- published: 12 Feb 2013
- views: 12759

What's at Stake for China and Japan in the Diaoyu Island Dispute? - Zooming In - January 28, 2013
Neither China nor Japan is backing down in the Diaoyu/Senkaku islands dispute. Could there...
published: 12 Feb 2013
What's at Stake for China and Japan in the Diaoyu Island Dispute? - Zooming In - January 28, 2013
Neither China nor Japan is backing down in the Diaoyu/Senkaku islands dispute. Could there be an armed conflict? Could it turn into full-out war? What is at stake? How do the Chinese and Japanese navies compare in strength? And who would pay the heaviest price if there were a conflict?
Two experts, Senior Fellow on Asian Military Affairs at the International Assessment and Strategy Center, Mr. Richard Fisher, and Senior China Analyst at New Tang Dynasty Television, Heng He, give their analysis.
- published: 12 Feb 2013
- views: 12759

Report: Chinese Army Prepares for Diaoyu Islands Conflict
The Chinese regime may be preparing for military conflict with Japan over the disputed Dia...
published: 01 Dec 2012
Report: Chinese Army Prepares for Diaoyu Islands Conflict
The Chinese regime may be preparing for military conflict with Japan over the disputed Diaoyu or Senkaku Islands. A Canadian-based defense magazine reported last week that a new air force base has been set up in southern China. It also has several fighter jets that are capable of flying to disputed sea waters on a moment's notice.
On Thursday, when China's Ministry of Defense was asked to comment on the report, it neither confirmed nor denied it. Spokesman Geng Yansheng said the matter was related to military operations and it was not up him to comment.
Political Commentator Hua Puo says Chinese authorities may be preparing for Japan's upcoming election. The Diaoyu Islands dispute has disrupted Sino-Japanese relations for several months, with both sides asserting sovereignty over the resource rich islands.
[Hua Puo, Political Commentator]:
"If Japan's Liberal Democratic Party wins the election, it'll take an even more confrontational approach on the issue, and this could lead to a serious conflict. The Chinese side could be preparing for the escalation."
On November 23, Toronto based, The Kanwa Information Center, says a new air force base has been set up at Shuimen in coastal Fujian Province. According to state-run Xinhua News Agency, the Center had satellite pictures of the base, showing fighter jets and large fortress hangers.
The Chinese regime has recently been flexing its military muscle, conducting various drills at sea. Hua Puo says these could also be directed at the US—to discourage its involvement should any conflicts arise.
[Hua Puo, Political Commentator]:
If a crisis erupts between China and Japan, the Chinese regime will be concerned whether the US follow its obligation under the Japan-US Security Treaty. China wouldn't want the US to be directly involved, it does not want this public confrontation with the US."
Tensions flared between China and Japan in recent months after Japan purchased the disputed islands from its private owners. It sparked widespread anti-Japanese protests in China. Leaders from the two countries have also had frosty exchanges during international engagements.
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- published: 01 Dec 2012
- views: 10627

5 Reasons Why the Senkaku (Diaoyu) Islands are NOT Chinese Territory
Expanding China will be the biggest problem for the international society of the 21st cent...
published: 21 Jun 2011
5 Reasons Why the Senkaku (Diaoyu) Islands are NOT Chinese Territory
Expanding China will be the biggest problem for the international society of the 21st century. Sinocentrism, an ancient imperialism deeply rooted in China's history, seems now trying to swallow everything under the name of China. Sinocentrism has made Chinese people say, Taiwan is a part of China, Tibet is a part of China, East Turkestan is a part of China, Manchuria is a part of China, Mongolia is a part of China, Goguryeo is a part of China, the Spratly & Parcel islands are a part of China, the Senkaku islands are a part of China. It will also make them say, Okinawa is a part of China, North Korea is a part of China, South Korea is a part of China, Japan is a part of China, the whole Asia is a part of China, the whole Earth is a part of China. However, they must just realize that CHINA IS A MERE PART OF THE WORLD. Tibet must be Tibet. East Turkestan must be East Turkestan. Mongolia must be Mongolia. Manchuria must be Manchuria. Taiwan must be Taiwan. Each people must be allowed to decide their own future and what kind of tradition they will hand over to their children by their own. Sinocentrism is now blocking this basic human right. Democracy cannot coexist with Sinocentrism. The riverse is also true. Sinocentrism cannot coexist with Democracy. Either side must win and defeat the other. Which side will win? Sinocentrism or Democracy? Which side must win? Of course the latter.
5 Reasons Why the Senkaku Islands are not Chinese Territory
1. International Law
"Island of Palmas Case" (1928), one of the most highly influential precedents dealing with island territorial conflicts say as follows,
1) Firstly, title based on contiguity has no standing in international law.
2) Secondly, title by discovery is only an inchoate title.
3) Finally, if another sovereign begins to exercise continuous and actual sovereignty, (and the arbitrator required that the claim had to be open and public and with good title), and the discoverer does not contest this claim, the claim by the sovereign that exercises authority is greater than a title based on mere discovery.
The Senkaku Islands were incorporated into Japan in 1895 by "prior occupation of terra nullius," but both PRC (People's Republic of China) and ROC (Republic of China) had never protested against Japan's claim over the Senkaku Islands until 1971 for 76 years. Instead they had recognized the Islands as Japanese territory explicitly in their documents, newspapers, textbooks and maps. International law gives them the qualification to claim the Islands any longer.
2. The Senkaku islands were discovered first not by Chinese but by Ryukyuans (Okinawan people).
It was only 23 times that Chinese investiture Missions sailed to the Ryukyu Kingdom (Okinawa) in 507 years, while Ryukyuan Tributary Missions sailed to China over 580 times in the same period via the Senkaku Islands.
3. There is no historical fact that China has exercised any "effective control" on the Senkaku Islands.
China has claimed that the Senkaku islands had been Chinese territory "since the Ming Dynasty." However, during the Ming Dynasty, even Taiwan was not a part of China. Taiwan was incorporated into Qing in 1683 for the first time. And all Chinese official documents written during the Qing Dynasty regarding Taiwan say the north end of Taiwan was the present Hoping island never Keelung. There is no historical fact that the Senkaku Islands were incorporated into China ever.
4. The Japanese old map China quote often never admitted that the Senkaku islands were Chinese territory.
China often quotes the Japanese old map, 「琉球三省並三十六島之図」(1786) by 林子平(Hayashi Shinei) to argue that the Senkaku Islands were colored in the same color as mainland China, so Japanese at that time recognized that the Senkaku islands were Chinese territory. However, in the same map, Taiwan was colored with the different color from the mainland China despite the fact that Taiwan was already incorporated in to Qing when the map was published in Japan. And Hayashi Shihei was not a Japanese governmental official, but a mere private citizen who was even arrested and punished by the Tokugawa Shogunate. We can not think Japan's official view was reflected in his map anyway.
5. There is no historical fact that Senkaku Islands had ever belonged to China, so China cannot say that they were stolen from China. So the Cairo Declaration has nothing to do with the Senkaku Islands.
China has invaded and absorbed Tibet, East Turkestan, Inner Mongolia, and Manchuria. China is going to swallow the Senkaku Islands, Okinawa and Taiwan this time. The reestablishment of full-fledged Chinese Empire is their ultimate objective.
Japanese Version/ 日本語版
Chinese Version/ 中国語版
制作: WJFプロジェクト
- published: 21 Jun 2011
- views: 114879

Should Senkaku (Diaoyu) Islands go to China or Japan? One Japanese person says "China"!
The dispute over the Senkaku Islands (Diaoyu in Chinese) has been on the news a lot lately...
published: 25 Sep 2012
Should Senkaku (Diaoyu) Islands go to China or Japan? One Japanese person says "China"!
The dispute over the Senkaku Islands (Diaoyu in Chinese) has been on the news a lot lately. At least one Japanese person thinks that it's a waste of time for Japan to fight over these islands. What do you think?
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- published: 25 Sep 2012
- views: 2669

China Aircraft Flies Over Diaoyu (Senkaku) After 60 Years
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published: 17 Dec 2012
China Aircraft Flies Over Diaoyu (Senkaku) After 60 Years
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December 14, marks 75 years since the Nanjing Massacre,
that took place during China-Japan war.
For this anniversary China maritime surveillance aircraft
flew over the airspace of the disputed Diaoyu (Senkaku) Islands.
The aircraft merged with four maritime surveillance warships
cruising in the territorial waters of Diaoyu, and then carried out a sea-air 3-dimensional cruise.
In response, Japan Air Defense Force urgently sent out
eight fighter jets and an early interception warning.
Itss the first time that mainland Chinese aircraft flies
into the airspace of Diaoyu since 1958.
After the World War II, Chinese government gave up
territorial claims over Diaoyu Islands several times.
Why it started recently to have continual territorial claims
over Diaoyu Islands? Letss take a look at experts' analyses.
About 10 am on Thursday, Chinese maritime surveillance
aircraft B-3837 flew over the airspace of Diaoyu Islands.
It merged with maritime surveillance fleet of warships 50,
46, 66, 137, cruising in the territorial sea of Diaoyu.
At the same time, Japanese patrol ships shouted at Chinese
aircraft and asked it to retreat immediately.
The Chinese aircraft replied, "this is Chinese territory,"
and asked the Japanese ships to move out immediately.
Japan's Defense Ministry said, it is the first time since 1958,
that Chinese aircraft invades the Japanese airspace.
The Japanese government has expressed its solemn protest
to the Chinese government.
China National Ocean Bureau (NOB) commander confirmed,
this is the first 3-dimension cruise of NOB around Diaoyu.
In recent years, the disputes around the territory of Diaoyu
continually escalated, especially in the summer of this year, when it was more severe.
Political commentator Hui Ping said, this aircraft emergence
in Diaoyu's airspace was part of the authorities' plan.
Hu Ping also pointed out that besides Diaoyu Islands, CCP
(Chinese Communist Party) shows readiness for other attacks.
Good example for this is the Chinese new style passport,
with its imprinted territories of India and other countries.
Hu Ping: "It has a trend to show off its military, it has some
associations with 'revival of the nation', which is being emphasized by Xi Jinping.
On the one hand, it aims to show aggressiveness,
as to strengthen nationalism.
Off course the purpose is to create conflicts,
and enforce its own rule."
So far, China had refused twice to take over
the Diaoyu Islands, in 1943 and 1945.
Since UN looks after Ryukyu Islands, which include Diaoyu,
UN asked USA to monitor the latter.
Two People's Daily articles from the 1950s, and a statement
of the then Premier and Foreign Minister Zhou Enlai admit that Diaoyu Islands belong to Japan.
During China-Japan diplomatic relations in the 1970s, China
once again affirmed its sidestepping position on Diaoyu.
Thus, so far China has been passive
on the issue of Diaoyu Islands' territory.
Hu Ping: "Recently, the US Senate passed a resolution, again
reiterating that Diaoyu falls within the scope of US-Japan Security Treaty.
US government should be aware that China expects to take
over, and be a dominant country in the international affairs.
However, obviously expectations
are different from reality."
Guo Yongfeng, "Chinese Citizens for Monitoring Politics"
founder thinks, no matter home or abroad, a war is a disaster.
Guo also said, if China launches a war, the international
community and the Chinese people would be against it.
Showing off its military isn't a symbol of a strong country.
He reminded that showing off military had failed in the past.
Guo Yongfeng: "It doesn't work to show off your military.
To have a strong China, first, the people should have human rights, and ordinary people should live a dignifying life.
Second, it should have a strong economy,
and ordinary people should have some money.
Third, the ordinary people should receive
good education, and good upbringing.
Having nationalism while the state owns
most of the money, is a dictatorship.
If the ordinary people are slaves,
the country cannot count as being strong."
Coincidently, when the Chinese aircraft flew over Diaoyu's
airspace, in Nanjing an alarm was sounded in memory of the 75th Anniversary of
the Nanjing Massacre.
Now, Japan's Defense Ministry published data that last year,
the urgently dispatched fighter jets was at its peak in 20 years.
Among them, 156 times this was done against China.
In a few days' time, the Japanese Congress
will hold a general election.
According to the polls, the Liberal Democratic Party leader
Shinzo Abe is likely to become the next Premier of Japan,
Few weeks ago, he published his campaign speech,
saying he would take a tough stance on China's policy.
o Abe even promised he would resolutely defend
- published: 17 Dec 2012
- views: 488

"Get out of our Diaoyu Islands"!!! AGGRESSIVE Chinese turn the car to protest Japan for ISLAND
"Get out of our Diaoyu Islands"!!! AGGRESSIVE Chinese turn the car to protest Japan for IS...
published: 19 Aug 2012
"Get out of our Diaoyu Islands"!!! AGGRESSIVE Chinese turn the car to protest Japan for ISLAND
"Get out of our Diaoyu Islands"!!! AGGRESSIVE Chinese turn the car to protest Japan for ISLAND
Thousands of people protested in the streets of China and Hong Kong against Japan's claim to a contested island territory.
The protesters are rallying against recent actions by some 150 Japanese activists, who on Sunday raised their country's flag on the disputed Japanese-controlled Senkaku Islands, which China calls Diyaou and claims to be Chinese territory.
The Japanese activists made their display after the country detained and deported 14 Chinese and Hong Kong activists visiting the island days earlier, Kyodo news agency reported.
In two southern Chinese cities of Shenzhen and Guangzhou, 3,000 demonstrators were witnessed shouting anti-Japanese slogans and burning the country's flag. Some also attacked Japanese restaurants and cars, Interfax reported.
One Shenzen demonstrator told AFP that protesters were headed towards a train station on the border with Hong Kong. "The demonstration is strung out for seven to eight kilometers. Many police are escorting us along the street," he said
Crazy claim rally protest turn car Japan Chinese riot hit fight break against island territory aggressive Senkaku Diyaou Diaoyu China Japanese disputed Hangzhou east China's Zhejiang conflict politic scandal Asia Hong Kong Shenzhen Guangdong police overturn protesters destroys Japanese-brand police car vas oil hostilities feud government tension violent control power economy economic giants rivalry elite resources fuel energy 2012 media news reported advantages Interfax Kyodo 247aroundtheworld
- published: 19 Aug 2012
- views: 16097

China Marine Surveillance Vessels Patrol Diaoyu Island,中国海监第一次钓鱼岛3海里巡航
Feb 15, 2013,
published: 17 Feb 2013
China Marine Surveillance Vessels Patrol Diaoyu Island,中国海监第一次钓鱼岛3海里巡航
Feb 15, 2013,
China Marine Surveillance Vessels Patrol Diaoyu Island.
The nearest distance is around 3 Nautical miles ( 5.5 km).
This is a milestone for China and Japan on the dispute of China
territory Diaoyu Island.
This action is another official announcement of China territory (Diaoyu Island).
Please don't come to china territory (Diaoyu Island) without our invitation.
Otherwise, our bullets don't have eyes.
This is the payment for your rudeness.
Territorial waters:
Territorial waters, or a territorial sea, as defined by the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,[1] is a belt of coastal waters extending at most 12 nautical miles (22 km; 14 mi) from the baseline (usually the mean low-water mark) of a coastal state. The territorial sea is regarded as the sovereign territory of the state, although foreign ships (both military and civilian) are allowed innocent passage through it; this sovereignty also extends to the airspace over and seabed below.
- published: 17 Feb 2013
- views: 564

China News - August 16, 2012: Diaoyu Islands Dispute and Wen Signals Stimulus
In today's China News, tensions flare as Japan holds 14 Chinese activists over the dispute...
published: 17 Aug 2012
China News - August 16, 2012: Diaoyu Islands Dispute and Wen Signals Stimulus
In today's China News, tensions flare as Japan holds 14 Chinese activists over the disputed Diaoyu, or Senkaku Islands. Chinese protestors demonstrate outside the Japanese Embassy in Beijing, as Tokyo indicates it may deport the activists.
Chinese Foreign Minister meets with Bouthaina Shaaban, an envoy of Syrian President Bashir al-Assad, though no new ideas have been proposed for resolving the ongoing crisis in Syria.
16 policemen from around China protest against judicial corruption.
Taiwan's Ma Ying-jeoh wants to deepen ties with China, but one analyst believes he's relying too much on the mainland.
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao signals economic stimulus amidst bleak outlook.
Rising costs of grains may lead to inflationary pressure in China for the rest of year.
Hong Kong police to trial small cameras on officers, amidst concerns they could be misused against activists.
A Chinese boy stuck between stone stair railings is freed.
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- published: 17 Aug 2012
- views: 5756

China: Diaoyu Islands are China's Inherent Territory
The Diaoyu Islands and surrounding islets are "an integral part of Chinese territory". Chi...
published: 11 Sep 2012
China: Diaoyu Islands are China's Inherent Territory
The Diaoyu Islands and surrounding islets are "an integral part of Chinese territory". China's stance on the islands has always been consistent and explicit.
China's Foreign Ministry says Japan's remarks that the Diaoyu Islands are part of its territory, sabotages China's sovereignty. We take a look now at the history of the islands, and their inherent connection with China.
The Japanese government has discussed the terms of a contract of sale with the Kurihara family, who claim to own the Diaoyu Islands. The central government has agreed to pay more than 26 million US dollars for the purchase of part of the chain of the islands in the East China Sea. China's Foreign Ministry has stressed that the Diaoyu Islands have been an inherent part of China's territory since ancient times, adding that China holds indisputable sovereignty over the islands.
The Diaoyu Islands and surrounding islets have been the inherent territory of China since ancient times, and were first discovered, named and used by the Chinese. The earliest historical record of the Diaoyu Islands can be dated back to China's Ming Dynasty about 650 years ago in a book titled "Voyage With a Tail Wind," published in 1403. The book records the first usage of "Diaoyu Islet" and "Chiwei Islet". The names refer to the current Diaoyu Islands and Chiwei Islet.
Hu Zongxian, the Zhejiang governor of the Ming Dynasty, placed the Diaoyu Islands and surrounding islets within China's maritime defense system. It demonstrates that the islands have been within China's maritime defense sphere since the Ming Dynasty. Japan claimed sovereignty during the Sino-Japanese War of 1895, seizing the islands by illegal means.
The Cairo Declaration issued after World War II stipulated that all territory taken by Japan illegally, including China's northeast, Taiwan and Penghu islets, must be returned to China. In August 1945, Japan announced its unconditional surrender under the terms of the Potsdam Declaration. The declaration laid out that Japan must return Taiwan, the Diaoyu Islands and surrounding islets to China.
On September 18th, 1951, then Chinese Premier and Foreign Minister Zhou Enlai made a solemn statement on behalf of the Chinese government that the Treaty of Peace with Japan signed in San Francisco was illegal and invalid, and would not be recognized without the participation and signing of the People's Republic of China.
In June 1971, Japan and the United States signed a pact to hand over Okinawa to Japan. The Diaoyu Islands were mapped into the handover area. China's Foreign Ministry announced on December 30th 1971 that such a move was "totally illegal" and reiterated that the Diaoyu Islands and surrounding islets were "an integral part of the Chinese territory".
- published: 11 Sep 2012
- views: 2336

China Spokesman of 12th National Congress Comments Diaoyu Island Dispute, 傅莹,钓鱼岛
China Spokesman of 12th National Congress Comment Diaoyu Island Dispute, March 4, 2013
published: 04 Mar 2013
China Spokesman of 12th National Congress Comments Diaoyu Island Dispute, 傅莹,钓鱼岛
China Spokesman of 12th National Congress Comment Diaoyu Island Dispute, March 4, 2013
Brief: Previous, China and Japan government made a commitment on the Diaoyu Island
issue, ( shelving differences and seeking joint development) . However, Japan broke this
commitment with the purchase and nationalization of Diaoyu Island. The base of this
commitment was completely destroyed by Japan. Our first step response is to patrol
our territory, Diaoyu Island with surveillance fleet.
- published: 04 Mar 2013
- views: 1316

Senkaku/Diaoyu Island Dispute Heats up Online (LinkAsia: 2/1/13)
Last week's meeting between Japan's New Komeito party leader Natsuo Yamaguchi and Chinese ...
published: 02 Feb 2013
Senkaku/Diaoyu Island Dispute Heats up Online (LinkAsia: 2/1/13)
Last week's meeting between Japan's New Komeito party leader Natsuo Yamaguchi and Chinese president Xi Jinping eased tensions in the territorial dispute over an island chain in the East China Sea. But social media users in both countries are still inflamed over rightful ownership of the islands called Diaoyu in China and Senkaku in Japan.
Watch more at http://linkasia.org.
IMAGE: Natsuo Yamaguchi (L), leader of Japan's New Komeito party, shakes hands with China's president-in-waiting Xi Jinping during a meeting at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, January 25, 2013: REUTERS/Ng Han Guan
- published: 02 Feb 2013
- views: 547

China's new J-6 UAVs stationed in PLA airbase near Diaoyu Islands
One January 2013 report by Kanwa Defense Review states that there are over 55 J-6 jets dep...
published: 09 Jan 2013
China's new J-6 UAVs stationed in PLA airbase near Diaoyu Islands
One January 2013 report by Kanwa Defense Review states that there are over 55 J-6 jets deployed in China's Changshui Airbase in Fujian Province. That number has been significantly larger than that in July 2011. The newly constructed airbase is China's closest airfield from the disputed island group, Diaoyu called by China and Senkaku by Japan.
What's more interesting is that the decommissioned J-6s have been brought back into service, and made into a new type of UAVs capable of working together with China's newly-launched Beidou Navigation System, the equivalent of U.S. GPS. Some speculate that the new UAVs might be of use in patrolling the disputed island group.
- published: 09 Jan 2013
- views: 2048

US Recognizes Japanese Authority Over Diaoyu Islands
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published: 21 Jan 2013
US Recognizes Japanese Authority Over Diaoyu Islands
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The Diaoyu Islands dispute heats up as both China and Japan
military aircrafts confronted each other earlier this year in the skies around the disputed islands.
The Chinese military seems ready for a war,
and the international community is paying close attention.
On the 18th, the U.S. acknowledged Japanese administration
of Diaoyu Islands and opposed any unilateral actions.
The U.S. also dispatched an AWACS aircraft (Airborne
Warning and Control System) to survey the islands.
It is commented that the Communist regime
never cares about sovereignty.
Claims of war is only to divert domestic crisis.
The Communist regime has been surveying the Diayu
Islands since this January. That act threatened Japan.
On the 18, the regime rescued crew members from a third
country's (South Korea) sinking boat from the waters of the disputed islands.
This act was commented as a sovereignty declaration
of the Diaoyu (Senkaku) Islands.
Global Times, the Communist regime mouthpiece, recently
warned a possible military conflict between China and Japan and the regime military ordered to prepare for war.
Political commentator Wen Zhao believes the
Communist regime is far from ready.
Wen Zhao: "Their act is to test the U.S. and Japan.
The Communist regime actually controls the
friction between the regime and Japan.
The threat of a war is related to its domestic politics.
The first goal is to pressure Japan and force Japan
to negotiate on the dispute."
The Mainlanders populist sentiment
was heightened by the military involvement.
The CCTV special military commentator Major General
Zhang Zhaozhong claimed the other day:
Should the war erupt, Japan will be eliminated
within 30 minutes.
Chinese Historian Yuan-Hua Li considers
Zhang Zhaozhong's remarks as a rogue-style bullying.
Yuan-Hua Li: "The Communist respects no one.
The talk is like bullying of the gangsters.
Even if there's a war, with so many lives in Japan,
isn't that a massacre?
Disregard whether it's possible to eliminate Japan
in 30 minutes, his talk reflects that he's inhumane."
The reason for that the China-Japan friction
for the first time elevates to the military level
is on the 10th Japan's intercept fighters against
China maritime patrols near the Diaoyu Islands.
Wen Zhao indicates that this elevated dispute over Diaoyu
Islands was to distract domestic request of freedom of press, i.e., the Southern Weekly incident.
Wen Zhao: "The Mainlanders opinion of war
is a collaborated act of the military,
especially the General Staff, and the state media.
It was to target the political situation in China.
This incited nationalist sentiment becomes a norm
in order to deal with the domestic crisis."
Yuan-Hua Li also does not believe
Diaoyu (Senkaku) Islands impose any issue.
In fact, the Communist regime is the biggest traitor
on the territorial issue.
Yuan-Hua Li: "The Communist regime has historically
sold millions of square kilometers of the Chinese land.
Disregard the size of the Islands, or the historical authority
of the Islands, the Communist regime has never insisted so much on any one territory.
Therefore, it is only to distract the attention,
a consequence of the regime corruption."
The elevated tension over the disputed Islands has promoted
further diplomatic work between the US and Japan.
On the 18, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton
said, "we acknowledge they are under the administration
of Japan, and we oppose any unilateral actions that would
seek to undermine Japanese administration."
At the same time she reiterated
"the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty applies to it."
Clinton also announced that Abe was invited to visit
the U.S. next month by President Obama.
This is for the first time the U.S. states its support to Japan
over the Diaoyu Islands and warning to the Communist regime.
Wen Zhao believes this is the stance the U.S. is taking
and a direct pressure to the Communist regime.
- published: 21 Jan 2013
- views: 1207

5 reasons that Diaoyu (Senkaku) islands belong to China
This is a response video to those Japanese videos claiming Diaoyu Islands, of which owners...
published: 24 Jan 2013
5 reasons that Diaoyu (Senkaku) islands belong to China
This is a response video to those Japanese videos claiming Diaoyu Islands, of which owners are busy blocking and deleting Chinese posts there. I wonder if you Japanese is confident on the territory dispute, why you are dodging a decent argument and baffling speech freedom? It only reflects Japanese guilty conscience for sophisticating it's history of stealing. History is actually simple, after watching this video, one will understand why Diaoyu islands belong to China.
- published: 24 Jan 2013
- views: 344
Youtube results:

Retaking the Diaoyu Islands, A New Policy by Xi-Li?
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published: 23 Feb 2013
Retaking the Diaoyu Islands, A New Policy by Xi-Li?
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Retaking the Diaoyu (Senkaku) Islands is likely one of
three major new polices under the new Xi-Li administration.
Reportedly, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) new leader
Xi Jinping will take tough actions after taking office in March.
In late March, the CCP regime may launch an offensive
against Japan, to seize back the Diaoyu (Senkaku) Islands.
Commentators say that the CCP hypes nationalism aiming to
fuel public emotion and divert discontent from the regime.
Will the Diaoyu Islands issue evolve into a real war
between China and Japan?
The majority think it's unlikely.
Let's see what reasons have driven to this conclusion.
On March 15, CCP new leaders Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang
will assume office.
The latest issue of Japan's Shūkan Gendai magazine
quoted a source of CCP senior official.
He mentioned an old Chinese saying,
"A new official applies strict measures."
The informant said that the Xi-Li administration will follow
their predecessors to initiate three major new polices.
Ten years ago when taking office, Hu Jintao and
Wen Jiabao put forth three new polices.
Those were "combating SARS, holding Six-Party Talks,
and and coping with the war in Iraq."
So, under the reign of Xi-Li, retaking the Diaoyu
(Senkaku) Islands is likely to be listed as one new policy, said the Japanese magazine article.
According to the CCP senior official, Xi Jinping vigorously
promoted Sino-Taiwan free trade agreement in 2010.
Xi's next step may probably be to cooperate with Taiwan
to "recapture" the Diaoyu (Senkaku) Islands.
On February 15, three Chinese ocean surveillance ships
re-entered the Diaoyu Islands territorial waters.
The same day, China's Oceanic Administration declared that
the Chinese ships will continue to be on duty.
Will tensions over the Diaoyu Islands escalate and
cause a Sino-Japanese war?
Reportedly, the U.S. has repeatedly stated that Japan's
current governance of the Diaoyu Islands must be respected.
The U.S-Japan security treaty covers protection of
the Diaoyu (Senkaku) Islands.
Therefore, once the CCP takes action,
that will inevitably drag in the U.S..
Critic Wu Fan says that the U.S. attitude towards the CCP
is getting tougher.
Wu Fan: "The CCP will see the U.S. stance before
taking actions. Now the U.S. takes a very tough attitude.
The CCP has integrated cyber warfare in its actions
on the Diaoyu Islands.
It aims to pressure the U.S.,
while now the U.S. turns to fight back."
Media analyzed that "combating Japan" is a tactic used by
the CCP leadership to divert attention from domestic conflicts and to rally popular support.
Li Shanjian, an independent commentator, says that
Xi Jinping isn't really interested in the issue of territory.
The focal point that Xi considers is China's politics.
Li Shanjian: "On one hand,
no CCP members believe in its ideology.
So the CCP uses nationalism to maintain its rule and
to bolster cohesion within the Party,
the real reason behind its actions on the issue.
But it dares not overdo it, as losing control will cause
negative impact on its rule."
Wu Fan: "I think that by stirring up public national sentiment,
the CCP tries to cement its rule and to confront the U.S. and Japan.
But it controls the temperature below boiling point.
I think this is the most favorable situation to Xi Jinping,
not staging a real war, but adding wood to make a fire.
He uses this public sentiment to divert and downplay
from social contradictions. But social conflict may finally erupt.
Today, who can stop Chinese citizens' venting of
their sentiments?"
Wu Fan adds that now it's at a cyber-war stage,
not actual physical combat.
But if the cyber-war continues, a real war will be staged
one day. He speculates that Xi Jinping intends to drag in Russia.
This is because Xi has chosen Russia as his first
international trip as new state president.
Li Shanjian says that for Xi Jinping, nationalism is the only
card to play to distract popular discontent away from the regime's corruption and other issues.
Li Shanjian: "After causing so much turmoil organized
in the name of nationalism,
those Chinese who truly care about the Chinese territory
have come to see the CCP's true face.
That is, it has never really taken action in practice to
regain territory.
Certainly, when more people come to understand the truth,
the CCP's game will be over."
Li Shanjian indicates that over the years, corruption and the
combat effectiveness of the CCP military has been a hot topic.
However, during a real war, who will be the army's target?
——it's hard to draw a conclusion now!
- published: 23 Feb 2013
- views: 181

China to protect fishermen around Diaoyu Islands
Sunday is the last day of this year's fishing moratorium in the East China Sea. As tension...
published: 17 Sep 2012
China to protect fishermen around Diaoyu Islands
Sunday is the last day of this year's fishing moratorium in the East China Sea. As tensions over the Diaoyu Islands continue, Chinese authorities are preparing to protect fishing boats when they reach waters around the islands.
Chinese fishermen are set to sail out for a new season's catch. China's fishery patrol boats are also making preparations.
The Ministry of Agriculture has issued a statement saying surrounding waters of Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islets' are traditional fishing grounds for generations of Chinese fishermen in Zhejiang, Fujian and Taiwan, and urged surveillance ships to offer protection.
China says Japan has repeatedly harassed Chinese fishermen working in Chinese waters over the years. The most recent incident was in September 2010 when a Japanese patrol ship intercepted a Chinese trawler. Its Chinese captain was then detained for 17 days in Japan.
Zhan Qixiong, Chinede boat captain, says, "The Diaoyu Islands belong to China. I didn't break any laws by fishing there. Japan broke the law by arresting me."
Some 1,000 Chinese boats fish in waters near the Diaoyu Islands every year. And some say China needs to get tougher in protecting its fishermen.
Meng Xiangqing, researcher of PLA's National Defense university, says, "Our fishery patrol boats need to continue declaring China's sovereignty over the waters to the Japanese side. If necessary, we even need to expel Japanese patrol boats that entered waters near the Diaoyu Islands."
For the Chinese fishermen whose livelihoods rely on the sea and its bestowment, no obstacles are likely to stop them from working the trade they've inherited from previous generations.
Yan Zhiyong, a fisherman, says, "We are fixing our boat and fishing nets. We'll set off right after the work's done."
Weather authorities say super typhoon Sanba was closest to the Diaoyu Islands early on Sunday morning, but is now gradually moving northeast away from the area. Authorities have issued an orange alert, and warned fishermen to stay out of the storm's path.
History proves that Diaoyu Islands belong to China:
Diaoyu Islands: China's inherent territory
- published: 17 Sep 2012
- views: 2765

China Marine Surveillance Vessels Patrol Diaoyu Island,中国海监第一次钓鱼岛1公里巡航
Feb 18, 2013,
published: 19 Feb 2013
China Marine Surveillance Vessels Patrol Diaoyu Island,中国海监第一次钓鱼岛1公里巡航
Feb 18, 2013,
China Marine Surveillance Vessels Patrol Diaoyu Island.
The nearest distance is around 1 km.
This is a milestone for China and Japan on the dispute of China
territory Diaoyu Island.
This action is another official announcement of China territory (Diaoyu Island).
Please don't come to china territory (Diaoyu Island) without our invitation.
Otherwise, our bullets don't have eyes.
This is the payment for your rudeness.
Territorial waters:
Territorial waters, or a territorial sea, as defined by the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,[1] is a belt of coastal waters extending at most 12 nautical miles (22 km; 14 mi) from the baseline (usually the mean low-water mark) of a coastal state. The territorial sea is regarded as the sovereign territory of the state, although foreign ships (both military and civilian) are allowed innocent passage through it; this sovereignty also extends to the airspace over and seabed below.
- published: 19 Feb 2013
- views: 335

Reactions to Diaoyu Islands dispute in China中国では釣魚島紛争への反応
Tensions over the Diaoyu Islands have already heated up in the beginning of 2013. On Thurs...
published: 13 Jan 2013
Reactions to Diaoyu Islands dispute in China中国では釣魚島紛争への反応
Tensions over the Diaoyu Islands have already heated up in the beginning of 2013. On Thursday, a Chinese Y-8 transport aircraft was closely tailed by two Japanese F-15 fighters when patrolling southwest airspace of the East China Sea oil platform. China then sent two J-10 fighters to monitor the Japanese jets. What do the people of both countries think of the latest development?
A chilly morning in Beijing, but the debates over the Diaoyu Islands have heated up. Many locals have expressed their concerns about what happened around the small islands this week.
- published: 13 Jan 2013
- views: 186