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Washington, DC Independent Media Center

3/5/13: Hugo Chavez passes away More | Chavez Blog


News :: Anti-War/Peace : Foreign Policy/Imperialism

Protest at AIPAC: Checkpoints and hunger strike solidarity

On the 3rd of march, antiwar activists and Palestininans descended on the Washington Convention Center. AIPAC, the American-Israeli Polical Action Committee, was kicking off their annual convention and bribefest. Outside, protesters went so far as to set Israeli-style checkpoints on the sidewalk demanding ID.
Video highlights of the March 3 AIPAC protests
Congressmen and delegates run a gauntlet of shouting protesters to reach the March 4 AIPAC dinner
Audio Report featuring March 3ed speakers, by WSQT Radio

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News :: Civil Liberties/Constitution : Foreign Policy/Imperialism : Human Rights : Iraq/Afghanistan : Military, Weapons

Updates from Ft. Meade: Bradley Manning Explains guilty plea and WikiLeaks releases

bradley banner.jpg12:55 PM: Bradley finished reading his entire statement, a nearly two-hour defense of whistleblowing, transparency, and the refusal to be complicit in that which you cannot abide. “I believed and still believe these are some of most important documents of our time,” he said of the war logs he passed to WikiLeaks. Bradley affirmed his belief that the documents he released needed to be in the public realm (specifically the American public), that he “only wanted docs I was absolutely sure wouldn’t cause harm to the United States,” and that he’d hoped the release would result in domestic debate and a reevaluation of the United States’ war on terror. He “became depressed with the situation we were mired in” in Iraq. In counterterrorism operations, he said, the U.S. became ‘obsessed with capturing and killing people.’

Bradley discussed his horror at the ‘Collateral Murder’ video of US Apache soldiers gunning down Reuters journalists and those who came to rescue the injured. He said the U.S. gunner who wanted to shoot the wounded in Collateral Murder video “seemed similar to a child torturing ants w/ a magnifying glass.” BradleyManning.org


News :: Environment/Food/Health

Three Part Harmony Farm at Rooting DC

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On Saturday, February 23, 2013, Three Part Harmony Farm set up an information table at Rooting DC, a forum about urban food production and consumption.

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News :: Anti-War/Peace

Code Pink meets with Pakistani Ambassador over drone strikes

On the 22nd of Febrauary, Code Pink continued a week of protests against US drone murders with a visit to the Pakistani Embassy. After a few speeched outside in the rain, the Ambassador invited everyone in for tea and to discuss the drones.
Video Highlights

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News :: Environment/Food/Health

Scientist Says Half the Planet is Doomed--If We Don't Act!

hansen.pngI spotted James Hansen in the crowd at the Feb 17th climate rally, pulled together by 350.org, the Sierra Club and a few other groups. Working for NASA, he was one of the first scientists that documented the connection between greenhouse gases and global temperature rise, warning a congressional hearing back in the 1980's of the consequences. …he said that if we burn up 100% of the earth's fossil fuels we'll make 50% of the earth humanly uninhabitable. Video

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News :: Environment/Food/Health : Race/ Racism

Tens of thousands march against Keystone XL tar sands pipeline

On the 17th of February, the "Forward on Climate" march and rally against TransCanada's racist, earth-destroying Keystone XL tar sands pipeline took place. It was the largest protest I have seen in several years, with the Tar Sands Blockade website and the Sierra Club claiming a turnout of 50,000 people.
Video Highlights of Forward on Climate
Photos and Video Footage of the #NoKXL march Video
More photos of ForwardOnClimate March

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News :: Environment/Food/Health

Climate Chaos films shown on walls of Heritage Foundation, Capitol Hill Exxon

On the evening of the 16th of February, activists connected with the big Feb 17 march against the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline stages the "Climate Chaos" guerrilla film showing. The event staged out of Stanton Park, warming up with a rock band powered by bicycle crank generators.
Video Highlights of the Climate Chaos Projection

Exxon hates Your Children Drive-In Screening Washington DC 2-16-13 Video


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