Formal syllogistic presentation of Carneades's Ontological Argument for the Non-Existence of God~!
This video gives a formal presentation of the Carneadean Ontological Argument for the Non-...
published: 20 Nov 2009
Author: Dhorpatan
Formal syllogistic presentation of Carneades's Ontological Argument for the Non-Existence of God~!
This video gives a formal presentation of the Carneadean Ontological Argument for the Non-Existence of God.
God's Quality Control 1.3
Part 4 of my thoughts on a debate between Jesusianismist William Lane Craig and Muhammadan...
published: 15 Oct 2010
Author: GreatBigBore
God's Quality Control 1.3
Part 4 of my thoughts on a debate between Jesusianismist William Lane Craig and Muhammadanismist Shabir Ally. Transcript defensiblegod.blogspot.com Full debate starts here: www.youtube.com Details of logical incompatibilities 1. A Supreme Being by definition cannot be virtuous: Douglas Walton, "Can an Ancient Argument of Carneades on Cardinal Virtues and Divine Attributes Be Used to Disprove the Existence of God?" Philo 2, no. 2 (1999): 5-13; reprinted in Martin and Monnier, The Impossibility of God, pp. 35-44. 1a. God is (by definition) a being than which no greater being can be thought. 1b. Greatness includes the greatness of virtue 1c. Therefore, God is a being than which no being could be more virtuous. 1d. But virtue involves overcoming pains and danger. 1e. Indeed, a being can only be properly said to be virtuous if it can suffer pain or be destroyed. 1f. A god that can suffer pain or is destructible is not one than which no greater being can be thought. 1g. For you can think of a greater being, one that is nonsuffering and indestructible. 1h. Therefore, God does not exist. 2. No being can be a fitting object of worship: James Rachels, "God And Moral Autonomy", in "Can Ethics Provide Answers? And Other Essays in Moral Philosophy (New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 1997), pp. 109 - 23; reprinted in Martin and Monnier, The Impossibility of God, pp. 45-58 2a. If any being is God, it must be a fitting object of worship. 2b. No being could possibly be a fitting object of <b>...</b>
Night-Wizard episode 10(sub)
episode 10-God of Destruction: Plank of Carneades...
published: 25 Aug 2012
Author: AnimewatcherDj12013
Night-Wizard episode 10(sub)
episode 10-God of Destruction: Plank of Carneades
catalytic oxidation of ammonia
4NH3 + 5O2 =Pt,heat= 4NO + 5H2O A sheaf of Platinum wire hanging over the surface of conce...
published: 29 Nov 2008
Author: PeterCarneades
catalytic oxidation of ammonia
4NH3 + 5O2 =Pt,heat= 4NO + 5H2O A sheaf of Platinum wire hanging over the surface of concentrated ammonia solution. Heat released from the redox reaction keep the wire burning red. The reaction between generated NO react with NH3 gives the white smog. The person holding the wire was me.
Visit of Cyrene & Slonta (Libya)
Cyrene, the ancient Greek city (in present-day Libya) was the oldest and most important of...
published: 04 Nov 2006
Author: valpard
Visit of Cyrene & Slonta (Libya)
Cyrene, the ancient Greek city (in present-day Libya) was the oldest and most important of the five Greek cities in the region and gave eastern Libya the classical name 'Cyrenaica' that it has retained to modern times. It lies in a lush valley in the Jebel Akhdar uplands. It was named after a spring, Kyre, which the Greeks consecrated to Apollo. Cyrene was founded as a colony of the Greeks of Thera, traditionally led by Aristotle (later called Battus) of Thera, about 630 BC, ten miles from its port, Apollonia (Marsa Sousa). Details concerning the founding of the city are contained in Book IV of the Histories of Herodotus. It promptly became the chief town of the ancient Libyan region between Egypt and Carthage (Cyrenaica), kept up commercial relations with all the Greek cities, and reached the height of its prosperity under its own kings in the 5th century BC. Soon after 460 BC it became a republic; after the death of Alexander the Great (323 BC) it passed to the Ptolemies and fell into decay. Cyrenaica became part of the empire controlled by the Ptolemaic dynasty from Alexandria in Egypt and later passed to the Roman empire. Cyrene was the birthplace of Eratosthenes and there are a number of philosophers associated with the city including Callimachus, Carneades, Aristippus and Arete, and Synesius, bishop of Ptolemais in the 4th century CE. The inhabitants of Cyrene at the time of Sulla (c. 85 BC) were divided into four classes: citizens, farmers, resident aliens, and <b>...</b>
Preparation of Ammonia
N2 + 3H2 ←Fe(cata.)→ 2 NH3 Nitrogen gas react with hydrogen gas produces ammonia...
published: 02 Feb 2009
Author: PeterCarneades
Preparation of Ammonia
N2 + 3H2 ←Fe(cata.)→ 2 NH3 Nitrogen gas react with hydrogen gas produces ammonia with the catalyzer - iron wire. The colour change of pH test paper indicates the existance of ammonia.
League of Replays - Ep.4 Taric Twitch Kill Lane.. Not..
In this video you will learn: Twitch is a beast. The re work put him up in the AD Carry li...
published: 20 Jul 2012
Author: Vultur321
League of Replays - Ep.4 Taric Twitch Kill Lane.. Not..
In this video you will learn: Twitch is a beast. The re work put him up in the AD Carry list. He can output a shitload of damage .. his slow now also add's poison counters to abuse your expunge. In a team battle he will literally hit EVERYONE with it and expunge for at least 1/4 of the entire team's hp And as always.. Buy fucking wards :D GG
Grignard Reagent reacts with Water
Add some water into the aether solution of Grignard reagent - n-Propyl Magnesium Bromide, ...
published: 02 Feb 2009
Author: PeterCarneades
Grignard Reagent reacts with Water
Add some water into the aether solution of Grignard reagent - n-Propyl Magnesium Bromide, then the two spices reacts vigorously. C3H8MgBr + H2O →Mg(OH)Br↓ + C3H8↑ I didn't ignite the gas in case of explosion.
CPV35/G35 exhaust sound
published: 29 Nov 2007
Author: Carneades2048
CPV35/G35 exhaust sound
マフラー:アミューズR1チタンエクストラ エキマニ:東名パワード
Properties of Potassium (Eigenschaften von Kalium)
Reaction with air (Reaktion mit Luft) 2K+O2=K2O2 Reaction with water (Reaktion mit Wasser)...
published: 15 Feb 2010
Author: PeterCarneades
Properties of Potassium (Eigenschaften von Kalium)
Reaction with air (Reaktion mit Luft) 2K+O2=K2O2 Reaction with water (Reaktion mit Wasser) 2K+H2O=2KOH+H2 Language: Mandarin (Sprache:Mandarin)
Gent Gand Paris Parijs 1938
Travel from The Netherlands to Belgium (Gent) and Paris around 1938....
published: 25 Dec 2010
Author: Carneades45
Gent Gand Paris Parijs 1938
Travel from The Netherlands to Belgium (Gent) and Paris around 1938.
Steam Distilation of Quinoline
To separate quinoline from the mixture of Skraup Reaction....
published: 28 Feb 2009
Author: PeterCarneades
Steam Distilation of Quinoline
To separate quinoline from the mixture of Skraup Reaction.
The Real Estate Bubble: Alive and Well
Some of us assumed that after the real estate crash, the tactics and practices of that ind...
published: 26 Jul 2009
Author: Carneades2009
The Real Estate Bubble: Alive and Well
Some of us assumed that after the real estate crash, the tactics and practices of that industry would change; reflecting perhaps, that some mistakes had been made. Some of us were wrong.
Vimeo results:
carneade's family in boston - trailer
Music: Banda Bassotti...
published: 16 Aug 2012
Author: paolo bergese
carneade's family in boston - trailer
Music: Banda Bassotti
Boston film
Summer 2012. Carneade's family shreds Boston....
published: 07 Sep 2012
Author: paolo bergese
Boston film
Summer 2012. Carneade's family shreds Boston.
Al Servizio del ... cittadino! Puntata del 18 marzo 2011.
Mod. ISEE, Carneade chi era costui? Sul modello reddituale spesso usato per poter ottenere...
published: 22 Mar 2011
Author: Duemmevideo
Al Servizio del ... cittadino! Puntata del 18 marzo 2011.
Mod. ISEE, Carneade chi era costui? Sul modello reddituale spesso usato per poter ottenere benefici fiscali si impernia la puntata di questa settimana
Onirica Live @ Key Drum
Anno di grazia 2002: mentre la rete del carneade Ahn Jung Hwan scuote dal torpore estivo m...
published: 10 Apr 2012
Author: Enzo
Onirica Live @ Key Drum
Anno di grazia 2002: mentre la rete del carneade Ahn Jung Hwan scuote dal torpore estivo milioni di tifosi italiani, Nicola, Simone, Antonio e Marco decidono di ripiegare sulla musica le loro delusioni calcistiche. I quattro ragazzi della provincia di Napoli vogliono dar voce a piccoli e grandi accadimenti, affascinati e turbati dalla Storia (quella con la S maiuscola) della nostra penisola e del popolo che la abita. 2004: per festeggiare degnamente il mezzo secolo di mamma RAI, gli Onirica intraprendono l’attività live, concretizzando la loro passione.
Il 2007 è l’anno del primo ep ufficiale, “Carillon ’65”. In risposta, Silvio Berlusconi pronuncia il famoso “discorso del predellino”.
6 aprile 2009, ore 3.32. L’Aquila trema, e con essa la coscienza di numerosi politici, funzionari e faccendieri. Questa, ed esperienze più vicine alla loro realtà complicata di Napoli e provincia, determinano i temi della seconda uscita ufficiale. Il nuovo ep si chiama “Io vengo dalla Polvere da Sparo” e contiene anche il brano “Due Vite” con la partecipazione canora di Andrea Zanichelli de “Il Nucleo”.
Mentre una statuetta del Duomo di Milano assurge agli onori della cronaca italiana, gli Onirica raccolgono soddisfatti le ottime recensioni al loro ep e partecipano al “Demo Best Show” su Radio Rai 1. Il 2011 è tempo di crisi per l’economia capitalistica globale e gli Onirica decidono di attendere il crollo del sistema in studio registrando il loro primo disco. Argomento principe è il ricordo; così nasce “Com’è bella la mia gioventù” (label BulbArtWorks, distribuzione Audioglobe). Dieci racconti che guardano al passato, con un occhio lungimirante sulla generazione “persa”, la nostra.
Youtube results:
Schaatsen op een uiterwaard bij Deventer
Schaatspret op de uiterwaard van de IJssel vlak voor het IJsselhotel met uitzicht op de st...
published: 12 Mar 2012
Author: Carneades45
Schaatsen op een uiterwaard bij Deventer
Schaatspret op de uiterwaard van de IJssel vlak voor het IJsselhotel met uitzicht op de stad Deventer.
God Eater Burst Drama & OST - my life ~farewell arrange~
Source: God Eater Burst (2010) Albums: God Eater Burst Drama & Original Soundtrack /&#...
published: 25 Dec 2010
Author: MaShiinaG0
God Eater Burst Drama & OST - my life ~farewell arrange~
Source: God Eater Burst (2010) Albums: God Eater Burst Drama & Original Soundtrack /ゴッドイーター バースト ドラマ&オリジナルサウンドトラックTitle: my life ~farewell arrange~ Vocals: alan Arranged by: Masaru ( Go ) Shiina Property of Namco Bandai.