Mounting tensions between the US and Russia have led to a global political situation which is “more dangerous” than the Cold War, the German foreign minister has said ... Read more....
Three lions rescued and then protected a 12-year-old Ethiopian girl from men who had abducted and beaten her in order to force her into marriage. The girl had been missing for a week when she was found with the lions by police and relatives, Sgt. Wondimu Wedajo told AP from the provincial capital of Bita Genet. She had been beaten repeatedly and it is believed the lions chased the men off ... ....
The second edition of the three presidential debates to take place in St. Louis will cap one of the most extraordinary weekends in American political history, CNN commented and went on to say that Trump will have 90 minutes Sunday night to save his presidential campaign. Republicans - including vice presidential nominee Mike Pence — are criticising Mr....
(CNN)Record flooding. Hundreds of deaths. A hurricane so unusual, even forecasters were astonished. Hurricane Matthew shattered several records during its deadly march through the Caribbean and up the southeast US coast. Here's what we've learned about the extraordinary storm and the catastrophe it left behind.. Record-breaking stamina ... Photos. Hurricane Matthew's path of destruction. Photos. Hurricane Matthew's path of destruction ... ....
News Desk. A woman tried to end her life by jumping into PamulangLake in South Tangerang, Banten, for allegedly being frustrated with her fiance for ignoring her ... ....
Home to rich culinary culture, Indonesia has many variations of rice dishes. Originating from different regions across the archipelago, here are some must tries. . Nasi jinggo . A photo posted by Wisata Kuliner Jogja (@foodgram_yk) on May 14, 2016 at 7.09pm PDT... You can find nasi jinggo in Jakarta at Nasi Jinggo Thamrin. . Nasi jamblang ... ... You can find nasi tutug oncom in Jakarta at Nasi Tutug Oncom Pamulang ... ....
Fresh graduate DionAditya, 24, for example, plans to still drive his even-numbered car from Pamulang, South Tangerang, Banten to Atma Jaya University in South Jakarta to save time. Dion will park his car at a shopping mall on Jl ... A similar strategy will also be carried out by graphic designer Agustinus Anom Prabowo, 33, who usually commutes 24 kilometers from his house in Pamulang to his office in Pacific Place, South Jakarta ... ....
Houses left empty during the Idul Fitri holiday period are a big concern for their owners, as the unoccupied properties make an easy target for thieves ... She had asked an acquaintance of hers to watch over her house ... Meanwhile, for MerryWati, 42, leaving her house empty for several days during the Idul Fitri holiday means she needs to report to the security officers of her housing complex in Pamulang, Tangerang ... Comr ... ....
Dozens of people gathered around a Teman Ahok (Friends of Ahok) booth in a mall in South Jakarta on Thursday afternoon. Some of them were filling out the forms while others submitted forms to the volunteers at the booth ... "I believe in Ahok ... The only female founder, Amalia, who graduate from the University of Indonesia, has an online business selling hijab, while Singgih studies at the University of Pamulang in South Tangerang, Banten....
Teman Ahok had begun collecting copies of ID cards to support the governor’s run for a second term independently ... Teman Ahok cofounder Singgih Widyastomo, a graduate of PamulangUniversity in South Tangerang, said that volunteers would therefore reverify the ID cards and forms collected to make sure no supporters had any objection to Ahok’s choice of deputy and to avoid any legal loopholes ... Delta’s main brand is Anker beer....
Polres Kota Tangerang Selatan (Tangsel) mengungkap 18 kasus tindak kejahatan narkotika sepanjang bulan Februari 2016. Adanya peningkatan terhadap tindak kejahatan tersebut dilihat dari kenaikan kasus dari bulan Januari ke Februari sebanyak 20 persen ... Polsek pamulang ungkap dua kasus dan jumlah tersangka tiga orang pengedar dengan barang bukti ganja seberat 13,55 gram ... (af/fid). ....
14. The attack killed four civilians and four perpetrators ...Gen ... His doctrine is also blamed for a string of attacks that killed several police officers, including one in Pamulang, South Tangerang, Banten, in 2013 ... Bachrumsyah, a dropout communications student from the StateIslamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah in South Tangerang, Banten, is among Aman’s staunchest disciples recruited through his prayer community in Pamulang ... Gen....