was the entrance to the residence of Gajah Mada. www.eastjava.com
- published: 20 Oct 2011
- views: 882
- author: eastjavadotcom

Ekspedisi Trowulan
Ekspedisi yang dilakukan oleh siswa-siswi SMA negeri 22 Surabaya ke situs Trowulan ini dip...
published: 10 Jan 2012
author: Aku Bingung
Ekspedisi Trowulan
Ekspedisi yang dilakukan oleh siswa-siswi SMA negeri 22 Surabaya ke situs Trowulan ini dipimpin oleh Guru Sejarah Pak Aries Eka Praasetya, S.Pd, M.Si. Tim Ekspedisi meneliti mengenai bangunan situs peninggalan kerajaan Majapahit yang ada di Trowulan Mojokerto
- published: 10 Jan 2012
- views: 1427
- author: Aku Bingung

Kolam segaran pertama kali ditemukan oleh seoran Belanda, Ir. Marc Lain Pont bekerjasama d...
published: 09 Jul 2012
author: widyaswara2011
Kolam segaran pertama kali ditemukan oleh seoran Belanda, Ir. Marc Lain Pont bekerjasama dengan Bupati Mojokerto pertama yaitu Kromojoyo pada tahun 1926. Sejak ditemukan hingga saat ini, telah beberapa kali dilakukan pemugaran yaitu pada tahun 1966, 1974, dan 1984. Bagi Kabupaten Mojokerto Kolam Segaran merupakan salah satu situs peninggalan Kraton Majapahit, yang dituahkan dan dibanggakan masyarakat Trowulan khususnya dan Mojokerto pada umumnya Kolam ini memiliki panjang 375 meter, lebar 175 meter, tebal tepian 1,6 meter dengan kedalaman 2,88 meter. Sebagai pembatas, kolam ini menggunakan konstruksi batu bata. Dan uniknya, batu bata tersebut hanya ditata sedemikian rupa tanpa perekat dan hanya digosok -- gosokkan satu sama lain. Saluran air masuk ke kolam ada di bagian tenggara. Sedangkan di sebelah selatan sudut timur laut dinding sisi luar terdapat 2 kolam kecil berhimpitan, sementara di sebelah barat sudut timur terdapat saluran air menembus sisi utara. Di bagian tenggara terdapat saluran air masuk ke kolam dan saluran air keluar di bagian barat laut. Sumber air kolam berasal dari Balong Bunder dan Balong Dowo yang berada di sebelah selatan dan barat daya kolam. Dan pintu masuknya terletak di sebelah barat, dengan bentuk tangga batu kuno. Selain dari dua sumber air tersebut, air dalam kolam Segaran juga berasal dari air hujan. Oleh karena itu, kolam tersebut selalu dipenuhi air dengan ketinggian 1,5 hingga 2 meter selama musim penghujan. Letak Kolam Segaran sekitar ...
- published: 09 Jul 2012
- views: 606
- author: widyaswara2011

Jatilan Horse trance dance Trowulan Java nov 2012 Indo Style
This is the first act in a long night,the Jatilan (horse trance dance) is a long performan...
published: 19 Nov 2012
author: mashj50
Jatilan Horse trance dance Trowulan Java nov 2012 Indo Style
This is the first act in a long night,the Jatilan (horse trance dance) is a long performance sometimes starting at 8pm & continuing through to 2am in the morning, It involves many performers & players, a full Gamelan orchestra was in attendance this night with both male & female singer included,They were very professional outfit with proper costumes & musical equipment & for the first time enough light to shoot video, I was only able to record the first act as I simply ran out of batteries,so could not film the entire event , but what I did capture was the most dramatic that is for sure, the young men begin by dancing to the Gamelan music and also are involved in rituals conducted by the local Sharman and his helpers, this puts them into a trance which manifests with alarming speed, and the men watching are ready to grab them as they spring back & go into spasm, they stay in this state for a long time and perform actions they would most likely not be able to in their normal conciousness,I have attended other such performances where red hot iron bars have been run down tongues with no burning, and slamming of fists & heads into piles of broken glass with no visible signs of blood or cuts, I wasn't expecting what actually happened and realised I had been standing next to the shopping bag full of snakes for 10 minutes sometimes brushing up against it , not sure they were poisonous or not, but given the option I think I may have moved over a tad, the chook went out in ...
- published: 19 Nov 2012
- views: 77
- author: mashj50

Trowulan Museum; The Legacy Of Majapahit Kingdom
Trowulan Museum One of Trowulan's central attractions is the new Archaeological Museum, wh...
published: 18 Oct 2011
author: eastjavadotcom
Trowulan Museum; The Legacy Of Majapahit Kingdom
Trowulan Museum One of Trowulan's central attractions is the new Archaeological Museum, which was be found on the western side of the Segaran Pool. It officially opened in 1987 and it was built for the purpose of displaying and preserving the increasing number of historical treasures that discovered in the vicinity of the old Majapahit capital. This museum is covering a spacious area of some 57625 square meters to accomodates the entire collection from the ruin of Majapahit. www.eastjava.com
- published: 18 Oct 2011
- views: 1288
- author: eastjavadotcom

Tikus Temple Trowulan - Mojokerto
Tikus Temple Tikus temple or 'Rat temple', is located about 500 meters in south east of Ba...
published: 19 Oct 2011
author: eastjavadotcom
Tikus Temple Trowulan - Mojokerto
Tikus Temple Tikus temple or 'Rat temple', is located about 500 meters in south east of Bajang Ratu temple. Before having its today's condition, this temple had some restoration during 1985 to 1989. In this site, there is Petirtaan site, which is a bathing ritual place in Majapahit period. This temple was a ritual bathing pool or Petirtaan in Javanese term. The name Candi Tikus was given to the discovery in 1914 because the site appeared during the excavation to be a rat-breeding enclosure. The principal structure, which projects from the southern wall of the basin, was apparently modelled on the legendary Mount Mahameru. The construction is n longer complete, it consisted of terraced foundations, upon which would have rested a concentric arrangement of 'turrets' surrounding the highest peak of the building. www.eastjava.com
- published: 19 Oct 2011
- views: 336
- author: eastjavadotcom

Trowulan Museum - Mojokerto
Trowulan Museum One of Trowulan's central attractions is the new Archaeological Museum, wh...
published: 18 Oct 2011
author: eastjavadotcom
Trowulan Museum - Mojokerto
Trowulan Museum One of Trowulan's central attractions is the new Archaeological Museum, which was be found on the western side of the Segaran Pool. It officially opened in 1987 and it was built for the purpose of displaying and preserving the increasing number of historical treasures that discovered in the vicinity of the old Majapahit capital. This museum is covering a spacious area of some 57625 square meters to accomodates the entire collection from the ruin of Majapahit. www.eastjava.com
- published: 18 Oct 2011
- views: 403
- author: eastjavadotcom

Trowulan Museum Mojokerto
Trowulan Museum One of Trowulan's central attractions is the new Archaeological Museum, wh...
published: 11 Aug 2011
author: eastjavadotcom
Trowulan Museum Mojokerto
Trowulan Museum One of Trowulan's central attractions is the new Archaeological Museum, which was be found on the western side of the Segaran Pool. It officially opened in 1987 and it was built for the purpose of displaying and preserving the increasing number of historical treasures that discovered in the vicinity of the old Majapahit capital. This museum is covering a spacious area of some 57625 square meters to accomodates the entire collection from the ruin of Majapahit. www.eastjava.com
- published: 11 Aug 2011
- views: 462
- author: eastjavadotcom

Trowulan Museum
Trowulan Museum One of Trowulan's central attractions is the new Archaeological Museum, wh...
published: 11 Aug 2011
author: eastjavadotcom
Trowulan Museum
Trowulan Museum One of Trowulan's central attractions is the new Archaeological Museum, which was be found on the western side of the Segaran Pool. It officially opened in 1987 and it was built for the purpose of displaying and preserving the increasing number of historical treasures that discovered in the vicinity of the old Majapahit capital. This museum is covering a spacious area of some 57625 square meters to accomodates the entire collection from the ruin of Majapahit. www.eastjava.com
- published: 11 Aug 2011
- views: 84
- author: eastjavadotcom

Bajang Ratu Temple - Trowulan, Mojokerto
Bajang Ratu Temple Bajang Ratu temple is located in Kraton Village, near to Tikus temple, ...
published: 25 Aug 2012
author: inatourism
Bajang Ratu Temple - Trowulan, Mojokerto
Bajang Ratu Temple Bajang Ratu temple is located in Kraton Village, near to Tikus temple, Mojokerto. Bajang Ratu is a gate made of red brick which is estimated build around 14th century. The shape of the building is tall and slender, rising to a height of just over 16 meters. The restoration was completed in 1991. The gateway was originally connected to a brick wall, running off to the left and right, by way of a form resembling wings. This ornamental device is known as paduraksa, it can be seen on other ancient Javanese gateways, in Plumbangan, near Wlingi, Jedong Sub-district, on the slope of Mount Penanggungan. Bajang Ratu in Javanese means as a tiny King or disable King. Local people believe that this gate exist to commemorated Jayanegara King, which was the second King of Majapahit. According to the legend, when the King was remaining a child, he fell and led to defects on his body. This word may also refer to "Little King", for Jayanegara had his throne in a very young age. www.indonesia-tourism.com
- published: 25 Aug 2012
- views: 75
- author: inatourism

Museum Trowulan Mojokerto.mov
Trowulan Museum One of Trowulan's central attractions is the new Archaeological Museum, to...
published: 18 Feb 2011
author: eastjavadotcom
Museum Trowulan Mojokerto.mov
Trowulan Museum One of Trowulan's central attractions is the new Archaeological Museum, to be found on the western side of the kolam segaran. Officially opened in 1987, it was built for the purpose of displaying and preserving the ever increasing number of historical treasures discovered in the vicinity of the old Majapahit capital. Covering a spacious area of some 57625 square metres, this new site accommodates the collection of the old Trowulan Museum, as well as the bulk of the stone sculpture which used to be housed in the museum of Mojokerto. Among the objects on display, a few deserve special mention, notably the famous portrait statue of Airlangga as Wishnu on Garuda, from Candi Belahan; a winged figure which is said to portray the legendary king of Blambangan, Menak Jinggo; and a part of a temple from Ampelgading, Malang, displaying the story of Samodramanthana in finely carved relief. More details visit www.eastjava.com
- published: 18 Feb 2011
- views: 909
- author: eastjavadotcom

Festival Reog Nasional Location : Ponorogo Regency -- East Java In this event, we can enjo...
published: 17 Nov 2012
author: ahmad fathoni
Festival Reog Nasional Location : Ponorogo Regency -- East Java In this event, we can enjoy variety of Reog group dance from all over Indonesia. Grebeg Suro Location : Trowulan -- Mojokerto -- East Java Grebeg Suro is a ceremony to celebrate Hijriah New Year in Islamic calender. There will be series of activities in the form of cultural arts and carnivals. There is also wayang kulit show that will be held all night long in Trowulan Great Hall. "Banyak cara-cara yang dapat digunakan dalam melestarikan budaya lokal agar tidak semena-mena diklaim bangsa lain diantaranya menggelar pentas seni yang menampilkan semua adat budaya dari masing-masing seni, mengadakan pegelaran gawai seni dan lain lainnya," Kegiatan tersebut sangat bermanfaat dilakukan, karena disamping menyatukan keberagaman suku yang ada di setiap daerah dan juga menunjukkan kepada bangsa lain bahwa Negara Indonesia memiliki kekayaan keberagaman budaya yang tidak dapat dipisahkan diantara satu dengan yang lain.
- published: 17 Nov 2012
- views: 858
- author: ahmad fathoni

published: 15 Aug 2012
author: Naufal warnet
- published: 15 Aug 2012
- views: 20
- author: Naufal warnet

Gapura Bajang Ratu atau juga dikenal dengan nama Candi Bajang Ratu adalah sebuah gapura / ...
published: 09 Jul 2012
author: widyaswara2011
Gapura Bajang Ratu atau juga dikenal dengan nama Candi Bajang Ratu adalah sebuah gapura / candi peninggalan Majapahit yang berada di Desa Temon, Kecamatan Trowulan, Kabupaten Mojokerto, Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Bangunan ini diperkirakan dibangun pada abad ke-14 dan adalah salah satu gapura besar pada zaman keemasan Majapahit. Menurut catatan Badan Pelestarian Peninggalan Purbakala Mojokerto, candi / gapura ini berfungsi sebagai pintu masuk bagi bangunan suci untuk memperingati wafatnya Raja Jayanegara yang dalam Negarakertagama disebut "kembali ke dunia Wisnu" tahun 1250 Saka (sekitar tahun 1328 M). Namun sebenarnya sebelum wafatnya Jayanegara candi ini dipergunakan sebagai pintu belakang kerajaan. Dugaan ini didukung adanya relief "Sri Tanjung" dan sayap gapura yang melambangkan penglepasan dan sampai sekarang di daerah Trowulan sudah menjadi suatu kebudayaan jika melayat orang meninggal diharuskan lewat pintu belakang
- published: 09 Jul 2012
- views: 216
- author: widyaswara2011
Vimeo results:

Trowulan, Centre of Imperium Majapahit
published: 04 Jan 2012
author: Wahyumul
Trowulan, Centre of Imperium Majapahit

Lelakon Asmoro Part III [Prewedding]
Pre Wedding Story Clip "Lelakon Asmoro"
[Panggah & Riris]
Java love story at Trowulan / M...
published: 29 Dec 2010
author: bintangpagi
Lelakon Asmoro Part III [Prewedding]
Pre Wedding Story Clip "Lelakon Asmoro"
[Panggah & Riris]
Java love story at Trowulan / Majapahit area, Mojokerto - Indonesia

Lelakon Asmoro Part I [Prewedding]
Pre Wedding Story Clip "Lelakon Asmoro"
[Panggah & Riris]
Java love story at Trowulan / M...
published: 29 Dec 2010
author: bintangpagi
Lelakon Asmoro Part I [Prewedding]
Pre Wedding Story Clip "Lelakon Asmoro"
[Panggah & Riris]
Java love story at Trowulan / Majapahit area, Mojokerto - Indonesia

Lelakon Asmoro Part II [Prewedding]
Pre Wedding Story Clip "Lelakon Asmoro"
[Panggah & Riris]
Java love story at Trowulan / M...
published: 29 Dec 2010
author: bintangpagi
Lelakon Asmoro Part II [Prewedding]
Pre Wedding Story Clip "Lelakon Asmoro"
[Panggah & Riris]
Java love story at Trowulan / Majapahit area, Mojokerto - Indonesia
Youtube results:

Trowulan charming ................ majapahit sites that will not fade and let us keep
published: 08 Jan 2012
author: surya agung
Trowulan charming ................ majapahit sites that will not fade and let us keep
- published: 08 Jan 2012
- views: 62
- author: surya agung

published: 12 Nov 2012
author: metaphysics Alam Maya
KEMAMPUAN ILMU AL-LADUNNI " ADALAH ATAS KEHENDAK ALLOH SWT SEMATA yang di peroleh dari sebuah proses perjalanan " RITUAL " [ RIADLO ] Teman Perjalanan Hidup Seorang Spiritual yang mulia Adalah ber-KEKASIH Alloh SWT . Tiada selimut hati DALAM ketentraman DAN kedamaian hidup yang sejati selain al-khaQ [ kebenaran ] dan TIADA SESUDAH KEBENARAN SELAIN KESESATAN wassalam gus IMM universal[ yang dhaif ] salam ta'dhim bagi pemirsa PESANTREN SIRRI AL-LADUNNI Nb " Anggap yang ada di dalam video ini hanyalah sebuah hiburan belaka dan sebuah entertaiment sebuah TV .- Video ini sama sekali Tidak ada Artinya bagi saya- " saya hanylalah sebatas debu kotor yang sekejab hilang di sapu angin " alladunnisholawat.wordpress.com Face book gus alam maya www.facebook.com ------------------------------------------------------------ www.facebook.com ------------------------------------------------------------ www.facebook.com --------------------------------------------------------------- www.facebook.com --------------------------------------------------------------- www.facebook.com ------------------------------------------------------------------ www.facebook.com ----------------------------------------------------------------- www.facebook.com -------------------------------------------------------------------- www.facebook.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ www.demotix.com ...
- published: 12 Nov 2012
- views: 258
- author: metaphysics Alam Maya

Wisata ke Pengrajin Kuningan Trowulan | Mojokerto | Jatim - The Adventure of Koko Jundi & Adek Falah
Piknik Keluarga ke Pengrajin Kuningan di Trowulan, Mojokerto, Jawa Timur...
published: 22 Oct 2012
author: iruridnefe
Wisata ke Pengrajin Kuningan Trowulan | Mojokerto | Jatim - The Adventure of Koko Jundi & Adek Falah
Piknik Keluarga ke Pengrajin Kuningan di Trowulan, Mojokerto, Jawa Timur
- published: 22 Oct 2012
- views: 24
- author: iruridnefe