- published: 04 Jan 2012
- views: 5302
- author: KyKiske7

Final Fantasy Type-0 - Walkthrough Part 27 - Chapter 7 "Beginning" 1st Free Time Requests
"READ DESCRIPTION" -FF 零式 - ファイナルファンタジー 零式"READ ANNOTATIONS FOR DETAILS" -Chapter 7 -1st F...
published: 04 Jan 2012
author: KyKiske7
Final Fantasy Type-0 - Walkthrough Part 27 - Chapter 7 "Beginning" 1st Free Time Requests
"READ DESCRIPTION" -FF 零式 - ファイナルファンタジー 零式"READ ANNOTATIONS FOR DETAILS" -Chapter 7 -1st Free Time Requests. I did the requests available on 1st Playthrough and the ones that don't require high level. also I'm not going to do the ones with multiplayer and the ones that requires to clear a combat excercise. but those requests will be done on my second playthrough with chapter 2 requests. How this video walkthrough works? The game is divided in chapters, so I divided the walkthrough that way, in each chapter you have some free time before you have to go to the story misssions, so in these videos I will show in each free time 1.Requests (the ones available on your 1st playthrough with the exceptions of the ones that require multiplay). 2.Events. 3. Optional dungeons. 4.Combat exercises (the ones that don't require high level). 5. I will train off camera each time a new area with new enemies is open. 6 Story missions. once I finish the first playthrough I will show the new options available in 2nd playthrough. SE is not Blocking Gameplay just major Cutscenes so I can make a Walkthrough So far I uploaded the intro and was blocked worldwide. Some videos will be uploaded here and others in my second channel www.youtube.com Check for more FF TYPE 0 Videos ============================== 1st Playthrough Played and Recorded by KyKiske7. System: PSP Enjoy. Pls. Subscribe and Comment
- published: 04 Jan 2012
- views: 5302
- author: KyKiske7

Final Fantasy Type-0 - Walkthrough Part 3 - Chapter 1 "Prologue" - Odin Gameplay
"READ DESCRIPTION" FF零式 -ファイナルファンタジー 零式Odin Gameplay How this video walkthrough works? The...
published: 04 Nov 2011
author: KyKiske7
Final Fantasy Type-0 - Walkthrough Part 3 - Chapter 1 "Prologue" - Odin Gameplay
"READ DESCRIPTION" FF零式 -ファイナルファンタジー 零式Odin Gameplay How this video walkthrough works? The game is divided in chapters, so I divided the walkthrough that way, in each chapter you have some free time before you have to go to the story misssions, so in these videos I will show in each free time 1.Requests (the ones available on your 1st playthrough with the exceptions of the ones that require multiplay). 2.Events. 3. Optional dungeons. 4.Combat excercises (the ones that don't require high level). 5. I will train off camera each time a new area with new enemies is open. 6 Story missions. once I finish the first playthrough I will show the new options available in 2nd playthrough. SE is not Blocking Gameplay just major Cutscenes so I can make a Walkthrough So far I uploaded the intro and was blocked worldwide. Some videos will be uploaded here and others in my second channel www.youtube.com Check for more FF TYPE 0 Videos ============================== 1st Playthrough Played and Recorded by KyKiske7. System: PSP Enjoy. Pls. Subscribe and Comment
- published: 04 Nov 2011
- views: 16437
- author: KyKiske7

Final Fantasy Type-0 - Walkthrough Part 40 - Chap. 7 -Obtaining Sylkis & Gyzahl Greens
"READ DESCRIPTION" -FF 零式 - ファイナルファンタジー 零式"READ ANNOTATIONS FOR DETAILS" -Chapter 7 -Getti...
published: 24 Feb 2012
author: KyKiske7
Final Fantasy Type-0 - Walkthrough Part 40 - Chap. 7 -Obtaining Sylkis & Gyzahl Greens
"READ DESCRIPTION" -FF 零式 - ファイナルファンタジー 零式"READ ANNOTATIONS FOR DETAILS" -Chapter 7 -Getting Sylkis (シルキスの野菜) & Gyzahl Greens (ギザールの野菜) -Twitter: twitter.com How this video walkthrough works? The game is divided in chapters, so I divided the walkthrough that way, in each chapter you have some free time before you have to go to the story misssions, so in these videos I will show in each free time 1.Requests (the ones available on your 1st playthrough with the exceptions of the ones that require multiplay). 2.Events. 3. Optional dungeons. 4.Combat exercises (the ones that don't require high level). 5. I will train off camera each time a new area with new enemies is open. 6 Story missions. once I finish the first playthrough I will show the new options available in 2nd playthrough. SE is not Blocking Gameplay just major Cutscenes so I can make a Walkthrough So far I uploaded the intro and was blocked worldwide. Some videos will be uploaded here and others in my second channel www.youtube.com Check for more FF TYPE 0 Videos ============================== 1st Playthrough Played and Recorded by KyKiske7. System: PSP Enjoy. Pls. Subscribe and Comment
- published: 24 Feb 2012
- views: 8095
- author: KyKiske7

Final Fantasy Type-0 - Walkthrough Part 56 - Chapter 7 - Defeating Lv.99 World Map Monsters
"READ DESCRIPTION" -FF 零式 - ファイナルファンタジー 零式"READ ANNOTATIONS FOR DETAILS" -Twitter: twitter...
published: 08 Oct 2012
author: KyKiske7
Final Fantasy Type-0 - Walkthrough Part 56 - Chapter 7 - Defeating Lv.99 World Map Monsters
"READ DESCRIPTION" -FF 零式 - ファイナルファンタジー 零式"READ ANNOTATIONS FOR DETAILS" -Twitter: twitter.com -Chapter 7 - Defeating Lv.99 World Map Monsters. During the previous chapters you have to run away from these monsters, but now with my Lv.99 Rem with Meteor and Proof Of Agito. they are nothing. Lv.99 Adamantoise / アダマントータス: 0:34 Lv.99 Blackburn / ブラックバーン : 1:54 Lv.99 Landworm / ランドウォーム : 3:26 Lv.99 King Behemoth / キングベヒーモス: 5:29 Lv.99 Snow Giant / スノージャイアント: 7:33 Lv.99 Malboro / モルボル: 9:54 Lv.99 Insmarin / インスマリーン: 11:00 How this video walkthrough works? The game is divided in chapters, so I divided the walkthrough that way, in each chapter you have some free time before you have to go to the story misssions, so in these videos I will show in each free time 1.Requests (the ones available on your 1st playthrough with the exceptions of the ones that require multiplay). 2.Events. 3. Optional dungeons. 4.Combat exercises (the ones that don't require high level). 5. I will train off camera each time a new area with new enemies is open. 6 Story missions. once I finish the first playthrough I will show the new options available in 2nd playthrough. SE is not Blocking Gameplay just major Cutscenes so I can make a Walkthrough So far I uploaded the intro and was blocked worldwide. Some videos will be uploaded here and others in my second channel www.youtube.com Check for more FF TYPE 0 Videos ...
- published: 08 Oct 2012
- views: 5907
- author: KyKiske7

Final Fantasy Type-0 - Walkthrough Part 7 - Chapter 2 - Final Mission: 敵中突破作戦
"READ DESCRIPTION" -FF 零式 - ファイナルファンタジー 零式-Chapter 2 Final Mission: Togores Fort Capture C...
published: 02 Dec 2011
author: KyKiske7
Final Fantasy Type-0 - Walkthrough Part 7 - Chapter 2 - Final Mission: 敵中突破作戦
"READ DESCRIPTION" -FF 零式 - ファイナルファンタジー 零式-Chapter 2 Final Mission: Togores Fort Capture Campaign/ 敵中突破作戦How this video walkthrough works? The game is divided in chapters, so I divided the walkthrough that way, in each chapter you have some free time before you have to go to the story misssions, so in these videos I will show in each free time 1.Requests (the ones available on your 1st playthrough with the exceptions of the ones that require multiplay). 2.Events. 3. Optional dungeons. 4.Combat excercises (the ones that don't require high level). 5. I will train off camera each time a new area with new enemies is open. 6 Story missions. once I finish the first playthrough I will show the new options available in 2nd playthrough. SE is not Blocking Gameplay just major Cutscenes so I can make a Walkthrough So far I uploaded the intro and was blocked worldwide. Some videos will be uploaded here and others in my second channel www.youtube.com Check for more FF TYPE 0 Videos ============================== 1st Playthrough Played and Recorded by KyKiske7. System: PSP Enjoy. Pls. Subscribe and Comment
- published: 02 Dec 2011
- views: 8713
- author: KyKiske7

Best Type of CPU Cooler Final Answer Linus Tech Tips
H100i vs H80i vs Silver Arrow Extreme. Slim dual radiator, thick single rad, and dual towe...
published: 27 Dec 2012
author: LinusTechTips
Best Type of CPU Cooler Final Answer Linus Tech Tips
H100i vs H80i vs Silver Arrow Extreme. Slim dual radiator, thick single rad, and dual tower heatpipe coolers are all in the same "price/weight class". Find out which one to buy.
- published: 27 Dec 2012
- views: 95858
- author: LinusTechTips

Final Fantasy Type-0 - Part 54 A - Chapter 7 "Agito Tower 1st Floor" Tonberry x100 - Rem Solo
"READ DESCRIPTION" -FF 零式 - ファイナルファンタジー 零式"READ ANNOTATIONS FOR DETAILS" -Chapter 7 - Agit...
published: 23 Jun 2012
author: KyKiske7
Final Fantasy Type-0 - Part 54 A - Chapter 7 "Agito Tower 1st Floor" Tonberry x100 - Rem Solo
"READ DESCRIPTION" -FF 零式 - ファイナルファンタジー 零式"READ ANNOTATIONS FOR DETAILS" -Chapter 7 - Agito Tower / アギトの塔 1st Floor - Lv.128 Tonberry x100 - Rem Solo Strategy is simple cast Fire BOM, avoid, use ether or any other item that recovers MP when needed, repeat until you finish ============================== -Agito tower is the most difficult dungeon in Type-0, the tower is divided in 7 floors. Each floor consists in fighting 100 enemies of a especial kind. after you beat a floor you can save and get a treasure with a special accessory, if you leave the tower you have to start all over again. In The last floor you fight a optional Boss and finally get "Proof of Agito" best accessory of the game. ============================== EQUIPMENT: • Royal Crown / ロイヤルクラウン - Talk to Class 1 Moogle after 70 Hours of Playtime • Magic Mitra / マジックミトラ - Random treasure in Besnel Cave, • Fire BOM, Chapter 3 - Class 0 Moogle Lesson. • Avoid / アボイド - Talk to Class 1 Moogle after 10 Hours of Playtime ITEMS • Demon's Horn / 魔獣の角 - Recovers All HP and MP grants 0 MP, Dropped by Behemoth in Besnel Cave. • Life Lanterns / 命のランタン - Grants Reraise, Dropped by Tonberry. You can get them in this floor by killing these Tonberrys. ============================== First of all I know is easier with Fire BOM2, but since this is my 1st playthrough, I dont have it(you get it in Chapter 7 Final mission), also I don't have Tornado (you get it in your 2nd Playthrough ...
- published: 23 Jun 2012
- views: 2879
- author: KyKiske7

Final Fantasy Type-0 - Walkthrough Part 29-Chapter 7-"Combat Exercise Lv.46機密文書入手作戦"
"READ DESCRIPTION" FF零式- ファイナルファンタジー 零式"READ ANNOTATIONS FOR DETAILS" Chapter 7- 実戦演習 Lv.4...
published: 08 Jan 2012
author: KyKiske7
Final Fantasy Type-0 - Walkthrough Part 29-Chapter 7-"Combat Exercise Lv.46機密文書入手作戦"
"READ DESCRIPTION" FF零式- ファイナルファンタジー 零式"READ ANNOTATIONS FOR DETAILS" Chapter 7- 実戦演習 Lv.46 機密文書入手作戦Combat Exercise: Lv. 46 Mission: Obtain the Confidential Document How this video walkthrough works? The game is divided in chapters, so I divided the walkthrough that way, in each chapter you have some free time before you have to go to the story misssions, so in these videos I will show in each free time 1.Requests (the ones available on your 1st playthrough with the exceptions of the ones that require multiplay). 2.Events. 3. Optional dungeons. 4.Combat exercises (the ones that don't require high level). 5. I will train off camera each time a new area with new enemies is open. 6 Story missions. once I finish the first playthrough I will show the new options available in 2nd playthrough. SE is not Blocking Gameplay just major Cutscenes so I can make a Walkthrough So far I uploaded the intro and was blocked worldwide. Some videos will be uploaded here and others in my second channel www.youtube.com Check for more FF TYPE 0 Videos ============================== 1st Playthrough Played and Recorded by KyKiske7. System: PSP Enjoy. Pls. Subscribe and Comment
- published: 08 Jan 2012
- views: 3599
- author: KyKiske7

The MW3 Gun Review - EP. 27: Type 95 (Modern Warfare 3 Guns and Attachments and Perks Review)
Let's get 700 LIKES!!! This series takes a ton of effort and I really appreciate your supp...
published: 23 Feb 2012
author: BobLoblaw1978
The MW3 Gun Review - EP. 27: Type 95 (Modern Warfare 3 Guns and Attachments and Perks Review)
Let's get 700 LIKES!!! This series takes a ton of effort and I really appreciate your support!! Follow me on Twitter! www.twitter.com Follow me on Twitch! www.twitch.com mw3 gun review type 95 modern warfare 3 gun review type 95 gun review mw3 mw3 gun mw3 guns modern warfare...
- published: 23 Feb 2012
- views: 40172
- author: BobLoblaw1978

IGN News - Final Fantasy Versus XIII and Type-0 Still Planned
IGN News: Final Fantasy Versus XIII and Type-0 Still Planned In an interview with IGN, ser...
published: 18 Jan 2013
author: IGN
IGN News - Final Fantasy Versus XIII and Type-0 Still Planned
IGN News: Final Fantasy Versus XIII and Type-0 Still Planned In an interview with IGN, series producer Yoshinori Kitase has suggested the West will still see Type-0 or Versus XIII. Subscribe to IGN for the latest gaming news: www.youtube.com
- published: 18 Jan 2013
- views: 25232
- author: IGN

Flite Test - Types of Foam - FAST TIP
Flite Test - Types of Foam - FAST TIP In this Flite Test Fast Tip, Chad and David talk abo...
published: 18 Apr 2012
author: flitetest
Flite Test - Types of Foam - FAST TIP
Flite Test - Types of Foam - FAST TIP In this Flite Test Fast Tip, Chad and David talk about different types of foam, and also, what glues you can use on each type of foam.
- published: 18 Apr 2012
- views: 16869
- author: flitetest

Final Fantasy Type-0 - Walkthrough Part 5 - Chapter 2 - World map - コルシの洞窟/Korushi Cave
"READ DESCRIPTION" FF零式 -ファイナルファンタジー 零式Korushi Cave: Optional Place: To level up and for c...
published: 06 Nov 2011
author: KyKiske7
Final Fantasy Type-0 - Walkthrough Part 5 - Chapter 2 - World map - コルシの洞窟/Korushi Cave
"READ DESCRIPTION" FF零式 -ファイナルファンタジー 零式Korushi Cave: Optional Place: To level up and for complete a request from chapter 3. How this video walkthrough works? The game is divided in chapters, so I divided the walkthrough that way, in each chapter you have some free time before you have to go to the story misssions, so in these videos I will show in each free time 1.Requests (the ones available on your 1st playthrough with the exceptions of the ones that require multiplay). 2.Events. 3. Optional dungeons. 4.Combat excercises (the ones that don't require high level). 5. I will train off camera each time a new area with new enemies is open. 6 Story missions. once I finish the first playthrough I will show the new options available in 2nd playthrough. SE is not Blocking Gameplay just major Cutscenes so I can make a Walkthrough So far I uploaded the intro and was blocked worldwide. Some videos will be uploaded here and others in my second channel www.youtube.com Check for more FF TYPE 0 Videos ============================== 1st Playthrough Played and Recorded by KyKiske7. System: PSP Enjoy. Pls. Subscribe and Comment
- published: 06 Nov 2011
- views: 8618
- author: KyKiske7

Z: Armoury (Nazi Zombies Weaponry Guide) - The 'Type 100' (The '1001 Samurais')
Welcome to the Z: Armoury. In this episode we look at the Type 100. Weapons will be recomm...
published: 02 May 2012
author: playthegamehome
Z: Armoury (Nazi Zombies Weaponry Guide) - The 'Type 100' (The '1001 Samurais')
Welcome to the Z: Armoury. In this episode we look at the Type 100. Weapons will be recommended for specialist use throughout the video. We will be assigning medals to specific guns that best serve certain scenarios, these will include round based medals and the coveted 'Pack-a-Punch' medals (of which there are only ten to be handed out through this series.) We hope the information presented in this transmission, has been enlightening. If so, consider giving the video a LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE and FAVOURITE if you feel it is deserved. Eternal thanks to those that do. Music, Graphics and Gameplay: Benn Down www.youtube.com Voiceover Artist and Writer: Jack 'Boop' Andrews www.youtube.com ---------------------------- COMMUNITY LINKS ---------------------------- Be sure to subscribe to our other channels: www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com For instant updates follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com or @playthegameco For community updates follow our Facebook page: www.facebook.com Be sure to visit our community forum: www.playthegame.co And Our Brand New News Site www.playthegamenews.com ------------------------------------ MERCHANDISE LINKS ------------------------------------ For Official PLAYtheGAME Merchandise playthegame.spreadshirt.co.uk Get a 10% Discount on ANY KontrolFreek purchase www.kontrolfreek.com Promo code: PlaytheGame Your support is incredibly appreciated! - The PTG Team
- published: 02 May 2012
- views: 11978
- author: playthegamehome

Final Fantasy Type-0 - Part 54 B - Chapter 7 "Agito Tower 2nd Floor" Lv.128 Coeurl x100 - Rem Solo
"READ DESCRIPTION" -FF 零式 - ファイナルファンタジー 零式-Chapter 7 - Agito Tower / アギトの塔 2nd Floor - Lv....
published: 01 Jul 2012
author: KyKiske7
Final Fantasy Type-0 - Part 54 B - Chapter 7 "Agito Tower 2nd Floor" Lv.128 Coeurl x100 - Rem Solo
"READ DESCRIPTION" -FF 零式 - ファイナルファンタジー 零式-Chapter 7 - Agito Tower / アギトの塔 2nd Floor - Lv.128 Coeurl x100 - Rem Solo Strategy is simple cast Fire RF2 when they appear two at the same time, and Meteor when they appear three or four simultaneously, avoid, use ether or any other item that recovers MP when needed, repeat until you finish. The hard part is avoid the Sphere they cast since is an instant kill if it touch you. -After you defeat them you can open a chest that randomly contains: Royal Crown (ロイヤルクラウン) = Increases MP by 100%, All Magic Power by 40 or, Adamant Gauntlet (アダマンの小手) =Increases Defense by 100, grants Endure effect ============================== At the start and until you defeat 30 of them, they appear two at the same time. From 30 and until you defeat 70 of them they appear three at the same time. As you can see at: 06:58 Finally from 70 and until you defeat the 100 Coeurls, they appear 4 at the same time. As you can see at: 13:06 ============================== -Agito tower is the most difficult dungeon in Type-0, the tower is divided in 7 floors. Each floor consists in fighting 100 enemies of a especial kind. after you beat a floor you can save and get a treasure with a special accessory, if you leave the tower you have to start all over again.In The last floor you fight a optional Boss and Finally get "Proof of Agito" best accessory of the game. ============================== EQUIPMENT: • Royal Crown / ロイヤルクラウン ...
- published: 01 Jul 2012
- views: 6430
- author: KyKiske7
Vimeo results:

Making Future Magic: iPad light painting
This film explores playful uses for the increasingly ubiquitous ‘glowing rectangles’ that ...
published: 14 Sep 2010
author: mcgarrybowen uk
Making Future Magic: iPad light painting
This film explores playful uses for the increasingly ubiquitous ‘glowing rectangles’ that inhabit the world.
We use photographic and animation techniques that were developed to draw moving 3-dimensional typography and objects with an iPad. In dark environments, we play movies on the surface of the iPad that extrude 3-d light forms as they move through the exposure. Multiple exposures with slightly different movies make up the stop-frame animation.
We've collected some of the best images from the project and made a book of them you can buy: http://bit.ly/mfmbook
Read more at the Dentsu London blog:
and at the BERG blog:

EF - Live The Language - Paris
Commercial for EF International Language Centers.
Directed by Gustav Johansson (www.gusta...
published: 17 Jan 2011
author: Albin Holmqvist
EF - Live The Language - Paris
Commercial for EF International Language Centers.
Directed by Gustav Johansson (www.gustavjohansson.com)
D.P: Niklas Johansson, fsf (www.niklasjohansson.com)
Typography: Albin Holmqvist (www.albinholmqvist.com)
Music: Magnus Lidehäll (www.twitter.com/magnusthemagnus)
Produced at Camp David (www.campdavidfilm.com)
Client: EF International Language Centers
Campaign site: www.ef.com/livethelanguage

This is a small animation i did as an exercise to experiment and explore all the graphical...
published: 04 Apr 2012
author: Ion
This is a small animation i did as an exercise to experiment and explore all the graphical possibilities of representing the idea of the SPHERE, always thinking in searching Gestalt and form. Its all done in 3d, but i was more interested in the graphical interest, flatten the surfaces, and only two colors, why more.The most difficult was to achieve the transitions between the different type of representation of the sphere, the morphing and metamorphosing.
For the description of the project, all these frames plus the frames from the scenes that weren't included, visit - http://www.behance.net/gallery/Spherikal/3565597
It was all done in Cinema 4d R13, all with the Mograph module. Comositing and post in After Effects
Sound : Brand X Music

EF - Live The Language - Barcelona
Commercial for EF International Language Centers.
Directed by Gustav Johansson (www.gusta...
published: 19 Jan 2011
author: Albin Holmqvist
EF - Live The Language - Barcelona
Commercial for EF International Language Centers.
Directed by Gustav Johansson (www.gustavjohansson.com)
D.P: Niklas Johansson, fsf (www.niklasjohansson.com)
Typography: Albin Holmqvist (www.albinholmqvist.com)
Music: Magnus Lidehäll (www.twitter.com/magnusthemagnus)
Produced at Camp David (www.campdavidfilm.com)
Client: EF International Language Centers
Campaign site: www.ef.com/livethelanguage
Youtube results:

WWE - New Match Types - First Blood Steel Cage Match
What other new match types would you like to see? ★★★Enjoy this video? Subscribe! - tinyur...
published: 10 Sep 2012
author: WeCaptureTheFrag
WWE - New Match Types - First Blood Steel Cage Match
What other new match types would you like to see? ★★★Enjoy this video? Subscribe! - tinyurl.com twitter.com facebook.com
- published: 10 Sep 2012
- views: 57219
- author: WeCaptureTheFrag

Akimbro - Game 16 - TYPE 95! Akimbro MAD!
JOIN Akimbro Nation! steamcommunity.com TBNRfrags: www.youtube.com The lighter side of MW3...
published: 17 Mar 2012
author: Juicetra
Akimbro - Game 16 - TYPE 95! Akimbro MAD!
JOIN Akimbro Nation! steamcommunity.com TBNRfrags: www.youtube.com The lighter side of MW3 brings you Akimbro! The dual wielding maniac from Canada! Check out my NEW WEBSITE: www.Juicetra.com Best Gaming Headsets! http CONNECT: Twitter: www.twitter.com Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitch: www.twitch.tv T-Shirts: www.juicetra.com
- published: 17 Mar 2012
- views: 21637
- author: Juicetra

Final Fantasy Type-0 - Walkthrough P.17 - Chapter 5-Combat Exercise Lv.38 候補生を援護せよ
"READ DESCRIPTION" FF零式 -ファイナルファンタジー 零式Chapter 5- Combat Exercise Lv.38 候補生を援護せよ/Cadet Pro...
published: 16 Dec 2011
author: KyKiske7
Final Fantasy Type-0 - Walkthrough P.17 - Chapter 5-Combat Exercise Lv.38 候補生を援護せよ
"READ DESCRIPTION" FF零式 -ファイナルファンタジー 零式Chapter 5- Combat Exercise Lv.38 候補生を援護せよ/Cadet Protection How this video walkthrough works? The game is divided in chapters, so I divided the walkthrough that way, in each chapter you have some free time before you have to go to the story misssions, so in these videos I will show in each free time 1.Requests (the ones available on your 1st playthrough with the exceptions of the ones that require multiplay). 2.Events. 3. Optional dungeons. 4.Combat excercises (the ones that don't require high level). 5. I will train off camera each time a new area with new enemies is open. 6 Story missions. once I finish the first playthrough I will show the new options available in 2nd playthrough. SE is not Blocking Gameplay just major Cutscenes so I can make a Walkthrough So far I uploaded the intro and was blocked worldwide. Some videos will be uploaded here and others in my second channel www.youtube.com Check for more FF TYPE 0 Videos ============================== 1st Playthrough Played and Recorded by KyKiske7. System: PSP Enjoy. Pls. Subscribe and Comment
- published: 16 Dec 2011
- views: 3607
- author: KyKiske7

Final Fantasy Type-0 - Walkthrough Part 39-Chap. 7-Ultima Bullet Drop Ground-Getting Adamant Shell
"READ DESCRIPTION" -FF 零式 - ファイナルファンタジー 零式-Chapter 7 -/ アルテマ弾投下地 / Ultima Bullet Drop Grou...
published: 10 Feb 2012
author: KyKiske7
Final Fantasy Type-0 - Walkthrough Part 39-Chap. 7-Ultima Bullet Drop Ground-Getting Adamant Shell
"READ DESCRIPTION" -FF 零式 - ファイナルファンタジー 零式-Chapter 7 -/ アルテマ弾投下地 / Ultima Bullet Drop Ground -Getting アダマンシェル / Adamant Shell How this video walkthrough works? The game is divided in chapters, so I divided the walkthrough that way, in each chapter you have some free time before you have to go to the story misssions, so in these videos I will show in each free time 1.Requests (the ones available on your 1st playthrough with the exceptions of the ones that require multiplay). 2.Events. 3. Optional dungeons. 4.Combat exercises (the ones that don't require high level). 5. I will train off camera each time a new area with new enemies is open. 6 Story missions. once I finish the first playthrough I will show the new options available in 2nd playthrough. SE is not Blocking Gameplay just major Cutscenes so I can make a Walkthrough So far I uploaded the intro and was blocked worldwide. Some videos will be uploaded here and others in my second channel www.youtube.com Check for more FF TYPE 0 Videos ============================== 1st Playthrough Played and Recorded by KyKiske7. System: PSP Enjoy. Pls. Subscribe and Comment
- published: 10 Feb 2012
- views: 14132
- author: KyKiske7