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DRAGON'S BREATH: 12 Gauge Flamethrower
DRAGON'S BREATH: 12 Gauge Flamethrower
Review and demonstration of Dragon's Breath, an exotic incendiary load for 12 gauge shotguns. First and foremost, please check the legality of using this product where you live. Many states have banned Dragon's Breath. As of this video post, I am aware that at least Florida, Illinois, and Iowa prohibit Dragon's Breath ammo. You may purchase at an out-of-state gun show, as did I, and take it home. That may or may not be good. This appears to be legal to use in Tennessee. In some states, possession alone is considered a felony. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY, NOT MINE, TO DETERMINE THIS STATUS WHERE YOU LIVE. Second, this load may not cycle properly in semi-auto shotguns. Third, if you can legally buy and use this product, PLEASE DO SO IN A SAFE SETTING. To some extent, this is fireworks on steriods. Demonstration includes slow-motion footage. There are alot of videos online showing Dragon's Breath. I'm trying to take that a step further and note for you realistic concerns pertaining to legality and safe use of this product. AGAIN, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE LEGALITY AND PROPER USAGE. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR DECISION AND ACTIONS.
Protesters use flamethrowers against police
Protesters use flamethrowers against police
1st Mobile Regiment's 1st & 3rd Company(1001st, 1003rd Mobile) of the South korean Combat Police corps against a very pissed off protest group in South Korea, 2002.
Flame Thrower
Flame Thrower
The flame thrower range at Mustang Range in Nevada. This is a US military issued Vietnam era authentic flamethrower. It is NOT home made. Many thanks to the Mustang Range and the folks who help keep their shoot outs packed with fun toys for letting people have a go at this! Since people are asking for more details on this and other flame throwers, here is some helpful information: Modern origins - "The first flamethrower, in the modern sense, usually is credited to Richard Fiedler. He submitted evaluation models of his Flammenwerfer to the German army in 1901." [wikipedia] Current use - "Flamethrowers have not been in the US arsenal since 1978, when the Department of Defense unilaterally stopped using them." [wikipedia] This model was filled with gasoline and possibly another propellant, but only filled to 25% capacity/pressure. [my memory]
Awesome Homemade Flamethrower
Awesome Homemade Flamethrower
Flamethrower made from an old fire extinguisher, various plumbing parts, 8 litres of petrol, and 100psi of pressure. Range: 14m. Burn time: Apprx 10 sec total per load. Fun: Unbelievable.
Do Try This at Home! Episode 4 - Flame Thrower
Do Try This at Home! Episode 4 - Flame Thrower
This is the fourth video in an ongoing series which features amazing feats which can be performed, and cool gadgets which can be built by anyone, using ordinary household items. In this episode, "Mr. G" shows you how to make a match gun out of mere clothes pins. WATCH PAST THE CREDITS FOR MORE APRIL FOOLS DAY FUN!!!
Lego Flamethrower
Lego Flamethrower
My lego flamethrower with a trigger. Please ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ OR RATE. . The fuel can was almost out so it couldn't reach ultimate range. Sorry about the "unfitting" music, blame copyright. Some credits goes to classics07 for lighting the candle o_O.
Dairy Queen Flamethrower Sandwich
Dairy Queen Flamethrower Sandwich
A few customers that are eating the Flamethrower sandwich. I live this commercial.
You've asked for it, and now you get it... FLAMETHROWER! This week, Sherman helps Everett get over his recent... murderous rage... by giving him a flamethrower and turning him loose on snowmen. Fire is fun. Also, don't do this at home.Now that you've witnessed our barking insanity, we invite you to come on over to www.Zanzibar19.com to sign up for our newsletter, check out our other episodes, or swear at our mothers in the forums. If you've truly gone off your meds, feel free to buy your very own SNOWMEN HUNTERS T-Shirt, booze cup (er, uh, coffee cup) or campaign button here www.cafepress.com If you do, you'll be keeping us off the streets and out of trouble after we get out of school. I think it's obvious by now that we're still trying to finish the 7th grade. Zanzibar19: A co-production of www.RocketSpots.tv and http
US Marine Corps Flamethrower Demonstration
US Marine Corps Flamethrower Demonstration
Marine Corps World War II Flamethrower Demonstration by the USNA Semper Fi Society
Direct Bikes Scooter Flame Thrower Colin Furze
Direct Bikes Scooter Flame Thrower Colin Furze
This is no ordinary Direct Bikes scooter. Wow.... look at the flames on this one!
FRANKENHORN Flamethrower Trombone (aka Scott 's Flamebone)
FRANKENHORN Flamethrower Trombone (aka Scott 's Flamebone)
This is a working playing flamethrower trombone that has fire on demand. It is made up from plumbing, torch, and compressed air parts. It took about two weeks and a couple of weekends to complete. It has a 21 foot range with the fireball, and a concussion wave of 150 feet. It can be difficult to play since it has a recoil.
Vex Flame-thrower
Vex Flame-thrower
check out my other vex invention, The rocket launching tank www.youtube.com
Flame glove system demo
Flame glove system demo
A demo of the prototype of the flame glove system. Final system would be more streamlined with hoses, cables, and gloves reduced in size and integrated into performers costume.
M132 Armored Flamethrower
M132 Armored Flamethrower
The M132 was a United States built flamethrower armed variant of the M113 and M113A1 armored personnel carriers developed in the early 1960s. Approximately 350 were accepted into service. The first prototype of the vehicle was produced in August 1962 when a flamethrower was mounted on a M113. This prototype was only used in combat situations four times that year. In December 1964, the first armored Cavalry was sent two M132 flamethrower armored vehicles. The vehicle was based on an M113. The driver sits in the front left of the hull. A small cupola in the center of the hull mounts an M10-8 flame gun with a coaxial 7.62 mm calibre M73 machine gun. The weapons could be traversed though 360 degrees and elevated to +55 degrees and depressed to -15 degree. The passenger compartment was removed, and replaced with an M10 fuel and pressure unit and four spherical 50 gallon fuel tanks. The 200 gallon fuel capacity enabled it to fire for 32 seconds, and the pressure unit enabled it to reach targets at a range of 200 meters.
Homemade Backpack Flamethrower Fun!
Homemade Backpack Flamethrower Fun!
This is my homemade backpack flamethrower. It is actually a pretty simple device consisting of: A 5-gallon tank for gasoline, a small tank of argon to pressurize the gas tank to ~100 psi via a welding regulator, and a small propane tank to power the pilot light under the tip of the gun. To keep this as safe as possible I used argon to pressurize the gasoline tank because its an inert gas, so there is no chance of an explosion in the pressurized gasoline tank (no oxygen in tank = no boom). Interestingly, when the flamethrower gets low on gasoline and the argon starts to come out with the gas, it robs the gas of any surrounding oxygen and puts the flame out. NEVER USE COMPRESSED AIR TO PRESSURIZE A GASOLINE TANK! As with everything you do in life, I am not responsible if you try something based off of this video and natural selection works its mysterious magic by removing you from the gene pool.
Classic Flamethrowers
Classic Flamethrowers
3 Fire breathing cars seen at the 2008 Syracuse nationals.
COOKING WITH Flamethrower! M2 Flamethrower
COOKING WITH Flamethrower! M2 Flamethrower
Cooking with a Flamethrower M2 Flamethrower Click to FACEBOOK: on.fb.me Click to TWEET: bit.ly Follow me on Twitter: twitter.com Friend me on Facebook: www.facebook.com www.imdb.com The M2 flamethrower (M2-2) was an American man-portable backpack flamethrower that was used in World War II. It was the successor to the M1 and M1A1 flamethrowers. Although its actual "burn time" was around 47 seconds and the flame was only effective out to around 20 meters [1], it was still a functional weapon that had many uses in the war. However, with the later arrival of tanks and, especially, flamethrower tanks, the need for infantrymen to expose themselves to fire became unnecessary, as tanks offered greater protection and greater firepower Though some M2s were sold off, the majority were scrapped when they were declared "obsolete." M2-2FPSRussia FPS Russia FPS-Russia Flamethrower Flame Thrower FPSRussian FPS Russian Russian Guns Machine Guns Explosions Explosives Tannerite Napalm M2A1-2 M2A1-2 is the variation of the M2 modified during the Korean war period. These had straight sided backpack frames, vented gas caps, a cylinder sized regulator and a safety valve. These are much more common today than WWII models. M2A1-7 was a flamethrower used by the American troops during the Vietnam War. It is the updated version of the M2A1-2 unit used during The Korean War. It has four controls: Back of the rear grip: firing safety catch. Front of the rear grip: firing trigger. On top of the front <b>...</b>