- published: 31 Oct 2006
- views: 311009
- author: cheapfashion

http://www.cheapfashionexport.com BEAUTIES CATWALK
www.cheapfashionexport.com BEAUTIES CATWALK...
published: 31 Oct 2006
author: cheapfashion
http://www.cheapfashionexport.com BEAUTIES CATWALK
www.cheapfashionexport.com BEAUTIES CATWALK
- published: 31 Oct 2006
- views: 311009
- author: cheapfashion

PSY - GANGNAM STYLE (강남스타일) PARODY! KIM JONG STYLE! | Key of Awesome #63
Kim Jong Style! The best K-POP comes from North Korea! Watch the comments video: www.youtu...
published: 21 Sep 2012
author: barelypolitical
PSY - GANGNAM STYLE (강남스타일) PARODY! KIM JONG STYLE! | Key of Awesome #63
Kim Jong Style! The best K-POP comes from North Korea! Watch the comments video: www.youtube.com Watch Behind the Scenes: youtu.be Written by Todd Womack, Mark Douglas, and Bryan Olsen. Directed by Tom Small Check out our second Channel! bit.ly Subscribe to Awesome! bit.ly Subscribe to BarelyPolitical! www.youtube.com The Key of Awesome Website! www.thekeyofawesome.com KOA Facebook! http Mark's Channel: bit.ly twitter.com Todd's Channel: bit.ly www.twitter.com Viet Vo's Stuff: (Kim Jong Un) facebook.com/viet.vo.52 Andy Zou's Stuff: facebook.com/zoutron twitter.com/CyjackX www.AndyZou.com Camille Casanova's Stuff: twitter.com/BlackMambasa www.camillecasanova.com Caroline Caron Phelps' Stuff: pickledplum.net twitter.com/misspickledplum facebook.com/caroline.caronphelps Ryun Hobb's Stuff: www.facebook.com/RyunHHobbs www.twitter.com/RyunHobbs Music Produced by EMW www.youtube.com www.facebook.com www.twitter.com Get the songs on iTunes! itunes.apple.com Subscribe to the Newsletter of Awesome! eepurl.com TShirts! thekeyofawesome.spreadshirt.com Follow us on Twitter http twitter.com Write us a letter! The Key of Awesome PO Box 23 New York, NY 10113 LYRICS Oppan Kim Jong style Kim Jong Style!! I am kim jeong-un and I'm not here to amuse ya, No, not kim jeong-il sorry for the confusion. Everybody thinks South Korea makes the best K-pop. You know who does a better job? Do you? I'll give you a guess It's a country whose number one export is nuclear tests The national pastime of the ...
- published: 21 Sep 2012
- views: 21835748
- author: barelypolitical

Somebody That I Used To Know - WOTE Parody! Key of Awesome #55!
WOTE is getting tired of sharing one guitar! Watch the original WOTE cover song: www.youtu...
published: 08 Feb 2012
author: barelypolitical
Somebody That I Used To Know - WOTE Parody! Key of Awesome #55!
WOTE is getting tired of sharing one guitar! Watch the original WOTE cover song: www.youtube.com Watch the original original by Gotye www.youtube.com Watch the Behind the Awesome: www.youtube.com Check out our second Channel! www.youtube.com www.youtube.com Please Like, Favorite, and Subscribe! www.youtube.com The Key of Awesome Website! www.thekeyofawesome.com KOA Facebook! http Mark's stuff: youtube.com twitter.com Todd's Stuff youtube.com www.twitter.com Get the songs on iTunes! itunes.apple.com Subscribe to the Newsletter of Awesome! eepurl.com TShirts! thekeyofawesome.spreadshirt.com Follow us on Twitter http twitter.com Write us a letter! The Key of Awesome PO Box 23 New York, NY 10113 MARK Now and then we like to play one guitar together And that's convenient since we only have the one Tony sold our other instruments To pay some gangsters but he's still in debt And if they catch him he will surely be dismembered Tony is addicted to wide array of narcotics He claims they help him write but we're a cover band I'm not sure why we keep him in the band Maybe it's because he drives the van The rest of us can only drive an automatic TODD This used to just be my guitar Now Dave is banging on it like he's fucking Tito Puente We look sad because we're starved Tonight for dinner we're splitting a candy bar We are the poorest band in the world We have to act like we are camping, but we're really homeless I don't even own this voice We had to borrow it from Peter Gabriel Don't ...
- published: 08 Feb 2012
- views: 13667277
- author: barelypolitical

Xilent - Boss Wave (Official Video)
Xilent - Boss Wave is available now: bit.ly Become a fan of Xilent: www.facebook.com Follo...
published: 21 Jan 2013
author: UKFDubstep
Xilent - Boss Wave (Official Video)
Xilent - Boss Wave is available now: bit.ly Become a fan of Xilent: www.facebook.com Follow Xilent on Twitter: www.twitter.com Xilent - Boss Wave is available as a Beatport Exclusive now. Official Release: 4th February Released by Audioporn Records Catalogue No: APORN028 Become a fan of Audioporn: www.facebook.com Follow Audioporn on Twitter: twitter.com Director/Animaton/illustration/VFX/Art-direction: Kristofer Ström Director/Animaton/3D/VFX: Erik Buchholtz Director/Animaton/3D/VFX: Mikael Pettersén Producer: Tamsin Glasson - Colonel Blimp Producer: Bart Yates - Blinkink Camera: Nils Byrfors Game-music: Douglas Holmquist Additional comp: Martin Ottosson, Filippa Edghill Main Actor: Tobias Pettersson Extras: Maria, Mila, Camilla, David, Isis, Irina, Tage, Arthur, Tossa, Kristine, Ola, Ivor, Emma, Saorla, Lulach, Freja and Hilding. www.audiopornrecords.com http www.ukfmusic.com http www.twitter.com
- published: 21 Jan 2013
- views: 314158
- author: UKFDubstep

What Makes You Beautiful - One Direction Parody! Key of Awesome #57
One Direction Parody! See the original- www.youtube.com See Behind the Scenes- youtu.be Ch...
published: 21 Apr 2012
author: barelypolitical
What Makes You Beautiful - One Direction Parody! Key of Awesome #57
One Direction Parody! See the original- www.youtube.com See Behind the Scenes- youtu.be Check out our second Channel! bit.ly Subscribe to Awesome! bit.ly Written By Mark Douglas, Todd Womack, Bryan Olsen Directed by Tom Small Music by Doug Larsen Boy Band Members: Jason Michael Miller Monroe Robertson www.imdb.com Ryan Russell twitter.com Jan Uczkowski www.youtube.com www.facebook.com Travis Flores twitter.com www.facebook.com Subscribe to BarelyPolitical! www.youtube.com The Key of Awesome Website! www.thekeyofawesome.com KOA Facebook! http Mark's Channel: bit.ly twitter.com Todd's Channel: bit.ly www.twitter.com Get the songs on iTunes! itunes.apple.com Subscribe to the Newsletter of Awesome! eepurl.com TShirts! thekeyofawesome.spreadshirt.com Follow us on Twitter http twitter.com Write us a letter! The Key of Awesome PO Box 23 New York, NY 10113 LYRICS: Look at my face, so sweet and pure They let me sing even though I have a stu-u-uter We're hangin' tough We punch the air Cus like the honeybadger we don't f***ing caaaaaare This song was made by a gay computer We all sing high cus we're neutered Baby we make real bands go home and slit their wrists. We are the seventh sign of the apocalypse We running now cus we don't know what water is You don't know Oh oh You don't know we're terrible You thought that boy bands were dead, and gone, But just like cancer, and aids we're still going strong 10 million tween girls and old perverts can't be wrong. Let's all point and run ...
- published: 21 Apr 2012
- views: 25793361
- author: barelypolitical

Maroon 5 Payphone PARODY: Game of Thrones! Key Of Awesome #59
Adam Levine is quitting Maroon 5 because he can't stop watching Game of Thrones! See the o...
published: 03 Jun 2012
author: barelypolitical
Maroon 5 Payphone PARODY: Game of Thrones! Key Of Awesome #59
Adam Levine is quitting Maroon 5 because he can't stop watching Game of Thrones! See the original: www.youtube.com Check out our second Channel! bit.ly Subscribe to Awesome! bit.ly Subscribe to BarelyPolitical! www.youtube.com Subscribe to Awesome! www.youtube.com The Key of Awesome Website! www.thekeyofawesome.com KOA Facebook! http Mark's Channel: bit.ly twitter.com Todd's Channel: bit.ly www.twitter.com Music Produced by EMW www.youtube.com www.facebook.com www.twitter.com Get the songs on iTunes! itunes.apple.com Subscribe to the Newsletter of Awesome! eepurl.com TShirts! thekeyofawesome.spreadshirt.com Follow us on Twitter http twitter.com LYRICS: Watching Game of Thrones I haven't left home Told everyone that I had the flu It's an obsession I'm filled with depression cus it's the end of season two Now, my, friends all tell me that I've lost my grip on reality They tell me it's just a nerd show, but Dragons are real to me Some day those dragons will be grown Daenerys will be my queen and when we reclaim the throne you won't be allowed in our house Don't call me at nine On a Sunday Night I don't care who died I'm filling my mind with sword fights, and quests, horse lord, and incest. When Ned died I cried Watching Game of Thrones its like a black hole Wanna kill Joffrey with his own shoes Magical kingdoms with naked women and none of them have silicon boobs And If the seven kingdoms did exist I would drink and party with that imp Viserys had gold poured onto his head ...
- published: 03 Jun 2012
- views: 3661754
- author: barelypolitical

League of Legends Top 5 Flops - Episode 6 ft. Quantic Gaming, Curse Elementz, CLG DoubleLift - IPL
On League of Legends Top 5 Flops - Episode 6 we see screw-ups featuring Quantic Gaming, Cu...
published: 04 Jan 2013
author: IPLLoL
League of Legends Top 5 Flops - Episode 6 ft. Quantic Gaming, Curse Elementz, CLG DoubleLift - IPL
On League of Legends Top 5 Flops - Episode 6 we see screw-ups featuring Quantic Gaming, Curse Elementz, and CLG DoubleLift. Major thanks to Cristina Vee for the voice-over of Riven and rejecting AJ. Check her out: @CristinaVee CristinaVee.com http ign.com ign.com ign.com twitter.com facebook.com www.youtube.com youtube.com youtube.com youtube.com twitch.tv twitch.tv www.twitch.tv
- published: 04 Jan 2013
- views: 53599
- author: IPLLoL

Moses vs Santa Claus. Epic Rap Battles of History Season 2
Download This Song: bit.ly Tweet this Vid-ee-oh! clicktotweet.com ERB Merch: bit.ly Facebo...
published: 10 Dec 2012
author: ERB
Moses vs Santa Claus. Epic Rap Battles of History Season 2
Download This Song: bit.ly Tweet this Vid-ee-oh! clicktotweet.com ERB Merch: bit.ly Facebook.com epicrapbattlesofhistory.com Hi. My name is Nice Peter, and this is EpicLLOYD, and this is the Epic Rap Battles of History, Season 2. We want to take a second and send out a huge thank you to our special guest Snoop Lion. We've been fans for years and it was pretty amazing to get the chance to work with one of our heroes. Thanks again to the whole Snoop camp! As always, these videos could not be possible without your suggestions, your subscription, and the help of a lot of awesome people. CAST Moses Snoop Dogg AKA Snoop Lion www.youtube.com www.facebook.com twitter.com Santa Claus: Nice Peter www.youtube.com facebook.com Elves: EpicLLOYD www.youtube.com www.facebook.com Moses' Honeys: Elena Diaz and Monica Weitzel CREW Directed by Dave McCary www.youtube.com Written by: NicePeter, EpicLLOYD, Dante Cimadamore, MC Mr. Napkins, Mike Betette , and Snoop. Beat Produced by: Ed Cayce of the Hollowz check out more beats by Ed here: bit.ly Song Produced by: Nice Peter and Choco Mixed by: Choco and Nice Peter www.1200warriors.com Compositing and Background Design by Sean Barrett http Edited by Dave McCary, Andrew Sherman and Nice Peter Assistant Editor: Ryan Moulton www.youtube.com Assistant Editor: Marc Chester www.youtube.com Director of Photography: Jon Na Gaffer: Arthur Hong Music Supervisor and Playback: Dante Cimadamore www.youtube.com Costume Design (Lead): Sulai Lopez youtube.com ...
- published: 10 Dec 2012
- views: 26084711
- author: ERB

Kollegah & Farid Bang - Stiernackenkommando (Official HD Video)
JBG2 (inkl. DVD) jetzt vorbestellen!: amzn.to JBG2 (iTunes Edition) vorbestellen: itunes.a...
published: 20 Jan 2013
author: SelfmadeRecords
Kollegah & Farid Bang - Stiernackenkommando (Official HD Video)
JBG2 (inkl. DVD) jetzt vorbestellen!: amzn.to JBG2 (iTunes Edition) vorbestellen: itunes.apple.com Pusher Apparel: www.pusher-apparel.com - http "Stiernackenkommando" bei iTunes vorbestellen: itunes.apple.com Fan werden!: www.facebook.com / www.facebook.com JBG-Merchandise: www.selfmade-records-shop.de Tourtickets www.eventim.de Beat: M3: www.facebook.com Mix: Kingsize - www.facebook.com Master: Chris Gehringer - www.sterling-sound.com Aufgenommen in den Homeboy Studios, Düsseldorf - http Video: Nazar Films - www.facebook.com
- published: 20 Jan 2013
- views: 1014031
- author: SelfmadeRecords

Kollegah & Farid Bang - Du kennst den Westen (Official HD Video)
JBG2 (inkl. DVD) jetzt vorbestellen!: amzn.to JBG2 (iTunes Edition) vorbestellen: itunes.a...
published: 09 Jan 2013
author: SelfmadeRecords
Kollegah & Farid Bang - Du kennst den Westen (Official HD Video)
JBG2 (inkl. DVD) jetzt vorbestellen!: amzn.to JBG2 (iTunes Edition) vorbestellen: itunes.apple.com Pusher Apparel: www.pusher-apparel.com - http "Du kennst den Westen" bei iTunes kaufen: itunes.apple.com Fan werden!: www.facebook.com / www.facebook.com JBG-Merchandise: www.selfmade-records-shop.de Tourtickets www.eventim.de Beat: Brisk Fingaz & Chrizmatic - www.facebook.com Mix: Kingsize - www.facebook.com Master: Chris Gehringer - www.sterling-sound.com Aufgenommen in den Homeboy Studios, Düsseldorf - http Video: Nazar Films - www.facebook.com
- published: 09 Jan 2013
- views: 2723741
- author: SelfmadeRecords

GTA 5 - Trailer 2
Grand Theft Auto V Official Trailer #2 with subtitles (English, Français, Deutsch, Italian...
published: 14 Nov 2012
author: GTASeriesVideos
GTA 5 - Trailer 2
Grand Theft Auto V Official Trailer #2 with subtitles (English, Français, Deutsch, Italiano & Español - Click on the Closed Captions "CC" Button) Watch the Trailer Analysis: www.youtube.com Follow the GTA V Show for more news: www.youtube.com The second official trailer for Grand Theft Auto V. Music: Skeletons (by Stevie Wonder) Made by: Rockstar Games & Rockstar North For more, visit: ● www.gta-series.com ● http ● www.gtaseriesvideos.com
- published: 14 Nov 2012
- views: 1698886
- author: GTASeriesVideos

Subscribe for new compilations every Friday! - www.youtube.com facebook.com - The best vid...
published: 18 Oct 2011
author: failarmy
Subscribe for new compilations every Friday! - www.youtube.com facebook.com - The best videos on Facebook! Submit your videos: failarmy.com Download the song from the video on iTunes! "The Signal" by Bertycox http Credits: World First BMX Triple Backflip - Jed Mildon May 28, 2011 Michal...
- published: 18 Oct 2011
- views: 55409592
- author: failarmy

Offizieller Videoclip zu BILDER IM KOPF von Sido. „Bilder im Kopf" für 99 Cent bei iTunes:...
published: 12 Dec 2012
author: aggroTV
Offizieller Videoclip zu BILDER IM KOPF von Sido. „Bilder im Kopf" für 99 Cent bei iTunes: bitly.com Bilder im Kopf gehört zu den 6 Exklusiv-Tracks der Sido´s Best of: BESTE - VÖ: 14.12.2012 Jetzt kaufen: STANDARD VERSION: amzn.to LIMITED VERSION: amzn.to ITUNES: itunes.apple.com SIDO: www.sido.de http twitter.com AGGRO.TV: www.aggro.tv http www.tiny.cc www.twitter.com AGGRO SHOP: www.downstairs.com AGGROTV APP: aggro.tv Exklusiv auf AGGRO.TV
- published: 12 Dec 2012
- views: 7205005
- author: aggroTV

Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn - Part 1 (Live-action Halo Series)
Hastati Squad, the newest batch of freshman cadets at the UNSC's Corbulo Academy of Milita...
published: 05 Oct 2012
author: MachinimaPrime
Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn - Part 1 (Live-action Halo Series)
Hastati Squad, the newest batch of freshman cadets at the UNSC's Corbulo Academy of Military Science, pays the price for cadet Thomas Lasky's tactics. To learn more about Halo 4 and how to pre-order your copy today, please visit www.halo4.com http Subscribe to Machinima Prime for the best of Machinima's new shows! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Thomas Lasky came to Corbulo Academy of Military Science with his mother and brother's impressive military careers hanging over his head. Haunted by ghosts from his past, he has serious doubts about the war he's expected to fight. As fellow cadet Chyler Silva tries to help him find his place at the academy, tensions with other squad members approach the breaking point. To see the full list of credits for Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn, please visit www.microsoft.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FOR MACHINIMA'S BEST HIGH QUALITY SERIES, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE MMO & RPG GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE COMPETITIVE GAMING, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE ANIMATIONS & SHORTS, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE TRAILERS, GO TO: www.youtube.com
- published: 05 Oct 2012
- views: 10949865
- author: MachinimaPrime
Youtube results:

Mighty Car Mods - Budget Street Cred (Season Finale)
In this TV length Season finale, the Mighty Car Mods boys buy a new car and attempt a budg...
published: 12 Dec 2012
author: mightycarmods
Mighty Car Mods - Budget Street Cred (Season Finale)
In this TV length Season finale, the Mighty Car Mods boys buy a new car and attempt a budget makeover to give it some much needed street cred. But will they finish it in time for a big car meet on the weekend, and will people love or hate their "unique" modifications? Please check out the links and info in description below. New Stickers as featured in this video are available here: www.mightycarmods.com Grab the brand new song "GAME ON" by MOOG featured in this episode here: itunes.apple.com Non-iTunes version of the song available as a direct download here: www.mightycarmods.com Vocals in the track are performed by the talented Jon Elms from WHITECITYLIGHT www.facebook.com Stickers, DVDs, Lanyards, Music CDs, BluRays and MCM Magazine all available here on the MCM Shop shop.mightycarmods.com Discuss this video and interact with Marty & Moog, and with other fans on the MCM Forum here: forums.mightycarmods.com
- published: 12 Dec 2012
- views: 384837
- author: mightycarmods

Eminem - Without Me (MattyBRaps Cover)
HELP ME SEND THIS TO EMINEM! goo.gl Hi BBoys and BGirls! Thanks for watching my version of...
published: 04 Jan 2013
author: MattyBRaps
Eminem - Without Me (MattyBRaps Cover)
HELP ME SEND THIS TO EMINEM! goo.gl Hi BBoys and BGirls! Thanks for watching my version of Eminem's classic, "Without Me!" I love making music and I always want my songs to mean something so this one was the perfect fit for me after I made it MattyB style! I've been having a BLAST over the Holidays with my friends and fam so I wanted to make a really fun music video that was cool and had a tight rap! If you like this vid and want to help spread the word, it's easy! Just LIKE, FAVORITE, COMMENT and SHARE this video with your friends on Facebook and Twitter! (or just click here: goo.gl If enough people send this video to Eminem and he likes it... well... I don't even know. That would be off the gnarly scale! Click Here to check out my "Shake the Haters Off!" T-Shirt! mattyb.spreadshirt.com Special thanks to Jon Guven and Julio Jones who showed up unexpectedly to hang out and be in the vid! It was REALLY cool meeting a Falcons player! #GoFalcons! Also, thanks to Kidd Luke and Tay for playing the role of "haters!" Don't worry BBoys and BGirls, they are cool in real life! Check out Julio on Twitter http You can check out Jon Guven on Twitter twitter.com guvensfinejewelry.com Check out DJ Kidd Luke at http Keep following your dreams! OFFICIAL MATTYB LINKS MattyB Gear Store MattyB.Spreadshirt.com Main Channel http Vlog Channel www.YouTube.com Twitter www.Twitter.com Facebook www.Facebook.com Instagram statigr.am Lyrics Two haters I know go round the outside, Round the outside ...
- published: 04 Jan 2013
- views: 685297
- author: MattyBRaps

★ SWTOR PvP - Cromar and Hengest in Double Trouble #1 - WAY➚
Cromar and Hengest destroy the Empire as a Vanguard and Jedi Guardian in Huttball and Void...
published: 17 Jan 2012
author: TGN
★ SWTOR PvP - Cromar and Hengest in Double Trouble #1 - WAY➚
Cromar and Hengest destroy the Empire as a Vanguard and Jedi Guardian in Huttball and Void Star. See the *full* show! ★ tgn.tv ★ WAY What is WAY? - See way.tgn.tv Join the conversation at http Follow My Facebook www.facebook.com Tell us what you think in the comments below. Click "Like" and "Add to... Favorites" if you like this video! =-=-=-= ★ TGN Social tgn.tv ★ What is TGN? http ★ TGN Times news.tgn.tv ★ TGN on Facebook http ★ TGN on Twitter twitter.com ★ We Are YouTube - WAY! way.tgn.tv Star Wars The Old Republic [SWTOR] [TOR] - News, Updates, Guides, PvP, Strategy, Development, Commentary, Gameplay and More!
- published: 17 Jan 2012
- views: 51522
- author: TGN

Rewind YouTube Style 2012
We invited some YouTubers to star in a mash-up of culturally defining moments of 2012. Can...
published: 18 Dec 2012
author: YouTube
Rewind YouTube Style 2012
We invited some YouTubers to star in a mash-up of culturally defining moments of 2012. Can you spot all the references? WATCH THE TOP VIDEOS OF 2012: youtube.com SUBSCRIBE TO youtube.com Can you name all the YouTube stars in the video? Watch carefully and you might even find a few surprises... (Hint: try moving your mouse around in the player!). STARRING PSY - youtube.com Walk off the Earth - youtube.com RyanHiga - youtube.com AlphaCat - youtube.com KassemG - youtube.com DailyGrace - youtube.com MysteryGuitarMan - youtube.com DaveDays - youtube.com DeStorm - youtube.com PyroBooby - youtube.com BarelyPolitical - youtube.com RealAnnoyingOrange - youtube.com FreddieW - youtube.com CorridorDigital - youtube.com RhettAndLink - youtube.com Smosh - youtube.com FeliciaDay - youtube.com ChesterSee - youtube.com iJustine - youtube.com EpicMealTime - youtube.com MyHarto - youtube.com JennaMarbles - youtube.com ShitGirlsSay - youtube.com JuicyStar07 - youtube.com GloZell - youtube.com ClevverTV - youtube.com SmoshGames - youtube.com HuskyStarcraft - youtube.com TarynSouthern - youtube.com EdBassmaster - youtube.com HeyKayli - youtube.com CaseyLavere - youtube.com and more... Directed by Peter Furia Produced by Peter Furia and Beau Lewis | Director of Photography: Catherine Goldschmidt | Edited by Peter Furia and David Fine | A Seedwell Production | Full credits at seedwell.com
- published: 18 Dec 2012
- views: 87491086
- author: YouTube