- published: 29 Jan 2013
- author: KXLY

Man alerts neighbor of garage fire
Spokane firefighters are investigating the cause of a garage fire in South Spokane County....
published: 29 Jan 2013
author: KXLY
Man alerts neighbor of garage fire
Spokane firefighters are investigating the cause of a garage fire in South Spokane County. KXLY4's Alyssa Crawford reports.
- published: 29 Jan 2013
- author: KXLY

From The Beach, In The Hot Tub: Market Analysis And Trade Alerts
Watch as our Chief Market Strategist, Gareth Soloway discusses the markets and what you sh...
published: 28 Jan 2013
author: inthemoneystocks
From The Beach, In The Hot Tub: Market Analysis And Trade Alerts
Watch as our Chief Market Strategist, Gareth Soloway discusses the markets and what you should expect for the coming week - live from his hot tub! Join him and Nick as they lead our members to profits, get involved in the action for free: www.inthemoneystocks.com
- published: 28 Jan 2013
- views: 651
- author: inthemoneystocks

This iPhone Case Gives Alerts With an LED Light Show
Phaze5's Flashr is a specially designed four layer case which turns the iPhone's LED alert...
published: 21 Jul 2012
author: mashable
This iPhone Case Gives Alerts With an LED Light Show
Phaze5's Flashr is a specially designed four layer case which turns the iPhone's LED alert system into a colorful light show that's hard to miss.
- published: 21 Jul 2012
- views: 270822
- author: mashable

Nerd Alert - Void Rays - (Rebecca Black - Friday Parody) ft KurtHugoSchneider / HuskyStarcraft
SUBSCRIBE: www.youtube.com Singer: www.youtube.com Christmas Sweater?: www.youtube.com Ner...
published: 08 Jul 2011
author: HuskyStarcraft
Nerd Alert - Void Rays - (Rebecca Black - Friday Parody) ft KurtHugoSchneider / HuskyStarcraft
SUBSCRIBE: www.youtube.com Singer: www.youtube.com Christmas Sweater?: www.youtube.com Nerd Alerts third song! This is our second parody and was a huge personal project of mine :). I really hope you enjoy this 'Rebecca Black - Friday' parody. There is much more Nerd Alert on the way, stay tuned! HUGE THANKS TO THE GAME STATION FOR PRODUCTION OF THE VIDEO. www.youtube.com Edited by - Mike Schroeder www.youtube.com Directed by - Layne Pavoggi www.youtube.com "rebecca black" friday parody "Rebecca Black Friday" "friday parody" kurthugoschneider "kurt hugo schneider" ark "nerd alert" "void rays" "void ray" starcraft2 sc2 starcraft original cover nerd alert band singing singing music esports gaming comedy funny spoof
- published: 08 Jul 2011
- views: 3015255
- author: HuskyStarcraft

Alert Profits Review | Is Alert Profits Review All It's Cracked Up To Be?
Click here to Alert Profits Review: Alert Profits is a brand new course by Dylan K and Jon...
published: 25 Jan 2013
author: JPAdmin1979
Alert Profits Review | Is Alert Profits Review All It's Cracked Up To Be?
Click here to Alert Profits Review: Alert Profits is a brand new course by Dylan K and Jon Wedel that will teach you unique methods to make money using the Google Alerts feature in conjunction with Clickbank and some other resources. It's a very powerful system that will let YOU take control of your financial situation and finally start making a sustainable income online. Click Link above To Get Alert Profits at a Discount Don't miss the chance to cash in big time with Google Alerts! This concludes my short Alert Profits Review If you liked my Alert Profits Review review click here to learn more: youtu.be youtu.be Alert Profits Review Alert Profits Review review Alert Profits Review reviews Alert Profits Review scam
- published: 25 Jan 2013
- views: 301
- author: JPAdmin1979

Alert Profits - Check Out The Review Over Alert Profits
Click here to Alert Profits : Alert Profits is a brand new course by Dylan K and Jon Wedel...
published: 25 Jan 2013
author: JPAdmin1979
Alert Profits - Check Out The Review Over Alert Profits
Click here to Alert Profits : Alert Profits is a brand new course by Dylan K and Jon Wedel that will teach you unique methods to make money using the Google Alerts feature in conjunction with Clickbank and some other resources. It's a very powerful system that will let YOU take control of your financial situation and finally start making a sustainable income online. click here to learn more: Alert Profits Alert Profits review Alert Profits reviews Alert Profits scam Alert Profits discount www.youtube.com
- published: 25 Jan 2013
- views: 39
- author: JPAdmin1979

ALERT - Classified Military Drills In Miami / Houston
Classified Military Drills Conducted In Miami Twice in the past week, Miami residents have...
published: 29 Jan 2013
author: MaKaElectric
ALERT - Classified Military Drills In Miami / Houston
Classified Military Drills Conducted In Miami Twice in the past week, Miami residents have been treated to the nighttime sound of Blackhawk helicopters thundering between downtown Miami skyscrapers. Federal authorities say that Special Operations military units in cooperation with the Department of Homeland Security and Miami-Dade County law enforcement officers conducted two 'military' drills special operations drills this week. The statement said that, 'the drills were a part of a joint emergency preparedness exercise.' The statement added that the remaining purposes of the drills are 'classified'. More www.powerlinenewsnetwork.com Classified Military Drills In Miami (Video Report) youtu.be (Skip To 1Min 30Sec) Military Drill Scares Residents In Houston abclocal.go.com Military Drill Scares Residents In Houston (Video Report) youtu.be DHS To Purchase 7000 Assault Weapons www.theblaze.com DHS To Purchase 7000 Assault Weapons (Backup Link 1) www.washingtontimes.com DHS To Purchase 7000 Assault Weapons (Backup Link 2) www.zerohedge.com Emanuel Pressures Banks Over Gun Manufacturers www.inquisitr.com Emanuel Pressures Banks Over Gun Manufacturers (Video Report) youtu.be Emanuel Says "You Have No Rights If You're On Our List" youtu.be Nebraska Lawmakers To Limit Drone Use www.homelandsecuritynewswire.com Milwaukee Sheriff Tells Residents To Arm Up www.jsonline.com United States Sheriffs Against Tyranny youtu.be The End Of America By Naomi Wolf (Lecture) youtu.be Wake Up Call ...
- published: 29 Jan 2013
- views: 837
- author: MaKaElectric

ALERT - North Korea To Attack United States ?!?
Seoul, South Korea (CNN) -- North Korea said Thursday that it plans to carry out a new nuc...
published: 24 Jan 2013
author: MaKaElectric
ALERT - North Korea To Attack United States ?!?
Seoul, South Korea (CNN) -- North Korea said Thursday that it plans to carry out a new nuclear test and further long-range rocket launches, all of which it said are a part of a new phase of confrontation with the United States. The North's National Defense Commission said the moves would feed into an "upcoming all-out action" that would target the United States, "the sworn enemy of the Korean people." More www.cnn.com Blackjack Slide Blames Iran / Syria / China www.telegraph.co.uk NOTE - Sorry I misspoke on the slide above, it was Jericho that named North Korea. Can't find the clip on YouTube but its season 2 episode 1. Should be on Netflix I believe. North Korea LRM Aimed At United States www.businessinsider.com North Korea To Boost Nuclear Deterrent www.reuters.com GLP Thread www.godlikeproductions.com Obama Closing Border Air Defense System texasgopvote.com Japan May Fire Warning Shots www.mb.com.ph China Says There Will Be No Second Shot www.blacklistednews.com China Colonel Raises Nuclear Spectre www.smh.com.au First NATO Patriot Missiles Arrive In Turkey english.alarabiya.net Russia To Evac Citizens From Syria www.reuters.com United States Gives F-16 Fighters To Egypt www.foxnews.com Western Powers Continue To Reap War www.commondreams.org United States Troops To 35 African Countries www.worldtribune.com Hillary Clinton Rebuts GOP Charges (MUST SEE) youtu.be Operation Blackjack Information - Operation Blackjack (Full Slide Show / Text) www.telegraph.co.uk Operation ...
- published: 24 Jan 2013
- views: 4693
- author: MaKaElectric

Dishonored: Clean Hands Walkthrough Mission #1 (0 Kills, 0 Alerts, VERY HARD Difficulty, Blink ONLY)
Leave a LIKE for this fantastic game with elements from Hitman, Assassin's Creed, and Bios...
published: 08 Oct 2012
author: NextGenTactics
Dishonored: Clean Hands Walkthrough Mission #1 (0 Kills, 0 Alerts, VERY HARD Difficulty, Blink ONLY)
Leave a LIKE for this fantastic game with elements from Hitman, Assassin's Creed, and Bioshock! • Subscribe for more! www.youtube.com • Follow me on Twitter: www.Twitter.com • Check out NGTGames for the FULL playthrough, including storyline here: www.youtube.com • Check here for the list of Dishonored Achievements: www.xbox360achievements.org Here is a walkthrough / guide for Dishonored, Mission #1. For a full playthrough including storyline, please check out the link above to our playthrough videos on NGTGames. We are playing this on "Very Hard" difficulty, the highest level of difficulty. Our goal is to attain the following Achievements by playing through ALL the missions in this manner: Thief: You pickpocketed items worth a total of 200 coins Ghost: You completed all missions after the prologue, alerting or killing no one but key targets Shadow: You completed all missions after the prologue without alerting anyone Mostly Flesh and Steel: You finished the game without purchasing any supernatural powers or enhancements, besides Blink Specter: After escaping prison, you completed a mission, not alerting anyone and killing less than 5 people Faceless: After escaping Coldridge Prison, you completed a mission without alerting anyone Surgical: You played from the first mission through Kaldwin's Bridge killing fewer than 10 characters Clean Hands: You completed the game without killing anyone • FREE NetFlix Trial: www.netflix.com • Facebook: www.Facebook.com • G2PO: www.G2PO ...
- published: 08 Oct 2012
- views: 27014
- author: NextGenTactics

Savdhaan India @11...Crime Alert - 6th July 2012
Yash is the only son of Mr. Narendra and Lakshmi. He goes to a movie with his friend Ahaan...
published: 06 Jul 2012
author: lifeok
Savdhaan India @11...Crime Alert - 6th July 2012
Yash is the only son of Mr. Narendra and Lakshmi. He goes to a movie with his friend Ahaan. Four kidnappers kidnap Yash in public and demand a ransom of 50 lakhs. Narendra files a missing complaint of his son. The police find the white scooter used by the kidnappers, but fail to identify it as the registration number of the vehicle is changed. One of the kidnappers Rupesh alerts his mate Raju regarding the police. Raju demands 1 crore from Narendra and instructs him to stay away from the police.
- published: 06 Jul 2012
- views: 14234
- author: lifeok

Save Time and Money with a Craigslist Alert App! (Bitsy's Quick Tips)
Download a Craigslist Alert App to save time and money when looking for particular items o...
published: 14 Aug 2012
author: TheFrugaliciousShow
Save Time and Money with a Craigslist Alert App! (Bitsy's Quick Tips)
Download a Craigslist Alert App to save time and money when looking for particular items on Craigslist. Apps can be free to $1, and are available to both iphone and android users. Subscribe! www.youtube.com Frugalicious.net Facebook www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com The Frugalicious Show is a web tv show that helps you live the best possible life while spending the least amount of money. Bitsy and Erin share budget-friendly lifestyle tips on The Frugalicious Show, and Bitsy shares some of her favorite money-saving ideas in her weekly segment, Bitsy's Quick Tips. Learn how to live a Frugalicious life without sacrifice. Have a Frugalicious find you want to share? Leave a comment! Craigslist is a great way to save on more expensive items, such as furniture, but it can be time consuming to be constantly checking listings, and frustrating to just miss out on a deal. Now you can download an app that sends alerts straight to your phone when the item you're looking for is listed. You can have multiple searches, and are able to view thumbnail pics without clicking on the listing. Apps range from free to $2, and are available for both iPhones and android phones, through the iTunes Store and Google Play. Download one today, and never miss out on a Craigslist deal again!
- published: 14 Aug 2012
- views: 1019
- author: TheFrugaliciousShow

Adopted Dog Pays Owners Back by Saving Baby; Hero Dog Wakes, Alerts Parents
Parents find child not breathing after dog jumps into bed to wake them....
published: 13 Oct 2012
author: ABCNews
Adopted Dog Pays Owners Back by Saving Baby; Hero Dog Wakes, Alerts Parents
Parents find child not breathing after dog jumps into bed to wake them.
- published: 13 Oct 2012
- views: 47658
- author: ABCNews

Exclusive Hunger Games Cast Video: Spoiler Alerts!
You asked and they answered...sometimes adorably, sometimes from their hearts and sometime...
published: 20 Mar 2012
author: TheOfficialMySpace
Exclusive Hunger Games Cast Video: Spoiler Alerts!
You asked and they answered...sometimes adorably, sometimes from their hearts and sometimes hilariously. The cast of 'The Hunger Games,' Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson & Lenny Kravitz hit on topics including: End of the day parties The Capitol technology they wish existed (minor spoilers!) The character who'd be most fun at a party What the cat who plays Buttercup is really like (major spoiler) Their first ever kiss on camera Which is Cinna's best design (semi-spoiler) What Donald Sutherland smells like in real life (b/c Prez Snow smells like...) One thing Jen would change that Katniss does (semi-spoiler) Which cast member would interview Hulk Hogan if they could interview anyone How to avoid America becoming Panem The scene they were most excited to film (spoiler!) What really affected them about the story Why people who haven't read the book should see the movie
- published: 20 Mar 2012
- views: 133287
- author: TheOfficialMySpace

How to Cook the Perfect Steak ( Scavenger Hunt ) Alerts 3 Nuketown Zombies Codes Xbox 360
How to Cook the Perfect Steak ( Scavenger Hunt ) Alerts 3 Nuketown Zombies Codes Xbox 360 ...
published: 29 Jan 2013
author: LawsonIntel
How to Cook the Perfect Steak ( Scavenger Hunt ) Alerts 3 Nuketown Zombies Codes Xbox 360
How to Cook the Perfect Steak ( Scavenger Hunt ) Alerts 3 Nuketown Zombies Codes Xbox 360 Please leave a Like and comment to support this Series. Thank you! Tutorial Follow me on Twitters LawsonIntel: twitter.com Follow me on Raptr: raptr.com LawsonIntel: www.youtube.com "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."
- published: 29 Jan 2013
- author: LawsonIntel
Vimeo results:

Check out my new experimental feature film work-in-progress, Shockwaves:
published: 21 Jul 2010
author: kasumi
Check out my new experimental feature film work-in-progress, Shockwaves:
BREAKDOWN, a mashup of thousands of public domain samples, is the ageless tale of corrupt power-seekers perpetrating hideous deceptions on gullible masses. The New York Times called BREAKDOWN, in its Carnegie Hall premiere with the American Composers Orchestra “an uproarious bricolage of alien-invasion panic, financial distress, military might and patriotic sentiment.”
When an unidentified object is spotted in space, observers immediately alert the government, now in the hands of the Illegal Party, puts the country on red alert: vast profits can be made from this unknown enemy. The propaganda machine generates fear in the public. Mesmerized by the righteous glories of war, people fall into step with the military drumbeat, and drift into total complacency to the lilt of a free market bandwagon. Many lose the power to question their government and cannot recognize the looming breakdown of their world. Others, moved by the government's disdain for its impoverished citizens, foment resistance. People march out to vote, but rigged voting booths open onto a worse fate. The smallest protest becomes a treasonous act and citizens are rounded up, imprisoned for interrogation, and ultimately tortured by a vindictive and triumphalist government.
For the full, uncut version:
PR Newswire:
EIN Presswire:

Unleash Your Fingers : Next Generation
Unleash Your Fingers: Next Generation, by heaven for Samsung Mobile France
To celebrate th...
published: 28 May 2012
author: heaven agency
Unleash Your Fingers : Next Generation
Unleash Your Fingers: Next Generation, by heaven for Samsung Mobile France
To celebrate the launch of the Samsung Galaxy S III in France, Samsung has brought back JayFunk to create the anticipated sequel of 2011 Youtube hit “Unleash Your Fingers”. This time, the finger tutting star has some very personal surprises under his sleeve.
Music : Helix by Justice
Special Guest : Jayfunk’s brother Joey Daniels
Agency : Heaven (Paris)
Production : Unit9 (London)
Live Action Production : Holster Studios London
FX : The MIll (London)

This is a spoiler-heavy promotional clip for Super...
published: 20 Apr 2011
author: Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery
This is a spoiler-heavy promotional clip for Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP, a critically acclaimed videogame-type-thing for iPad, iPhone & iPod Touch now available on the iTunes App Store at the following internet hyperlink:
Listen to Jim Guthrie's Sword & Sworcery LP - The Ballad of the Space Babies, a full length record available on iTunes, Bandcamp & vinyl... get it here:
Sword & Sworcery is a collaborative project by Capy, Jim Guthrie & Superbrothers, if you dig what you see/hear then please help us spread the word & feel free to get in touch or stay in the loop: http://www.swordandsworcery.com

Google Alarm
The new Google Alarm Firefox addon visually & audibly alerts you when your personal inform...
published: 26 Jul 2010
author: Jamie Dubs
Google Alarm
The new Google Alarm Firefox addon visually & audibly alerts you when your personal information is being sent to Google servers.
Youtube results:

iOS DND Concept for Alerts
Details: dribbble.com Do Not Disturb currently only applies to when the screen is locked. ...
published: 16 Jan 2013
author: s3ntry93
iOS DND Concept for Alerts
Details: dribbble.com Do Not Disturb currently only applies to when the screen is locked. Here is how DND could work for alerts while the device is in use. Silent, non-obtrusive form of alerts for when you don't want to be disturbed. (This is an extension of the previous DND concept: www.youtube.com Thanks!
- published: 16 Jan 2013
- views: 12720
- author: s3ntry93

Metropolitan Police alerts 30/01/13 - CRHnews
Photos not our copyright MURDER IN PLUMSTED Detectives are continuing their investigating ...
published: 17 Jan 2013
author: CourtRedhandedNews
Metropolitan Police alerts 30/01/13 - CRHnews
Photos not our copyright MURDER IN PLUMSTED Detectives are continuing their investigating into a murder in Plumstead.Police were called at 02.06hrs on Tuesday 29 January to reports of a man assaulted at an address in Elmdene Road SE18.Officers and London Ambulance Service attended and found a man suffering stab injuries. The man was pronounced dead at the scene.He was Rolandos Jakubonskis (6.2.76 - 36 ys) [a Lithuanian national] of the address in Elmdene Road.A post-mortem examination will be held at 13.00hrs on Wednesday at Greenwich mortuary.Officers from the Homicide and Serious Crime Command are investigating.At this early stage, enquiries continue to establish the full circumstances. Officers retain an open mind as to any motive.An incident room has opened under DCI Graeme Gwyn (HSCC).Anyone with information that may assist is asked to contact the incident room on 020 8721 4805; if you wish to remain anonymous please call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. # a short time after the victim was found a 44-year-old man [A] was arrested in Well Hall Road SE18 on suspicion of murder. He was taken to a south London police station where he remains in custody MURDER INVESTIGATION IN PIMLICO A murder investigation has been launched following the death of a teenager in Pimlico. Police were called at approx. 18:50hrs on Sunday, 27 January, to reports of a youth stabbed in the vicinity of Lupus Street, SW1. A boy, believed to be aged 16 years, was found and was taken by the London ...
- published: 17 Jan 2013
- views: 274
- author: CourtRedhandedNews

Setting Up Google Alerts
This is a brief tutorial on setting up Google Alerts, which are a good tool for writers to...
published: 19 Jan 2013
author: MoreTimeToWrite
Setting Up Google Alerts
This is a brief tutorial on setting up Google Alerts, which are a good tool for writers to use for automating research. The full post is available here: www.moretimetowrite.com
- published: 19 Jan 2013
- views: 18
- author: MoreTimeToWrite

Metal Gear Rising Demo: NO ALERTS - Complete Stealth Gameplay
Check out my pages! Give them a like or follow! www.facebook.com twitter.com instagram.com...
published: 28 Jan 2013
author: EgRkA96
Metal Gear Rising Demo: NO ALERTS - Complete Stealth Gameplay
Check out my pages! Give them a like or follow! www.facebook.com twitter.com instagram.com Sorry for the quality! I recorded this with a camera to my TV. This is video showing the parts of the demo that you have to option to use stealth. Personally, taking enemies out using stealth is much more challenging, yet easier than risking your life bar decreasing. I'm not the best player, but this was just to show that it IS possible not to set an alert! Hope you enjoy!
- published: 28 Jan 2013
- views: 12
- author: EgRkA96