New Internationalist

Practising peace in Afghanistan

Beth Tichborne speaks to Faiz Ahmed, a peace volunteer in Kabul who is helping to set up a unique multi-ethnic community.

A tribute to Aaron Swartz

The death of the internet activist is a loss to all those fighting for freedom says Mari Marcel Thekaekara.

London tar sands protest backs Idle No More

A First Nations activist will join the UK Tar Sands Network as they hand over a petition to the Canadian government.

A counterfeit life in a Philippines slum

Informal dwellers are struggling to survive in Metro Manila, says Iris Gonzales.

Why I joined the second Battle of Hastings

Tom Druitt is one of the activists defending East Sussex’s Combe Valley, and Britain’s pollution levels, from a major road development.

‘Grow Heathrow’ could change housing law

A win for the community garden could see private landlords held to account under the European Convention of Human Rights. Michael Pooler reports.

The unequal state of the world

Billionaires bounce back, soup kitchen queues grow in Athens: State of the World Atlas author Dan Smith explores our current paradoxes.

Which is the world’s worst company?

The Public Eye Awards are back to highlight the companies with the worst record in human rights and the environment. Amy Hall explains why.

The State of the World

Today is publication day for the new edition of The State of the World Atlas. Author Dan Smith tells us about it.

Britain has gone to war – and the poor are in the firing line

The benefit cap is another example of how we are letting the feral rich destroy society says Vanessa Baird.

Another gun, another death, another unhappy new year

It’s not just in the US that gun control laws are failing the people. Iris Gonzales reports from the Philippines on the tragic death of a seven-year-old.

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