İlk Günden Bugüne Palu Ailesi Dosyası - 1. Kısım
Palu Ailesi Olayında Neler Yaşandı?: https://bit.ly/2Ltvi0I
Fatma Demir Olayında Neler Yaşandı?: https://bit.ly/33R0Ow1
Ecrin Kurnaz Olayında Neler Yaşandı?: https://bit.ly/33RLKy7
Leyla Aydemir Olayında Neler Yaşandı?: https://bit.ly/2OSr1pR
Faili meçhul cinayetler ve kayıpların yanı sıra birçok sosyal sorumluluk projesi ile de adından sıkça söz ettiren, Hafta içi her gün seyirciyi ekran başına kilitleyen Müge Anlı ve ekibi, üzerinde çalıştığı kayıp dosyalarını, cinayete kurban giden kişileri ve kayıpların tüm yaşamını ortaya çıkararak onları bulmaya, olayları aydınlatmaya devam ediyor...
Müge Anlı ile Tatlı Sert resmi youtube kanalı
Abone olun, hiçbir şeyi kaçırmayın!
published: 08 Jan 2019
Video Detik-detik 'Likuifaksi' di Palu, Warga Panik Lihat Rumah Hilang Tertelan Lumpur usai Gempa
TRIBUN-VIDEO.COM - Ribuan warga Palu, Sulawesi Tengah kehilangan tempat tinggal.
Hal ini, karena rumah mereka terdampak gempa dan tsunami yang terjadi di Sulawesi Tengah pada hari Jumat (28/9/2018).
Pernyataan itu disampaikan Kepala Pusat Data Informasi dan Humas Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB), Sutopo Purwo Nugroho.
Untuk di Perumnas Balaroa di Kecamatan Palu Barat, Kota Palu, tercatat 1747 rumah.
Sedangkan, di Perumnas Patobo, Kota Palu diperkirakan 744 unit rumah terdampak bencana.
"Gempa menyebabkan hancurnya perumahan dan komplek. Sebagian besar (Balaroa,-red) tercatat 1.747 rumah. Perumnas Patobo tenggelam oleh lumpur diperkirakan ada 744 unit rumah," ujar Sutopo, saat jumpa pers Update Penanganan Bencana Gempa dan Tsunami di Kota Palu dan Donggala di Gedung BNPB, ...
published: 02 Oct 2018
published: 15 May 2024
Sri Lanka Telecom - Palu (Wild Fruits)
Small olive shaped berry with a very sweet and thick pulp, tasting similar to grapes. The smooth fruit is bright yellow at maturity and rarely orange, and 1-1.5 cm round. Majority are ellipsoid in shape with 1-2 seeds. The berries are borne among the leaves at the axillary nodes of the branches.
This is a shrub or large tree with a spreading crown and can reach a height of 20 m depending on its habitat. In scrub vegetation, inland dry forested areas, among Palmyra trees in the north, the tree reaches a considerable height. In the coastal sand dunes, mangrove associated habitats and rocky outcrops, the plant is small and shrubby. Generally fruits mature in July. This species tends to produce mass fruit once in 3-4 years and is found in the lowland dry zones and arid zones in various habita...
published: 01 Jul 2016
තුරු තොරතුරු 5 - පලු/ Palu ( Manilkara hexandra)
පලු/ Palu ( Manilkara hexandra)
published: 30 Aug 2021
Source of the Tsunami in Palu Sulawesi Indonesia discovered!
In this video, we will explain in detail what was the source of the tsunami that struck the city of Palu in 2018, on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. Scientists have been puzzled for a long time because the earthquake did not have the strength or character to generate a tsunami. In the end, the mystery was solved. Find out more in the new video.
Our previous video for the event in Sulawesi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrZPIJboQNk&t;=2s
published: 25 May 2022
inilah palu paling efisien didunia #yearofyou #viral #tahukahkamu
inilah palu paling efisien didunia #yearofyou #viral #tahukahkamu #alurceritafilm #vidioviral #shorts
published: 03 May 2024
Palu Ailesi Dosyası - 3. Kısım
Faili meçhul cinayetler ve kayıpların yanı sıra birçok sosyal sorumluluk projesi ile de adından sıkça söz ettiren, Hafta içi her gün seyirciyi ekran başına kilitleyen Müge Anlı ve ekibi, üzerinde çalıştığı kayıp dosyalarını, cinayete kurban giden kişileri ve kayıpların tüm yaşamını ortaya çıkararak onları bulmaya, olayları aydınlatmaya devam ediyor...
Müge Anlı ile Tatlı Sert resmi youtube kanalı
Abone olun, hiçbir şeyi kaçırmayın!
published: 11 Jan 2019
Livestreaming Ibadah Onsite Pukul 08.00 WITA
Pelayan Firman : Pdt. Leslivera Rahamis, S.Teol
Majelis Asistensi : Kelompok Pelayanan 8
Organis : Bpk. Haris Buntaran
Pemandu Lagu : - Sdri. Jessica C. Halawa
- Sdri. Gabriela Putri N. Dodu
published: 12 May 2024
Kondisi Palu Sebelum dan Sesudah Gempa
Citra satelit mengungkap dahsyatnya gempa bumi dan tsunami yang menerjang Palu, Sulawesi Tengah. Gambar-gambar yang dirilis oleh Digital Globe menunjukan kondisi kota sebelum dan sesudah bencana.
Untuk melihat video-video menarik lainnya kunjungi: https://video.medcom.id/
published: 02 Oct 2018
MC Klinton - In Italy feat. Palù (Official Video)
In Italy _ feat Palù
seguimi su instagram
lyrics : klinton, Palu
video : Paolo Hanzo
beat prod. Stè
#klinton #palù #initaly
published: 02 Jul 2021
Gempa bumi dan tsunami Sulawesi 2018 adalah peristiwa gempa bumi berkekuatan 7,4 M diikuti dengan tsunami yang melanda pantai barat Pulau Sulawesi, Indonesia, bagian utara pada tanggal 28 September 2018, pukul 18.02 WITA. Pusat gempa berada di 26 km utara Donggala dan 80 km barat laut kota Palu dengan kedalaman 10 km. Guncangan gempa bumi dirasakan di Kabupaten Donggala, Kota Palu, Kabupaten Parigi Moutong, Kabupaten Sigi, Kabupaten Poso, Kabupaten Tolitoli, Kabupaten Mamuju bahkan hingga Kota Samarinda, Kota Balikpapan, dan Kota Makassar. Gempa memicu tsunami hingga ketinggian 5 meter di Kota Palu.
published: 17 Jun 2022
İlk Günden Bugüne Palu Ailesi Dosyası - 1. Kısım
Palu Ailesi Olayında Neler Yaşandı?: https://bit.ly/2Ltvi0I
Fatma Demir Olayında Neler Yaşandı?: https://bit.ly/33R0Ow1
Ecrin Kurnaz Olayında Neler Yaşandı?: ht...
Palu Ailesi Olayında Neler Yaşandı?: https://bit.ly/2Ltvi0I
Fatma Demir Olayında Neler Yaşandı?: https://bit.ly/33R0Ow1
Ecrin Kurnaz Olayında Neler Yaşandı?: https://bit.ly/33RLKy7
Leyla Aydemir Olayında Neler Yaşandı?: https://bit.ly/2OSr1pR
Faili meçhul cinayetler ve kayıpların yanı sıra birçok sosyal sorumluluk projesi ile de adından sıkça söz ettiren, Hafta içi her gün seyirciyi ekran başına kilitleyen Müge Anlı ve ekibi, üzerinde çalıştığı kayıp dosyalarını, cinayete kurban giden kişileri ve kayıpların tüm yaşamını ortaya çıkararak onları bulmaya, olayları aydınlatmaya devam ediyor...
Müge Anlı ile Tatlı Sert resmi youtube kanalı
Abone olun, hiçbir şeyi kaçırmayın!
Palu Ailesi Olayında Neler Yaşandı?: https://bit.ly/2Ltvi0I
Fatma Demir Olayında Neler Yaşandı?: https://bit.ly/33R0Ow1
Ecrin Kurnaz Olayında Neler Yaşandı?: https://bit.ly/33RLKy7
Leyla Aydemir Olayında Neler Yaşandı?: https://bit.ly/2OSr1pR
Faili meçhul cinayetler ve kayıpların yanı sıra birçok sosyal sorumluluk projesi ile de adından sıkça söz ettiren, Hafta içi her gün seyirciyi ekran başına kilitleyen Müge Anlı ve ekibi, üzerinde çalıştığı kayıp dosyalarını, cinayete kurban giden kişileri ve kayıpların tüm yaşamını ortaya çıkararak onları bulmaya, olayları aydınlatmaya devam ediyor...
Müge Anlı ile Tatlı Sert resmi youtube kanalı
Abone olun, hiçbir şeyi kaçırmayın!
- published: 08 Jan 2019
- views: 4622730
Video Detik-detik 'Likuifaksi' di Palu, Warga Panik Lihat Rumah Hilang Tertelan Lumpur usai Gempa
TRIBUN-VIDEO.COM - Ribuan warga Palu, Sulawesi Tengah kehilangan tempat tinggal.
Hal ini, karena rumah mereka terdampak gempa dan tsunami yang terjadi di Sulaw...
TRIBUN-VIDEO.COM - Ribuan warga Palu, Sulawesi Tengah kehilangan tempat tinggal.
Hal ini, karena rumah mereka terdampak gempa dan tsunami yang terjadi di Sulawesi Tengah pada hari Jumat (28/9/2018).
Pernyataan itu disampaikan Kepala Pusat Data Informasi dan Humas Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB), Sutopo Purwo Nugroho.
Untuk di Perumnas Balaroa di Kecamatan Palu Barat, Kota Palu, tercatat 1747 rumah.
Sedangkan, di Perumnas Patobo, Kota Palu diperkirakan 744 unit rumah terdampak bencana.
"Gempa menyebabkan hancurnya perumahan dan komplek. Sebagian besar (Balaroa,-red) tercatat 1.747 rumah. Perumnas Patobo tenggelam oleh lumpur diperkirakan ada 744 unit rumah," ujar Sutopo, saat jumpa pers Update Penanganan Bencana Gempa dan Tsunami di Kota Palu dan Donggala di Gedung BNPB, Jakarta, Senin (1/10/2018) siang.
Aktivitas sesar Palu Koro, kata dia, mengakibatkan pada saat terjadi gempa tanah mengalami kenaikan atau penurunan.
Pada saat turun, tanah ambles sedalam 5 meter. Namun, ada juga jalan yang naik setinggi 2 meter.
Selain itu, saat terjadi gempa, muncul lumpur dalam massa dan volume besar yang dikenal dengan nama likuifaksi.
Dia menjelaskan, lumpur keluar dari permukaan tanah karena guncangan sedimen. Sedimen yang ada di dalam tanah kemudian mencair.
Sehingga, dia menggambarkan, bentuk seperti lumpur. Setidaknya ada sekitar 744 unit rumah yang tertimbun oleh material lumpur hitam.
"Posisinya rumah ini berada pada jalur sesar Palu Koro yang ketika terjadi gempa proses mekanismenya adalah mekanisme naik turun. Jadi ada sebagian rumah yang turun sedalam 5 meter ada juga yang naik setinggi 2 meter," kata dia.
Namun, dia mengaku, belum mengetahui berapa jumlah korban yang tertimbun di perumnas tersebut.
Dia memperkirakan jumlah korban mencapai sekitar 500 orang.
Dia menegaskan, pihaknya kesulitan untuk melakukan evakuasi secara manual. Hal ini, karena akses kendaraan berat menuju ke lokasi kesulitan. Hanya saja, menurut dia, proses evakuasi akan terus dilakukan oleh tim SAR gabungan.
"Poses evakuasinya memang sulit kondisinya. Ini berulang dan sampai kemarin evakuasi masih dilakukan secara manual," kata dia.
Dampak dari sesar Palu Koro tidak hanya terjadi di Kota Palu, tetapi juga di Kabupaten Donggala. Berdasarkan informasi yang diterima pihaknya, daerah lainnya, seperti Mamuju Utara juga terkena efek.
"Daerah lain adalah di luar Sulawesi Tengah, Mamuju Utara satu orang meninggal dunia, 185 rumah rusak berat, 22 rumah rusak sedang, 92 rumah rusak ringan. Ini data sementara," tambahnya.(*)
Artikel ini telah tayang di tribunjabar.id dengan judul Penjelasan Sutopo Purwo Nugroho Mengapa Ada Lumpur dalam Volume Besar yang Menenggelamkan Perumahan, http://jabar.tribunnews.com/2018/10/01/penjelasan-sutopo-purwo-nugroho-mengada-ada-lumpur-dalam-volume-besar-yang-menenggelamkan-perumahan?page=all.
Editor: Ravianto
TRIBUN-VIDEO.COM - Ribuan warga Palu, Sulawesi Tengah kehilangan tempat tinggal.
Hal ini, karena rumah mereka terdampak gempa dan tsunami yang terjadi di Sulawesi Tengah pada hari Jumat (28/9/2018).
Pernyataan itu disampaikan Kepala Pusat Data Informasi dan Humas Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB), Sutopo Purwo Nugroho.
Untuk di Perumnas Balaroa di Kecamatan Palu Barat, Kota Palu, tercatat 1747 rumah.
Sedangkan, di Perumnas Patobo, Kota Palu diperkirakan 744 unit rumah terdampak bencana.
"Gempa menyebabkan hancurnya perumahan dan komplek. Sebagian besar (Balaroa,-red) tercatat 1.747 rumah. Perumnas Patobo tenggelam oleh lumpur diperkirakan ada 744 unit rumah," ujar Sutopo, saat jumpa pers Update Penanganan Bencana Gempa dan Tsunami di Kota Palu dan Donggala di Gedung BNPB, Jakarta, Senin (1/10/2018) siang.
Aktivitas sesar Palu Koro, kata dia, mengakibatkan pada saat terjadi gempa tanah mengalami kenaikan atau penurunan.
Pada saat turun, tanah ambles sedalam 5 meter. Namun, ada juga jalan yang naik setinggi 2 meter.
Selain itu, saat terjadi gempa, muncul lumpur dalam massa dan volume besar yang dikenal dengan nama likuifaksi.
Dia menjelaskan, lumpur keluar dari permukaan tanah karena guncangan sedimen. Sedimen yang ada di dalam tanah kemudian mencair.
Sehingga, dia menggambarkan, bentuk seperti lumpur. Setidaknya ada sekitar 744 unit rumah yang tertimbun oleh material lumpur hitam.
"Posisinya rumah ini berada pada jalur sesar Palu Koro yang ketika terjadi gempa proses mekanismenya adalah mekanisme naik turun. Jadi ada sebagian rumah yang turun sedalam 5 meter ada juga yang naik setinggi 2 meter," kata dia.
Namun, dia mengaku, belum mengetahui berapa jumlah korban yang tertimbun di perumnas tersebut.
Dia memperkirakan jumlah korban mencapai sekitar 500 orang.
Dia menegaskan, pihaknya kesulitan untuk melakukan evakuasi secara manual. Hal ini, karena akses kendaraan berat menuju ke lokasi kesulitan. Hanya saja, menurut dia, proses evakuasi akan terus dilakukan oleh tim SAR gabungan.
"Poses evakuasinya memang sulit kondisinya. Ini berulang dan sampai kemarin evakuasi masih dilakukan secara manual," kata dia.
Dampak dari sesar Palu Koro tidak hanya terjadi di Kota Palu, tetapi juga di Kabupaten Donggala. Berdasarkan informasi yang diterima pihaknya, daerah lainnya, seperti Mamuju Utara juga terkena efek.
"Daerah lain adalah di luar Sulawesi Tengah, Mamuju Utara satu orang meninggal dunia, 185 rumah rusak berat, 22 rumah rusak sedang, 92 rumah rusak ringan. Ini data sementara," tambahnya.(*)
Artikel ini telah tayang di tribunjabar.id dengan judul Penjelasan Sutopo Purwo Nugroho Mengapa Ada Lumpur dalam Volume Besar yang Menenggelamkan Perumahan, http://jabar.tribunnews.com/2018/10/01/penjelasan-sutopo-purwo-nugroho-mengada-ada-lumpur-dalam-volume-besar-yang-menenggelamkan-perumahan?page=all.
Editor: Ravianto
- published: 02 Oct 2018
- views: 1382670
Sri Lanka Telecom - Palu (Wild Fruits)
Small olive shaped berry with a very sweet and thick pulp, tasting similar to grapes. The smooth fruit is bright yellow at maturity and rarely orange, and 1-1.5...
Small olive shaped berry with a very sweet and thick pulp, tasting similar to grapes. The smooth fruit is bright yellow at maturity and rarely orange, and 1-1.5 cm round. Majority are ellipsoid in shape with 1-2 seeds. The berries are borne among the leaves at the axillary nodes of the branches.
This is a shrub or large tree with a spreading crown and can reach a height of 20 m depending on its habitat. In scrub vegetation, inland dry forested areas, among Palmyra trees in the north, the tree reaches a considerable height. In the coastal sand dunes, mangrove associated habitats and rocky outcrops, the plant is small and shrubby. Generally fruits mature in July. This species tends to produce mass fruit once in 3-4 years and is found in the lowland dry zones and arid zones in various habitats.
Fruiting season: July to August, Palu displays mass fruiting.
Download July wallpaper http://slt.lk/about-us/corporate-responsibility/community.
Small olive shaped berry with a very sweet and thick pulp, tasting similar to grapes. The smooth fruit is bright yellow at maturity and rarely orange, and 1-1.5 cm round. Majority are ellipsoid in shape with 1-2 seeds. The berries are borne among the leaves at the axillary nodes of the branches.
This is a shrub or large tree with a spreading crown and can reach a height of 20 m depending on its habitat. In scrub vegetation, inland dry forested areas, among Palmyra trees in the north, the tree reaches a considerable height. In the coastal sand dunes, mangrove associated habitats and rocky outcrops, the plant is small and shrubby. Generally fruits mature in July. This species tends to produce mass fruit once in 3-4 years and is found in the lowland dry zones and arid zones in various habitats.
Fruiting season: July to August, Palu displays mass fruiting.
Download July wallpaper http://slt.lk/about-us/corporate-responsibility/community.
- published: 01 Jul 2016
- views: 8544
තුරු තොරතුරු 5 - පලු/ Palu ( Manilkara hexandra)
පලු/ Palu ( Manilkara hexandra)
පලු/ Palu ( Manilkara hexandra)
පලු/ Palu ( Manilkara hexandra)
- published: 30 Aug 2021
- views: 4808
Source of the Tsunami in Palu Sulawesi Indonesia discovered!
In this video, we will explain in detail what was the source of the tsunami that struck the city of Palu in 2018, on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. Scientis...
In this video, we will explain in detail what was the source of the tsunami that struck the city of Palu in 2018, on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. Scientists have been puzzled for a long time because the earthquake did not have the strength or character to generate a tsunami. In the end, the mystery was solved. Find out more in the new video.
Our previous video for the event in Sulawesi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrZPIJboQNk&t;=2s
In this video, we will explain in detail what was the source of the tsunami that struck the city of Palu in 2018, on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. Scientists have been puzzled for a long time because the earthquake did not have the strength or character to generate a tsunami. In the end, the mystery was solved. Find out more in the new video.
Our previous video for the event in Sulawesi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrZPIJboQNk&t;=2s
- published: 25 May 2022
- views: 33615
inilah palu paling efisien didunia #yearofyou #viral #tahukahkamu
inilah palu paling efisien didunia #yearofyou #viral #tahukahkamu #alurceritafilm #vidioviral #shorts
inilah palu paling efisien didunia #yearofyou #viral #tahukahkamu #alurceritafilm #vidioviral #shorts
inilah palu paling efisien didunia #yearofyou #viral #tahukahkamu #alurceritafilm #vidioviral #shorts
- published: 03 May 2024
- views: 3091947
Palu Ailesi Dosyası - 3. Kısım
Faili meçhul cinayetler ve kayıpların yanı sıra birçok sosyal sorumluluk projesi ile de adından sıkça söz ettiren, Hafta içi her gün seyirciyi ekran başına kili...
Faili meçhul cinayetler ve kayıpların yanı sıra birçok sosyal sorumluluk projesi ile de adından sıkça söz ettiren, Hafta içi her gün seyirciyi ekran başına kilitleyen Müge Anlı ve ekibi, üzerinde çalıştığı kayıp dosyalarını, cinayete kurban giden kişileri ve kayıpların tüm yaşamını ortaya çıkararak onları bulmaya, olayları aydınlatmaya devam ediyor...
Müge Anlı ile Tatlı Sert resmi youtube kanalı
Abone olun, hiçbir şeyi kaçırmayın!
Faili meçhul cinayetler ve kayıpların yanı sıra birçok sosyal sorumluluk projesi ile de adından sıkça söz ettiren, Hafta içi her gün seyirciyi ekran başına kilitleyen Müge Anlı ve ekibi, üzerinde çalıştığı kayıp dosyalarını, cinayete kurban giden kişileri ve kayıpların tüm yaşamını ortaya çıkararak onları bulmaya, olayları aydınlatmaya devam ediyor...
Müge Anlı ile Tatlı Sert resmi youtube kanalı
Abone olun, hiçbir şeyi kaçırmayın!
- published: 11 Jan 2019
- views: 5098446
Livestreaming Ibadah Onsite Pukul 08.00 WITA
Pelayan Firman : Pdt. Leslivera Rahamis, S.Teol
Majelis Asi...
Livestreaming Ibadah Onsite Pukul 08.00 WITA
Pelayan Firman : Pdt. Leslivera Rahamis, S.Teol
Majelis Asistensi : Kelompok Pelayanan 8
Organis : Bpk. Haris Buntaran
Pemandu Lagu : - Sdri. Jessica C. Halawa
- Sdri. Gabriela Putri N. Dodu
Livestreaming Ibadah Onsite Pukul 08.00 WITA
Pelayan Firman : Pdt. Leslivera Rahamis, S.Teol
Majelis Asistensi : Kelompok Pelayanan 8
Organis : Bpk. Haris Buntaran
Pemandu Lagu : - Sdri. Jessica C. Halawa
- Sdri. Gabriela Putri N. Dodu
- published: 12 May 2024
- views: 259
Kondisi Palu Sebelum dan Sesudah Gempa
Citra satelit mengungkap dahsyatnya gempa bumi dan tsunami yang menerjang Palu, Sulawesi Tengah. Gambar-gambar yang dirilis oleh Digital Globe menunjukan kondis...
Citra satelit mengungkap dahsyatnya gempa bumi dan tsunami yang menerjang Palu, Sulawesi Tengah. Gambar-gambar yang dirilis oleh Digital Globe menunjukan kondisi kota sebelum dan sesudah bencana.
Untuk melihat video-video menarik lainnya kunjungi: https://video.medcom.id/
Citra satelit mengungkap dahsyatnya gempa bumi dan tsunami yang menerjang Palu, Sulawesi Tengah. Gambar-gambar yang dirilis oleh Digital Globe menunjukan kondisi kota sebelum dan sesudah bencana.
Untuk melihat video-video menarik lainnya kunjungi: https://video.medcom.id/
- published: 02 Oct 2018
- views: 314647
MC Klinton - In Italy feat. Palù (Official Video)
In Italy _ feat Palù
seguimi su instagram
lyrics : klin...
In Italy _ feat Palù
seguimi su instagram
lyrics : klinton, Palu
video : Paolo Hanzo
beat prod. Stè
#klinton #palù #initaly
In Italy _ feat Palù
seguimi su instagram
lyrics : klinton, Palu
video : Paolo Hanzo
beat prod. Stè
#klinton #palù #initaly
- published: 02 Jul 2021
- views: 72422
Gempa bumi dan tsunami Sulawesi 2018 adalah peristiwa gempa bumi berkekuatan 7,4 M diikuti dengan tsunami yang melanda pantai barat Pulau Sulawesi, Indonesia, b...
Gempa bumi dan tsunami Sulawesi 2018 adalah peristiwa gempa bumi berkekuatan 7,4 M diikuti dengan tsunami yang melanda pantai barat Pulau Sulawesi, Indonesia, bagian utara pada tanggal 28 September 2018, pukul 18.02 WITA. Pusat gempa berada di 26 km utara Donggala dan 80 km barat laut kota Palu dengan kedalaman 10 km. Guncangan gempa bumi dirasakan di Kabupaten Donggala, Kota Palu, Kabupaten Parigi Moutong, Kabupaten Sigi, Kabupaten Poso, Kabupaten Tolitoli, Kabupaten Mamuju bahkan hingga Kota Samarinda, Kota Balikpapan, dan Kota Makassar. Gempa memicu tsunami hingga ketinggian 5 meter di Kota Palu.
Gempa bumi dan tsunami Sulawesi 2018 adalah peristiwa gempa bumi berkekuatan 7,4 M diikuti dengan tsunami yang melanda pantai barat Pulau Sulawesi, Indonesia, bagian utara pada tanggal 28 September 2018, pukul 18.02 WITA. Pusat gempa berada di 26 km utara Donggala dan 80 km barat laut kota Palu dengan kedalaman 10 km. Guncangan gempa bumi dirasakan di Kabupaten Donggala, Kota Palu, Kabupaten Parigi Moutong, Kabupaten Sigi, Kabupaten Poso, Kabupaten Tolitoli, Kabupaten Mamuju bahkan hingga Kota Samarinda, Kota Balikpapan, dan Kota Makassar. Gempa memicu tsunami hingga ketinggian 5 meter di Kota Palu.
- published: 17 Jun 2022
- views: 1927579
Nancy Amisi Présidente de La Ligue de Femmes Lumumbiste
published: 23 Apr 2022
Urgent# Entree Kimbuta bitumba entre PALU WILLY MAKIASHI et PALU MAYOBO
published: 10 Aug 2022
https://youtu.be/NFvd6UGw0d8 #lumumba #rdc #palu
published: 06 Dec 2022
#lumumba #palu #gizenga
published: 19 Nov 2022
Nancy Amisi Présidente de La Ligue de Femmes Lumumbiste Descente à Kimbanseke
published: 23 Apr 2022
Mobutu Tackles the Kwilu Rebellion | Congo | Pierre Mulele-Led Lumumbist Insurrection | March 1964
March 1964.
Footage of ITN's "Roving Report" series about the efforts of General Joseph Mobutu, the head of the Congolese Armed Forces, to quell the Kwilu Rebellion, an insurrection led by Pierre Mulele, the Minister of Education under the slain Prime Minister, Patrice Lumumba.
The guerrillas fighting for the Chinese-trained Mulele were known as "La Jeunesse" (meaning "Youth") who were often underequipped and often had to fight with bows and arrows.
Mobutu is seen in Kitwit, the capital of Kwilu Province.
Mobutu dominated Congolese President Kasa-Vubu and staged a second coup (his first overthrew Lumumba) in 1965 to consolidate his power hold on the country which would last for several decades.
Source of footage: Getty Images.
About Pierre Mulele.
Pierre Mulele was a Lumumbist...
published: 15 Feb 2022
Lokondo recadre Lugi Gizenga
published: 14 Aug 2019
Three opposition party offices torched overnight in DR Congo
We are receiving reports that the headquarters of three DR Congo opposition parties were torched overnight and early Tuesday. This comes a day after deadly clashes between police and opponents of President Joseph Kabila. At least four burnt bodies could be seen in the fire-ravaged offices while one person was injured in the incident. The parties targeted in the arson attack are UDPS, Forces of Union and Solidarity and the Lumumbist Progressive Movement. Atleast 17 people were killed on Monday in clashes between protesters and security forces in Kinshasa. Opposition leaders are calling for the resignation of Kabila, who has ruled the DRC since 2001. They fear he's planning to extend his rule unconstitutionally.
published: 20 Sep 2016
Demonstrators Protest Over Execution of Pierre Mulele | Lumumbist Guerrilla Leader | October 1968
Wednesday, October 9th 1968.
Footage from Brazzaviile, capital of the Congo Republic where demonstrators protested over the execution of Pierre Mulele in his native Congo-Kinshasa.
The demonstration took place outside the Embassy of Congo-Kinshasa whose leader President Joseph Mobutu had lured Mulele, who had been living in exile, back to the Congo by Mobutu under the pretext of an amnesty. However, Mulele was seized, tortured and then executed a day after Mobutu had rejected an appeal for clemency after a military tribunal had sentenced him to death.
Some of the 1,000 demonstrators attacked the embassy after climbing fences surrounding the buidling. They broke doors and smashed windows with stones.
Mulele was a Lumumbist who wanted to continue the ideas of Congo's fallen leader Patr...
published: 28 Oct 2020
le combat lumumbiste revivé.
published: 01 Feb 2020
Mobutu Tackles the Kwilu Rebellion | Congo | Pierre Mulele-Led Lumumbist Insurrection | March 1964
March 1964.
Footage of ITN's "Roving Report" series about the efforts of General Joseph Mobutu, the head of the Congolese Armed Forces, to quell the Kwilu Rebe...
March 1964.
Footage of ITN's "Roving Report" series about the efforts of General Joseph Mobutu, the head of the Congolese Armed Forces, to quell the Kwilu Rebellion, an insurrection led by Pierre Mulele, the Minister of Education under the slain Prime Minister, Patrice Lumumba.
The guerrillas fighting for the Chinese-trained Mulele were known as "La Jeunesse" (meaning "Youth") who were often underequipped and often had to fight with bows and arrows.
Mobutu is seen in Kitwit, the capital of Kwilu Province.
Mobutu dominated Congolese President Kasa-Vubu and staged a second coup (his first overthrew Lumumba) in 1965 to consolidate his power hold on the country which would last for several decades.
Source of footage: Getty Images.
About Pierre Mulele.
Pierre Mulele was a Lumumbist who wanted to continue the ideas of Congo's fallen leader Patrice Lumumba. The Kwilu Rebellion of 1963 to 1965 was led by Mulele, and like the Simba Rebellion of 1964, was an attempt to dislodge the Western-backed central government and create a socialist state.
This was done with the backdrop of the Cold War struggle between the Western powers and the Communist world, that is the Eastern Bloc led by the USSR and Red China.
Mulele, who was Minister for Education during Lumumba's period as head of government, was a Chinese trained guerrilla. It was a bloody affair and the rebellion was eventually put down.
In 1968, the exiled Mulele was lured back to the Congo by Mobutu under the pretext of an amnesty. He was seized, tortured and then executed.
March 1964.
Footage of ITN's "Roving Report" series about the efforts of General Joseph Mobutu, the head of the Congolese Armed Forces, to quell the Kwilu Rebellion, an insurrection led by Pierre Mulele, the Minister of Education under the slain Prime Minister, Patrice Lumumba.
The guerrillas fighting for the Chinese-trained Mulele were known as "La Jeunesse" (meaning "Youth") who were often underequipped and often had to fight with bows and arrows.
Mobutu is seen in Kitwit, the capital of Kwilu Province.
Mobutu dominated Congolese President Kasa-Vubu and staged a second coup (his first overthrew Lumumba) in 1965 to consolidate his power hold on the country which would last for several decades.
Source of footage: Getty Images.
About Pierre Mulele.
Pierre Mulele was a Lumumbist who wanted to continue the ideas of Congo's fallen leader Patrice Lumumba. The Kwilu Rebellion of 1963 to 1965 was led by Mulele, and like the Simba Rebellion of 1964, was an attempt to dislodge the Western-backed central government and create a socialist state.
This was done with the backdrop of the Cold War struggle between the Western powers and the Communist world, that is the Eastern Bloc led by the USSR and Red China.
Mulele, who was Minister for Education during Lumumba's period as head of government, was a Chinese trained guerrilla. It was a bloody affair and the rebellion was eventually put down.
In 1968, the exiled Mulele was lured back to the Congo by Mobutu under the pretext of an amnesty. He was seized, tortured and then executed.
- published: 15 Feb 2022
- views: 4385
Three opposition party offices torched overnight in DR Congo
We are receiving reports that the headquarters of three DR Congo opposition parties were torched overnight and early Tuesday. This comes a day after deadly clas...
We are receiving reports that the headquarters of three DR Congo opposition parties were torched overnight and early Tuesday. This comes a day after deadly clashes between police and opponents of President Joseph Kabila. At least four burnt bodies could be seen in the fire-ravaged offices while one person was injured in the incident. The parties targeted in the arson attack are UDPS, Forces of Union and Solidarity and the Lumumbist Progressive Movement. Atleast 17 people were killed on Monday in clashes between protesters and security forces in Kinshasa. Opposition leaders are calling for the resignation of Kabila, who has ruled the DRC since 2001. They fear he's planning to extend his rule unconstitutionally.
We are receiving reports that the headquarters of three DR Congo opposition parties were torched overnight and early Tuesday. This comes a day after deadly clashes between police and opponents of President Joseph Kabila. At least four burnt bodies could be seen in the fire-ravaged offices while one person was injured in the incident. The parties targeted in the arson attack are UDPS, Forces of Union and Solidarity and the Lumumbist Progressive Movement. Atleast 17 people were killed on Monday in clashes between protesters and security forces in Kinshasa. Opposition leaders are calling for the resignation of Kabila, who has ruled the DRC since 2001. They fear he's planning to extend his rule unconstitutionally.
- published: 20 Sep 2016
- views: 333
Demonstrators Protest Over Execution of Pierre Mulele | Lumumbist Guerrilla Leader | October 1968
Wednesday, October 9th 1968.
Footage from Brazzaviile, capital of the Congo Republic where demonstrators protested over the execution of Pierre Mulele in his n...
Wednesday, October 9th 1968.
Footage from Brazzaviile, capital of the Congo Republic where demonstrators protested over the execution of Pierre Mulele in his native Congo-Kinshasa.
The demonstration took place outside the Embassy of Congo-Kinshasa whose leader President Joseph Mobutu had lured Mulele, who had been living in exile, back to the Congo by Mobutu under the pretext of an amnesty. However, Mulele was seized, tortured and then executed a day after Mobutu had rejected an appeal for clemency after a military tribunal had sentenced him to death.
Some of the 1,000 demonstrators attacked the embassy after climbing fences surrounding the buidling. They broke doors and smashed windows with stones.
Mulele was a Lumumbist who wanted to continue the ideas of Congo's fallen leader Patrice Lumumba. The Kwilu Rebellion of 1963 to 1965 was led by Mulele, and like the Simba Rebellion of 1964, was an attempt to dislodge the Western-backed central government and create a socialist state.
This was done with the backdrop of the Cold War struggle between the Western powers and the Communist world, that is the Eastern Bloc led by the USSR and Red China.
Mulele, who was Minister for Education during Lumumba's period as head of government, was a Chinese trained guerrilla. It was a bloody affair and the rebellion was eventually put down.
The ideological rivalry between Congo Brazzaville and Congo Kinshasa would become one of the lesser known flashpoints of the Cold War on the African continent.
The Congo-Brazzaville government formally protested to their Congo-Kinshasa counterparts because they claimed that they had been given guarantees about the safety of Mulele when his contacted the embassy of his homeland ith a view to returning to his homeland.
Source of Footage: Reuters New Archive.
Wednesday, October 9th 1968.
Footage from Brazzaviile, capital of the Congo Republic where demonstrators protested over the execution of Pierre Mulele in his native Congo-Kinshasa.
The demonstration took place outside the Embassy of Congo-Kinshasa whose leader President Joseph Mobutu had lured Mulele, who had been living in exile, back to the Congo by Mobutu under the pretext of an amnesty. However, Mulele was seized, tortured and then executed a day after Mobutu had rejected an appeal for clemency after a military tribunal had sentenced him to death.
Some of the 1,000 demonstrators attacked the embassy after climbing fences surrounding the buidling. They broke doors and smashed windows with stones.
Mulele was a Lumumbist who wanted to continue the ideas of Congo's fallen leader Patrice Lumumba. The Kwilu Rebellion of 1963 to 1965 was led by Mulele, and like the Simba Rebellion of 1964, was an attempt to dislodge the Western-backed central government and create a socialist state.
This was done with the backdrop of the Cold War struggle between the Western powers and the Communist world, that is the Eastern Bloc led by the USSR and Red China.
Mulele, who was Minister for Education during Lumumba's period as head of government, was a Chinese trained guerrilla. It was a bloody affair and the rebellion was eventually put down.
The ideological rivalry between Congo Brazzaville and Congo Kinshasa would become one of the lesser known flashpoints of the Cold War on the African continent.
The Congo-Brazzaville government formally protested to their Congo-Kinshasa counterparts because they claimed that they had been given guarantees about the safety of Mulele when his contacted the embassy of his homeland ith a view to returning to his homeland.
Source of Footage: Reuters New Archive.
- published: 28 Oct 2020
- views: 2554