The French government recently outlawed many English words that could easily be absorbed into the French native language. The Acadeie Francaise Authority in France has called for the suppression of English words currently used in France’s culture, wherein the list runs for 65 pages of such words.
The language lockdown targets online terms in the social media service Twitter, where authorities say the nation should address as mot-diese, not Twitter. Other words that would be blacklisted are blog, email, spermodel, take-away, parking, weekend and low-cost airline.
Science communities are urged to stop using science terminologies such as “Serial Analysis of Gene Expression” and “Suppression Subtractive Hybridization”. Television sports commentators will now refer to “coach” and “corner” as entraineur and coup de pied de coin.
The government has made it compulsory for educators and the French media to make use of the native word as much as possible in their programmes. The government fears that if the language cannot be preserved, the language may become “shattered” or evolve “in an undesirable way”. Experts agree and support the move.
However, citizens, especially those interacting with people across the globe and doing business and activities with them, say that it would particularly be difficult not to use the English language especially if one uses search engines or reads English references in articles.
Source: Mirror