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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

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UPDATE - 08:05 PM
Close GET to new participants, legislators’ advisory panel urges
A legislative committee will recommend that the state phase out its prepaid college-tuition program after this year because it is seriously underfunded. Tue, 1/15
UPDATE - 8:30 PM
Sacramento mayor says NBA will allow counter offer for Kings
Kevin Johnson optimistic of keeping Kings in Sacramento instead of moving to Seattle. Tue, 1/15
NEW - 08:13 PM
Boycotted test finds smart kids
Enrollment has soared in Seattle schools’ advanced-learning programs, due in part to a standardized test some teachers are boycotting.  Tue, 1/15
Edmonds officer in sex case resigns
An Edmonds police officer facing criminal prosecution for allegedly having sex with a woman he detained quits the department. Tue, 1/15
NEW - 08:21 PM
Gregoire reflects on ‘good times and bad’ in final speech
Outgoing Gov. Chris Gregoire mostly stayed away from specific policy recommendations during her final State of the State address Tuesday. Tue, 1/15
UPDATE - 07:29 PM
Harrell joins mayor’s race, calls McGinn’s style ineffective
Seattle City Councilmember Bruce Harrell has announced he will enter the crowded mayor’s race, saying Mayor Mike McGinn’s leadership is “ineffective.” Tue, 1/15
UPDATE - 08:07 PM
McKenna Obamacare gesture draws attention
Rob McKenna drew attention Tuesday for appearing to signal support for President Obama’s health-care overhaul during a speech by departing Gov. Chris Gregoire. McKenna, the outgoing attorney general, joined a lawsuit to overturn the law. Tue, 1/15
Sacramento fans sour on once-revered owners of Kings
If Seattle lands the Sacramento Kings, the city will be the beneficiary of the colorful and controversial Maloof family that, in Sacramento, has met with a reversal of fortune, committing public-relations blunders and rupturing the trust of the community and the team's fans. Tue, 1/15

UPDATE - 07:50 PM
Tag reveals winter movements of Puget Sound orcas
Biologists are gaining new information about the winter movements of endangered Puget Sound killer whales by tracking the daily activities of one orca by a satellite tag. Tue, 1/15
NEW - 07:52 PM
Woodinville uncle of Sandy Hook victim seeks changes to protect children
One month after the deadly Connecticut school shooting, Woodinville relatives of one of the victims sent a list of recommendations to the White House. Tue, 1/15
32-year sentence for beating of Wash. prison guard
A man who beat a federal prison guard with a pipe has been sentenced to 32 years in prison. Tue, 1/15
NEW - 06:39 PM
3 Democrats vie for vacant County Council seat
A lawyer, a state representative and a Shoreline City Council member are finalists for an appointment to a vacant North Seattle seat on the Metropolitan King County Council. Tue, 1/15
New suit seeks to halt Sodo arena
The suit alleges that the financing plan for a Sodo sports arena violates a voter-approved initiative requiring the city of Seattle to make a profit on any investment in such a facility. Tue, 1/15
Some ORCA K-8 teachers join boycott of MAP exams
Teachers and instructional assistants at a second Seattle school are refusing to give exams known as the Measures of Academic Progress, or MAP — district-required tests that are given two or three times year. Mon, 1/14
Nicole Brodeur's Names in Bold
The Elvis crowd at EMP; Inslee to have a ball
It's a good hair day at the EMP when the spirit of Elvis is in the air. Jay Inslee to have a ball in Olympia. Mon, 1/14
Detective punched, prosecutor kicked in courthouse fight
A gang detective for Seattle police was punched and bitten and a deputy prosecutor was kicked during a melee Monday outside a King County courtroom in Kent, according to police. Mon, 1/14
Eastern State Hospital aims to restore accreditation
The presence of a karaoke machine's cords, as well as other cords and patients' belts — all of which could be used for strangulation — caused Eastern State Hospital to lose its accreditation last month. Mon, 1/14
Legislature: Power play puts Senate in GOP hands
Republicans officially take control of the state Senate, saying it's a cause for celebration. Democrats complain there's nothing bipartisan about what the GOP is offering. Mon, 1/14
Mention of marriage in opening prayer angers Senate Democrats
Pastor Jon Sanné included in his invocation a call for the strengthening of marriage "as You ordained it for our good and Your glory." Some Democrats called the comment a swipe at same-sex marriage. Mon, 1/14
New SPD commission unveiled, with longtime advocates of change
One of the appointees to the new Seattle police commission could draw close scrutiny during City Council confirmation proceedings in light of questions about her Medicaid billing practices. Mon, 1/14
Pierce Transit to cut service 34 percent
Pierce Transit's commissioners have voted to cut service by one-third at the end of September after voters defeated a proposed sales tax increase. Mon, 1/14
WA deputy, 4 others hurt as vehicles crash
The Washington State Patrol says a King County sheriff's deputy was one of five people hurt in a Monday evening crash that involved three vehicles near the Pierce County town of Orting. Mon, 1/14

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Nation & World

Newtown victims' parents: 'I do not want there to be a next time'
Parents of children slain in the Connecticut school massacre called for a national dialogue to help prevent similar tragedies as New York moved to become the first to state to pass stricter gun control laws and politicians worked to confront gun violence. Tue, 1/15

UPDATE - 08:05 PM
Obama proposing gun limits, faces tough obstacles
President Barack Obama is launching the nation's most sweeping effort to curb gun violence in nearly two decades, urging a reluctant Congress to ban military-style assault weapons as well as the kinds of high-capacity ammunition magazines used in last month's massacre of 20 elementary school children in Newtown, Conn. Tue, 1/15
Gun group chief says industry didn't cause Newtown
A trade show expected to draw tens of thousands of gun enthusiasts and manufacturers opened Tuesday on the Las Vegas Strip with the head of an industry group preparing to tell convention-goers they weren't to blame for the recent mass shooting at a Connecticut elementary school. Tue, 1/15
NRA shooting game no longer for preschoolers
A new shooting game for mobile devices by the National Rifle Association is no longer being labeled suitable for preschoolers. "NRA: Practice Range" changed its age recommendation on Tuesday from 4 years and up to at least 12 years of age with an added warning that the game depicts "intense" and "realistic" violence. Tue, 1/15
UPDATE - 07:54 PM
2 killed, 1 injured in shooting at Ky. college
A gunman firing into a vehicle killed two people and wounded a juvenile Tuesday as they sat in the parking lot of an eastern Kentucky community college. Tue, 1/15
Wal-Mart to hire vets, buy more American products
Why wait on Washington when there's Wal-Mart? Tue, 1/15
French triple troops in Mali, prepare for assault
After a punishing bombing campaign failed to halt the advance of al-Qaida-linked fighters, France pledged Tuesday to triple the size of its force in Mali, sending in hundreds more troops as it prepared for a land assault to dislodge the militants occupying the northern half of the country. Tue, 1/15
Panetta: No US troops on the ground in Mali
Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said Tuesday that the U.S. has ruled out putting any American troops on the ground in Mali, but officials are hoping the French will succeed in establishing better security for the West African nation. Tue, 1/15
Study: Parental support sends down college GPA
Parents who are footing more of the college tuition bill for their children give them a better chance of graduating. But a surprising new study finds they may not be doing them any favors in another area - generous financial support appears to lead to lower grades. Tue, 1/15
Ireland: Horsemeat found in supermarket burgers
The Irish food safety watchdog said Tuesday that it had discovered traces of horse and pig DNA in burger products sold by some of the country's biggest supermarkets, including a burger sold by global retailer Tesco that authorities said was made of roughly 30 percent horse. Tue, 1/15
4 U.S. demining experts hurt in Cambodian blast
Four American demining experts were wounded Tuesday by an accidental explosion at Cambodia's main training center for the removal of unexploded ordnance, its director said. Tue, 1/15
Dozens killed in blasts at Syria university
Twin blasts ripped through a university campus in Syria's largest city on Tuesday as students were taking exams, setting cars alight, blowing the walls off dormitory rooms and killing more than 80 people, according to anti-regime activists and a government official. Tue, 1/15
Floating home not covered under maritime law
The Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that a Florida man's floating home was a house, not a boat, and not covered under maritime law, in a case that could affect thousands of people around the country who make their home on floating structures in marinas, bays and coves. Tue, 1/15
UPDATE - 07:16 PM
Gunman wounds man, himself at St. Louis school
A part-time student strode into the office of a longtime administrator at a downtown St. Louis business school Tuesday and shot the man in the chest, creating panic in the school before turning the gun on himself, police said. Tue, 1/15
UPDATE - 06:20 PM
House approves $50.5 billion in Sandy aid
More than 10 weeks after Superstorm Sandy brutalized parts of the heavily populated Northeast, the House approved $50.5 billion in emergency relief for the victims Tuesday night as Republican leaders struggled to close out an episode that exposed painful party divisions inside Congress and out. Tue, 1/15
Judge moves NY officer's trial in cannibalism case
The trial of a New York City police officer charged with conspiring to rape, kill and eat women was rescheduled on Tuesday from next week to next month as defense lawyers failed to convince a federal appeals court that he should be free on bail. Tue, 1/15
Laid-off Oregon man wins $1 million in lottery
Laid off since May, Riley Gunn was driving his wife and three kids to their one-room cabin when he stopped to buy corndogs - a guilty pleasure they normally don't indulge. Tue, 1/15
Obama agrees to use DC 'taxation' license plates
President Barack Obama's limousine will soon carry the District of Columbia's "Taxation Without Representation" license plate, a subtle, but some say important, protest over the city's lack of a voting member in Congress. Tue, 1/15
UPDATE - 06:19 PM
Pa. girl snatched at school found barefoot in park
A passer-by found an abducted 5-year-old girl huddled beneath a playground slide in the pre-dawn cold Tuesday, nearly 20 hours after a stranger claiming to be her mother signed her out of her Philadelphia elementary school under the guise of taking her to breakfast. Tue, 1/15
Palestinians: Israel soldiers shoot, kill teen
The Israeli military shot dead a 17-year-old Palestinian near the West Bank separation barrier on Tuesday, Palestinians said. The Israeli military said he had breached the barrier, which separated soldiers from protesters. Tue, 1/15
Police: Rand Paul's son charged with assault
U.S. Sen. Rand Paul's son has been charged with assaulting a flight attendant during a trip from Kentucky to North Carolina. Tue, 1/15
Stolen train crashes into building in Sweden
A woman stole an empty commuter train from a depot Tuesday and drove it to a suburb of Stockholm where it derailed and slammed into an apartment building, officials said. Tue, 1/15
Fitch warns it may downgrade US over debt standoff
The United States could lose its top credit rating for the second time from a leading agency if there's a delay in raising the country's debt ceiling, Fitch Ratings warned Tuesday. Tue, 1/15
40 students in hospital after Tenn. gas leak
More than three dozen students were hospitalized overnight for carbon monoxide poisoning after a furnace leaked at their Nashville private school, officials said Tuesday. Tue, 1/15
Cuba acknowledges 51 cholera cases
Cuba's Public Health Ministry on Tuesday acknowledged 51 new cases of cholera in the capital amid growing concerns about the illness' spread and disappointment in the diplomatic community over the government's lack of transparency. Tue, 1/15
NEW - 08:15 PM
18 heads found at airport were sent for cremation
18 frozen human heads were seized by officials at Chicago O’Hare. Tue, 1/15
NEW - 08:10 PM
Breaking the link of violence
The push to increase the use of mental-health records to prevent violent crimes like mass shootings could backfire, possibly targeting people who are more a danger to themselves than anyone else. Tue, 1/15
NEW - 07:14 PM
High court rules a house is a house, even if it floats
Lawyers for the Seattle Floating Homes Association and a similar association in Sausalito, Calif., praised the Supreme Court ruling. Tue, 1/15
UPDATE - 07:46 PM
Ore. sheriff says he won't enforce new gun laws
An Oregon sheriff has sent a letter to Vice President Joe Biden saying his department will not enforce any new gun laws it considers unconstitutional. Tue, 1/15
Pakistani court orders PM's arrest amid huge rally
Pakistan's leaders received a powerful one-two punch Tuesday as the Supreme Court ordered the arrest of the prime minister in a corruption case and a firebrand cleric led thousands of protesters in a second day of anti-government demonstrations in the capital. Tue, 1/15
Probation for man who left injured dog on mountain
A man who pleaded guilty to animal cruelty after leaving his injured dog on a Colorado mountain has been sentenced to a year of unsupervised probation. Tue, 1/15
18 heads found at airport were sent for cremation
It sounded ghoulish enough: a shipment of 18 frozen human heads discovered and seized by customs officials during routine X-ray screening of cargo arriving at O'Hare International Airport in Chicago. Tue, 1/15
Detroit police say son hoped to resurrect father
A man who was arrested in the theft of his father's corpse from a Detroit cemetery stored the body in a freezer after a weekend funeral, hoping for it to be miraculously resurrected, police said Tuesday. Tue, 1/15
Florida python hunt opens with 11 snakes killed
Florida wildlife officials say 11 Burmese pythons were killed during the first three days of a public hunt for the invasive species in the Everglades. Tue, 1/15
Highlights of NY gun control bill
Provisions in a sweeping gun control bill before the New York Legislature: Tue, 1/15
Indonesian city dictates how women sit on motorbikes
A plan by officials in an Indonesian city to ban women from straddling motorbikes has prompted an outcry from critics. Mon, 1/14
Obama warns GOP he won't budge on debt limit
President Obama said Republicans were threatening to "blow up the economy" over lifting of the debt ceiling even as some leaders appear to be looking for a way out of the confrontation. Mon, 1/14
Smaller payday trims workers' splurges as tax breaks expire
By Tuesday, most Americans will have experienced the hit to their checks firsthand after Congress let a 2-year-old payroll-tax break expire while averting bigger automatic cuts that were to take effect this month. Mon, 1/14

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Business & Technology

UPDATE - 07:00 PM
Japan’s ANA, JAL ground their Dreamliners
Japanese airline ANA said it’s temporarily grounding its fleet of 787s after an emergency landing prompted by smoke in the cockpit, and Japan Airlines reportedly followed suit. Tue, 1/15

Facebook unveils new search tool for its 1 billion users
In a potential challenge to much larger rival Google, Facebook said Tuesday that it’s introducing new search tools that will let its 1 billion users scour the social network for information about people, photos, places and other interests. Tue, 1/15
Facebook unveils social search feature
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg unveiled a new search feature that's designed to entice people to spend more time on his company's website and will put the world's largest online social network more squarely in competition with Google and other rivals such as Yelp and LinkedIn. Tue, 1/15
New downsized development plan for 2nd & Pike
 Tue, 1/15
Retailers not keen on investing much more in mobile strategies
Many retailers remain lukewarm about commerce through mobile devices. Tue, 1/15
WaFed’s earnings up
Washington Federal reports slight growth in earnings over the year Tue, 1/15
Wal-Mart pledges to hire any returning veteran who wants a job
In a speech to the National Retail Federation in New York on Tuesday, Wal-Mart U.S. Chief Executive Bill Simon also said the company would buy more products from the U.S. and help more employees become full time. Tue, 1/15
Jet engine maker Pratt & Whitney cuts 350 jobs
Jet engine maker Pratt & Whitney says it's cutting 350 salaried workers, about 200 of those jobs are in Connecticut. Tue, 1/15
Stocks edge higher as retailers rally
Stocks edged higher on Wall Street after a rally in retail stocks offset concerns about flaring tensions in Washington over increasing the country's borrowing limit. Tue, 1/15
Alibaba founder Jack Ma stepping down as CEO
One of the world's most successful Internet entrepreneurs, Jack Ma, founder of e-commerce giant Alibaba Group, announced Tuesday he is stepping down as chief executive but will remain chairman. Tue, 1/15
American Airlines agents narrowly reject union bid
Customer-service agents at American Airlines narrowly rejected a union's bid to represent them in collective bargaining with the company. Tue, 1/15
NEW - 08:11 PM
Bling's the big thing at Detroit auto show
Eye candy has moved from luxury cars into the mainstream, which is on display at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit. Tue, 1/15
Hot cars at the Detroit auto show
The North American International Auto Show begins this week in Detroit with media and industry previews. It opens to the public Jan. 19. Tue, 1/15
Chevy Volt goes upscale in new electric Cadillac
General Motors is trying to take the Chevrolet Volt's electric technology upscale with a new Cadillac. Tue, 1/15
Falling food, gas costs lower US wholesale prices
U.S. wholesale prices fell for the third month in a row last month, pushed down by falling food and gas costs. The drop is the latest evidence inflation is tame. Tue, 1/15
Ford shows pickup concept in Detroit
Ford is trying to keep its rivals at bay with a concept that hints at the look of the next F-Series pickup. Tue, 1/15
Holiday sales rose 3 percent, retail group says
Holiday sales rose 3 percent, a major retail trade organization said Tuesday well below its forecast for a 4.1 percent gain. Tue, 1/15
Kia moves into North American premium sedan market
Kia is making a move into the North American premium sedan market with the 2014 Cadenza, aiming for buyers looking for a car in the gap between mainstream and luxury. Tue, 1/15
Lexus upgrades entry-level luxury with 2014 IS
For the latest incarnation of its entry-level luxury line, Lexus says it started with an idea of the experience its drivers wanted and worked to make that happen. Tue, 1/15
US businesses increased stockpiles 0.3 percent
U.S. companies increased their stockpiles a steady pace in November from October, responding to a solid increase in sales. Tue, 1/15
US retail sales rose 0.5 percent in December
U.S. consumers increased their spending at retail businesses in December, buying more autos, furniture and clothing. Steady job growth and lower gas prices kept consumers shopping for the holidays, despite worries about potentially tax increases. Tue, 1/15
Wal-Mart to boost sourcing from US suppliers
Wal-Mart Stores Inc., the world's largest retailer, says it plans to significantly boost its sourcing from domestic suppliers over the next decade. Tue, 1/15
China added 51 million Internet users in 2012
China's population of Internet users rose 10 percent last year to 564 million even as communist authorities tightened controls on content, according to data released Tuesday. Mon, 1/14

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NEW - 8:22 PM
Huskies beat Cougars for 35th straight time | UW women's basketball
As rivalries go, Tuesday's matchup between Washington and Washington State had as much excitement as sitting in traffic. Washington sprinted to an... Tue, 1/15

Anti-doping officials want Armstrong under oath
A televised confession by Lance Armstrong isn't enough. Tue, 1/15
UPDATE - 8:04 PM
Steve Kelley
For Lance Armstrong, forgiveness shouldn't come easily
Lance Armstrong's cruel lies and arrogance will mean rehabilitating his legacy will take more than an appearance with Oprah Winfrey. Tue, 1/15
NEW - 8:16 PM
Lance Dickie / Times editorial columnist
Officials say Lance Armstrong's admission of doping isn't enough to have ban lifted
Lance Armstrong must make a full confession under oath — not merely an admission in a television interview with Oprah Winfrey — if he wants authorities to consider lifting his lifetime ban from sports, the director of the World Anti-Doping Agency said. Tue, 1/15
UPDATE - 8:00 PM
Seahawks defense's inability to finish cost team dearly
The supposedly rock-solid Seahawks defense came up short in four games and must step up next season. Tue, 1/15
NEW - 8:09 PM
Seahawks' coordinators still high on other teams' head-coaching lists
Imitation isn't the highest form of flattery in the NFL, acquisition is, and the fact Seattle's two coordinators are closing in on head-coaching... Tue, 1/15
Sideline Chatter
Who said misery loves company?
not! "We share our misery with no one but ourselves," Jack Harbaugh, 77, told the San Francisco Chronicle, saying he and his wife Jackie... Tue, 1/15
AP source: Lance Armstrong tells Winfrey he doped
Lance Armstrong has finally come clean. Tue, 1/15
NJ police want to interview Titans WR Kenny Britt
Police in Jersey City say they've been trying to contact Tennessee Titans wide receiver and former Rutgers star Kenny Britt to question him about an incident Sunday in which he allegedly drove a friend to the hospital after the man had been stabbed at a party. Tue, 1/15
Cycling body urges Armstrong to testify to panel
Cycling's governing body urged Lance Armstrong on Tuesday to testify before its independent commission on doping. Tue, 1/15
UPDATE - 7:55 PM
Rafael Soriano, Washington Nationals agree on contract | Baseball
Reliever Rafael Soriano and the Washington Nationals reached agreement pending a physical on a $28 million, two-year contract that includes $14 million in deferred money, a source said. Tue, 1/15
UPDATE - 8:00 PM
Boys swimming state leaders
Leading times reported to Washington Interscholastic Swim Coaches Association through Jan. 14: Tue, 1/15
UPDATE - 7:10 PM
Wrestling state rankings
State rankings by, as of Jan. 14. Tue, 1/15
NEW - 8:00 PM
Sports on the air
TV and radio listings Tue, 1/15
Jerry Brewer
Seahawks are in good hands with Russell Wilson at quarterback
Russell Wilson was disappointed when his rookie season ended with a playoff loss at Atlanta, and said he can't wait to get back to work. Mon, 1/14
Danny O'Neil
Go for it on fourth-and-one? Evidence says it's the right thing to do
There's a mountain of statistics to back up Pete Carroll's decision to go for it on fourth-and-1 Sunday in the Seahawks' loss at Atlanta. It just didn't work out this time. Mon, 1/14
Seahawks still hurting 24 hours after playoff loss
Seahawks players were disappointed on Monday but looking forward already to next season. Mon, 1/14
Report says NBA's relocation committee was briefed on Kings' sale to Chris Hansen's group
While reports Monday suggested the Kings' sale and move to Seattle might be imminent, a grass-roots campaign continued in Sacramento to keep the team there. Mon, 1/14
Autopsy shows Belcher was twice legal limit at time of death
Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher had a blood-alcohol level more than twice the legal limit when he shot his girlfriend nine times... Mon, 1/14
Chicago Bulls limit Atlanta Hawks to 58 points | NBA
Carlos Boozer scored 20 points and the Chicago Bulls held Atlanta to a franchise-low 20 points in the first half of a 97-58 victory over the Hawks Mon, 1/14
Lance Dickie / Times editorial columnist
Lance Armstrong admits he doped, says source
After a decade of denial, Lance Armstrong has finally come clean: He used performance-enhancing drugs to win the Tour de France. The disgraced cyclist made... Mon, 1/14
USC coach Kevin O'Neill is fired | College basketball
USC fired coach Kevin O'Neill, who was 7-10 this season and 48-65 overall with the Trojans. Longtime USC assistant Bob Cantu will serve as interim coach. Mon, 1/14
Closer J.J. Putz agrees to longer deal with Arizona Diamondbacks | Baseball
Closer J.J. Putz has agreed to a $13.5 million, two-year contract with the Arizona Diamondbacks, a deal that adds a $7 million salary for 2014. He is a former Mariner. Mon, 1/14
Gonzaga's Kelly Olynyk named West Coast Conference player of month
Gonzaga redshirt junior center Kelly Olynyk was chosen the West Coast Conference Player of the Month for December. Olynyk averaged 18. 1 points per game... Mon, 1/14
Serena Williams blanks opponent, but injures ankle | Australian Open tennis
Serena Williams beat Edina Gallovits-Hall of Romania 6-0, 6-0 in the first round of the Australian Open, but the American has pain and swelling in her right ankle. Mon, 1/14
Statewide basketball scores
Statewide high school basketball scores Mon, 1/14
Bigger-than-life-size Russell Wilson wins Hawks Buddy photo contest
Creative staffers at Advanced Technology Construction in Renton win The Times' Hawks Buddy photo contest. Mon, 1/14
NEW - 8:30 PM
Bud Withers
Pac-12 coaches on hot seat early
When the 2011-12 Pac-12 basketball season finished, the people who were still paying attention noticed it was a tranquil year for the league's... Tue, 1/15

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Harry Belafonte still singing song of social justice
Legendary performer Harry Belafonte brings his thoughts on social justice, Martin Luther King Jr. and the current state of American society to the stage of the Moore Theatre Saturday, Jan. 19, 2013. Tue, 1/15
Lady Gaga delivers bold, spooky show at Tacoma Dome
Lady Gaga, on her Born This Way Ball Tour, delivered a bold performance Monday at the Tacoma Dome that surely will be remembered as one of the top concerts of the year, writes Seattle Times freelancer Gene Stout in this review. Tue, 1/15
NW Books: Tracking a Ted Bundy obsession
New books of Seattle interest: “Fear Collector,” “Phlogiston,” “Candy Experiments” and “The Less Subdued Excitement.” Tue, 1/15
Newtown shooting survivors record song for charity
Children who survived last month's shooting rampage at Connecticut's Sandy Hook Elementary School have recorded a version of "Over the Rainbow" to raise money for charity. Tue, 1/15
Tuesday TV Picks: ‘Pioneers of Television’ on KCTS
TV picks for Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2013, include PBS’ “Pioneers of Television” on KCTS, “Happy Endings” on ABC and “Parenthood” on NBC. Tue, 1/15
New recordings
Yo La Tengo’s ‘Fade’ spellbinding, focused
New CDs issued this week of Tuesday, Jan. 15, include a spellbinding new disc by Yo La Tengo, “Fade”; “Manifestra,” by Erin McKeown; A$AP Rocky’s “Long.Live.A$AP”; and Teena Marie’s “Beautiful.” Tue, 1/15

 Tue, 1/15
‘To Rome with Love,’ ‘The Other Dream Team,’ ‘Taken 2’ | New DVDs
New DVD releases for Tuesday, Jan. 15, include Woody Allen’s “To Rome with Love,” the documentary “The Other Dream Team” and the sequel “Taken 2,” starring Liam Neeson. Tue, 1/15

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NEW - 6:00 AM
Recipe: Italian-style onion soup topped with a poached egg
In my quest to slim down this French classic I turned to Italy. I caramelized the onions in olive oil, rather than butter, swapped out the... Tue, 1/15
Dear Carolyn
Antidepressants: health care shouldn’t be judged
Carolyn Hax and readers discuss the stigmas surrounding use of antidepressants.  Tue, 1/15

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Travel & Outdoors

Rick Steves' Europe
What’s new in Germany, Hungary and Austria for 2013
Europe expert Rick Steves offers a fresh look at three nations for the new year. Tue, 1/15
‘Stand closer to the rhino’ results in grave wound
South African woman hurt in attack after photo pose. Tue, 1/15
Travel Troubleshooter
American Airlines-US Airways merger: good for air travelers?
Opinions are split over the benefits of the long-rumored combination. Tue, 1/15
Beaches, bombs and gangsters — Corsica’s dilemma
Tourism has boomed on the French island, Napoleon’s birthplace, which this year hosts the Tour de France starting line. But the future teeters in the face of mob violence and political strife. Tue, 1/15
San Francisco officials mull Milk for airport name
Proposed legislation would rename San Francisco International in honor of slain gay-rights leader Harvey Milk. Tue, 1/15
Snow forces 3,400 to spend night at Tokyo airport
Airport officials give out sleeping bags and snacks. Tue, 1/15

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Editorial: Seattle teacher protests over MAP tests counterproductive
A testing boycott by teachers at two Seattle schools taps into anger over standardized tests but stops short of offering solutions. Tue, 1/15
Bruce Ramsey / Times editorial columnist
Money from nothing? D.C. could use some of this Washington’s fiscal discipline
Politicians in Olympia have the same appetites for public spending as those in Washington, D.C., writes Bruce Ramsey. But our legislators can’t mint trillion-dollar coins and don’t allow themselves to borrow for operating budgets.  Tue, 1/15
Op-ed: Obama must work with Congress on gun control
By sidestepping Congress on gun-control issues, the Obama administration would overlook bipartisan solutions, writes guest columnist Dave Reichert. Tue, 1/15

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