- published: 27 Feb 2012
- views: 92550
- author: thebigfootreport
EXTINCT? - Episode 1 - The Yeti
Presented by TheBigfootReport.com EXTINCT? - Episode 1 - The Yeti (2012) Written, directed...
published: 27 Feb 2012
author: thebigfootreport
EXTINCT? - Episode 1 - The Yeti
Presented by TheBigfootReport.com EXTINCT? - Episode 1 - The Yeti (2012) Written, directed, narrated by Ro Sahebi A case for the existence of Gigantopithecus in Asia. A look at the facts, fossils and examples of lazarous taxon and how it applies to the Abominable Snowman. Stay tuned for details about future episodes about Bigfoot, Orang Pendek as well as Extinct - The Movie. The Bigfoot Report -------------- bigfoot, bigfoot sightings, sasquatch, sasquatch sightings,yeti, yeti sightings dna , yeti, yeti, yeti sasquatch, bigfoot, footprints, extinct yeti bigfoot abominable snowman sasquatch documentary 2012 paranormal cryptozoology gigantopithecus meldrum ketchum erickson project, documentarty, documentarty, documentarty, doc. melba ketchum, dr. jeff meldrum, bigfoot dna, yeren, mande burung, almas, yerin, doc, paranormal, discovery, zoology, extinct, species, bili ape, bondo mystery ape, snow walker, albino gorilla zoology, extinct, species, bili ape, bondo mystery ape, snow walker, albino gorilla
- published: 27 Feb 2012
- views: 92550
- author: thebigfootreport
"YETI" — A Bad Lip Reading of Coldplay
iTunes: bit.ly Amazon: amzn.com Like on Facebook! www.facebook.com Follow on Twitter! twit...
published: 24 Jul 2012
author: BadLipReading
"YETI" — A Bad Lip Reading of Coldplay
iTunes: bit.ly Amazon: amzn.com Like on Facebook! www.facebook.com Follow on Twitter! twitter.com Original vid here: youtu.be 2012 Bad Lip Reading — www.badlipreading.com
- published: 24 Jul 2012
- views: 1137448
- author: BadLipReading
Yeti Filmed In Poland
www.themorningstarr.co.uk A holiday maker in Poland has filmed what could be the Polish Ye...
published: 29 Aug 2009
author: morningstarrtv
Yeti Filmed In Poland
www.themorningstarr.co.uk A holiday maker in Poland has filmed what could be the Polish Yeti. 27 year old Piotr Kowalski from Warsaw was on a walking holiday in the Polish Tatra mountains when he saw a large ape-like creature standing in the rocks ahead of him. "I saw this huge ape-like form hiding behind the rocks. When I saw it it was like being struck by a thunderbolt," he told the Superexpress. "Coming from Warsaw, I never really believed the local stories of a wild mountain ape-man roaming the slopes. But, now I do." The video has been handed over to the Nautilus Foundation, a Polish organisation which specialises in the paranormal and cryptozoology. "The film clearly shows 'something' that moves on two legs and is bigger than a normal man," says Robert Bernatowicz, president of the Nautilus Foundation. "But because the camera shakes so much it is difficult to say what it is exactly. We need to go to the site and see what traces, if any, were left."
- published: 29 Aug 2009
- views: 868810
- author: morningstarrtv
published: 13 Feb 2009
author: BUTCHYKID624
- published: 13 Feb 2009
- views: 1122617
- author: BUTCHYKID624
Polish Yeti Caught Spying On Bikini Girl
www.themorningstarr.co.uk The Polish Yeti allegedly roaming the Tatra mountains has been s...
published: 31 Aug 2009
author: morningstarrtv
Polish Yeti Caught Spying On Bikini Girl
www.themorningstarr.co.uk The Polish Yeti allegedly roaming the Tatra mountains has been spotted again already. Earlier this week The Morningstarr* reported how 27 year old Piotr Kowalski from Warsaw spotted an ape-like creature hiding amongst rocks up in the Tatra mountains. Now 19 year old Justyna Folger has come forward with a video of her on a camping trip in the same area. Folger reported to Superexpress how the hairy creature stalked her as she swanned around in her bikini as her boyfriend filmed with his free hand. I wandered into the river for a dip when I realised that something was on the opposite shore, she said. At first I thought it was a bear but it appeared to be stooping and then it raised itself on to two legs and ran off. I couldnt believe it. Mountain rangers are now searching for the unidentified beast, and theyre confident theyll find it if it exists. We are investigating the matter. If there is something out there we will find it. National Park Guards Commander Edward Wlazlo told Superexpress.
- published: 31 Aug 2009
- views: 892466
- author: morningstarrtv
ŠKODA TestShow - Yeti na obcasach
SKODA AUTO Polska prezentuje: ŠKODA TestShow - Yeti na obcasach. Zobacz opinie, testy, par...
published: 08 Dec 2011
author: SkodaAutoPolska
ŠKODA TestShow - Yeti na obcasach
SKODA AUTO Polska prezentuje: ŠKODA TestShow - Yeti na obcasach. Zobacz opinie, testy, parametry techniczne. Zgłoś się do programu na stronie: www.youtube.com Ty też możesz zostać gwiazdą ŠKODA TestShow.
- published: 08 Dec 2011
- views: 30011
- author: SkodaAutoPolska
LandSAR Yeti
Our TVC for New Zealand Land Search & Rescue, featuring Yeti suit by Weta Workshops...
published: 07 Jul 2009
author: jameshurman
LandSAR Yeti
Our TVC for New Zealand Land Search & Rescue, featuring Yeti suit by Weta Workshops
- published: 07 Jul 2009
- views: 550889
- author: jameshurman
Plants vs Zombies - Yeti Found!! - Learn how
Ok, heres how you find the Yeti!! one of the coolest rares from this amazing game. You nee...
published: 26 May 2009
author: rfm767
Plants vs Zombies - Yeti Found!! - Learn how
Ok, heres how you find the Yeti!! one of the coolest rares from this amazing game. You need to complete the adventure mode once, then repeat it until level 4-10, this i where you are gonna find it. It's the level where all the pool is dark and you only get to see stuff when the lightnings strike. The Yeti will appear in the startup screen where all the zombies are gathered when you are picking up plants. Then he will make his masterful appearance nearing flag #2 during the level. Minute 4:42 in this video. He isn't tough and drops a pair of diamonds when he dies. After you beat this level, the Yeti may appear randomly in other levels, but you got to do this first. He also appears in your zombie almanac once you have found him. More PvZ Tutorials, easter eggs, and funny stuff!: Bobsled Bonanza: tinyurl.com Pogo Party: tinyurl.com Zombotany 2: tinyurl.com Survival endless (flag 100!!): tinyurl.com 1000ft. tall Tree of Wisdom: tinyurl.com 500ft. tall Tree of Wisdom: tinyurl.com Survival Fog (Hard): tinyurl.com Full Zen Garden Collection!!!: tinyurl.com Pinata Code: tinyurl.com Find the Secret YETI: tinyurl.com Watering 16 brand new plants at once!: tinyurl.com Main theme song (masterpiece): tinyurl.com Zomboss Revenge: tinyurl.com PvZ-2 Release Date: tinyurl.com 32 Brand new plants!: tinyurl.com Why Crazy Dave is Crazy: tinyurl.com The best Zombies notes: tinyurl.com Stinky on Coke!: tinyurl.com
- published: 26 May 2009
- views: 2300057
- author: rfm767
Review: Blue Yeti Pro Microphone
Audible: goo.gl Product Website: goo.gl New SKB T-Shirts!!! goo.gl Get the Official Soldie...
published: 20 Sep 2011
author: SoldierKnowsBest
Review: Blue Yeti Pro Microphone
Audible: goo.gl Product Website: goo.gl New SKB T-Shirts!!! goo.gl Get the Official SoldierKnowsBest Apps: iPhone: goo.gl Android: goo.gl FaceBook Fan Page: goo.gl Google+: goo.gl Twitter: twitter.com New Gaming Channel: youtube.com Website: soldierknowsbest.com In this episode, I review the Blue Yeti Pro. This is a professional USB microphone that promises amazing audio quality and a sleek design. Let's take a look.
- published: 20 Sep 2011
- views: 62777
- author: SoldierKnowsBest
Der Yeti
SpaceTom, SpaceWeb, Adam Schwarz, Doku - Kryptozoologie - Yeti...
published: 18 Sep 2011
author: Adam Schwartz
Der Yeti
SpaceTom, SpaceWeb, Adam Schwarz, Doku - Kryptozoologie - Yeti
- published: 18 Sep 2011
- views: 17638
- author: Adam Schwartz
Un pochino calma, ma il film era quello che era ^^ Canali consigliati: HHFISSO www.youtube...
published: 05 Aug 2010
author: yotobi
Un pochino calma, ma il film era quello che era ^^ Canali consigliati: HHFISSO www.youtube.com AftereffectsITA www.youtube.com Valesavy www.youtube.com
- published: 05 Aug 2010
- views: 308400
- author: yotobi
Vimeo results:
Music video for the band Danger Beach on Dream Damage Records.
Their album Milky Way can b...
published: 20 Apr 2011
author: oneedo
Music video for the band Danger Beach on Dream Damage Records.
Their album Milky Way can be downloaded here:
Directed by Ned Wenlock
Character animation by Rodney Selby
Trailer für das vierte NICHTLUSTIG-Buch.
Das Ende der Geschichte ist im Buch.
Ausserdem U...
published: 05 Sep 2008
Trailer für das vierte NICHTLUSTIG-Buch.
Das Ende der Geschichte ist im Buch.
Ausserdem Unmengen Cartoons, Lemminge, Herr Riebmann in der Wand und viel zu viele Dinosaurier.
Only Time Will Tell
Revok tells the story of the wall:
"I just finished a wall in LA with Rime, Askew and Deu...
published: 02 Jul 2011
author: Vans The Omega
Only Time Will Tell
Revok tells the story of the wall:
"I just finished a wall in LA with Rime, Askew and Deus from Auckland, Vans from Australia, Score from Berlin, Dabs & Myla, and Witnes…
"Instead of the typical bullshit, everyone decided on the phrase 'Only time will tell' with the wall being divided into four sections, with each section representing a change of season… Using that as a starting point, everybody built on that and went in their own direction, some of us getting dumber and more retarded than others.
"The assignment went as follows… VANS/ RIME/WITNES; Winter, with VANS on letter detail painting the phrase 'ONLY'.
"DABS/MYLA/SCORE; Spring, With SCORE on letter detail painting 'TIME'.
"REVOK/RIME; Summer, REVOK on letter/background detail painting 'WILL'
"ASKEW/DEUS; Fall, ASKEW on letter detail painting 'TELL'.
"I’m pretty proud of the outcome, as I’m sure so is everyone else involved… There are a lot of stupid little details and jokes throughout the wall we all had a lot of laughs coming up with both intentionally and by accident.
"A big thanks to ASKEW for shooting the final shot and putting in the labor stiching it all together." -Revok.
Here's Rime's account of the "stupid little details";
Dysfunctional points of interest:
* Coked up Charlie Bronson Yeti saying “AAAAARRRGGGHHHH” to a timid young chick.
* Santa says yes to 4LOKO.
* Jesus turning tranny was unintentional. The legs were on the wall first. Intended to come randomly from behind the “Will” piece. Later I sketched up Jesus chillin’ at the beach. Revok said I sketched it too small and too far over to the left. I ended up buffing the first Jesus sketch out and painted it larger and more to the right. It took us a good two hours before we connected the possibility that the legs could be Jesus’s. Tired and late as fuck we laughed about it and embraced the idea… Fuckin’ Tranny Jesus!"
Music Credits:
Jesus I was evil by Darcy Clay
The Flame by Black Keys
Numb by Portishead
Arka Sıradakiler 120.Bölüm Özet ve Tanıtımı
Oktay ve tayfası, Sibel ve Eda’nın davetiyle üniversitede yapılan bahar şenliklerine katıl...
published: 08 Jun 2010
author: MinT Prodüksiyon
Arka Sıradakiler 120.Bölüm Özet ve Tanıtımı
Oktay ve tayfası, Sibel ve Eda’nın davetiyle üniversitede yapılan bahar şenliklerine katılır. Şenlikler sırasında, Sibel ve İbo, yeniden birlikte olmanın mutluluğunu yaşarken, Oktay ve Gamze de acı günlerin geçmişte kalmasıyla, yaşadıkları anın tadını çıkarırlar... Arka Sıradakiler, Kerem’in onlar için hazırladığı plandan habersiz, hep birlikte son neşeli zamanlarını geçirirlerken; Zehra ve Cemre, diğer kızlarla beraber bir konteynıra kapatılır! Nereye gittiklerini ve sonlarının ne olacağını bilmeden yola çıkan Zehra ve Cemre, geç olmadan Kemal ve polis tarafından kurtarılmayı ümit etmektedir. Bu sırada Sedat, Hakan’ın adamını yakalar! Ondan aldığı bilgiyle kızların peşine düşer. Zehra ve Cemre’ye başlarına bir şey gelmeden yetişebilmek adına hayatını tehlikeye atan Sedat, kardeşini ve Zehra’yı kurtarabilmek için elinden gelen her şeyi yapar!... Kerem için ise büyük gün nihayet gelmiştir!... Okul gezisine çıkmak üzere Erkan’ın ayarladığı otobüse binmeleri, Arka Sıradakiler için sonun başlangıcı olur!...
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Youtube results:
published: 24 Oct 2007
author: kutakutasan
- published: 24 Oct 2007
- views: 280437
- author: kutakutasan
YETI dying in pain - Tibet 1969, accidentally filmed by my dad - PART 1
My dad filmed this in Tibet, when he was a hippy in the late sixties. He followed some gru...
published: 14 Sep 2012
author: TheYetiFarmer
YETI dying in pain - Tibet 1969, accidentally filmed by my dad - PART 1
My dad filmed this in Tibet, when he was a hippy in the late sixties. He followed some grunting noises, coming from that rock.. He said they seemed scared of him. After my dad died I decided to put it on YouTube, after some minor editing. PART 2 has great shots, PART 3 is lost for the biggest part, I'm still tring to restore some of it See PART 2 here: www.youtube.com Filmed in Tibet, September/October 1969 by G. Farmer, RIP
- published: 14 Sep 2012
- views: 31395
- author: TheYetiFarmer
ŠKODA Yeti в TopGear
Ведущий TopGear Джереми Кларксон утверждает, что каждая деталь Yeti лучше, чем у любой дру...
published: 19 Sep 2011
author: skodarussia
ŠKODA Yeti в TopGear
Ведущий TopGear Джереми Кларксон утверждает, что каждая деталь Yeti лучше, чем у любой другой машины на рынке. Доказать это он готов, конечно, необычным способом: ŠKODA придется посоревноваться в скорости с классическим Ferrari, поравняться объемом салона с шикарным Maybach, а померяться комфортом езды по бездорожью с Range Rover. К тому же можно ли на крышу Yeti посадить вертолет? Это уже отдельный вопрос:) Видео размещено с разрешения правообладателя.
- published: 19 Sep 2011
- views: 216565
- author: skodarussia
Amon Düül II - Yeti Talks to Yogi
Yeti 1970...
published: 22 May 2009
author: Eddie Craig
Amon Düül II - Yeti Talks to Yogi
Yeti 1970
- published: 22 May 2009
- views: 37238
- author: Eddie Craig