
youtube.YouTube - PROF. JAMES SMALLS VODUN AND HAITI PT.1.mov.flv
Professor james smalls talking about voudoun and what it means to us...
published: 07 Aug 2011
author: khufu65
youtube.YouTube - PROF. JAMES SMALLS VODUN AND HAITI PT.1.mov.flv
Professor james smalls talking about voudoun and what it means to us
published: 07 Aug 2011
views: 4269

Professor james smalls talking about voudoun and what it means to us...
published: 07 Aug 2011
author: khufu65
Professor james smalls talking about voudoun and what it means to us
published: 07 Aug 2011
author: khufu65
views: 2278

African Indigenous Spirituality - Vodun & Obeah
SoulSurvivor.Tk Inspired by King Noble www.youtube.com/1kingnoble www.youtube.com/kingnobl...
published: 15 Sep 2009
author: JurryG
African Indigenous Spirituality - Vodun & Obeah
SoulSurvivor.Tk Inspired by King Noble www.youtube.com/1kingnoble www.youtube.com/kingnoble7
published: 15 Sep 2009
author: JurryG
views: 18598

VODUN black magic spell
www.africanmagick.com There is another story revolving this same ritual that is taught to ...
published: 07 Nov 2011
author: vodoumaster101
VODUN black magic spell
www.africanmagick.com There is another story revolving this same ritual that is taught to initiates. It is not considered part of the secret Yoruba traditions so it can be shared openly. According to this story it was actually a servant of Prince Ajaka, the successor of now-King Oranyan, who discovered this spell. He traveled west to what is now Benin to consult with the Magi of an external kingdom. The servant of Ajaka wanted his wife returned to him, who Ajaka had stolen. The Magi performed the ritual and within one year Ajaka was disposed from his kingdom. The wife of the servant was allowed to return to him.
published: 07 Nov 2011
author: vodoumaster101
views: 779

Vodun in Haiti (Documentary) Part 1
thedropsquad.com Roman Catholicism is the official religion of Haiti, but voodoo may be co...
published: 19 Jul 2012
author: JahStayingElev8ted
Vodun in Haiti (Documentary) Part 1
thedropsquad.com Roman Catholicism is the official religion of Haiti, but voodoo may be considered the country's national religion. The majority of Haitians believe in and practice at least some aspects of voodoo. Most voodooists believe that their religion can coexist with Catholicism. Misconceptions about voodoo have given Haiti a reputation for sorcery and zombies. Popular images of voodoo have ignored the religion's basis as a domestic cult of family spirits. Adherents of voodoo do not perceive themselves as members of a separate religion; they consider themselves Roman Catholics. In fact, the word for voodoo does not even exist in rural Haiti. The Creole word vodoun refers to a kind of dance and in some areas to a category of spirits. Roman Catholics who are active voodooists say that they "serve the spirits," but they do not consider that practice as something outside of Roman Catholicism. Haitians also distinguish between the service of family spirits and the practice of magic and sorcery The belief system of voodoo revolves around family spirits (often called loua or mistË) who are inherited through maternal and paternal lines. Loua protect their "children" from misfortune. In return, families must "feed" the loua through periodic rituals in which food, drink, and other gifts are offered to the spirits. There are two kinds of services for the loua. The first is held once a year; the second is conducted much less frequently, usually only once a generation. Many ...
published: 19 Jul 2012
author: JahStayingElev8ted
views: 1863

african voodoo/vodou/vodun/vaudou 2012
www.africanmagick.com The oral tradition of Monikongo, or the Bakongo, tells us different ...
published: 21 Feb 2012
author: mbalekin
african voodoo/vodou/vodun/vaudou 2012
www.africanmagick.com The oral tradition of Monikongo, or the Bakongo, tells us different stories about the establishment of the kingdom. One says that nine of the nephews of Monikongo left and crossed the river to settle in the Zaire region. They settled much of the area south of the Congo river. They then distributed the lands among the nine nephews. To this day in Congo nine is considered a sacred number. By the time Monikongo reached a real legacy each would have sworn their loyalty to the King and his exploits in war and peace. It was said that Monikongo and his nephews had the most powerful sorcerers and only because of their powerful magic were able to control such a large portion of Africa. We purchase all ritual items here locally in Congo. This makes the strongest gris-gris' and nkisi while at the same time helping local Congolese villages! www.africanmagick.com
published: 21 Feb 2012
author: mbalekin
views: 762

Professor james smalls talking about voudoun and what it means to us...
published: 07 Aug 2011
author: khufu65
Professor james smalls talking about voudoun and what it means to us
published: 07 Aug 2011
author: khufu65
views: 2062

Foothill HS 2012 Winter Percussion "Vodun" - WGI Ceres Regional (Prelims)
Foothill HS 2012 winter percussion performing their program entitled "Vodun" at the Prelim...
published: 11 Mar 2012
author: Andrew Odello
Foothill HS 2012 Winter Percussion "Vodun" - WGI Ceres Regional (Prelims)
Foothill HS 2012 winter percussion performing their program entitled "Vodun" at the Prelims of the WGI Ceres Regional at Johansen High School on March 10th, 2012. Foothill took 3rd place in the Scholastic Open division with a score of 80.95.
published: 11 Mar 2012
author: Andrew Odello
views: 399

Vodun Sacrifice
"Voodoo" (Vodun) ritual sacrifice of a cow in Abomey. The female warriors ("Amazons") danc...
published: 04 Jan 2009
author: ericmathurin
Vodun Sacrifice
"Voodoo" (Vodun) ritual sacrifice of a cow in Abomey. The female warriors ("Amazons") dance and sing around the offering.
published: 04 Jan 2009
author: ericmathurin
views: 8884

Haitian Vodun at New Orleans Jazzfest
At the Haitian Pavilion at the New Orleans Jazzfest 2011 devotees conduct aspects of Vodun...
published: 15 Jun 2011
author: babaoba1
Haitian Vodun at New Orleans Jazzfest
At the Haitian Pavilion at the New Orleans Jazzfest 2011 devotees conduct aspects of Vodun rituals.
published: 15 Jun 2011
author: babaoba1
views: 565

Foothill HS 2012 Winter Percussion "Vodun" - WGI Ceres Regional (Finals)
Foothill HS 2012 winter percussion performing their program entitled "Vodun" at the Finals...
published: 11 Mar 2012
author: Andrew Odello
Foothill HS 2012 Winter Percussion "Vodun" - WGI Ceres Regional (Finals)
Foothill HS 2012 winter percussion performing their program entitled "Vodun" at the Finals of the WGI Ceres Regional at Johansen High School on March 10th, 2012. Foothill took 2nd place in the Scholastic Open division with a score of 82.9.
published: 11 Mar 2012
author: Andrew Odello
views: 1077

Foothill High School Winter Percussion 2012 - "Vodun"
Foothill High school 2012 Winter Percussion presents their program entitled "Vodun" at Fai...
published: 04 Mar 2012
author: Andrew Odello
Foothill High School Winter Percussion 2012 - "Vodun"
Foothill High school 2012 Winter Percussion presents their program entitled "Vodun" at Fairfield HS on March 3rd, 2012. Foothill took 1st place with a score of 88.9.
published: 04 Mar 2012
author: Andrew Odello
views: 1039

Vodun in Haiti (Documentary) Part 2
thedropsquad.com Roman Catholicism is the official religion of Haiti, but voodoo may be co...
published: 19 Jul 2012
author: JahStayingElev8ted
Vodun in Haiti (Documentary) Part 2
thedropsquad.com Roman Catholicism is the official religion of Haiti, but voodoo may be considered the country's national religion. The majority of Haitians believe in and practice at least some aspects of voodoo. Most voodooists believe that their religion can coexist with Catholicism. Misconceptions about voodoo have given Haiti a reputation for sorcery and zombies. Popular images of voodoo have ignored the religion's basis as a domestic cult of family spirits. Adherents of voodoo do not perceive themselves as members of a separate religion; they consider themselves Roman Catholics. In fact, the word for voodoo does not even exist in rural Haiti. The Creole word vodoun refers to a kind of dance and in some areas to a category of spirits. Roman Catholics who are active voodooists say that they "serve the spirits," but they do not consider that practice as something outside of Roman Catholicism. Haitians also distinguish between the service of family spirits and the practice of magic and sorcery The belief system of voodoo revolves around family spirits (often called loua or mistË) who are inherited through maternal and paternal lines. Loua protect their "children" from misfortune. In return, families must "feed" the loua through periodic rituals in which food, drink, and other gifts are offered to the spirits. There are two kinds of services for the loua. The first is held once a year; the second is conducted much less frequently, usually only once a generation. Many ...
published: 19 Jul 2012
author: JahStayingElev8ted
views: 243
Vimeo results:

Vodun teaser
Vodun interactive project...
published: 11 Jun 2011
author: Robbert Schefman
Vodun teaser
Vodun interactive project

Turntable - Vodun
Turntable for the character "Vodun." Designed and Created by me using Autodesk Maya and Ad...
published: 31 Mar 2011
author: Sara Edwards
Turntable - Vodun
Turntable for the character "Vodun." Designed and Created by me using Autodesk Maya and Adobe Photoshop

Livro Vodun no Brasil
O livro Best Seller sobre candomblé.
Vodun no Brasil da escritora Andreia Camargo...
published: 27 Apr 2011
author: aguas da vida
Livro Vodun no Brasil
O livro Best Seller sobre candomblé.
Vodun no Brasil da escritora Andreia Camargo

'Vodun, trying to grasp the ungraspable' - reportage by Frederic Vanwalleghem
The town of Ouidah - Benin is the spiritual capital of Vodun in West Africa where all pay ...
published: 18 Apr 2012
author: Frederic Vanwalleghem
'Vodun, trying to grasp the ungraspable' - reportage by Frederic Vanwalleghem
The town of Ouidah - Benin is the spiritual capital of Vodun in West Africa where all pay homage to the Python-God. Presently there are an estimated 50 million worshippers worldwide. An important aspect of the religion is spirit possession, through which the spirits speak to the devotees only for a short time during the ceremonies. This trance mechanism is a way to heal and get advice about daily matters. I lived with the Beninese 'Hounongan Zanzan Zinho Kledjé' family who adheres the Gambada fetish or the serpent spirit, the basis of the well-known Damballah cult in Haïti. In Vodun and related African diasporic traditions a primordial way to obtain a spiritual experience is by being possessed by the Iwa or spirit. I was fortunate to encounter and document this intense experience. During a ceremony I witnessed the individual trance of two devotees. The genuine uncontrollable muscle spasms, vocalizations and peculiar eye gazes showed me this was an unfeigned event.
I felt strongly this women did not feign the possession as f. ex. I witnessed next to their peculiar eye gazes a lot of uncontrollable muscle spasms. Photographically I wanted to emphasize their raw female power by isolating these women from their surroundings and focussing on them.
Frederic Vanwalleghem
Visual Artist
Youtube results:

Foothill High School Winter Percussion 2012 - "VODUN" (NCBA CHAMPIONSHIPS)
Foothill High School 2012 Winter Percussion performing their program entitled "Vodun" at N...
published: 01 Apr 2012
author: Andrew Odello
Foothill High School Winter Percussion 2012 - "VODUN" (NCBA CHAMPIONSHIPS)
Foothill High School 2012 Winter Percussion performing their program entitled "Vodun" at NCBA championships on March 31st, 2012 at Lincoln High School in Stockton, CA. Foothill took "1st place" (In NCBA the rankings go Champion, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) with a score of 95.000, to Rodriguez's champion score of 95.025. Thank you for an incredible season!!
published: 01 Apr 2012
author: Andrew Odello
views: 866

Ya de Mãe Daniele do Asé Bara Vodun Otum Oyá
published: 26 Apr 2009
author: Andre Silva
Ya de Mãe Daniele do Asé Bara Vodun Otum Oyá
published: 26 Apr 2009
author: Andre Silva
views: 1234

Haitian Vodou
What is Haitian Vodou? In this piece, Haitians tell us about this New World Afro-diasporic...
published: 24 Oct 2010
author: GlobalNomadsGroup
Haitian Vodou
What is Haitian Vodou? In this piece, Haitians tell us about this New World Afro-diasporic faith unique to their country, and we pay a visit to Le Péristyle de Mariana, the seat of Haitian Vodou and home of Vodou's Official Chief, Max-G. Beauvoir.
published: 24 Oct 2010
author: GlobalNomadsGroup
views: 6859

#2 Au Coeur du Vodun - Kpessosso, Aneho, Togo
For more information visit: ouidahvudon.blogspot.com At the Heart of Vudon is made possibl...
published: 30 Aug 2011
author: CIAMO Benin
#2 Au Coeur du Vodun - Kpessosso, Aneho, Togo
For more information visit: ouidahvudon.blogspot.com At the Heart of Vudon is made possible by CIAMO, a project of ArtForceAfrica. Please make a donation so we can continue this valuable research: www.crowdrise.com
published: 30 Aug 2011
author: CIAMO Benin
views: 4197