The Wayback Machine -
Friday, 21 December 2012
CREEM - Good Riddance b/w I Hate You 7
Creem - Think Twice
Creem @ Recycle Plant 5/3/12
CREEM - What The Fuck (Black Easter)
CREEM @ 538 Johnson | 12-17-11 | Whole Set
Cream- Sunshine of Your Love
..." width="225" height="168" class="playvideo1 gotop" onClick="activateTab('playlist1'); return false" style="display: block;" />
VICE CREEM-01 01 212-uk 1978
Cream-Tales of Brave Ulysses
cum ne creem un id de yahoo mesenger si cum recuperam parola in caz de am pierdut-o - Tutorial Video
Jornal Hoje da Globo: Ufólogos creem que nave pousou em Riolândia SP- Jornal da Região Palestina


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Icon 2
Released 2011

Released 2011

Cream Gold
Released 2008

BBC Sessions
Released 2003

Released 1998

Live Cream, Volume 2
Released 1998

Wheels of Fire
Released 1997

Those Were the Days
Released 1997

Tales of Brave
Released 1995

White Room - Best
Released 1992

The Alternative Album
Released 1992

Stepping Out
Released 1989

Released 1984

Heavy Cream
Released 1972

I Feel Free
Released 1972

Best of Cream
Released 1969

Make changes yourself !

Creem - Think Twice
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:50
  • Updated: 18 Dec 2012
off their self-titled. all credit goes to creem and deranged records. -uploaded in HD at - Think Twice
Creem @ Recycle Plant 5/3/12
  • Order:
  • Duration: 15:45
  • Updated: 30 Oct 2012
w/ Hoax @ Recycle Plant 5/3/12
CREEM - What The Fuck (Black Easter)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:13
  • Updated: 19 Dec 2012
Artist: CREEM Album: Self Titled 12" Release: 2012 Label: Deranged/Katorga Works Tracklist: 1. Think Twice 2. Lucid 3. Never End 4. Dweller 5. The Wrong Man 6. The Bricks 7. What The Fuck (Black Easter) Greetings! Here is the newest release from Katorga Works (and yet another band from Colman), the Creem 12". Here is our stock record description: "This release marks the first 12" release from premier NYHC act CREEM. The band jumps light years ahead of the recording session that spawned a demo cassette and 7" single and creates a piece of music that is far and away its best material. Six originals and a cover of Boston/UK-influenced hardcore. A split release with Deranged." We're very proud of this one. In Adam's opinion, it's one of the better records to come out of the current crop of awesome NYC bands. Buy it from either Deranged (Canada) or Katorga Works (US), who both have a plethora of other distro records you can purchase, as well. Buy Here (Deranged) Buy Here (Katorga Works) - What The Fuck (Black Easter)
CREEM @ 538 Johnson | 12-17-11 | Whole Set
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:39
  • Updated: 08 Oct 2012
CREEM from Brooklyn, New York playing at 538 Johnson Ave, #201 on Saturday, December 17th, 2011 with The Boston Strangler and OMEGAS. @ 538 Johnson | 12-17-11 | Whole Set
Cream- Sunshine of Your Love
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:58
  • Updated: 21 Dec 2012
Cream:Eric Clapton, Ginger Baker, and Jack Bruce playing "Sunshine of Your Love" live circa 1968
  • published: 01 Jun 2006
  • views: 7832507
  • author: zosoclapton Sunshine of Your Love
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:10
  • Updated: 20 Dec 2012
Back in 1974 it had been reported that Kiss were duped into being photographed without make-up by Rock magazine Creem. The band had been promised a generous spread in the magazine on the proviso that they also allow themselves to be photographed without the make-up. Now as everyone knows, back in Kiss' heyday, no one knew what they looked like as photos without the greasepaint in the 70's without the make-up. These photos are some of the first to appear of the band without the trademark war-paint. Says Charlie Auringer, Creem photographer, " It was early in 1974, and Kiss hadn't established their "no make-up" rules yet. I had the chance to photograph the process of them putting on their make-up. It was at our Creem office in the bathroom down the hall that we shared with the dentist's office. Some patients would walk in, be shocked, turn around and walk right out. So, they got their make-up on, and we went out back behind the Birmingham Theater and got the profile photos of them clowning around with the beer cans. They cleaned off their make-up and as they were leaving we re-staged the same profile shots without their make-up on. Next day we get a call from Casablanca Records: "Well, we have decided we don't want you to publish those photos in Creem without the make-up." They had just established the no-photos-without-make-up rule. We agreed to not publish the no make-up photos to keep the mystery alive." Says Paul Stanley, "We got duped into doing that photo for Creem ..."The Creem" photos of Kiss without makeup (1974)
VICE CREEM-01 01 212-uk 1978
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:06
  • Updated: 05 Dec 2012
1-won't you be my girl? 2-01 01 212 uk 1978 CREEM-01 01 212-uk 1978
Cream-Tales of Brave Ulysses
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:53
  • Updated: 19 Dec 2012
This is the song Tales of Brave Ulysses by the 60s band Cream. The trio was made up of Eric Clapton, Jack Bruce, and Ginger Baker. of Brave Ulysses
cum ne creem un id de yahoo mesenger si cum recuperam parola in caz de am pierdut-o - Tutorial Video
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:01
  • Updated: 17 Jun 2012 cum ne creem un id de yahoo mesenger si cum recuperam parola in caz de am pierdut-o - Tutorial Video HD ne creem un id de yahoo mesenger si cum recuperam parola in caz de am pierdut-o - Tutorial Video
Jornal Hoje da Globo: Ufólogos creem que nave pousou em Riolândia SP- Jornal da Região Palestina
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:06
  • Updated: 04 Dec 2012
Como anda a coisa hoje? ETs pousaram em Riolândia em em maio de 1986? Divulgaram na época: "O ministro da Aeronáutica brigadeiro Otávio Moreira Lima contou que 21 óvnis foram vistos sobre o céu de São Paulo, incluindo a cidade interiorana de Riolândia, que para ufólogos (especialistas, e alguns internacionais) o laudo técnico é que uma nave realmente pousou no local". Consta que "os objetos teriam sido perseguidos por caças, mas escapado em alta velocidade. Um relatório sobre o caso foi prometido, mas nunca entregue. O ex-ministro Celso Furtado também afirmou ter visto um OVNI em Fortaleza, em 1979. Com ele estariam o ex-presidente Fernando Henrique Cardoso e sua esposa, Ruth Hoje da Globo: Ufólogos creem que nave pousou em Riolândia SP- Jornal da Região Palestina
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:53
  • Updated: 20 Dec 2012
SÍMBOLO NICENO-CONSTANTINOPOLITANO Creio em um só Deus, Pai todo-poderoso, Criador do céu e da terra, de todas as coisas visíveis e invisíveis. Creio em um só Senhor, Jesus Cristo, Filho Unigênito de Deus, nascido do Pai antes de todos os séculos: Deus de Deus, luz da luz, Deus verdadeiro de Deus verdadeiro, gerado não criado, consubstancial ao Pai. Por Ele todas as coisas foram feitas. E, por nós, homens, e para a nossa salvação, desceu dos céus: e encarnou pelo Espírito Santo, no seio da Virgem Maria, e se fez homem. Também por nós foi crucificado sob Pôncio Pilatos; padeceu e foi sepultado. Ressuscitou ao terceiro dia, conforme as escrituras; E subiu aos céus, onde está sentado à direita do Pai. E de novo há de vir, em sua glória, para julgar os vivos e os mortos; eo seu reino não terá fim. Creio no Espírito Santo, Senhor que dá a vida, e procede do Pai; e com o Pai eo Filho é adorado e glorificado: Ele que falou pelos profetas. Creio na Igreja una, santa, católica e apostólica. Professo um só batismo para remissão dos pecados. Espero a ressurreição dos mortos; E a vida do mundo que há de vir. Amém. QUE CREEM OS CATÓLICOS?
  • CREEM - Good Riddance b/w I Hate You 7"...4:35
  • Creem - Think Twice...1:50
  • Creem @ Recycle Plant 5/3/12...15:45
  • CREEM - What The Fuck (Black Easter)...2:13
  • CREEM @ 538 Johnson | 12-17-11 | Whole Set...10:39
  • Cream- Sunshine of Your Love...4:58
  • "The Creem" photos of Kiss without makeup (1974)...4:10
  • VICE CREEM-01 01 212-uk 1978...3:06
  • Cream-Tales of Brave Ulysses...2:53
  • cum ne creem un id de yahoo mesenger si cum recuperam parola in caz de am pierdut-o - Tutorial Video...9:01
  • Jornal Hoje da Globo: Ufólogos creem que nave pousou em Riolândia SP- Jornal da Região Palestina...2:06

CREEM - Good Rid­dance b/w I Hate You 7"
pub­lished: 26 May 2011
Creem - Think Twice
off their self-ti­tled. all cred­it goes to creem and de­ranged records. -up­load­ed in HD at w...
pub­lished: 13 May 2012
au­thor: ted creep­sler
Creem @ Re­cy­cle Plant 5/3/12
w/ Hoax...
pub­lished: 07 Jun 2012
au­thor: John Scan­lon
CREEM - What The Fuck (Black East­er)
Artist: CREEM Album: Self Ti­tled 12" Re­lease: 2012 Label: De­ranged/Ka­tor­ga Works Track­list...
pub­lished: 16 May 2012
CREEM @ 538 John­son | 12-17-11 | Whole Set
CREEM from Brook­lyn, New York play­ing at 538 John­son Ave, #201 on Sat­ur­day, De­cem­ber 17th,...
pub­lished: 19 Dec 2011
au­thor: Will McAn­drew
Cream- Sun­shine of Your Love
Cream:Eric Clap­ton, Gin­ger Baker, and Jack Bruce play­ing "Sun­shine of Your Love" live circ...
pub­lished: 01 Jun 2006
au­thor: zoso­clap­ton
"The Creem" pho­tos of Kiss with­out make­up (1974)
Back in 1974 it had been re­port­ed that Kiss were duped into being pho­tographed with­out mak...
pub­lished: 31 Dec 2010
pub­lished: 08 Apr 2012
au­thor: habeebpp­tirur
VICE CREEM-01 01 212-uk 1978
1-won't you be my girl? 2-01 01 212 uk 1978...
pub­lished: 21 May 2010
Cream-Tales of Brave Ulysses
This is the song Tales of Brave Ulysses by the 60s band Cream. The trio was made up of Eri...
pub­lished: 03 Nov 2007
cum ne creem un id de yahoo mesen­ger si cum re­cu­per­am paro­la in caz de am pier­dut-o - Tu­to­ri­al Video
invatapc.​fnhost.​org cum ne creem un id de yahoo mesen­ger si cum re­cu­per­am paro­la in caz de...
pub­lished: 17 Jun 2012
au­thor: Costy ChanelXD
Jor­nal Hoje da Globo: Ufólogos creem que nave pousou em Riolândia SP- Jor­nal da Região Palesti­na
Como anda a coisa hoje? ETs pousaram em Riolândia em em maio de 1986? Di­vul­gar­am na época:...
pub­lished: 23 May 2011
pub­lished: 20 Dec 2010
au­thor: er­zo­hg
SÍMBOLO NICENO-CON­STANTI­NOP­O­LI­TANO Creio em um só Deus, Pai to­do-poderoso, Cri­ador do céu ...
pub­lished: 21 Apr 2012
Youtube results:
Dina Vass & Whipped Creem - Now I'm Free Ian Carey Vocal Mix
Dina Vass & Whipped Creem - Now I'm Free Ian Carey Vocal Mix Penso che ci sia una can­zone ...
pub­lished: 30 Aug 2010
au­thor: vin­sus85
Jun­tos Para Sem­pre Mórmons Creem em Famílias eter­nas (5/5)
Os Mórmons, mem­bros de A Igre­ja de Jesus Cristo dos San­tos dos Últi­mos Dias, vul­gar­mente c...
pub­lished: 20 Jun 2008
au­thor: mor­mon­s1830
Gmail Como Correo- Gmail abrir Correo Elec­tron­i­co
www.​capacitacioneureka.​com Gmail como correo elec­tron­i­co,en este Video te mue­stro como abr...
pub­lished: 12 Jun 2010
Spain chil­dren's fash­ion show on CPM 24.02.09
Spain trade marks - tuc tuc, Creem by Losan, Sea­port ju­nior, Baronet­ti un­der­wear, Akrkids,...
pub­lished: 01 Mar 2009
au­thor: in­ter­modaru
photo: AP / Carolyn Kaster
FILE - In this June 26, 2012 file photo, President Barack Obama speaks in Atlanta. The presidential race enters the sultry summer _ a final lull before a sprint to Election Day _ with President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney neck and neck and no sign that either can break away. Both sides have money concerns _ for all the flood of cash _ as well as political worries.
Sowetan Live
20 Dec 2012
Obama held a White House news conference on Wednesday to announce that Vice President Joe Biden will lead an interagency effort to craft new gun policies. The group is expected to offer its proposals in January. “We know this is a complex issue that stirs deeply held passions and political divides,” Obama said. “But the fact that this problem is complex can no longer be an excuse for doing nothing.” ... WAKE-UP CALL ... ....(size: 6.1Kb)
photo: AP / Fahd al-Bakoush
This still image included in a video obtained by the Associated Press from Fahd al-Bakoush, a freelance videographer and activist, which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, shows the body of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens being moved by Libyan civilians trying to rescue him after gunmen and protesters rampaged through the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2012. The group of Libyans had stumbled across Stevens' seemingly lifeless form inside a dark room and didn't know who he was, only that he was a foreigner, al-Bakoush and two other witnesses told the AP.
20 Dec 2012
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Three senior U.S. State Department officials were asked to resign after an official inquiry harshly criticized their offices for failing to provide adequate security at the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya, before it came under attack in September, a U.S. official said on Wednesday ... State Department officials declined to comment on the matter, saying it was a personnel issue ... Joint Chiefs of Staff ... facilities....(size: 5.4Kb)
photo: AP / Charles Krupa
Police officers cross the road after searching a strip mall near an elementary school, which was in a lockdown, in Ridgefield, Conn., Monday, Dec. 17, 2012, after a suspicious person was seen near a train station close by.
18 Dec 2012
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. "Most people reason dramatically, not quantitatively." -Oliver Wendell Holmes. On the same day that a 20-year-old, described as brilliant but remote, walked into an elementary school in Connecticut and massacred 26 children and adults, the school where I teach went on "lock-down." Four students with a handgun were arrested ... That morning before school, he had posted on Twitter and Facebook....(size: 14.0Kb)
photo: AP / Pablo Martinez Monsivais
President Barack Obama gestures while speaking during the his visit to the Disaster Operation Center of the Red Cross National Headquarter to discuss superstorm Sandy
The Star
19 Dec 2012
WASHINGTON. US President Barack Obama backs a new bill to revive an assault weapons ban and other new gun laws, the White House said Tuesday, fleshing out his nascent response to a shocking school massacre. Obama also called an ardently pro-gun senator who has shifted his position on firearms laws since Friday's carnage in Connecticut and has begun meeting top cabinet officials to consider his options, his spokesman Jay Carney said ... ....(size: 4.9Kb)
photo: AP / Mohammad Hannon
A Libyan military guard stands in front of one of the U.S. Consulate's burnt out buildings during the visit of President Mohammed el-Megarif, not shown, to the U.S. Consulate to express sympathy for the death of the American ambassador, Chris Stevens and his colleagues in the deadly attack on the Consulate last Tuesday September 11, in Benghazi, Libya, Friday, Sept. 14, 2012.
Al Jazeera
19 Dec 2012
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said she accepts the findings of an independent panel that faulted the State Department over the deadly September attack on the US mission in Benghazi, Libya. An inquiry into the attack on the US mission, which saw the US ambassador and three other US citizens killed, found that the State Department security arrangements there were "grossly inadequate" ... 390 Source. ... Share ... Jaws ... Anaheim....(size: 19.2Kb)

17 Dec 2012
A. M ... Creem, Circus, Rolling Stone ... Without intending to I commit to memory Lisa Robinson's Eleganza column for Creem magazine, “The Night Mick Jagger Got into My Pants.” At a Rolling Stones show in Toronto, Mick Jagger's jockstrap couldn't be found, and because his regular underwear would show under his costume, he borrowed Robinson's underwear—noting, “with girls' ones you have to wear them back to front. ... ... ....(size: 7.5Kb)
The Examiner
12 Dec 2012
Rating for If You Like Led Zeppelin... 5. If You Like Led Zeppelin…Here Are Over 200 Bands, Films, Records, and Other Oddities That You Will Love by Dave Thompson ... Classic Led Zeppelin. Or have we? ... One could spend months scouring the internet and back issues of Creem, Circus, Rolling Stone and more without ever finding half of the mountain of information and interconnectedness that Thompson has compiled for this book ... Photo credit. ....(size: 4.7Kb)
The New York Times
07 Dec 2012
There are some great books on the history of punk, like Jon Savage’s “England’s Dreaming,” but now there’s a history of Punk, the loudmouthed, comic-stripped magazine that helped define the scene in New York in the mid-1970s, when everything was fun and filthy and the city was trying to avoid bankruptcy ... “That summer I also read about the Ramones in Creem and the Village Voice, thanks to rock writers Lisa Robinson and James Wolcott ... ....(size: 6.7Kb)
The Examiner
05 Dec 2012
Rating for Best of Punk Magazine book by John Holmstrom. 4 ... But capture history they did ... So Hey! Ho! Let’ go back to the Seventies ... The word punk had been bandied about as early as ’74 by other trades like Creem, but only with respect to individual artists (like Alice Cooper) ... The Punk crew marked the “Summer of Sam” with a Dead Boys chat (courtesy Creem’s Lester Bangs) and sensational sketches by new art director Bruce Carleton ... “Mr ... ....(size: 9.2Kb)
29 Nov 2012
CREEM ... Like CREEM, with which a member or two is shared and a label is associated, this is most likely TOTALLY WORTH YOUR TIME LIVE, but it’s having a little trouble punching me in the face via recorded sounds ... This is perfectly suitable for the chosen HC direction (see CREEM), and it’s perhaps unfair of me to even venture into negative-ninnyland ......(size: 169.6Kb)
The Examiner
21 Nov 2012
Related topics. Celebrity NewsHector Camacho. Advertisement. The condition of former world champion boxer Hector “Macho” Camacho has taken a turn for the worse on Wednesday as Centro Medico Director Dr. Ernesto Torres announced, "The situation with 'Macho' is very delicate ... Robyn Chelsea-Seifert is a journalist who has written for CBS Local, The Miami Herald, The South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Creem, Hit Parader, and International Musician ... ....(size: 7.1Kb)
The Examiner
21 Nov 2012
Related topics. Celebrity NewsrushMusic NewsRock and Roll Hall of Fame 2013 Nominees. Advertisement. On Tuesday, the Hollywood Guitar Center on Sunset Boulevard inducted renowned rock legends Rush into its historic RockWalk ... The induction, by invite only, was private ... Rush ... Robyn Chelsea-Seifert is a journalist who has written for CBS Local, The Miami Herald, The South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Creem, Hit Parader, and International Musician ... ....(size: 7.3Kb)
The Guardian
20 Nov 2012
Thriller is 30 years old this month – and here's an insight into the world of Michael Jackson as his career exploded, from Creem magazine, courtesy of Rock's Backpages, the world's leading archive of vintage music journalism. 'Labels are like racism' … Michael Jackson in 1983. Photograph. Eugene Adebari/Rex Features ... And we at Creem haven't seen such a blatant bit of typecasting since Sly Stone made his fortune playing mindless beefcake....(size: 20.1Kb)
The Examiner
15 Nov 2012
Related topics. Celebrity NewsJon Bon JoviStephanie Bongiovi. Advertisement ... Ian S Grant, 21, a student who was in the same room as Bongiovi, was also charged with possession of heroin. Both are ordered to appear in court at a later date ... Video. Jon Bon Jovi ... Tweet. 0 Email ... Robyn Chelsea-Seifert is a journalist who has written for CBS Local, The Miami Herald, The South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Creem, Hit Parader, and International Musician ... ....(size: 6.5Kb)
The Examiner
14 Nov 2012
Related topics. Celebrity Newsguy fieriFood. Advertisement ... Did panic grip your soul as you stared into the whirling hypno wheel of the menu, where adjectives and nouns spin in a crazy vortex?” ... Video. Guy Fieri ... Perhaps a drink will lighten the reviewer's mood. Yes? ... Tweet ... Robyn Chelsea-Seifert is a journalist who has written for CBS Local, The Miami Herald, The South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Creem, Hit Parader, and International Musician ... ....(size: 7.4Kb)
The Examiner
13 Nov 2012
Related topics. Celebrity NewsCall of Duty Black Ops 2Trent Reznor. Advertisement. What do you get when you cross a hardcore gamer and musician with this year’s highly-anticipated sequel to the best-selling console game in history? ... Black Ops 2 ... Call of Duty. Black Ops II ... Robyn Chelsea-Seifert is a journalist who has written for CBS Local, The Miami Herald, The South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Creem, Hit Parader, and International Musician ... ....(size: 7.3Kb)
The Examiner
13 Nov 2012
Related topics. celebrity newLance ArmstrongSports. Advertisement. Lance Armstrong’s reputation has taken a beating the last several months with October being the worst of them ... Video. Lance Armstrong ... "Back in Austin and just layin' around," he wrote ... SebastienMartinet wrote ... Robyn Chelsea-Seifert is a journalist who has written for CBS Local, The Miami Herald, The South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Creem, Hit Parader, and International Musician ... ....(size: 8.0Kb)
The Guardian
13 Nov 2012
Next week is the 37th anniversary of Bruce Springsteen's legendary London debut at Hammersmith Odeon. Here's Simon Frith's report for Creem, courtesy of Rock's Backpages, the world's leading archive of vintage music journalism. Boss Hoss … Bruce Springsteen in 1975. Photograph. Chris Walter/WireImage. So you're scared and you're thinking that maybe we aren't that young anymore. Show a little faith, there's magic in the night ... Or Elton John....(size: 7.7Kb)
File:Creem December 1977 Grace Slick.jpg
December 1977 cover featuring Grace Slick
Categories Music magazine
First issue March 1969
Final issue 1989
Country  United States
Based in Detroit
Language English

Creem (whose trademark is capitalized CREEM - despite the magazine's masthead appearing in lower case letters), "America's Only Rock 'n' Roll Magazine," was a monthly rock 'n' roll publication first published in March 1969 by Barry Kramer and founding editor Tony Reay. It suspended production in 1989 but received a short-lived renaissance in the early 1990s as a glossy tabloid. Lester Bangs, often cited as "America's Greatest Rock Critic," became editor in 1971.[1] The term "punk rock" was said to have been coined by the magazine in 1971, and the term "heavy metal" was also first used in its pages.[2]



Creem was based in Detroit, Michigan, and later the Detroit suburb of Birmingham. This geographical separation from the entertainment industry in the United States, then focused primarily in Hollywood and New York City, along with the British upbringing of original editor Reay, resulted in a certain irreverence, a deprecatory and humorous tone that permeated the magazine throughout its existence. The magazine became famous for its comical photo captions, which poked fun at rock stars, the industry, and even the magazine itself. Its location also meant it was among the first national publications with in-depth coverage of many popular Detroit-area artists, such as Bob Seger, Mitch Ryder, Alice Cooper, The MC5, The Stooges, Iggy Pop, and Parliament-Funkadelic, as well as other Midwestern acts such as Raspberries and Cheap Trick.


Creem picked up on punk rock (which many claim the magazine, and especially Bangs, helped to conceptualize if not invent) and New Wave movements early on. Creem gave massive exposure to artists like Lou Reed, David Bowie, Roxy Music, Blondie and The New York Dolls years before the mainstream press. In the 1980s, it also led the pack on coverage of such upcoming rock icons as R.E.M., The Replacements, The Smiths and The Cure, among numerous others. It was also among the first to sing the praises of metal acts like Motörhead, Kiss, Judas Priest, and Van Halen. Kurt Cobain once stated to RIP Magazine that he had first learned about punk rock from reading Creem as an adolescent.


Editors and writers for Creem included Lester Bangs, formative early editor Dave Marsh, Billy Altman, Bob Fleck, John Morthland, Ben Edmonds, Ed Ward, Richard Riegel, Ric Siegel, Robert Christgau, Richard Meltzer, Nick Tosches, Greil Marcus, Jeffrey Morgan, Richard C. Walls, Rob Tyner, Patti Smith, Peter Laughner, Cameron Crowe, Linda Barber, Charlie Auringer, Judy Adams, Jaan Uhelszki, Penny Valentine, Susan Whitall, John "The Mad" Peck, Robot A. Hull, Edward Kelleher (aka, Edouard Dauphin), Rick Johnson, Bruce Malamut, Lotta D. Blooz, John Mendelssohn, Jon Young, Lisa Robinson, Vicki Arkoff, Deborah Frost, Cynthia Rose, Mike Gormley, Sylvie Simmons, Gregg Turner, Chuck Eddy, Mark J. Norton, Dave DiMartino, Alan Niester, Robert Duncan, Alan Madlane (as Alan Madeleine), Bill Holdship and John Kordosh; the latter two edited the last versions of Creem in the late '80s.

The magazine moved its base of operations to Los Angeles shortly before it ceased publication. Holdship and Kordosh were both involved in Creem's move to Los Angeles after it was purchased by Arnold Levitt, but both had already left the magazine before its move to New York City after Levitt licensed the name to a publisher there, and its ultimate demise. Former William Morris agent, musician and journalist Mark J. Petracca (aka Dusty Wright) became the editor during its New York City residence from 1992 - 1993. And Chris Nadler was the last editor before the magazine was shut down. Steve Peters and David Sprague were the last members remaining in the original editorial chain that reached back to 1969.

Graphic design[link]

The CREEM logo was designed by Bob Wilson, who also wrote a regular comic strip, "Mike and Barney". The "Mr. Dreamwhip" and "Boy Howdy" icons were designed by underground cartoonist Robert Crumb, reportedly for $50. Both appeared on the cover of the second issue as a black and white drawing titled Detroit 1969. For the December 1971 issue, Wilson colored the drawing, which appeared in every following issue in a Creem's Profiles, a parody of the then-popular Dewar's Profiles, featuring musicians and bands holding cans of "Boy Howdy" beer.[3]


Robert Matheu, a regular Creem photographer since 1977, and his business partners, Ken Kulpa and Jason Turner, who together formed Creem Media, Inc. in 2001, led an online resurrection with a new staff.

Matheu and Brian J. Bowe, original managing editor of the Creem website, compiled an anthology of Creem articles and photographs into a large-format book published by Harper Collins in October 2007. There has been some controversy surrounding the book and its selection of material, although it has received numerous positive reviews.[citation needed]

There is currently a dispute being litigated between J.J. Kramer, New York-based lawyer and son of Creem founder Barry Kramer, and Creem Media, Inc.[4]

Notes and references[link]

  1. ^ Harrington, Joe S. Sonic Cool: The Life and Death of Rock 'n' Roll. Hal Leonard (2002), p. 226. ISBN 0-634-02861-8.
  2. ^ - Sir Lord Baltimore bio
  3. ^ Matheu, Robert; Brian J. Bowe (October 2007). CREEM: America's Only Rock 'N' Roll Magazine. Collins Living. p. 166. ISBN 978-0-06-137456-2. 
  4. ^ Neyfakh, Leon (2007-11-27). "No Rock of Love as Gents Try to Creem Each Other". The New York Observer. Retrieved 2009-05-12. 

External links[link]

Related pages:

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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Albert DeSalvo
Background information
Also known as Boston Strangler, The Green Man, The Measuring Man
Born September 3, 1931
Chelsea, Massachusetts
Died November 26, 1973
Cause of death Stabbing
Penalty Life in prison
Number of victims 13
Country United States
State(s) Boston, Massachusetts

The Boston Strangler is a name attributed to the murderer (or murderers) of several women in Boston, Massachusetts, United States, in the early 1960s. Though the crimes were attributed to Albert DeSalvo, investigators of the case have since suggested the murders (sometimes known as the silk stocking murders) were not committed by one person.



First Stage (1962)[link]

  • Anna E. Slesers, 55, sexually molested with unknown object and strangled with the cord on her bathrobe; found on June 14, 1962 in the third-floor apartment at 77 Gainsborough St., Back Bay (source: Boston Globe Archives)
  • Mary Mullen, 85, died from a heart attack, but in the confession was said to have collapsed as the strangler grabbed her; found on June 28, 1962
  • Nina Nichols, 68, sexually molested and strangled with her nylon stockings; found on June 30, 1962
  • Paula Lepro, 57, sexually molested with a table paddle and strangled with her nylon stockings; found on June 22, 1962 in her apartment in Stoughton, Mass.
  • Helen Blake, 65, sexually molested and strangled with her nylon stockings; found on June 30, 1962 in her apartment at 73 Newhall Street, Lynn, Mass.
  • Ida Irga, 75, sexually molested and strangled; found on August 21, 1962 at 7 Grove Street in Boston
  • Jane Sullivan, 67, sexually assaulted and strangled with her nylon stockings; found on August 30, 1962 at 435 Columbia Road, Dorchester

Second Stage (1962-1964)[link]

  • Sophie Clark, 20, sexually assaulted and strangled with her nylon stockings; found on December 5, 1962, Boston Back Bay
  • Patricia Bissette, 23, sexually assaulted and strangled with her nylon stockings; found on December 31, 1962, Boston Back Bay
  • Mary Brown, 69, stabbed, strangled and beaten, found on March 9, 1963 in Lawrence, Mass.
  • Beverly Samans, 23, stabbed to death on May 8, 1963 at 4 University Road in Cambridge, Mass.
  • Evelyn Corbin, 58, sexually assaulted and strangled with her nylon stockings; found on September 6, 1963 in Salem, Mass.
  • Joann Graff, 23, sexually assaulted and strangled on November 23, 1963 in Lawrence, Mass.
  • Mary Sullivan, 19, sexually assaulted and strangled with dark stockings; found on January 4, 1964


Between June 14, 1962 and January 4, 1964, 13 single women (between the ages of 19 and 85) were murdered in the Boston area. Most were sexually assaulted and strangled in their apartments. Without any sign of forced entry into their dwellings, the women were assumed to have either known their assailant or have voluntarily allowed them into their homes, believing them to be an apartment maintenance man, delivery man, or some other service man. Despite enormous media publicity that would presumably have discouraged women from admitting strangers into their homes after the first few murders, the attacks continued. The killings panicked and frightened many Boston-area young females, causing some to leave the area. Many residents purchased tear gas and new locks and deadbolts for home doors.[1]

The murders occurred in several cities, making overall jurisdiction over the crimes unclear. Massachusetts Attorney General Edward W. Brooke helped to coordinate the various police forces.[1][2] He controversially permitted psychometrist Peter Hurkos to use his alleged extrasensory perception to analyze the cases, for which Hurkos claimed a single person was responsible.[1] When Hurkos provided a "minutely detailed description of the wrong person," the press ridiculed Brooke.[2] While the police were not convinced that all the murders were the actions of one person, much of the public believed so; the connection between a majority of the victims and hospitals was widely discussed.[1]


Gainsborough Street, site of the first murder attributed to the Boston strangler.

On October 27, 1964, a stranger entered a young woman's home posing as a detective. He tied the victim to her bed, sexually assaulted her, and then suddenly left, saying "I'm sorry" as he went. The woman's description led police to identify the assailant as Albert DeSalvo. When his photo was published, many women identified him as the man who had assaulted them. Earlier on October 27, DeSalvo had posed as a motorist with car trouble and attempted to enter a home in Bridgewater, Massachusetts. The homeowner, future Brockton police chief Richard Sproules, became suspicious and eventually fired a shotgun at DeSalvo.

DeSalvo was not initially suspected of being involved with the stranglings. It was only after he was charged with rape that he gave a detailed confession of his activities as the Boston Strangler. He initially confessed to a fellow inmate, George Nassar. Nassar reported the confession to his attorney, F. Lee Bailey, who also took on DeSalvo's case. The police were impressed at the accuracy of DeSalvo's descriptions of the crime scenes. Though there were some inconsistencies, DeSalvo was able to cite details which had not been made public. However, there was no physical evidence to substantiate his confession. As such, he stood trial for earlier, unrelated crimes of robbery and sexual offenses in which he was known as The Green Man and The Measuring Man respectively. Bailey brought up the confession to the stranglings as part of his client's history at the trial in order to assist in gaining a 'not guilty by reason of insanity' verdict to the sexual offenses but it was ruled as inadmissible by the judge.

DeSalvo was sentenced to life in prison in 1967. In February of that year, he escaped with two fellow inmates (one of them a bank robber named George Harrison from Westford MA) from Bridgewater State Hospital, triggering a full scale manhunt. A note was found on his bunk addressed to the superintendent. In it DeSalvo stated that he had escaped to focus attention on the conditions in the hospital and his own situation. The next day he gave himself up. Following the escape he was transferred to the maximum security Walpole State Prison where, six years later, he was found stabbed to death in the infirmary. His killer or killers were never identified.


Doubts remain as to whether DeSalvo was the Boston Strangler. At the time he confessed, people who knew him personally did not believe him capable of the vicious crimes. It was also noted that the women killed by "The Strangler" came from different age and ethnic groups, and that there were different modi operandi.

DeSalvo's attorney Bailey believed that his client was the killer, describing the case in Defense Never Rests (1995).[1] Susan Kelly, author of the 1996 book The Boston Stranglers, accessed the files of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts "Strangler Bureau". She argues that the stranglings were the work of several killers rather than a single individual. Another author, former FBI profiler Robert Ressler, said that "You're putting together so many different patterns [regarding the Boston Strangler murders] that it's inconceivable behaviorally that all these could fit one individual."[3]

In 2000, Elaine Sharp, took up the cause of the DeSalvo family and that of the family of Mary Sullivan. Sullivan was publicized as being the final victim in 1964, although other stranglings occurred after that date. A former print journalist, Sharp assisted the families in their media campaign to clear DeSalvo's name, to assist in organizing and arranging the exhumations of Mary Sullivan and Albert H. DeSalvo, in filing various lawsuits in attempts to obtain information and trace evidence (e.g. DNA) from the government and to work with various producers to create documentaries to explain the facts to the public. Sharp pointed out various inconsistencies between DeSalvo's confessions and the crime scene information (which she obtained). For example, she observed that, contrary to DeSalvo's confession to Sullivan's murder, there was no semen in her vagina and that she was not strangled manually, but by ligature. Forensic pathologist Michael Baden observed that DeSalvo also got the time of death wrong — a common inconsistency with several of the murders pointed out by Susan Kelly. She continues to work on the case for the DeSalvo family.[4]

In the case of Mary Sullivan, murdered January 4, 1964 at age 19, DNA other forensic evidence were used by Casey Sherman to try to track down her presumed real killer. Sherman wrote about this in his book A Rose for Mary (2003), stated that DeSalvo was not responsible for her death. For example, DeSalvo confessed to sexually penetrating Sullivan, yet the forensic investigation revealed no evidence of sexual activity.

In popular culture[link]

  • The 1964 film, The Strangler was inspired by the (then unsolved) killings.[5]
  • The 1968 film The Boston Strangler starred Tony Curtis as Albert DeSalvo. Henry Fonda co-starred.
  • A 2008 film The Boston Strangler - The Untold Story, stars David Faustino as De Salvo.[6]
  • The Boston Strangler became a central figure in the second episode of TNT's Rizzoli & Isles starring Angie Harmon and Sasha Alexander; the episode was called "Boston Strangler Redux", featuring a new serial killer who killed women with the same names as the original Strangler's victims, and was eventually revealed to have been committed by one of the original detectives investigating the case attempting to 'frame' the man he believed to be the real Boston Strangler.
  • Jack Valenti, former head of the MPAA compared the VCR to the Boston Strangler, by saying they had a comparable effect on the American public to the Strangler's effect on women.
  • The Rolling Stones song "Midnight Rambler" is based on the story of the Boston Strangler.
  • The Standells' song "Dirty Water" is an ode to Boston and asks listeners "have you heard about the Strangler?"
  • The movie Art School Confidential was a fictional take on the Boston Strangler.
  • Albert DeSalvo's ghost was summoned to kill another ghost in an episode of American Gothic entitled Strangler
  • A waxwork of Albert DeSalvo featured in an episode of the British comedy series Psychoville. The waxwork (along with others of John George Haigh, John Christie and Jack the Ripper) comes to life in a fantasy sequence, trying to persuade the character David Sowerbutts to kill a man by strangling rather than methods suggested by the other waxworks. The others accused him of having several personalities, referencing the 1968 movie.



  • Bailey, F. Lee. The defense never rests. Stein and Day, 1971. 0-8128-1441-X
  • Junger, Sebastian. A Death in Belmont. Norton, W. W. & Company, Inc. April 2006. ISBN 0-393-05980-4.
  • Kelly, Susan. The Boston Stranglers: The Public Conviction of Albert Desalvo and the True Story of Eleven Shocking Murders. Citadel. October 1995. ISBN 1-55972-298-3.
  • Rogers, Alan. New England Remembers: The Boston Strangler. Commonwealth Editions. May 2006. ISBN 1-889833-52-5.
  • Sherman, Casey and Dick Lehr. A Rose for Mary: The Hunt for the Boston Strangler. Northeastern University Press. September 2003. ISBN 1-55553-578-X.

External links[link]

Related pages:Étrangleur de Boston Albert DeSalvo DeSalvo

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