- published: 06 Apr 2012
- views: 7119
* John Hus, scholar German clergyman, lived one hundred years before Martinho Lutero and t...
published: 06 Apr 2012
* John Hus, scholar German clergyman, lived one hundred years before Martinho Lutero and the protestant reform. It was convinced the necessity to present the Bible in the language of the people, believed that salvation only comes for the faith in Jesus Christ and that the Bible is only the Word of God. Hus openly taught this in the University of Plague and to its church, and alerted for the abuses of the Christianity of its generation. Instead of the mass in Latin, Hus introduced some changes as the cântico of hymns for the people, and thus it provoked the anger of the hierarchy of the church. It knows the challenging history of a courageous man, motivated for the devotion and faith in Jesus, exactly ahead of persecutions. Defendant. Condemned prisoner and to the death in the fogueira, an innovator, mártir. *
- published: 06 Apr 2012
- views: 7119
Truth Prevails: The Undying Faith of Jan Hus
Get the whole video at www.puritanpicks.com Almost 600 years ago, a humble peasant stood a...
published: 07 Jun 2009
author: puritanpicks
Truth Prevails: The Undying Faith of Jan Hus
Get the whole video at www.puritanpicks.com Almost 600 years ago, a humble peasant stood alone against pope, emperor and king. He could either deny the truth he believed with all his heart, or he could die at the stake. Today Jan Hus is little known outside of his native Czech Republic, but in his day he challenged corrupt church officials and inspired thousands to live for truth. In an age when Europe was divided between three popes, when pestilence claimed one in three lives and church offices were available to the highest bidder, Hus defied the earthly authorities to seek truth directly from the Word of God. Truth Prevails , a quote from Hus himself, is an hour-long documentary from The Christian History Institute and award-winning filmmakers Jerry and Misha Griffith. Using location footage, interviews with prominent historians and period artwork, this film follow the struggles of Jan Hus and the efforts of modern scholars which ultimately led Pope John Paul II to apologize for the Church's actions. Truth Prevails is more than just a look at an amazing life in a turbulent time. It is also a thought-provoking examination of many difficult issues facing anyone living in any time: When should we stand our ground and when should we back down? Which issues are worth dying for? How should we speak out against what we know is wrong? And ultimately, when should we ask for and offer forgiveness?
- published: 07 Jun 2009
- views: 2254
- author: puritanpicks
JAN ŽIŽKA (1955) - The First Prague Defenestration
en.wikipedia.org 1419: The atmosphere in Prague after Hus' death is very tense. Several re...
published: 26 Dec 2007
author: centrum99
JAN ŽIŽKA (1955) - The First Prague Defenestration
en.wikipedia.org 1419: The atmosphere in Prague after Hus' death is very tense. Several rebels are prisoned and radical priest Jan Želivský leads large masses of people to the New Town's council house occupied by hatred councillors, where the prisoners are kept. The councillors refuse demands lodged by Želivský and several people are killed by stones thrown from windows. This act provokes ennoyance and leads to an overt uprising: the gate of the council house is broken and the councillors are thrown out of windows and killed (the so-called First Prague defenestration). When the king hears about this event, he is enormously upset and dies of heart failure. NOTE: The video (and many others) can be ordered from www.bontonland.cz (Email: info@bontonland.cz)
- published: 26 Dec 2007
- views: 60663
- author: centrum99
Reformation Overview John Hus 2a
John Hus was another one of those morning stars of the Reformation. He clearly saw that th...
published: 15 Mar 2010
author: IDH77
Reformation Overview John Hus 2a
John Hus was another one of those morning stars of the Reformation. He clearly saw that the Scriptures were supposed to be one and only true foundation of the Christian faith. He was betrayed by Pope and Emperor and suffered a true Martyr's death for the gospel of Jesus Christ. His learning of the Scriptures was cut short by a corrupt religious system that brooked no opposition to its political power. He died singing.
- published: 15 Mar 2010
- views: 2565
- author: IDH77
Biography John Huss
The flames were now applied to the fagots, when our martyr sung a hymn with so loud and ch...
published: 14 Nov 2011
author: TheWhispersoflove
Biography John Huss
The flames were now applied to the fagots, when our martyr sung a hymn with so loud and cheerful a voice that he was heard through all the cracklings of the combustibles, and the noise of the multitude. At length his voice was interrupted by the severity of the flames, which soon closed his existence. Then, with great diligence, gathering the ashes together, they cast them into the river Rhine, that the least remnant of that man should not be left upon the earth, whose memory, notwithstanding, cannot be abolished out of the minds of the godly, neither by fire, neither by water, neither by any kind of torment. ~Fox's Book of Martyr's
- published: 14 Nov 2011
- views: 5485
- author: TheWhispersoflove
Jan Hus The 15th Century Czech Reformer (Part 1 of 2)
This is a short film, in which I play Jan (John) Hus in prison. My desire is to bring reve...
published: 13 May 2010
author: NeilBenFowler
Jan Hus The 15th Century Czech Reformer (Part 1 of 2)
This is a short film, in which I play Jan (John) Hus in prison. My desire is to bring revelation into the heart and passion of a reformer who stood, even unto death, for truth.
- published: 13 May 2010
- views: 6379
- author: NeilBenFowler
Jan Hus at the Council of Constance
Preview of the Czech film "Jan Hus" (1954) by director Otakar Vavra. To put an end to the ...
published: 02 Oct 2010
author: ZellMarek
Jan Hus at the Council of Constance
Preview of the Czech film "Jan Hus" (1954) by director Otakar Vavra. To put an end to the papal schism and to take up the long desired reform of the Church, a general council was convened for 1 November 1414, at Konstanz (Constance). Sigismund of Hungary, brother of Wenceslaus, and heir to the Bohemian crown, was anxious to put an end to religious dissension within the church; Hus likewise was willing to make an end of all dissensions and agreed to go to Constance, under Sigismund's promise of safe passage. Jan Hus has become a puppet of high politics and thus the most important person on the council. In order to prevent collapse and the failure of the council offered the Emperor Sigismund of Jan Hus and threw his ecclesiastical court, which declared him a heretic, convicted and burned in 6. July 1415.
- published: 02 Oct 2010
- views: 8246
- author: ZellMarek
Jan Hus
"Jan Hus" juntamente com "Jan Ziska" e "Proti Vsem" compoem a épica trilogia de Otakar Vav...
published: 07 May 2011
author: Sedeug Asuos Notliar
Jan Hus
"Jan Hus" juntamente com "Jan Ziska" e "Proti Vsem" compoem a épica trilogia de Otakar Vavra que foca a vida ea morte do padre/revolucionário Jan Hus ea Revolução Hussita (1419-1437). O ator Zdenek Stepanek interpreta tanto o pregador intelectual Jan Hus como o implacável General Jan Zizka, duas personalidades históricas que ocupam um lugar especial na identidade tcheca. Hus é venerado pela coerência de suas convicções, já o legado de Zizka é mais controvertido pela natureza violenta do levante que ele conduziu. Jan Zizka e seus seguidores hussitas foram os primeiros guerreiros na história cavaleiros armados com pistolas e ferramentas agrícolas. O filme "Jan Zizka" retrata as estratégias de guerra que permitiu o estabelecimento de um regime de comunismo de produção durante período de quase 20 anos pelas principais cidades da Bohemia. Esta complexa peça de história, raramente discutida fora da República Tcheca, mostra uma vertente libertária cristã, muitas vezes descarada e propositalmente boicotada por professores, padres católicos, pastores protestantes, e até mesmo por alguns marxistas e anarquistas. O filme lembra um pouco Sergei Eisenstein, mas é bem mais complexo que "Nevsky," e bem mais fiel aos fatos históricos. Enfim, "Jan Zizka" aborda um momento revolucionário quase que desconhecido pelos libertários em geral, mas não menos importante que a Revolução Espanhola, a Revolta dos Cravos em Portugal, os primeiros anos da Revolução Russa. A Trilogia Hussita é no mínimo ...
- published: 07 May 2011
- views: 31698
- author: Sedeug Asuos Notliar
Reformation Overview John Hus 2b
John Hus was another one of those morning stars of the Reformation. He clearly saw that th...
published: 15 Mar 2010
author: IDH77
Reformation Overview John Hus 2b
John Hus was another one of those morning stars of the Reformation. He clearly saw that the Scriptures were supposed to be one and only true foundation of the Christian faith. He was betrayed by Pope and Emperor and suffered a true Martyr's death for the gospel of Jesus Christ. His learning of the Scriptures was cut short by a corrupt religious system that brooked no opposition to its political power. He died singing.
- published: 15 Mar 2010
- views: 1673
- author: IDH77
Monkey Business - We Feel Better Than Jan Hus
Music video by Monkey Business performing We Feel Better Than Jan Hus. (C) 2003 Sony Music...
published: 15 Nov 2009
author: monkeybusinessczVEVO
Monkey Business - We Feel Better Than Jan Hus
Music video by Monkey Business performing We Feel Better Than Jan Hus. (C) 2003 Sony Music / Bonton
- published: 15 Nov 2009
- views: 15985
- author: monkeybusinessczVEVO
John Huss
John Hus...
published: 06 Jan 2009
author: Eshoradeserreal
John Huss
John Hus
- published: 06 Jan 2009
- views: 16542
- author: Eshoradeserreal
Vimeo results:
Dokumentarni film...
published: 12 Dec 2009
author: ИН студио
Dokumentarni film
Radjanje slobode - Jan Hus
Ostvarenje slobode coveka da misli svojom glavom bez obzira sto ce zbog svoje slobodoumnos...
published: 11 Oct 2010
author: Prosvetiteljstvo
Radjanje slobode - Jan Hus
Ostvarenje slobode coveka da misli svojom glavom bez obzira sto ce zbog svoje slobodoumnosti da ugrozi i mozda cak izgubi svoj zivot jeste ono sto je izvuklo civilizaciju Zapada iz tame srednjeg veka. Pobeda nad jednoumljem i totalitarizmom srednjeg veka, radjanje slobode i civilizacije novog veka jeste tema video priloga - Radjanje slobode - Jan Hus.
Radjanje slobode - Jan Hus
Hrabrost čoveka da slobodno misli svojom glavom bez obzira sto će zbog svoje slobodoumnost...
published: 11 Dec 2009
author: Misha Bogic
Radjanje slobode - Jan Hus
Hrabrost čoveka da slobodno misli svojom glavom bez obzira sto će zbog svoje slobodoumnosti da ugrozi i možda cak izgubi svoj zivot jeste odlika onih prosvećenih ljudi koji su izvukli civilizaciju Zapada iz tame srednjeg veka.
Pobeda nad jednoumljem i totalitarizmom srednjeg veka, radjanje slobode i civilizacije novog veka jeste tema kratkog dokumentarnog filma - Radjanje slobode - Jan Hus.
Youtube results:
Execution of Master John Hus at 6.7.1415
A student movie from year 2006, it´sa silent movie. I wanted to bring back atmoshere of tg...
published: 01 Dec 2007
author: MikHavel
Execution of Master John Hus at 6.7.1415
A student movie from year 2006, it´sa silent movie. I wanted to bring back atmoshere of tge old times with Charlie Chaplin or Laurel and Hardy. Enjoy!
- published: 01 Dec 2007
- views: 8883
- author: MikHavel
Jan Hus Memorial in Old Town Prague, Czech Republic
The video is of Old Town Square in Prague, Czech Republic and the importance of the Jan Hu...
published: 18 Sep 2008
author: DeanStoverGateWay
Jan Hus Memorial in Old Town Prague, Czech Republic
The video is of Old Town Square in Prague, Czech Republic and the importance of the Jan Hus Memorial.
- published: 18 Sep 2008
- views: 6118
- author: DeanStoverGateWay
Jan Hus
published: 03 May 2012
author: Tomasz Polasik
Jan Hus
- published: 03 May 2012
- views: 502
- author: Tomasz Polasik