
Danny here.
The podcast is over. Podcasting is really not our thing anymore. It's hard to explain, but we used to have a internal drive and passion to do the podcast... but that has faded. If it's no longer fun for us, we're not going to do a good job anyway. I don't want to further embarrass myself. I can't afford to host it and I don't feel like maintaining it. If you're pissed off at us, go ahead and talk smack on forums or something. You can also email and I'll respond. Mikyle might as well, who knows. You'll either have to be nice or really, really mean. Try both.

Anyway... if you wanna keep up with our current goings on you can still hear me on the Apologia podcast, hosted by Dr. Zach Moore.
Here is a link to my personal blog, featuring mostly things to do with music:
And Mikyle's political and social commentary blog: