- published: 28 Feb 2010
- views: 53021
- author: movimentocampania

Intervista Beppe Grillo sky tg 24 Maria Latella parte 1/4
L'intervista a Beppe Grillo del 28/02/2010....
published: 28 Feb 2010
author: movimentocampania
Intervista Beppe Grillo sky tg 24 Maria Latella parte 1/4
L'intervista a Beppe Grillo del 28/02/2010.
- published: 28 Feb 2010
- views: 53021
- author: movimentocampania

Nuova Grafica Sky TG24 - 3 Settembre 2012
Vediamo alcune delle novità grafiche introdotte da Sky TG24 il 3 Settembre 2012......
published: 03 Sep 2012
author: iFrez360
Nuova Grafica Sky TG24 - 3 Settembre 2012
Vediamo alcune delle novità grafiche introdotte da Sky TG24 il 3 Settembre 2012...
- published: 03 Sep 2012
- views: 1104
- author: iFrez360

SKY TG 24.wmv
published: 04 May 2011
author: TelelatinoNetwork
SKY TG 24.wmv
- published: 04 May 2011
- views: 685
- author: TelelatinoNetwork

Tutto Matteo Renzi - Confronto Tv SkyTg24 - 12 novembre 2012
Primarie Centro Sinistra www.romadesso.it....
published: 13 Nov 2012
author: adessotv
Tutto Matteo Renzi - Confronto Tv SkyTg24 - 12 novembre 2012
Primarie Centro Sinistra www.romadesso.it.
- published: 13 Nov 2012
- views: 5877
- author: adessotv

Intervista a Ruby sul caso Berlusconi - SKY TG 24
(Video da Sky.it) Ecco l'intervista realizzata da Sky Tg 24 a Ruby sul caso Berlusconi....
published: 15 Jan 2011
author: Pasquale Pellegrino
Intervista a Ruby sul caso Berlusconi - SKY TG 24
(Video da Sky.it) Ecco l'intervista realizzata da Sky Tg 24 a Ruby sul caso Berlusconi.
- published: 15 Jan 2011
- views: 114384
- author: Pasquale Pellegrino

Beppe Grillo Intervista SKY TG24 (15.1.2013)
published: 15 Jan 2013
author: walrusTVtube
Beppe Grillo Intervista SKY TG24 (15.1.2013)
- published: 15 Jan 2013
- views: 40837
- author: walrusTVtube

Berlusconi a Sky tg24 Ruby, mai detto fosse nipote Mubarak
"Io non l'ho mai detto, è stata un'invenzione dei giornali. Lei mi aveva detto di essere f...
published: 02 Jan 2013
Berlusconi a Sky tg24 Ruby, mai detto fosse nipote Mubarak
"Io non l'ho mai detto, è stata un'invenzione dei giornali. Lei mi aveva detto di essere figlia di una famiglia vicina al presidente Mubarak. Io ne avevo parlato per quasi 15 minuti con lui otto giorni prima durante un summit italo-egiziano" e ci sono "le testimonianze di ministri e interpreti che hanno confermato". Così Silvio Berlusconi, a Skytg24, parlando di Ruby
- published: 02 Jan 2013
- views: 2181

Fumata bianca, eletto il nuovo papa - Da Sky Tg24
Al quinto scrutinio eletto il nuovo Papa: http://www.businesspeople.it/Societa/Attualita/F...
published: 13 Mar 2013
author: BusinessPeopleWeb
Fumata bianca, eletto il nuovo papa - Da Sky Tg24
Al quinto scrutinio eletto il nuovo Papa: http://www.businesspeople.it/Societa/Attualita/Fumata-bianca-eletto-il-nuovo-Papa.-Diretta-video-da-San-Pietro_4544...
- published: 13 Mar 2013
- views: 1645
- author: BusinessPeopleWeb

Regionali Lazio sanità, rifiuti e trasporti. Il confronto - Tg24 - Sky.it
http://www.roma5stelle.com/sostienici-donazioni o con bonifico bancario intestato a: Citta...
published: 15 Feb 2013
Regionali Lazio sanità, rifiuti e trasporti. Il confronto - Tg24 - Sky.it
http://www.roma5stelle.com/sostienici-donazioni o con bonifico bancario intestato a: Cittadini in Movimento, presso Banca Etica, filiale di Roma, via Parigi ...
- published: 15 Feb 2013
- views: 422
- author: Movimentocinquestelleroma Beppegrillo

berlusconi attacca a parole un giornalista contestatore in diretta tv su sky tg 24 quanti ...
published: 01 Jun 2012
author: FedericoAstaChannel
berlusconi attacca a parole un giornalista contestatore in diretta tv su sky tg 24 quanti insulti.
- published: 01 Jun 2012
- views: 2379
- author: FedericoAstaChannel

SGARBI a SKY TG24. Urla e insulti in diretta
http://solar-time.blogspot.com Alla trasmissione "SKY TG24 pomeriggio" del 30 Ottobre 2008...
published: 30 Oct 2008
author: solareyt
SGARBI a SKY TG24. Urla e insulti in diretta
http://solar-time.blogspot.com Alla trasmissione "SKY TG24 pomeriggio" del 30 Ottobre 2008 condotta da Paola Saluzzi, si parlava della riforma Gelmini. Duris...
- published: 30 Oct 2008
- views: 184384
- author: solareyt

Maria Latella intervista Berlusconi - SKY TG24
published: 20 Jan 2013
author: walrusTVtube
Maria Latella intervista Berlusconi - SKY TG24
- published: 20 Jan 2013
- views: 339
- author: walrusTVtube

SKY TG24 - Siria: L'attività della Croce Rossa italiana
Intervista Francesco Rocca, Presidente della Croce Rossa Italiana....
published: 11 Apr 2013
author: ItalianRedCross
SKY TG24 - Siria: L'attività della Croce Rossa italiana
Intervista Francesco Rocca, Presidente della Croce Rossa Italiana.
- published: 11 Apr 2013
- views: 351
- author: ItalianRedCross

Beppe Grillo a Sky TG 24: " I Partiti sono fantasmi. Siamo in guerra"
Visita il mio blog:
La nostra radio:
published: 01 Dec 2011
Beppe Grillo a Sky TG 24: " I Partiti sono fantasmi. Siamo in guerra"
Visita il mio blog:
La nostra radio:
il nostro sito:
i nostri corsi:
- published: 01 Dec 2011
- views: 9272
Vimeo results:

Filmed in Dubai over 5 days and nights.
Shot on the Canon 7D, 2x5DmkII and one Panasonic...
published: 24 Jan 2010
author: Philip Bloom
Filmed in Dubai over 5 days and nights.
Shot on the Canon 7D, 2x5DmkII and one Panasonic GF1
Dedicated to Sky Vassar who died recently at a tragically young age.
Please read my blog for BTS info.
Thanks to Media Prima and Talkabout Media
Music is from "The Fountain" by Clint Mansell

Namibian Nights
It's not easy to come up with something new when you visit the same place every year for m...
published: 10 Jan 2013
author: Squiver
Namibian Nights
It's not easy to come up with something new when you visit the same place every year for more than a decade. Over the years Marsel has created the most extensive and most popular night photography portfolio of Namibia on this planet, and two years ago he decided it was time to take it to the next level.
The idea was to create a night photography timelapse video featuring his most popular subjects in this amazing country: the fairytale-like quivertrees and the eery, dead camelthorn trees in Deadvlei - something that had never been done before. But instead of going for static scenes, Marsel decided to add movement to the scenes by using a dolly system.
All scenes were shot during the night with Nikon D3, D3s and D4 cameras. We used small headlights for selectively lighting trees and rocks, and we sometimes used the moon. The brighter the scene, the more moon there was at the time. For the arch scene we timed our shoot exactly with moonset, which involved quite a bit of calculating and planning. But the hardest one of all was probably the mist scene in Deadvlei. Mist in Deadvlei only occurs around five times a year, so we had to keep a close eye on the weather predictions and many attempts were unsuccessful. When we finally got it right, the results far exceeded our expectations and show Deadvlei as no one has ever seen it before.
Each second of video consists of 30 photographs. In total, Marsel shot more than 16,000 images over a period of two years for this project.
The video won First Prize in the 2012 Travel Photographer Of The Year Awards.
Marsel & Daniella
Director: Marsel van Oosten
Editor: Daniella Sibbing
Composer: Simon Wilkinson
Produced by: Squiver
Equipment used:
Cameras: Nikon D3, D3s and D4
Lenses: Nikon 14-24/2.8 and 24-70/2.8
Tripods: Gitzo
Dolly: Stage Zero, Dynamic Perception
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Squiver
Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marselvanoostenphotography

Aurora 2012
Between January 23. and 29. I was again in Norway for shooting northern lights. This time ...
published: 03 Feb 2012
author: Christian Mülhauser
Aurora 2012
Between January 23. and 29. I was again in Norway for shooting northern lights. This time I was very lucky, there was a lot of activity on the sky especially on the 24 January. The scenes are from Ravnastua, Skoganvarre and Lakselv. The first two days I had a lot of trouble with frozen Cameras. It was -25°C (-13°F) and after 1-2 hours of shooting the lens was frozen.
I used a Canon 5D MarkII with ML, a 7D and a 550D with ML. All the scenes were shoot with this 3 lenses: Canon EF 24mm f/1.4 L on 5D, Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 on 7D and my Samyang 8mm/f3.5 on 550D.
The sound I found on the vimeo music store:
Elemental by Pulse Faction
Path of Stars by Jonathan Geer

In The Land Of The Northern Lights
Ok folks, this is it. Here is my first video project.
It is a video of the Northern Light...
published: 23 Mar 2011
author: Ole C. Salomonsen
In The Land Of The Northern Lights
Ok folks, this is it. Here is my first video project.
It is a video of the Northern Lights created using stills (stop motion). All sequences are shot in or close to Tromsø in Northern Norway.
I have spent over 6months collecting footage for this, I have shot approx 50.000 stills to choose from in making this video. A goal for me has been to try to preserve the real-time speed of the northern lights, or come as close as possible, and present it the way I experienced it, instead of the northern lights just flashing over the sky in the blink of an eye. It may work on other time-lapse videos with fast moving clouds and sunsets etc, but with the northern lights in focus, it should be presented in it's true speed to reflect her beauty, imo. In the video I have put together a collection of slow moving auroras in the woods, over the mounatins, in the city, in the foreshore, reflected in the sea, with some of the most spectacular and strongest auroral outbreaks seen in many years. Included here is a coronal outbreak, in which I am particularly happy to present, since it is very difficult to get on stills, even worse on "film".
I got a fantastic soundtrack made for the video by local musical talent in Tromsø; Per Wollen. A Huge thanks goes to you Per obviously! The audio track "Aurora in the sky" can be found on iTunes.
A huge thank goes to Jay and http://dynamicperception.com/ for making the most awesome timelapse gear available, and who made some of the sequences in this video possible!
The video shown here on Vimeo is 1280x720. It may be also available in 1920x1080 and Digital Cinema HD 4K. Contact me for higher resolution. Video may not be used commercially or public without permission.
Footage has been prepared for viewing in sRGB color space since this is the space most people use. Hence wide gamut displays may display colors wrong, especially green ones which the aurora mostly appears in, since the most clipping in color space when downscaling to sRGB is done in the green color area.
Hope you like the video, more info about me:
Follow me on facebook:
Gear used to put this together:
Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Canon EOS 7D
Canon EF 24 L 1.4 Mark II (My precious)
Canon EF 16-35 L 2.8 Mark II
Samyang 14mm 2.8
Nikon 14-24 2.8G AF S
Tokina 11-16 2.8
Meade DS-2000 w 497 Autostar
Dynamic Perception Stage Zero Dolly/Rail w MX2
Best regards
Youtube results:

Matteo Vicino Sky Tg24 Young Europe
Matteo Vicino presenta libro Young Europe a Sky Tg24 29 Giugno 2010....
published: 02 Jul 2010
author: Matteo Vicino
Matteo Vicino Sky Tg24 Young Europe
Matteo Vicino presenta libro Young Europe a Sky Tg24 29 Giugno 2010.
- published: 02 Jul 2010
- views: 1804
- author: Matteo Vicino

Sigla Sky Tg24 MATTINA POST Restyling 28 giugno 2010
Sigla apertura Sky Tg24 Mattina, dopo il Restyling Logo del 28 giugno 2010....
published: 10 Jul 2010
author: discountTV
Sigla Sky Tg24 MATTINA POST Restyling 28 giugno 2010
Sigla apertura Sky Tg24 Mattina, dopo il Restyling Logo del 28 giugno 2010.
- published: 10 Jul 2010
- views: 14260
- author: discountTV

Grillo: "no" intervista a Sky TG24. "No" al ritorno in televisione.
Beppe Grillo rinuncia al ritorno in televisione. Nessuna intervista, come programmato a Sk...
published: 17 Feb 2013
author: polisemantica
Grillo: "no" intervista a Sky TG24. "No" al ritorno in televisione.
Beppe Grillo rinuncia al ritorno in televisione. Nessuna intervista, come programmato a Sky TG24. Altre notizie su http://polisemantica.blogspot.it.
- published: 17 Feb 2013
- views: 915
- author: polisemantica

2012 Primarie Centrosinistra - Vendola a Sky tg24 - 07-10-2012
Nichi Vendola, Governatore della Regione Puglia e Leader di SEL, parla a Sky tg24 del suo ...
published: 07 Oct 2012
author: SelVarese Città di Varese
2012 Primarie Centrosinistra - Vendola a Sky tg24 - 07-10-2012
Nichi Vendola, Governatore della Regione Puglia e Leader di SEL, parla a Sky tg24 del suo ruolo nella competizione per la leadership del Centrosinistra alle ...
- published: 07 Oct 2012
- views: 2958
- author: SelVarese Città di Varese