An order of succession is the sequence of those entitled to hold a high office such as head of state or an honour such as a title of nobility in the order in which they stand in line to it when it becomes vacated. This sequence may be regulated through descent or by statute.
An established order of succession is the normal way of passing on hereditary positions, and also provides immediate continuity after an unexpected vacancy in cases where office-holders are chosen by election: the office does not have to remain vacant until a successor is elected. In some cases the successor takes up the full role of the previous office-holder, as in the case of the presidency of many countries; in other non-hereditary cases there is not a full succession, but a caretaker chosen by succession criteria assumes some or all of the responsibilities, but not the formal office, of the position. For example, when the position of Catholic Pope becomes vacant, the College of Cardinals collectively carries out the essential functions of the papacy until a successor is elected.
According to Article 20 of the Constitution, the crown of Morocco passes according to agnatic primogeniture among the descendants of King Hassan II – unless the reigning monarch designates a younger son as heir apparent – failing which it devolves to "the closest male in the collateral consanguinity".
Therefore the current line of succession is:
Michael W. Smith and Gary Moore
Far above the highest heavens
On a throne of crystal light
Dwells the God of all creation
Rays of wonder crown His might
Human voices blend with the angels
Giving praise to God alone
Heavens music rises upward
To the Lamb up on the throne
To the Lamb up on the throne
Blessing! Glory! Hallelujah!
Shout the saints of God alone
Honor! Power! and Dominion!
Praises gather at the throne
Oh, they gather at the crystal throne
Gather at the crystal throne
Lightning flashes and thunder echoes
Diamond rainbows fill the sky
Awesome beauty God's provision
Never seen by human eyes
Blazing colors show the glory
Of the Master Artist's plan
Built by God for those who love Him
Those who trust the great "I Am"
Those who trust the great "I Am"