Organise organising guides

Libcom's organising toolkit - guides to organising at work, in your local area and more.

  • Workplace organising guide - Tips and advice guides for organising in your workplace.
  • Community organising guide - Information, guides and tips on organising around issues which affect you and other people living in your local area.
  • Housing guide - Advice on taking action to house yourself cheaply and know your rights
  • Demonstrations and law enforcement guide - advice on organising and participating in demonstrations and direct action safely and effectively, as well as dealing with law-enforcement agencies and possible imprisonment.
  • Media and publicity guide - How to get the word out about your group or campaign? There are two main approaches, which should both be used: using the mainstream and corporate media, and building your own independent media. This page contains advice on both.
  • General organising guide - Basic information on running a political or campaign group democratically.
  • Personal guides - Some advice on dealing with personal issues such as bailiffs, debt and crime.
  • Comments

    Feb 21 2009 22:45

    This is great information.

    Aug 12 2009 19:35

    Wow! Wonderful! smile

    Mar 11 2012 23:57

    Great information, thank you! I'm passing it on!

    Oct 6 2012 03:13

    Excellent site! A ton of very critical and helpful information. Thanks for making it available.

    Nov 17 2012 19:19

    These are wonderful. One should also be written regarding how to organize a university, or a faculty even.