- published: 02 Aug 2011
- views: 6140389
- author: UberHaxorNova

published: 02 Aug 2011
author: UberHaxorNova
- published: 02 Aug 2011
- views: 6140389
- author: UberHaxorNova

Let's Play Minecraft - Episode 32 - Wool Collecting Part 2
The finale to the epic Wool Wall contest. Who will walk away with the Tower of Pimps?...
published: 04 Jan 2013
author: RoosterTeeth
Let's Play Minecraft - Episode 32 - Wool Collecting Part 2
The finale to the epic Wool Wall contest. Who will walk away with the Tower of Pimps?
- published: 04 Jan 2013
- views: 865276
- author: RoosterTeeth

Minecraft YOGSCAST Livestream - Wool Race #1!
I say! If you missed our Christmas livestream with the good Yogscast chaps on Saturday 15t...
published: 31 Dec 2012
author: AdamzoneTopMarks
Minecraft YOGSCAST Livestream - Wool Race #1!
I say! If you missed our Christmas livestream with the good Yogscast chaps on Saturday 15th Dec, here's us playing Uncivil Engineering, a Race for the Wool map! Simon, Lewis, GameChap and Bertie square off against Ridgedog and Hypixel! Who will be the winners? Inspect Lewis and Simon's viewpoint! www.youtube.com Music: Walid Feghali
- published: 31 Dec 2012
- views: 140234
- author: AdamzoneTopMarks

Minecraft Building with BdoubleO - Episode 124 - Wool, you be mine
Livestream: www.twitch.tv Twitter: www.twitter.com Facebook: www.facebook.com G+: www.gplu...
published: 23 Dec 2012
author: BdoubleO100
Minecraft Building with BdoubleO - Episode 124 - Wool, you be mine
Livestream: www.twitch.tv Twitter: www.twitter.com Facebook: www.facebook.com G+: www.gplus.to Music: - Derty Ronald Jenkees - www.ronaldjenkees.com youtu.be I made and performed the music in the intro (no download available yet). www.Cubedhost.org (5% off promo code BdoubleO100) World Download (11-2-12): www.mediafire.com These shirts are cooler than you think - bdoubleo.spreadshirt.com
- published: 23 Dec 2012
- views: 48756
- author: BdoubleO100

Minecraft: Capture The Wool w/Mitch & Friends (PvP MiniGame)
Enjoy! ♦♦♦ bit.ly ♦♦♦ Much Luv :) It's been a while since I've uploaded a Capture The Wool...
published: 18 Dec 2012
author: TheBajanCanadian
Minecraft: Capture The Wool w/Mitch & Friends (PvP MiniGame)
Enjoy! ♦♦♦ bit.ly ♦♦♦ Much Luv :) It's been a while since I've uploaded a Capture The Wool - so I figured why not :) Hope you enjoyed - and if you did please give the video a thumbs up! Much luv! ♦ Follow me on Twitter: twitter.com ♦ Like my Facebook: www.facebook.com Playing with -- Jerome: www.youtube.com Mat: www.youtube.com Zak: www.youtube.com Pete: www.youtube.com Alex: www.youtube.com Arthur: twitter.com
- published: 18 Dec 2012
- views: 55987
- author: TheBajanCanadian

Minecraft: Capture The Wool - Battle of the Temple w/Mitch & Friends (PvP MiniGame)
Enjoy! ♦♦♦ bit.ly ♦♦♦ Much Luv :) It's been a while since I've uploaded a Capture The Wool...
published: 06 Jan 2013
author: TheBajanCanadian
Minecraft: Capture The Wool - Battle of the Temple w/Mitch & Friends (PvP MiniGame)
Enjoy! ♦♦♦ bit.ly ♦♦♦ Much Luv :) It's been a while since I've uploaded a Capture The Wool - so I figured why not :) Hope you enjoyed - and if you did please give the video a thumbs up! Much luv! ♦ Follow me on Twitter: twitter.com ♦ Like my Facebook: www.facebook.com Playing with -- Jerome: www.youtube.com Noah: www.youtube.com Pocket: www.youtube.com Nick: www.youtube.com Download The Map Here -- www.minecraftforum.net
- published: 06 Jan 2013
- views: 58260
- author: TheBajanCanadian

Minecraft YOGSCAST Wool Race #3 - Danger!
I say! If you missed our Christmas livestream with the good Yogscast chaps on Saturday 15t...
published: 02 Jan 2013
author: AdamzoneTopMarks
Minecraft YOGSCAST Wool Race #3 - Danger!
I say! If you missed our Christmas livestream with the good Yogscast chaps on Saturday 15th Dec, here's us playing Uncivil Engineering, a Race for the Wool map! Simon, Lewis, GameChap and Bertie square off against Ridgedog and Hypixel! Who will be the winners? Check out Lewis and Simon's viewpoint! www.youtube.com Music: Walid Feghali
- published: 02 Jan 2013
- views: 76209
- author: AdamzoneTopMarks

Minecraft YOGSCAST Wool Race #5 - Finale!
I say! If you missed our Christmas livestream with the good Yogscast chaps on Saturday 15t...
published: 07 Jan 2013
author: AdamzoneTopMarks
Minecraft YOGSCAST Wool Race #5 - Finale!
I say! If you missed our Christmas livestream with the good Yogscast chaps on Saturday 15th Dec, here's us playing Uncivil Engineering, a Race for the Wool map! Simon, Lewis, GameChap and Bertie square off against Ridgedog and Hypixel! Who will be the winners? Check out Lewis and Simon's viewpoint! www.youtube.com Music: Walid Feghali
- published: 07 Jan 2013
- views: 65726
- author: AdamzoneTopMarks

Minecraft YOGSCAST Wool Race #4 - KA-BOOM!
I say! If you missed our Christmas livestream with the good Yogscast chaps on Saturday 15t...
published: 05 Jan 2013
author: AdamzoneTopMarks
Minecraft YOGSCAST Wool Race #4 - KA-BOOM!
I say! If you missed our Christmas livestream with the good Yogscast chaps on Saturday 15th Dec, here's us playing Uncivil Engineering, a Race for the Wool map! Simon, Lewis, GameChap and Bertie square off against Ridgedog and Hypixel! Who will be the winners? Check out Lewis and Simon's viewpoint! www.youtube.com Music: Walid Feghali
- published: 05 Jan 2013
- views: 52406
- author: AdamzoneTopMarks

Minecraft Race the Wool - Fields of Glory - Part 1
111 LIKES FOR PART 2 EARLY! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ...
published: 28 Dec 2012
author: IPocketIsland
Minecraft Race the Wool - Fields of Glory - Part 1
111 LIKES FOR PART 2 EARLY! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Follow me on Twitter! twitter.com Subscribe! bit.ly Get 20% off Cubed Host Servers! Use code "pocket" cubedhost.org - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Join my Minecraft Server! Server IP: mc.ipocketisland.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Shaun (kumby122) - www.youtube.com Nick (DrPlaystation): www.youtube.com Noah (NoahCraftFTW): www.youtube.com Sky (TCTNWow) : www.youtube.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -RULES- There are 3 bedrock rooms on each side of the map containing a different color of wool. Your team must capture the enemy's 3 wool and bring it back to your base to complete the monument at the top. On completion of capturing all 3 wool you team wins! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This is the first Super Hostile map to use a Continental style. This type of map focuses on travelling and exploration, across a large continent with expansive, realistic-scale biomes. This map features shuffling, of chests, spawners, and the Victory Monument. Each letter variant (a, b, c, and d) is the same, but the loot chests and spawners have been randomized. The Victory Monument is also in a different location in each variant. Now, if you are watching a LP of one variant, you can play another and have a ...
- published: 28 Dec 2012
- views: 4183
- author: IPocketIsland

Minecraft Race the Wool - Capture the Wool: Fields of Glory - Part 2
We got over 170 LIKES last part! Can we beat that?! :D - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -...
published: 29 Dec 2012
author: IPocketIsland
Minecraft Race the Wool - Capture the Wool: Fields of Glory - Part 2
We got over 170 LIKES last part! Can we beat that?! :D - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Follow me on Twitter! twitter.com Subscribe! bit.ly Get 20% off Cubed Host Servers! Use code "pocket" cubedhost.org - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Join my Minecraft Server! Server IP: mc.ipocketisland.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Shaun (kumby122) - www.youtube.com Nick (DrPlaystation): www.youtube.com Noah (NoahCraftFTW): www.youtube.com Sky (TCTNWow) : www.youtube.com Parker (xHockey) - www.youtube.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -RULES- There are 3 bedrock rooms on each side of the map containing a different color of wool. Your team must capture the enemy's 3 wool and bring it back to your base to complete the monument at the top. On completion of capturing all 3 wool you team wins! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This is the first Super Hostile map to use a Continental style. This type of map focuses on travelling and exploration, across a large continent with expansive, realistic-scale biomes. This map features shuffling, of chests, spawners, and the Victory Monument. Each letter variant (a, b, c, and d) is the same, but the loot chests and spawners have been randomized. The Victory Monument is also in a different location in each variant. Now, if you are ...
- published: 29 Dec 2012
- views: 3913
- author: IPocketIsland

Minecraft YOGSCAST Livestream - Wool Race #2!
I say! If you missed our Christmas livestream with the good Yogscast chaps on Saturday 15t...
published: 01 Jan 2013
author: AdamzoneTopMarks
Minecraft YOGSCAST Livestream - Wool Race #2!
I say! If you missed our Christmas livestream with the good Yogscast chaps on Saturday 15th Dec, here's us playing Uncivil Engineering, a Race for the Wool map! Simon, Lewis, GameChap and Bertie square off against Ridgedog and Hypixel! Who will be the winners? Check out Lewis and Simon's viewpoint! www.youtube.com Music: Walid Feghali
- published: 01 Jan 2013
- views: 56398
- author: AdamzoneTopMarks

Minecraft Waking Up E32 "Three-Wool Bonanza" (Vechs Super Hostile)
Discuss on Punchwood.com! bit.ly Please take a moment to RATE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE! Thank ...
published: 09 Jan 2013
author: paulsoaresjr
Minecraft Waking Up E32 "Three-Wool Bonanza" (Vechs Super Hostile)
Discuss on Punchwood.com! bit.ly Please take a moment to RATE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE! Thank you! Playthrough of Vechs Super Hostile map "Waking Up". Vechs made the map for Andrea Buchanan, the NY Times bestselling author, as an extension of her book by the same name. Download the ebook and the map here: andibuchanan.com Background Music by: Kevin Macleod @ incompetech.com Thumbnail artwork by Punchwood.com members GutterQuince and TheOcelot www.punchwood.com www.punchwood.com Get Minecraft here: minecraft.net WEB punchwood.com TWITTER twitter.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com
- published: 09 Jan 2013
- views: 25717
- author: paulsoaresjr

Orange Wool In Mindcrack - Do You Think I'm Sexy?
The Orange: www.youtube.com The Sheep Man and the Mafia Boss go on magical adventures full...
published: 10 Jan 2013
author: MillBeeful
Orange Wool In Mindcrack - Do You Think I'm Sexy?
The Orange: www.youtube.com The Sheep Man and the Mafia Boss go on magical adventures full of high pitched squealing and crazy builds on the Mindcrack server. Get In Touch: Millbeeful@gmail.com ---------------- Need More Millbee? Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com TwitchTV: www.twitch.tv Games played on Twitch & Youtube: www.backloggery.com Fan Made Wiki: wikibee.wikia.com ------------ Royalty Free Music by: www.audiomicro.com Sound Effects by: www.audiomicro.com
- published: 10 Jan 2013
- views: 3792
- author: MillBeeful
Vimeo results:

Le Bunny Bleu Water Resistant Wool Boots
Le Bunny Bleu Water Resistant Wool Boots...
published: 14 Nov 2011
author: Le Bunny Bleu
Le Bunny Bleu Water Resistant Wool Boots
Le Bunny Bleu Water Resistant Wool Boots

Balmain Fashion Show Fall Winter 2012/2013
“Shape and details” is the direction of Olivier’s Rousteing’s Fall/Winter Balmain
published: 13 Apr 2012
author: BALMAIN
Balmain Fashion Show Fall Winter 2012/2013
“Shape and details” is the direction of Olivier’s Rousteing’s Fall/Winter Balmain
When visiting New York for the first time in December, the 26-year-old designer
was mesmerized by the Faberge egg in blue and gold that Richard Burton gave
Elizabeth Taylor on display at Christie’s. The beauty and simplicity of the Faberge egg’s
form and ornamentation inspired Rousteing to revisit the codes of Balmain and to define
shape and refine details in new ways with this collection.
He started with a sharp, strong new take on the Balmain jacket. “I viewed the
jacket as a square canvas, and crafted it so it retained its architectural lines but was
transformed through technique into a three-dimensional ornamented object, a beautiful
frame for a women’s face.” This statement in silhouette – razor sharp tailoring with an
oversized ease -- is completed with a more fluid Balmain pant, or a more tailored
cropped boyish pant when paired with a perfecto jacket and vest.
As the Balmain atelier delved deeper into Faberge’s heritage, Russian
ornamentation and cossack tailoring infused the collection. The ornate design of
orthodox ecclesiastical vestments, precious porcelain and rich palace interiors are
combined in sumptuous displays of complex, layered pattern.
“I was also amazed by the abundance of pearls in Elizabeth Taylor's collection.
She was a goddess with highly dramatic style.” says Rousteing.
High collar, hourglass velvet dresses are a base for a constellation of large pearl
and diamond embroidery also inspired by the architecture of Russian churches, and the
Balmain sweatshirt is covered with icy Fabergé pattern and cross stitch tapestry
cameos. A soft pyjama suit is adorned in Balmain form.
Velvet also stars in this collection in new embossed patterning, or devoré, for
sharp tailoring, body dressing and in combinations with polished, pastel leather for
tooled jackets and pants. Soft kid leather, grain de poudre wools, ponyskin and satin mix
freely and work on their own, or with embellishment, in a play of rich darks and icy
pastels in petrol blue, billiard green and black blush pink, peach, sky blue, mint and

Hands - Warm Night Home
HANDS - "Warm Night Home"
Geoffrey Halliday...
published: 28 Jan 2012
author: Jack Price
Hands - Warm Night Home
HANDS - "Warm Night Home"
Geoffrey Halliday, Ryan James Sweeney, Alex Staniloff, Sean Hess
Massive Context EP out 4/10/12 on Small Plates Records (smallplatesrecs.com/)
Director and Editor: Jack Price
Producer: Michael Thai
Cinematographer: Robert M. Edgecomb
Production Design/Projection Design: Thomas Zukowski
1st AD: Kenzie Wood
Production Coordinator: Li Lu
Gaffer: Katie Walker
1st AC: Christine Hodinh
Hair and Makeup: Natalie Castillo and Felipe Castillo
DIT: Josh Gladstone
Set PAs: Kaitlin Driskill
Executive Produced by Jon Kondrath/ReKon Productions L.L.C.
Filmed at The Mime:
Jeff Baird
Bryan Harris
Lance Piebenga
Additional Photography by Jesse Gelle, Robert M. Edgecomb and Jack Price
Stock Footage courtesy of VideoBlocks, Pond5, and Thought Equity
Additional projector material attributed (with thanks) to the following:
Josh Wedlake
"Jump Cuts Summer 2010 Kodachrome K40"
Benjamin A Conner
"HV20 footage"
Mr. Rat
"Steel Wool Poi"
"Sea song (original) / Vacation footage"
"Speeds and Lights - Super 8 Experimental footage"
"2011 Snow Storm Creepy Experimental Footage"
"Drugs Are Like That (1979)"
WPBT-TV/Public Domain
Mike Mori / Windish Agency
mike [at] windishagency.com
Kip Kouri / Tell All Your Friends
kip [at] tellallyourfriendspr.com

The Blindness of the Woods
published: 19 Oct 2010
author: amautalab
The Blindness of the Woods
Youtube results:

The Land of the Lost Wool Ep 6 | The Victory Monument...Finally
WHAT'S GOOD YOUTUBE?! Watup. Today I have the another episode of my 2nd Minecraft LP, The ...
published: 18 Dec 2012
author: TheKingNappy
The Land of the Lost Wool Ep 6 | The Victory Monument...Finally
WHAT'S GOOD YOUTUBE?! Watup. Today I have the another episode of my 2nd Minecraft LP, The Land of the Lost Wool, with my boy BIGCountry. You all enjoyed the Stratosphere Survival series we did, so we're back with another adventure!! Make sure you check out Country's channel below & don't forget to hit that LIKE button if you enjoyed the vid!! Thanks for checkin the vid out. :) -Nappy FOLLOW me on Twitter! www.twitter.com The Land of Lost Wool Playlist: www.youtube.com BIGCountry's Channel & Twitter: www.youtube.com www.twitter.com
- published: 18 Dec 2012
- views: 218
- author: TheKingNappy

Orange Wool on Mindcrack - Episode 21
The Wool - youtube.com The Sheep Man and the Mafia Boss go on magical adventures full of h...
published: 10 Jan 2013
author: SuperMCGamer
Orange Wool on Mindcrack - Episode 21
The Wool - youtube.com The Sheep Man and the Mafia Boss go on magical adventures full of high ptiched squealing and crazy builds on the Mindcrack server. ▲ Support MC Gamer Merch - bit.ly Twitter - bit.ly Facebook - bit.ly Twitch - bit.ly Website - supermcgamer.com ▲ General Information Currently, I create videos on my custom-built computer that has an i7 2600k processor, 16GB of RAM and a GTX 580 graphics card. I record my console gameplay using the Blackmagic Intensity Pro capture card which I later edit using Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5. I also use Audacity and Adobe After Effects for additional post-production work. I currently use a Blue Yeti microphone. In addition to being a charity enthusiast, I collect things from the Legend of Zelda franchise. I enjoy chicken. ▲ Video Credits Royalty Free Music by http Sound Effects by audiomicro.com All content within is owned by their respected companies, developers and publishers.
- published: 10 Jan 2013
- views: 5835
- author: SuperMCGamer

Minecraft Xbox 360 - Sheep Wool Farm Guide! 1.0.1 / 1.9 Update Preview - [1.0.1 Update Information]
This video is an Sheep Wool Farm guide for Minecraft Xbox 360 edition when the 1.0.1 / 1.9...
published: 06 Dec 2012
author: Beachil
Minecraft Xbox 360 - Sheep Wool Farm Guide! 1.0.1 / 1.9 Update Preview - [1.0.1 Update Information]
This video is an Sheep Wool Farm guide for Minecraft Xbox 360 edition when the 1.0.1 / 1.9 Update is relased. Be sure to thumbs up the video if this helped! :) ºHuge Minecraft Scale Bedroom! youtu.be The next update coming to the minecraft xbox 360 edition is the 1.0.1 (1.9) update which 4Jstudios have announced. There is no official release date as of now although it shouldn't take overly long! A Sheep wool farm is fairly simple to do and this will show the basics of it The Mineraft 1.0.1 / 1.9 update will include: - Animal Breeding - Potion Brewing - Experience Points - Enchantment Table - Mushroom Biome - Nether Fortress - Tutorial Mode - Villagers - Mooshrooms -Blaze - Snow Golems - Magma Cubes - Baby Animals Twitter - Follow me! twitter.com More Videos: www.youtube.com Subscribe for more awesome videos! youtube.com
- published: 06 Dec 2012
- views: 7126
- author: Beachil

Minecraft Capture The Wool 4 Team Minigame w/ Jerome! Crazy
Can we get 500 likes for a fun minigame? Be sure to subscribe if you haven't done so alrea...
published: 05 Jan 2013
author: JeromeASF
Minecraft Capture The Wool 4 Team Minigame w/ Jerome! Crazy
Can we get 500 likes for a fun minigame? Be sure to subscribe if you haven't done so already! Follow me on Twitter: www.twitter.com Buy some T-Shirts at www.jeromeasf.spreadshirt.com Like me on Facebook www.facebook.com Noah's Channel: www.youtube.com Mitch's Channel: www.youtube.com Pocket's Channel: www.youtube.com Playstation's Channel: www.youtube.com Palmerater: www.youtube.com Map: www.minecraftforum.net
- published: 05 Jan 2013
- views: 15003
- author: JeromeASF