- published: 04 Jun 2010
- views: 29819

T. REX (1 of 4) Back to the Cretaceous
"T. REX: Back to the Cretaceous" is a 1998 edu-tainment feature filmed for the IMAX 3D for...
published: 04 Jun 2010
T. REX (1 of 4) Back to the Cretaceous
"T. REX: Back to the Cretaceous" is a 1998 edu-tainment feature filmed for the IMAX 3D format that showcase the most popular dinosaur of all-time: TYRANNOSAURUS REX! Also starring Peter Horton (Dr. Donald Hayden), Liz Stauber (Ally Hayden), Tuck Milligan (Charles Knight) and Laurie Murdoch as Barnum Brown. The film is among the few IMAX films that are considered "pure entertainment" though it still is considered rather educational by the mainstream audience. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED! FOR EDUCATION, DISCUSSION & RESEARCH PURPOSES ONLY!!!
- published: 04 Jun 2010
- views: 29819

Cretaceous Carma
Cretaceous Carma - A short animated 3D film featuring a dinosaur trying to save his planet...
published: 16 Apr 2008
author: btdz
Cretaceous Carma
Cretaceous Carma - A short animated 3D film featuring a dinosaur trying to save his planet from impending doom. Thesis Project by Brandon Trudell.
- published: 16 Apr 2008
- views: 294865
- author: btdz

Late Cretaceous: The Last Age of Dinosaurs
A journey into the Late Cretaceous, the last age of dinosaurs. Featuring a dazzling, explo...
published: 31 Jan 2008
author: jurassicmarcmarc
Late Cretaceous: The Last Age of Dinosaurs
A journey into the Late Cretaceous, the last age of dinosaurs. Featuring a dazzling, explosive conclusion... Freshman Year - UCSC - History Of Dinosaurs class
- published: 31 Jan 2008
- views: 5213
- author: jurassicmarcmarc

T. REX (4 of 4) Back to the Cretaceous
"T. REX: Back to the Cretaceous" is a 1998 edu-tainment feature filmed for the IMAX 3D for...
published: 04 Jun 2010
T. REX (4 of 4) Back to the Cretaceous
"T. REX: Back to the Cretaceous" is a 1998 edu-tainment feature filmed for the IMAX 3D format that showcase the most popular dinosaur of all-time: TYRANNOSAURUS REX! Also starring Peter Horton (Dr. Donald Hayden), Liz Stauber (Ally Hayden), Tuck Milligan (Charles Knight) and Laurie Murdoch as Barnum Brown. The film is among the few IMAX films that are considered "pure entertainment" though it still is considered rather educational by the mainstream audience. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED!!!
- published: 04 Jun 2010
- views: 34656

Clash of the Dinosaurs - Perfect Predators - Cretaceous Stalkers
Clash of the Dinosaurs - Perfect Predators airs December 6th at 9pm E/P only on Discovery!...
published: 01 Dec 2009
author: DiscoveryNetworks
Clash of the Dinosaurs - Perfect Predators - Cretaceous Stalkers
Clash of the Dinosaurs - Perfect Predators airs December 6th at 9pm E/P only on Discovery! dsc.discovery.com Armed with superior speed, brainpower and razor sharp claws, Discovery introduces some of the most bloodthirsty stalkers of the Cretaceous period.
- published: 01 Dec 2009
- views: 101037
- author: DiscoveryNetworks

Adrift at sea in the Early Cretaceous - the Fort McMurray armoured dinosaur
Royal Tyrrell Museum Speaker Series 2012 Donald Henderson, Royal Tyrrell Museum Adrift at ...
published: 27 Jan 2012
author: RoyalTyrrellMuseum
Adrift at sea in the Early Cretaceous - the Fort McMurray armoured dinosaur
Royal Tyrrell Museum Speaker Series 2012 Donald Henderson, Royal Tyrrell Museum Adrift at sea in the Early Cretaceous -- the Fort McMurray armoured dinosaur
- published: 27 Jan 2012
- views: 2660
- author: RoyalTyrrellMuseum

'Cretaceous Chasm' - Music by Blotted Science
Music scored to the movie 'King Kong' (2005) NOTE: For those of you who want to view the v...
published: 17 Oct 2011
author: EclecticElectricTV
'Cretaceous Chasm' - Music by Blotted Science
Music scored to the movie 'King Kong' (2005) NOTE: For those of you who want to view the video to match up to 'Cretaceous Chasm' on big screen at home, here's how to sync it up: Pull up the 'King Kong' DVD and when the time code hits 1:53:32, start the Blotted Science recording of 'Cretaceous Chasm'. You'll know that it is perfectly synced if when the worm guy's face appears (at 1:53:36), it is EXACTLY when the heavy Low C note is hit. Buy music from: www.cdbaby.com itunes.apple.com www.amazon.com Buy merch from: www.indiemerch.com www.ronjarzombek.com
- published: 17 Oct 2011
- views: 110223
- author: EclecticElectricTV

Prehistoric Era: Cretaceous Documentary
The last documentary for the TQNYC site: Prehistoric Era Mesozoic. www.tqnyc.org...
published: 24 Sep 2008
author: Anthony Feliciano
Prehistoric Era: Cretaceous Documentary
The last documentary for the TQNYC site: Prehistoric Era Mesozoic. www.tqnyc.org
- published: 24 Sep 2008
- views: 19039
- author: Anthony Feliciano

MAIASAUR - the cretaceous period
DinosaurDays is an entertaining, visually stunning and challenging online and CD-based res...
published: 20 May 2011
author: Fiona Passantino
MAIASAUR - the cretaceous period
DinosaurDays is an entertaining, visually stunning and challenging online and CD-based resource that tells the story about the rise and fall of the dinosaurs. DinosaurDays is for children aged 7-11 and can be used at home or at school as a supplemental learning tool. DinosaurDays was designed especially for girls. For teachers and home teachers, there is an extensive curriculum, background material, printable pages and a users' guide. Go to www.dinosaurdays.com to see all movies.
- published: 20 May 2011
- views: 33635
- author: Fiona Passantino

Blotted Science - Cretaceous Chasm
From The Animation Of Entomology [EP] (2011)...
published: 08 Oct 2011
author: anoceanapart35
Blotted Science - Cretaceous Chasm
From The Animation Of Entomology [EP] (2011)
- published: 08 Oct 2011
- views: 21874
- author: anoceanapart35

Ron Jarzombek - 'Cretaceous Chasm' in 12-Tone Fragments
www.ronjarzombek.com Ron Jarzombek from Blotted Science gives a crash course on the 12 ton...
published: 27 Nov 2011
author: Ron Jarzombek
Ron Jarzombek - 'Cretaceous Chasm' in 12-Tone Fragments
www.ronjarzombek.com Ron Jarzombek from Blotted Science gives a crash course on the 12 tone system used to write the EP 'The Animation Of Entomology'. The video is also a glimpse of the material that will be presented in his upcoming DVD 'Dissecting Bugs.' Buy music from: www.cdbaby.com itunes.apple.com www.amazon.com Buy merch from: www.indiemerch.com www.ronjarzombek.com
- published: 27 Nov 2011
- views: 29645
- author: Ron Jarzombek

The Reticulated Python. survivor Cretaceous
--- English --- The name python comes from a mythical giant serpent in Greek mythology. Py...
published: 17 Jul 2008
author: marcelnad
The Reticulated Python. survivor Cretaceous
--- English --- The name python comes from a mythical giant serpent in Greek mythology. Pythons are primitive snakes that, like their close relatives the boas, still show signs of lizard ancestry. Pythons have traces of a pelvis and two tiny spurlike hind limbs, usually better developed in the male. They also have two functioning lungs, one large and one small—more advanced snakes have only a single lung. Pythons range from about 1 to 10 m (about 3 to 33 ft) long and can weigh up to 140 kg (about 300 lb). Female pythons tend to be larger than males. . Their jaws can have up to 200 backward curving teeth, designed to grip prey and prevent it from pulling away. The reticulated python of Southeast Asia is among the largest snakes, reaching a length of 10 m (33 ft). Pythons mainly ambush prey, using their forked tongues to detect odors. The tongue flicks in and out to collect airborne chemicals and passes over a special smelling organ, called Jacobson's organ, in the roof of the mouth. Like most snakes, pythons have relatively poor eyesight and limited hearing. Pythons kill by constriction, using a powerful muscular body to squeeze a victim to death. It was once thought that pythons and other constricting snakes primarily killed by suffocating prey, gradually tightening their grip to prevent an animal from breathing. Recent research, however, shows that the enormous pressure created by the coils of such snakes can also stop circulation and even stop the heart, quickly cutting ...
- published: 17 Jul 2008
- views: 23563
- author: marcelnad

BLOTTED SCIENCE - 'Cretaceous Chasm' in 12-Tone Fragments
www.ronjarzombek.com Ron Jarzombek from Blotted Science gives a crash course on the 12-ton...
published: 27 Nov 2011
author: EclecticElectricTV
BLOTTED SCIENCE - 'Cretaceous Chasm' in 12-Tone Fragments
www.ronjarzombek.com Ron Jarzombek from Blotted Science gives a crash course on the 12-tone system used to write the 'The Animation Of Entomology' EP. The video is also a glimpse of the material that will be presented in his upcoming 'Dissecting Bugs' instructional DVD. Buy music from: www.cdbaby.com itunes.apple.com www.amazon.com Buy merch from: www.indiemerch.com www.ronjarzombek.com
- published: 27 Nov 2011
- views: 35089
- author: EclecticElectricTV

Joe & Mac: Cretaceous Catastrophe - PART 1 - Game Grumps
Dinosaurs oh noooo Game Grumps are: Egoraptor: www.YouTube.com JonTron: www.YouTube.com...
published: 26 Oct 2012
author: GameGrumps
Joe & Mac: Cretaceous Catastrophe - PART 1 - Game Grumps
Dinosaurs oh noooo Game Grumps are: Egoraptor: www.YouTube.com JonTron: www.YouTube.com
- published: 26 Oct 2012
- views: 264472
- author: GameGrumps
Youtube results:

Diving Birds in the Prairies: Late Cretaceous Hesperornithiformes
Royal Tyrrell Museum Speaker Series 2012 Joe Sanchez, Royal Tyrrell Museum Diving Birds in...
published: 12 Apr 2012
author: RoyalTyrrellMuseum
Diving Birds in the Prairies: Late Cretaceous Hesperornithiformes
Royal Tyrrell Museum Speaker Series 2012 Joe Sanchez, Royal Tyrrell Museum Diving Birds in the Praries: Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) Hesperornithiformes (Aves) from the Pasquia Hills, Saskatchewan
- published: 12 Apr 2012
- views: 1228
- author: RoyalTyrrellMuseum

Air Giants: Launch, flight, and ecology of Cretaceous pterosaurs
Royal Tyrrell Museum Speaker Series 2012 Michael Habib, Chatham University, PA Air Giants:...
published: 13 Mar 2012
author: RoyalTyrrellMuseum
Air Giants: Launch, flight, and ecology of Cretaceous pterosaurs
Royal Tyrrell Museum Speaker Series 2012 Michael Habib, Chatham University, PA Air Giants: Launch, flight, and ecology of Cretaceous pterosaurs.
- published: 13 Mar 2012
- views: 999
- author: RoyalTyrrellMuseum

Cretaceous Footprint Found on Goddard Campus
Dinosaur tracker Ray Stanford describes the cretaceous-era nodosaur track he found on the ...
published: 21 Aug 2012
author: nvdktube
Cretaceous Footprint Found on Goddard Campus
Dinosaur tracker Ray Stanford describes the cretaceous-era nodosaur track he found on the Goddard Space Flight Center campus this year.
- published: 21 Aug 2012
- views: 7112
- author: nvdktube

Prehistoric Park Parasaurolophus Comeback (Back to Cretaceous)
LIKE on FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com In his penultimate mission, Nigel goes back to the Cret...
published: 26 Jun 2012
author: Prehistoric Park
Prehistoric Park Parasaurolophus Comeback (Back to Cretaceous)
LIKE on FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com In his penultimate mission, Nigel goes back to the Cretaceous period. His plan is to save Parasaurolophus (To refresh your memory: Nigel saved a herd of Parasaurolophus just before the fall of the meteor in his third rescue mission. Dinosaurs got used to life in the 21st century, but they had tick encephalitis and died before Nigels fifth rescue mission.). Because he loves hadrosaurids Nigel is determined to go back to Cretaceous and bring back Parasaurolophus and If he will have a chance even more dinosaurs. On his way he will discover a deadly virus and much more. First shown after infinity - BACK TO CRETACEOUS! Enjoy! Music Copyright: Daniel Pemberton (All rights for music goes to the owner)
- published: 26 Jun 2012
- views: 5629
- author: Prehistoric Park