Some thoughts on low-income cooking, health, guilt, and the punishment of the poor.

food, Ramona

A world with constant surveillance, perpetual war and a militarised police state, George Orwell's most famous novel was a warning against totalitarian governments, all the more relevant now...

An attempt to sketch out my attitude as an anarchist towards the prison system. Why do we oppose them? Why does our solidarity go to the jailed over their jailers? How do we view the role of...

Jack Hayes, police union secretary, addresses strike rally on Tower Hill, 1918

Ken Weller of Solidarity's brief history of the two strikes of London police officers during and after World War I. Libcom does not support strikes of police officers as such but reproduce...


Cunningham, front left

A short history of the unemployed agitation in West Ham and the Triangle Camp events


A delivery driver's account of, well, punching his boss in the face after being threatened with a pay cut. Which strangely enough got his boss to reverse the cut!