- published: 24 Sep 2011
- views: 21778
- author: aneleja13

Guitar-virtuoso ESTAS TONNE
ESTAS TONNEs phenomenal virtuosity on guitar is a gift from the universe - enjoy .......
published: 24 Sep 2011
author: aneleja13
Guitar-virtuoso ESTAS TONNE
ESTAS TONNEs phenomenal virtuosity on guitar is a gift from the universe - enjoy ....
- published: 24 Sep 2011
- views: 21778
- author: aneleja13

Estas Tonne PROMO 2010 - Version Française
Presentational clip of a world traveling Troubadour. About Music,Life,Love and The Way of ...
published: 30 Dec 2009
author: Estas Tonne
Estas Tonne PROMO 2010 - Version Française
Presentational clip of a world traveling Troubadour. About Music,Life,Love and The Way of the Heart. estastonne.bandcamp.com https www.EstasTonne.com
- published: 30 Dec 2009
- views: 14341
- author: Estas Tonne

Cuban Dance and Rhapsody in 1 (2011)
Live concert in Lienz,Austria 19/11/2011 estastonne.bandcamp.com https www.EstasTonne.com...
published: 08 Dec 2011
author: Estas Tonne
Cuban Dance and Rhapsody in 1 (2011)
Live concert in Lienz,Austria 19/11/2011 estastonne.bandcamp.com https www.EstasTonne.com
- published: 08 Dec 2011
- views: 38257
- author: Estas Tonne

Land Rover Defender Towing a 12 Tonne Truck.
Defender's brochure tow spec is 3.5 tonnes. Here it tows a 12 tonne truck: 1st normally, 2...
published: 02 Feb 2009
author: Timberpants
Land Rover Defender Towing a 12 Tonne Truck.
Defender's brochure tow spec is 3.5 tonnes. Here it tows a 12 tonne truck: 1st normally, 2nd with no throttle, 3rd with no throttle and no driver ... and fianally the truck applies its brakes - will the new Defender (with anti stall technology) stall?
- published: 02 Feb 2009
- views: 119515
- author: Timberpants

Live - Shit Towne (2000-06-11 - #05)
Live performing the song Shit Towne, from their album Throwing Copper....
published: 01 May 2006
author: vodkaa1
Live - Shit Towne (2000-06-11 - #05)
Live performing the song Shit Towne, from their album Throwing Copper.
- published: 01 May 2006
- views: 119892
- author: vodkaa1

170 Tonne Road Train Hill Climbing
Kenworth T904 C15 625HP Accert Climbing Everest Hill on the Woodie Woodie road in Western ...
published: 09 Jun 2008
author: kiwitruckerman
170 Tonne Road Train Hill Climbing
Kenworth T904 C15 625HP Accert Climbing Everest Hill on the Woodie Woodie road in Western Australia
- published: 09 Jun 2008
- views: 267451
- author: kiwitruckerman

Perth Mint Makes World's Largest Gold Coin
www.1tonnegoldcoin.com The Perth Mint has made the biggest, heaviest gold coin in the worl...
published: 26 Oct 2011
author: perthmintbullion
Perth Mint Makes World's Largest Gold Coin
www.1tonnegoldcoin.com The Perth Mint has made the biggest, heaviest gold coin in the world. Cast from 99.99% pure gold and issued as Australian legal tender, the monumental gold coin weighs one tonne. This video shows how The Perth Mint made the world's first one tonne gold coin, which features an iconic kangaroo design. Music provided by www.freeplaymusic.com
- published: 26 Oct 2011
- views: 172114
- author: perthmintbullion

Estas Tonne. Cosmic Fairytale. Live in Odeon. Vienna. 2011
another glimpse of a concert in Odeon Theatre, Vienna DVD is coming soon.... CD with this ...
published: 03 May 2012
author: Estas Tonne
Estas Tonne. Cosmic Fairytale. Live in Odeon. Vienna. 2011
another glimpse of a concert in Odeon Theatre, Vienna DVD is coming soon.... CD with this concert will be available at estastonne.bandcamp.com stay tuned! estastonne.bandcamp.com https www.EstasTonne.com
- published: 03 May 2012
- views: 20076
- author: Estas Tonne

The 10000 Tonne Woman
Meet the 10000 tonne woman. www.ShareTheWeight.com.au Julie-Ann Wharley has some serious w...
published: 02 Jan 2013
author: TonyFergusonWP
The 10000 Tonne Woman
Meet the 10000 tonne woman. www.ShareTheWeight.com.au Julie-Ann Wharley has some serious weight to lose this year. Like many of us, the Gold Coast resident was pretty over the stigma around weight loss and photos of thin celebrities selling fad diets. So she partnered with Tony Ferguson, and this is what she's doing.
- published: 02 Jan 2013
- views: 136688
- author: TonyFergusonWP

4.5-tonne gun-toting Kuratas robot launched in Japan
facebook: www.facebook.com It is 4 metres (13ft) high, weighs 4.5 tonnes and fires 6000 ba...
published: 31 Jul 2012
author: cutevideosify
4.5-tonne gun-toting Kuratas robot launched in Japan
facebook: www.facebook.com It is 4 metres (13ft) high, weighs 4.5 tonnes and fires 6000 ball-bearing pellets a minute, yet this ¥100m (£816000) monster could be Robomop as well as RoboCop. kuratas, The massive robot, called Kuratas, is controlled either by a human pilot in a mid-torso cockpit or by a smartphone connected to a 3G network, and was unveiled at the Wonder festival in Tokyo on Monday. kuratas The diesel-powered machine could, it was claimed, be used as a trundling "ecofriendly" weapons system (top speed 6.2mph) -- or customised for more peaceful functions such as firefighting or cleaning, according to designers at Suidobashi Heavy Industry. kuratas Just take care while dusting
- published: 31 Jul 2012
- views: 8012
- author: cutevideosify

9F 92203 + S160 5197 on 1000 tonne stone trains at Merehead
A couple of demonstration modern day stone trains hauled by 9F 2-10-0 92203 and USA S160 5...
published: 22 Jun 2008
author: 21C123
9F 92203 + S160 5197 on 1000 tonne stone trains at Merehead
A couple of demonstration modern day stone trains hauled by 9F 2-10-0 92203 and USA S160 5197 at Merehead Quarry as part of the Cranmore 150 Gala. Photos of this event @ craigrailpics.fotopic.net
- published: 22 Jun 2008
- views: 38450
- author: 21C123

Rammstein - Sonne - mal anders xD (Eisbein - Tonne)
Das folgende Video ist für fette Frauen über 100 Kilo nicht geeignet... (mit selbst zusamm...
published: 11 Jul 2010
author: h81prod
Rammstein - Sonne - mal anders xD (Eisbein - Tonne)
Das folgende Video ist für fette Frauen über 100 Kilo nicht geeignet... (mit selbst zusammengesoffenen lyrics / now with self together-jedrunkenen lyrics.. ) PS: Rammstein ROCKZ!
- published: 11 Jul 2010
- views: 22145
- author: h81prod

Let me fly/ Hanna Jahanforooz & Estas Tonne
Vocal & Lyrics: Hanna Jahanforooz Music & Guitar & Arrangement: Estas Tonne Zard: Yonatan ...
published: 23 Aug 2010
author: hannajahanforooz
Let me fly/ Hanna Jahanforooz & Estas Tonne
Vocal & Lyrics: Hanna Jahanforooz Music & Guitar & Arrangement: Estas Tonne Zard: Yonatan Bar Rashi Director: Yuval Delshad Let Me Fly ********* You like the wind I like the silence Let me fly ... Feel the light No, no more crying Let me fly ... Let me fly -- let me fly Behind the darkness Sun will always shin Let me fly ... Never let you down God send the angels Never let you down God send the angels Let me fly -- let me fly
- published: 23 Aug 2010
- views: 12414
- author: hannajahanforooz

40-tonne lorry stuck in narrow Cornwall lane hitches a lift
A satellite navigation system was blamed for causing a 40-tonne articulated lorry to get s...
published: 19 Oct 2010
author: Thisisdevonvideos
40-tonne lorry stuck in narrow Cornwall lane hitches a lift
A satellite navigation system was blamed for causing a 40-tonne articulated lorry to get stuck in a narrow South East Cornwall lane. Read the full story on thisisdevon here: www.thisisdevon.co.uk Follow @thisisdevonnews on Twitter: twitter.com Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com
- published: 19 Oct 2010
- views: 81419
- author: Thisisdevonvideos
Vimeo results:

Cardi-Body, from Russia with love...
Cardi-Body & Cardi-Curara...
Depuis quelques mois, les créations automobiles européennes ...
published: 29 Nov 2009
author: Patrice De Bruyne
Cardi-Body, from Russia with love...
Cardi-Body & Cardi-Curara...
Depuis quelques mois, les créations automobiles européennes (et encore moins américaines) ne me passionnent plus, tant elles me semblent issues d'une sorte d'eugénisme industriel ou la créativité n'est qu'un moyen publicitaire à usage des salons automobiles...
J'ai pourtant vécu quelques moments de bonheur au vu des concepts-cars électriques de Renault (Twizy et Zoe) et Peugeot (la BB1), me demandant pourquoi ces petits bijoux ne servent qu'à faire rêver les rêveurs... alors qu'une mise en production ne devrait pas être plus complexe que de fabriquer les petites horreurs re-stylées qu'on nous sert et ressert à grands coups de battages médiatiques distillant de vaines promesses et espoirs...
Ca fait longtemps que sous des faux principes sécuritaires, les Etats Européens détournent le sacro-saint principe de la liberté d'acheter et vendre partout..., un des piliers de la Communauté Européenne, que tous les Etats membres s'échinent à contourner en créant de multiples contraintes et obligations qui s'avèrent bien pires et plus sournoises que les taxations douanières qui servaient de barrières...
A force de taxer et de contraindre le monde de l'automobile est devenu gris et sans véritable saveur, robotisé, quasi uniforme et les automobiles qui sortent du lot, comme les Ferrailleries et Porscheries jusqu'à l'indigestion, ne sont que des arnaques bien plus sophistiquées que leurs mécaniques, vendues non plus par rapport à ce qu'elles ont couté, mais en fonction de ce que les cibles sélectionnées peuvent payer pour leur soif de paraître et pour étancher leur égo...
Il n'y a plus de véritable passion dans ces calculs sordides si ce n'est celle que doit procurer un hold-up réussi, sachant que les crétins qui se sont à la fois fait piéger et se sont piégés eux-mêmes, devront continuer à payer des sommes mirobolantes pour entretenir l'objet de leurs désirs inventés...
C'est cela, également, qui a détruit irrémédiablement les nombreux créateurs et petits industriels automobiles, qui inventaient et fabriquaient des voitures totalement hors-normes, en petites séries.
Certes, ces réalisations artisanales n'étaient pas toutes exceptionnelles, loin de là, beaucoup étaient d'horribles petits canards déformés, des engins apocalyptiques ou des retours aux sources, parfois complexes, souvent faciles et désuets..., mais, en tous les cas, c'était du rêve plus ou moins accessible.
Le plus grand succès commercial de ce type d'engin, furent les répliques, il y en eut d'extraordinaires, mais bien plus d'abominables..., les "Cobra" arrivant à réunir ces deux extrèmes, vers le top-niveau avec les "continuations " AC MKIV et Shelby'revival CSX4000 series..., les Arntz et Dax..., puis, descendant vers le pire avec les Pilgrim 4 et 6 cylindres et surtout les Scobra montées maladroitement sur des chassis de VW coccinnelle en conservant le flat-four arrière...
Il n'empèche, que même si cela faisait rire, les moins lotis de la vie pouvaient ainsi jouer à faire "comme-si " ils étaient riches...
Les complications administratives délibérées, les obligations de contrôle technique, les homologations et attestations de toutes sortes, les sur-taxations, la mise en place de nos sociétés hyper-policées imposant les diktats du Nouvel Ordre Mondial par "une stratégie de la peur "... et les principes appliqués de la tolérance zéro pour tout (et n'importe quoi)..., ont peu à peu dégouté les "ceusses " (les petits constructeurs) qui continuaient à vouloir jouer dans la cour des grands (les grandes marques automobiles)... et comme les lois en matière d'homologation et d'immatriculation sont devenues drastiques et incontournables, tous ces engins, catalogués "Kit-Cars " à défaut d'être reconnus comme vraies marques individualistes..., sont devenus quasi inutilisables et in-revendables...
Le manque de moyens financiers a dès-lors tué cette industrie qui a du se reconvertir dans la fabrication de pièces "tuning " et/ou dans la construction d'engins "aux-normes ", forcément infiniment plus chers, donc peu concurrentiels avec les voitures "de niche " des grands constructeurs...
La crise de 2008 a terminé d'achever les plus faibles, quoique certains irréductibles créatifs survivent encore...
C'est de Russie que vient une sorte de renouveau, mais aucun média automobile occidental n'en cause parce que les journaleux "de chez nous " ne se déplacent que si les voyages sont pré-payés, avec cadeaux à la clé et reportages pré-machés.
Notez qu'à la lecture de mes articles, beaucoup se mettent à publier quelques infos et photos...
Vous avez pu le constater avec l'article en 4 parties sur les Marussia B1, B2, B3 et B4..., aucun magazine n'en a jamais "parlé " véritablement, sinon sous forme d'entre-filets méprisants...
Et pourtant, avec un prix de 70.000 euros, par rapport à ce que les ténors du haut de gamme occidental pro

Glass Bottles - how they are recycled
Domestic waste glass (known as cullet) is easy to recycle. The UK currently recycles aroun...
published: 23 Oct 2009
author: RecycleNow
Glass Bottles - how they are recycled
Domestic waste glass (known as cullet) is easy to recycle. The UK currently recycles around 50% of container glass (like bottles and jars) and whilst this figure has doubled over the last five years it still lags behind other countries i.e. both Switzerland and Finland recycle more than 90% of their glass.
Glass is usually collected in 'bottle banks' at recycling centres or as part of our kerbside collection. However there is still more we can all do, such as remembering to recycle our clear jars (pasta sauce jars and jam jars) which are often forgotten.
The UK business sector still has a lot of work to do to recycle glass – bars, restaurants and pubs currently throw away 600,000 tonnes of glass every year, with most of it ending up in landfill.
Did you know? Recycling two bottles saves enough energy to boil enough water for five cups of tea!

D1 Drifter Trikes
Slider bikes drifting THE windiest road!! Gettin some killa angle and destroying a tonne o...
published: 04 Feb 2010
author: Peter Harper
D1 Drifter Trikes
Slider bikes drifting THE windiest road!! Gettin some killa angle and destroying a tonne of tyers!! initiations, steering angle, insane tandems, spin outs, speeds, dirt drops and the mountain looks sweet, its got it all!

Ilulissat icebergs
The Ilulissat glacier in Greenland produces around 20 billion tonnes worth of ice bergs ea...
published: 13 Oct 2009
author: icescapes
Ilulissat icebergs
The Ilulissat glacier in Greenland produces around 20 billion tonnes worth of ice bergs each year, making it the most productive glacier in the northern hemisphere. In this video we take a short trip trhough the Ilulissat Icefjord and on to nearby Red Bay.
Music: Revolve (R Mix) by His Boy Elroy.
iTunes link: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?i=318092207&id;=318092192&s;=143441&uo;=6
If you like this video, make sure to check out this one as well: http://vimeo.com/4515275
Licensing: please contact icescapes.tv@gmail.com
Youtube results:

Chase & Status - TEN TONNE
From The Ten Tonne EP RENEGADE HARDWARE check out my channel for some full lenght mixes by...
published: 26 Mar 2010
author: DjStrucjah
Chase & Status - TEN TONNE
From The Ten Tonne EP RENEGADE HARDWARE check out my channel for some full lenght mixes by myself i'll be uploading more from time 2 time give us a sub if you like it cheers ;)
- published: 26 Mar 2010
- views: 15258
- author: DjStrucjah

PistenBully with the new 4.5-tonne winch
PistenBully with the new 4.5-tonne winch in action. PistenBully is the market leader for s...
published: 01 Aug 2011
author: mmang07
PistenBully with the new 4.5-tonne winch
PistenBully with the new 4.5-tonne winch in action. PistenBully is the market leader for ski slope and trail preparation. Their latest innovation in the field of winch technology is the new 4.5-tonne winch, with a length of 1050 m.
- published: 01 Aug 2011
- views: 30231
- author: mmang07

Military Vehicles [United States]: ATC 6x6 14-Tonne Tactical Vehicle (Terex Corporation)
American Truck Company's 14-tonne truck was a joint-venture with Tatra AS, a legendary Cze...
published: 21 Nov 2010
author: DanieruShidebuteru
Military Vehicles [United States]: ATC 6x6 14-Tonne Tactical Vehicle (Terex Corporation)
American Truck Company's 14-tonne truck was a joint-venture with Tatra AS, a legendary Czech automobile company that is the third oldest in the world, mostly well-known presently as a manufacturer of quality trucks. In 2003, Tatra's controlling interests were acquired by the Terex Corporation, who also owns the American Truck Company. This truck was developed during that era to answer the needs of military tactical trucks in North America, as well as for export to other countries. Sources: www.terex.com www.americantruckco.com (dormant)
- published: 21 Nov 2010
- views: 11126
- author: DanieruShidebuteru

Takeuchi 1-5 Tonne Excavator Safety DVD
Safety & Instructional Video for Kerr's Hires Takeuchi 1.5 Tonne Excavator. For more infor...
published: 02 Sep 2010
author: kerrshire
Takeuchi 1-5 Tonne Excavator Safety DVD
Safety & Instructional Video for Kerr's Hires Takeuchi 1.5 Tonne Excavator. For more information contact us on 03 52786011 for our North Geelong Branch or 03 52457877 for our Grovedale Branch. Kerr's Hire is 100% Geelong Family Owned & Operated.
- published: 02 Sep 2010
- views: 15575
- author: kerrshire