21 aprile 2013
published: 21 Apr 2013
I 20 dell'Innovazione: CREATIVITA' - ARt-ART-Collection: grande successo ad ArTò
Nuovo appuntamento con I 20 DELL'INNOVAZIONE, martedì 20 novembre alle 17.00
Centro Congressi Ville Ponti di Varese, si parlerà di INDUSTRIA CREATIVA:
la creatività come valore e risorsa per le imprese, case history e opportunità.
Partecipazione gratuita - ISCRIZIONI ONLINE - www.va.camcom.it
ART-ART COLLECTION: un successo alla fiera di Torino ArTò, la collezione degli artigiani artisti Varesini partecipanti alla mostra Art-Art Varese ha suscitato un grande interesse da parte del pubblico torinese.
published: 12 Nov 2012
Fulvio Massano ad ArTò 2013
arte, ingegno e funzionalità
8-10 novembre 2013
Music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
published: 06 Nov 2013
Valerio de Vita - Artò
Choreography: Gisella Biondo
published: 08 Jun 2007
Firamar 2018 - Pesca amb Artò
Firamar 2018 - Pesca amb Artò
published: 15 May 2019
Artò 2009 - Lingotto Fiere - Torino
Alcune delle più belle immagini della mostra " I colori d'Italia" , svoltasi nel corso di Artò nel maggio 2009.L'appuntamento con Artò 2010 è dal 5 al 8 novembre 2010, sempre con la mostra " I colori d'Italia". Vi aspettiamo numerosi.
Associazione Italian Art in the World - Onlus - Torino.
Nel web siamo su www.spinart.it
published: 23 Mar 2010
videosfilata artò 2012
artò 9-11 novembre 2012
sfilata delle mie creazioni su abiti
published: 26 Nov 2012
Artò 2010
published: 16 Nov 2010
èll - sfilata Artò 2010
ceramiche da indossare
published: 08 Jan 2011
Torino: evento ArTò (2017)
L'UNSIC, Unione Nazionale Sindacale Imprenditori e Coltivatori, nasce nel 1996 per iniziativa di alcuni soci fondatori; è un Ente di tipo associativo non commerciale costituito sottoforma di associazione sindacale autonoma, libera ed apolitica.
L'UNSIC si ispira ai principi costituzionali; si impegna a difendere e sostenere le libere istituzioni ed il sistema pluralistico; rifiuta il concetto della politica del sindacalismo di classe; si pone come associazione di base, la cui linea programmatica si definisce nel serio ed aperto confronto delle posizioni e si realizza attraverso la libera elezione delle cariche.
L'UNSIC si configura come associazione apolitica e come garanzia della libertà di coscienza e di attività dei singoli iscritti.
L'autonomia è pertanto fonte stessa della linea org...
published: 26 Apr 2019
Alice nel paese delle meraviglie - Artò Teatro
Alice nel paese delle meraviglie - Artò Teatro
Con: Roberta Strafella, Manon Capozza, Stefano Dentici, Francesco Perrone, Massimiliano Licci Martinez, Pasquale Pepe, Vilma
Gjoka, Marina Perrone
Musiche: Roberta Viva, Massimiliano Licci Martinez
Scenografie e costumi: Roberto Chiovara
Adattamento testo: Daniele Portaluri
Montaggio Video: Salvatore Logica
Regia: Francesco Perrone
published: 14 May 2011
Le campane di Artò, Madonna del Sasso (VB)
Madonna del Sasso (VB), Artò, Chiesa Parrocchiale di San Bernardino da Siena
Concerto di 5 campane in Fa3 (Roberto Mazzola 1901; Capanni 1996)
Concerto solenne a 5 campane
La chiesa parrocchiale si trova all'inizio della frazione, posta in zona panoramica favorevole per scorgere le bellezze del Lago d'Orta. La fondazione della chiesa risale al XIV secolo, conservando la maggior parte degli affreschi barocchi di epoca successiva. La zona del presbiterio è molto solenne, riccamente decorata con storie della vita del santo patrono Bernardino da Siena, il cui famoso sole con il marchio IHS è spesso presente come motivo decorativo. L'elegante campanile ospita un concerto di cinque campane, fuse nella vicina ditta Mazzola di Valduggia all'inizio del XX secolo; sul finire dello stesso Capanni s...
published: 16 Sep 2020
Artò - Sogni di Carta
Promo spettacolo sogni di carta, compagnia artò
published: 19 Feb 2010
Madonna del Sasso - Artò - L'Album dei ricordi 5
Immagini di vita vissuta... riguardanti la comunità di Artò e Centonara Madonna del Sasso VB. Emozioni che colpiscono il cuore e l'anima nel rivedere i nostri piccoli paesi come erano una volta.
published: 02 Jan 2013
I 20 dell'Innovazione: CREATIVITA' - ARt-ART-Collection: grande successo ad ArTò
Nuovo appuntamento con I 20 DELL'INNOVAZIONE, martedì 20 novembre alle 17.00
Centro Congressi Ville Ponti di Varese, si parlerà di INDUSTRIA CREATIVA:
la crea...
Nuovo appuntamento con I 20 DELL'INNOVAZIONE, martedì 20 novembre alle 17.00
Centro Congressi Ville Ponti di Varese, si parlerà di INDUSTRIA CREATIVA:
la creatività come valore e risorsa per le imprese, case history e opportunità.
Partecipazione gratuita - ISCRIZIONI ONLINE - www.va.camcom.it
ART-ART COLLECTION: un successo alla fiera di Torino ArTò, la collezione degli artigiani artisti Varesini partecipanti alla mostra Art-Art Varese ha suscitato un grande interesse da parte del pubblico torinese.
Nuovo appuntamento con I 20 DELL'INNOVAZIONE, martedì 20 novembre alle 17.00
Centro Congressi Ville Ponti di Varese, si parlerà di INDUSTRIA CREATIVA:
la creatività come valore e risorsa per le imprese, case history e opportunità.
Partecipazione gratuita - ISCRIZIONI ONLINE - www.va.camcom.it
ART-ART COLLECTION: un successo alla fiera di Torino ArTò, la collezione degli artigiani artisti Varesini partecipanti alla mostra Art-Art Varese ha suscitato un grande interesse da parte del pubblico torinese.
- published: 12 Nov 2012
- views: 33
Fulvio Massano ad ArTò 2013
arte, ingegno e funzionalità
8-10 novembre 2013
Music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
arte, ingegno e funzionalità
8-10 novembre 2013
Music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
arte, ingegno e funzionalità
8-10 novembre 2013
Music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
- published: 06 Nov 2013
- views: 389
Artò 2009 - Lingotto Fiere - Torino
Alcune delle più belle immagini della mostra " I colori d'Italia" , svoltasi nel corso di Artò nel maggio 2009.L'appuntamento con Artò 2010 è dal 5 al 8 novemb...
Alcune delle più belle immagini della mostra " I colori d'Italia" , svoltasi nel corso di Artò nel maggio 2009.L'appuntamento con Artò 2010 è dal 5 al 8 novembre 2010, sempre con la mostra " I colori d'Italia". Vi aspettiamo numerosi.
Associazione Italian Art in the World - Onlus - Torino.
Nel web siamo su www.spinart.it
Alcune delle più belle immagini della mostra " I colori d'Italia" , svoltasi nel corso di Artò nel maggio 2009.L'appuntamento con Artò 2010 è dal 5 al 8 novembre 2010, sempre con la mostra " I colori d'Italia". Vi aspettiamo numerosi.
Associazione Italian Art in the World - Onlus - Torino.
Nel web siamo su www.spinart.it
- published: 23 Mar 2010
- views: 465
videosfilata artò 2012
artò 9-11 novembre 2012
sfilata delle mie creazioni su abiti
artò 9-11 novembre 2012
sfilata delle mie creazioni su abiti
artò 9-11 novembre 2012
sfilata delle mie creazioni su abiti
- published: 26 Nov 2012
- views: 40
Torino: evento ArTò (2017)
L'UNSIC, Unione Nazionale Sindacale Imprenditori e Coltivatori, nasce nel 1996 per iniziativa di alcuni soci fondatori; è un Ente di tipo associativo non commer...
L'UNSIC, Unione Nazionale Sindacale Imprenditori e Coltivatori, nasce nel 1996 per iniziativa di alcuni soci fondatori; è un Ente di tipo associativo non commerciale costituito sottoforma di associazione sindacale autonoma, libera ed apolitica.
L'UNSIC si ispira ai principi costituzionali; si impegna a difendere e sostenere le libere istituzioni ed il sistema pluralistico; rifiuta il concetto della politica del sindacalismo di classe; si pone come associazione di base, la cui linea programmatica si definisce nel serio ed aperto confronto delle posizioni e si realizza attraverso la libera elezione delle cariche.
L'UNSIC si configura come associazione apolitica e come garanzia della libertà di coscienza e di attività dei singoli iscritti.
L'autonomia è pertanto fonte stessa della linea organizzativa dell'UNSIC e viene da essa affermata come capacità di definire, nei confronti della vita sociale italiana e delle sue espressioni e conformazioni, un proprio giudizio scevro da ogni preconcetto di carattere ideologico o di opportunità politica, per adeguare invece l'azione sindacale alle realistiche valutazioni dei problemi dei lavoratori autonomi ed allo sviluppo economico e civile del paese ricercando, di volta in volta, le soluzioni più razionali, allo scopo di armonizzare interessi della categoria e visione dei problemi della crescita civile della popolazione.
L'UNSIC, Unione Nazionale Sindacale Imprenditori e Coltivatori, nasce nel 1996 per iniziativa di alcuni soci fondatori; è un Ente di tipo associativo non commerciale costituito sottoforma di associazione sindacale autonoma, libera ed apolitica.
L'UNSIC si ispira ai principi costituzionali; si impegna a difendere e sostenere le libere istituzioni ed il sistema pluralistico; rifiuta il concetto della politica del sindacalismo di classe; si pone come associazione di base, la cui linea programmatica si definisce nel serio ed aperto confronto delle posizioni e si realizza attraverso la libera elezione delle cariche.
L'UNSIC si configura come associazione apolitica e come garanzia della libertà di coscienza e di attività dei singoli iscritti.
L'autonomia è pertanto fonte stessa della linea organizzativa dell'UNSIC e viene da essa affermata come capacità di definire, nei confronti della vita sociale italiana e delle sue espressioni e conformazioni, un proprio giudizio scevro da ogni preconcetto di carattere ideologico o di opportunità politica, per adeguare invece l'azione sindacale alle realistiche valutazioni dei problemi dei lavoratori autonomi ed allo sviluppo economico e civile del paese ricercando, di volta in volta, le soluzioni più razionali, allo scopo di armonizzare interessi della categoria e visione dei problemi della crescita civile della popolazione.
- published: 26 Apr 2019
- views: 7
Alice nel paese delle meraviglie - Artò Teatro
Alice nel paese delle meraviglie - Artò Teatro
Con: Roberta Strafella, Manon Capozza, Stefano Dentici, Francesco Perrone, Massimiliano Licci Martinez, Pasquale...
Alice nel paese delle meraviglie - Artò Teatro
Con: Roberta Strafella, Manon Capozza, Stefano Dentici, Francesco Perrone, Massimiliano Licci Martinez, Pasquale Pepe, Vilma
Gjoka, Marina Perrone
Musiche: Roberta Viva, Massimiliano Licci Martinez
Scenografie e costumi: Roberto Chiovara
Adattamento testo: Daniele Portaluri
Montaggio Video: Salvatore Logica
Regia: Francesco Perrone
Alice nel paese delle meraviglie - Artò Teatro
Con: Roberta Strafella, Manon Capozza, Stefano Dentici, Francesco Perrone, Massimiliano Licci Martinez, Pasquale Pepe, Vilma
Gjoka, Marina Perrone
Musiche: Roberta Viva, Massimiliano Licci Martinez
Scenografie e costumi: Roberto Chiovara
Adattamento testo: Daniele Portaluri
Montaggio Video: Salvatore Logica
Regia: Francesco Perrone
- published: 14 May 2011
- views: 698
Le campane di Artò, Madonna del Sasso (VB)
Madonna del Sasso (VB), Artò, Chiesa Parrocchiale di San Bernardino da Siena
Concerto di 5 campane in Fa3 (Roberto Mazzola 1901; Capanni 1996)
Concerto solenne...
Madonna del Sasso (VB), Artò, Chiesa Parrocchiale di San Bernardino da Siena
Concerto di 5 campane in Fa3 (Roberto Mazzola 1901; Capanni 1996)
Concerto solenne a 5 campane
La chiesa parrocchiale si trova all'inizio della frazione, posta in zona panoramica favorevole per scorgere le bellezze del Lago d'Orta. La fondazione della chiesa risale al XIV secolo, conservando la maggior parte degli affreschi barocchi di epoca successiva. La zona del presbiterio è molto solenne, riccamente decorata con storie della vita del santo patrono Bernardino da Siena, il cui famoso sole con il marchio IHS è spesso presente come motivo decorativo. L'elegante campanile ospita un concerto di cinque campane, fuse nella vicina ditta Mazzola di Valduggia all'inizio del XX secolo; sul finire dello stesso Capanni si prestò per la rifusione della minore, offesa nel suono in seguito a una vistosa crepa.
Un ringraziamento a don Riccardo e al prevosto don Massimo.
Madonna del Sasso (VB), Artò, Chiesa Parrocchiale di San Bernardino da Siena
Concerto di 5 campane in Fa3 (Roberto Mazzola 1901; Capanni 1996)
Concerto solenne a 5 campane
La chiesa parrocchiale si trova all'inizio della frazione, posta in zona panoramica favorevole per scorgere le bellezze del Lago d'Orta. La fondazione della chiesa risale al XIV secolo, conservando la maggior parte degli affreschi barocchi di epoca successiva. La zona del presbiterio è molto solenne, riccamente decorata con storie della vita del santo patrono Bernardino da Siena, il cui famoso sole con il marchio IHS è spesso presente come motivo decorativo. L'elegante campanile ospita un concerto di cinque campane, fuse nella vicina ditta Mazzola di Valduggia all'inizio del XX secolo; sul finire dello stesso Capanni si prestò per la rifusione della minore, offesa nel suono in seguito a una vistosa crepa.
Un ringraziamento a don Riccardo e al prevosto don Massimo.
- published: 16 Sep 2020
- views: 1045
Artò - Sogni di Carta
Promo spettacolo sogni di carta, compagnia artò
Promo spettacolo sogni di carta, compagnia artò
Promo spettacolo sogni di carta, compagnia artò
- published: 19 Feb 2010
- views: 240
Madonna del Sasso - Artò - L'Album dei ricordi 5
Immagini di vita vissuta... riguardanti la comunità di Artò e Centonara Madonna del Sasso VB. Emozioni che colpiscono il cuore e l'anima nel rivedere i nostri ...
Immagini di vita vissuta... riguardanti la comunità di Artò e Centonara Madonna del Sasso VB. Emozioni che colpiscono il cuore e l'anima nel rivedere i nostri piccoli paesi come erano una volta.
Immagini di vita vissuta... riguardanti la comunità di Artò e Centonara Madonna del Sasso VB. Emozioni che colpiscono il cuore e l'anima nel rivedere i nostri piccoli paesi come erano una volta.
- published: 02 Jan 2013
- views: 160
SE RIEN DE MI EN EL COLEGIO…*no puedo mas*
►Consigue Mi Nuevo Libro: https://bit.ly/libroArta
SE RIEN DE MI EN EL COLEGIO…*no puedo mas*
➽Mi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽Instagram Max: https://www.instagram.com/maxelhusky_
Sigueme en las Redes:
➽ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios?lang=es
➽ Twitter - https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario - https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
La Maximo Squad:
➽ Nakar: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4FEzi4GiOriZQwLEnxKJtg
➽ Ari: https://www.youtube.com/c/Ariancita
➽ Martina: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm1SxtyxTw9moIgzf7q0gkg
➽ Calvo: https://www.instagram.com/calvomh
►Mira el Video de Ayer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJRHUWXCe2w&t;=267s
Grupo de Discord: https://discord....
published: 03 Oct 2022
MI HIJA LLORA AL VERME VIVO…*muy sentimental*
►Consigue Mi Nuevo Libro: https://bit.ly/libroArta
MI HIJA LLORA AL VERME VIVO…*muy sentimental*
➽Mi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽Instagram Max: https://www.instagram.com/maxelhusky_
Sigueme en las Redes:
➽ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios?lang=es
➽ Twitter - https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario - https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
La Maximo Squad:
➽ Nakar: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4FEzi4GiOriZQwLEnxKJtg
➽ Ari: https://www.youtube.com/c/Ariancita
➽ Martina: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm1SxtyxTw9moIgzf7q0gkg
➽ Calvo: https://www.instagram.com/calvomh
►Mira el Video de Ayer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpOV25mQqm4
Grupo de Discord: https://discord.gg/N...
published: 02 Oct 2022
▶️ Todas mis redes sociales:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NakarTw
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nakarinsta
➡Twitter: https://twitter.com/CreamRealBetis
➡Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/creamrealbetis
➡Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/creamrealbetis
➡Web: https://creamesports.com/
➡YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2MrdOUrxESn47HGhkWoKfw
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, los personajes exageran las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa.
Todos los actos descritos en este vídeo, forman parte de una grabación para el canal “NAKAR YT” en el que se ...
published: 03 Oct 2022
►Consigue Mi Nuevo Libro: https://bit.ly/libroArta
➽Mi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽Instagram Max: https://www.instagram.com/maxelhusky_
Sigueme en las Redes:
➽ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios?lang=es
➽ Twitter - https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario - https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
La Maximo Squad:
➽ Nakar: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4FEzi4GiOriZQwLEnxKJtg
➽ Ari: https://www.youtube.com/c/Ariancita
➽ Martina: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm1SxtyxTw9moIgzf7q0gkg
➽ Calvo: https://www.instagram.com/calvomh
►Mira el Video de Ayer: https://youtu.be/oFZXUZkvojA
Grupo de Discord: https://disco...
published: 01 Oct 2022
Vive al Máximo - ARTA (Video Clip Oficial)
Por fin disponible la cancion “Vive al Máximo”! Ha sido nuestro logo y lema durante mucho tiempo y ahora se ha convertido en algo mas…MUCHISIMAS GRACIAS A TODOS/AS!
Sigueme en las Redes:
➽ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios?lang=es
➽ Twitter - https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario - https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
➽Instagram Max: https://www.instagram.com/maxelhusky_
►Video Production:
Idea Original: Arta
Lyrics: Aitor Romero & Arta
Producción Musical: BeatLabs Barcelona
Video Clip Grabado por: Pau Ruiz
VideoPlace: TheSetLab
Car renting: JM Automocion
Postproducción: MaxGlad
published: 17 Jun 2022
published: 30 Sep 2022
En este video os contamos Arta y yo como nos sentimos respecto a ser creadores de contenido...
Sígueme en las Redes:
➽ Instagram - https://instagram.com/_lamartinita__?...
➽ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@lamartinita_?lang=es
Sergi : Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/soysergi
La Maximo Squad:
➽ Arta: https://www.youtube.com/c/ARTAGAME
➽ Nakar: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4FE...
➽ Ari: https://www.youtube.com/c/Ariancita
➽ Martina: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm1S...
➽ Calvo: https://www.instagram.com/calvomh
📨Gmail: lamartinitamedia@gmail.com
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, los personajes exageran las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de en...
published: 03 Oct 2022
Donde está Arta ??
Despedidas en canal de :
Si tenéis información ponerla en comentarios
Os dejo momentos bonitos con Arta a ver si los ve y responde.
Sígueme en las Redes:
➽ Instagram - https://instagram.com/_lamartinita__?...
➽ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@lamartinita_?lang=es
La Maximo Squad:
➽ Arta: https://www.youtube.com/c/ARTAGAME
➽ Nakar: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4FE...
➽ Ari: https://www.youtube.com/c/becario
➽ Martina: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm1S...
➽ Calvo: https://www.instagram.com/calvomh
📨Gmail: lamartinitamedia@gmail.com
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, los personajes exageran las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y...
published: 25 Sep 2022
EL ÚLTIMO VIDEO DE ARTA...*cerramos el canal hoy*
Despues de 1058 videos en el canal de Arta, risas y diversion. Este canal será borrado en unas horas...
EL ÚLTIMO VIDEO DE ARTA...*cerramos el canal*
➽Mi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽Instagram Max: https://www.instagram.com/maxelhusky_
Sigueme en las Redes:
➽ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios?lang=es
➽ Twitter - https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario - https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
La Maximo Squad:
➽ Nakar: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4FEzi4GiOriZQwLEnxKJtg
➽ Ari: https://www.youtube.com/c/Ariancita
➽ Martina: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm1SxtyxTw9moIgzf7q0gkg
➽ Calvo: https://www.instagram.com/calvomh
►Mira el Video de Ayer: https://youtu.be/d3blvVpwC-M
published: 29 Sep 2022
ARTÀ Impressionen, Mallorca, aus der Luft und zu Fuß, Städtetip, Sehenswert, Stadt des Kunsthandel
Die Stadt Artà im Nordosten Mallorcas gelegen, ist bekannt für sein Kunsthandwerk.
Von der Festung Santuari de Sant Salvador oberhalb hat man einen guten Blick über die Stadt.
In den Gassen vermischen sich Touristen mit den Einheimischen. Überall gibt es schöne Geschäfte, manche mit zauberhaften Innenhöfen, in dem man kühle Getränke und auch Speisen gereicht bekommt.
Ein Besuch in Artà kann ich nur empfehlen.
Erstaunt war ich doch, wie wenig Leute bei meinem Besuch unterwegs waren.
Parken kann man übrigens unterhalb der Festung, von dort erreicht man in wenigen Minuten die Innenstadt.
published: 10 Sep 2021
SE RIEN DE MI EN EL COLEGIO…*no puedo mas*
►Consigue Mi Nuevo Libro: https://bit.ly/libroArta
SE RIEN DE MI EN EL COLEGIO…*no puedo mas*
➽Mi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽Instagram Max: ...
►Consigue Mi Nuevo Libro: https://bit.ly/libroArta
SE RIEN DE MI EN EL COLEGIO…*no puedo mas*
➽Mi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽Instagram Max: https://www.instagram.com/maxelhusky_
Sigueme en las Redes:
➽ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios?lang=es
➽ Twitter - https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario - https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
La Maximo Squad:
➽ Nakar: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4FEzi4GiOriZQwLEnxKJtg
➽ Ari: https://www.youtube.com/c/Ariancita
➽ Martina: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm1SxtyxTw9moIgzf7q0gkg
➽ Calvo: https://www.instagram.com/calvomh
►Mira el Video de Ayer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJRHUWXCe2w&t;=267s
Grupo de Discord: https://discord.gg/N7eJH4R
Mi set up: https://www.amazon.es/shop/artagame
Contacto: contacto@arta.media
Hoy he vuelto a clase después de mi desaparición pero todos mis compañeros se han reído de mi por toda la situación que he pasado, no quiero volver a clase nunca más...
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, el personaje de Arta exagera las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa.
También, todas las personas que aparecen en las imagenes han dado su consentimiento para publicar y promocionar las mismas.
Quieres ver esto otra vez? Dale like al videos y haremos mas tipos de videos para esta serie!
►Consigue Mi Nuevo Libro: https://bit.ly/libroArta
SE RIEN DE MI EN EL COLEGIO…*no puedo mas*
➽Mi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽Instagram Max: https://www.instagram.com/maxelhusky_
Sigueme en las Redes:
➽ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios?lang=es
➽ Twitter - https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario - https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
La Maximo Squad:
➽ Nakar: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4FEzi4GiOriZQwLEnxKJtg
➽ Ari: https://www.youtube.com/c/Ariancita
➽ Martina: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm1SxtyxTw9moIgzf7q0gkg
➽ Calvo: https://www.instagram.com/calvomh
►Mira el Video de Ayer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJRHUWXCe2w&t;=267s
Grupo de Discord: https://discord.gg/N7eJH4R
Mi set up: https://www.amazon.es/shop/artagame
Contacto: contacto@arta.media
Hoy he vuelto a clase después de mi desaparición pero todos mis compañeros se han reído de mi por toda la situación que he pasado, no quiero volver a clase nunca más...
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, el personaje de Arta exagera las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa.
También, todas las personas que aparecen en las imagenes han dado su consentimiento para publicar y promocionar las mismas.
Quieres ver esto otra vez? Dale like al videos y haremos mas tipos de videos para esta serie!
- published: 03 Oct 2022
- views: 662217
MI HIJA LLORA AL VERME VIVO…*muy sentimental*
►Consigue Mi Nuevo Libro: https://bit.ly/libroArta
MI HIJA LLORA AL VERME VIVO…*muy sentimental*
➽Mi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽Instagram Ma...
►Consigue Mi Nuevo Libro: https://bit.ly/libroArta
MI HIJA LLORA AL VERME VIVO…*muy sentimental*
➽Mi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽Instagram Max: https://www.instagram.com/maxelhusky_
Sigueme en las Redes:
➽ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios?lang=es
➽ Twitter - https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario - https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
La Maximo Squad:
➽ Nakar: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4FEzi4GiOriZQwLEnxKJtg
➽ Ari: https://www.youtube.com/c/Ariancita
➽ Martina: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm1SxtyxTw9moIgzf7q0gkg
➽ Calvo: https://www.instagram.com/calvomh
►Mira el Video de Ayer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpOV25mQqm4
Grupo de Discord: https://discord.gg/N7eJH4R
Mi set up: https://www.amazon.es/shop/artagame
Contacto: contacto@arta.media
Hoy por fin mi hija va a saber que estoy bien y voy a explicarle todo lo que ha pasado.
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, el personaje de Arta exagera las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa.
También, todas las personas que aparecen en las imagenes han dado su consentimiento para publicar y promocionar las mismas.
Quieres ver esto otra vez? Dale like al videos y haremos mas tipos de videos para esta serie!
►Consigue Mi Nuevo Libro: https://bit.ly/libroArta
MI HIJA LLORA AL VERME VIVO…*muy sentimental*
➽Mi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽Instagram Max: https://www.instagram.com/maxelhusky_
Sigueme en las Redes:
➽ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios?lang=es
➽ Twitter - https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario - https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
La Maximo Squad:
➽ Nakar: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4FEzi4GiOriZQwLEnxKJtg
➽ Ari: https://www.youtube.com/c/Ariancita
➽ Martina: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm1SxtyxTw9moIgzf7q0gkg
➽ Calvo: https://www.instagram.com/calvomh
►Mira el Video de Ayer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpOV25mQqm4
Grupo de Discord: https://discord.gg/N7eJH4R
Mi set up: https://www.amazon.es/shop/artagame
Contacto: contacto@arta.media
Hoy por fin mi hija va a saber que estoy bien y voy a explicarle todo lo que ha pasado.
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, el personaje de Arta exagera las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa.
También, todas las personas que aparecen en las imagenes han dado su consentimiento para publicar y promocionar las mismas.
Quieres ver esto otra vez? Dale like al videos y haremos mas tipos de videos para esta serie!
- published: 02 Oct 2022
- views: 1075627
▶️ Todas mis redes sociales:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NakarTw
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nakarinsta
➡Twitter: https://twitter....
▶️ Todas mis redes sociales:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NakarTw
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nakarinsta
➡Twitter: https://twitter.com/CreamRealBetis
➡Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/creamrealbetis
➡Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/creamrealbetis
➡Web: https://creamesports.com/
➡YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2MrdOUrxESn47HGhkWoKfw
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, los personajes exageran las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa.
Todos los actos descritos en este vídeo, forman parte de una grabación para el canal “NAKAR YT” en el que se asegura el bienestar y seguridad de todos los personajes.
▶️ Todas mis redes sociales:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NakarTw
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nakarinsta
➡Twitter: https://twitter.com/CreamRealBetis
➡Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/creamrealbetis
➡Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/creamrealbetis
➡Web: https://creamesports.com/
➡YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2MrdOUrxESn47HGhkWoKfw
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, los personajes exageran las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa.
Todos los actos descritos en este vídeo, forman parte de una grabación para el canal “NAKAR YT” en el que se asegura el bienestar y seguridad de todos los personajes.
- published: 03 Oct 2022
- views: 68018
►Consigue Mi Nuevo Libro: https://bit.ly/libroArta
➽Mi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/...
►Consigue Mi Nuevo Libro: https://bit.ly/libroArta
➽Mi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽Instagram Max: https://www.instagram.com/maxelhusky_
Sigueme en las Redes:
➽ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios?lang=es
➽ Twitter - https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario - https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
La Maximo Squad:
➽ Nakar: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4FEzi4GiOriZQwLEnxKJtg
➽ Ari: https://www.youtube.com/c/Ariancita
➽ Martina: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm1SxtyxTw9moIgzf7q0gkg
➽ Calvo: https://www.instagram.com/calvomh
►Mira el Video de Ayer: https://youtu.be/oFZXUZkvojA
Grupo de Discord: https://discord.gg/N7eJH4R
Mi set up: https://www.amazon.es/shop/artagame
Contacto: contacto@arta.media
He vuelto a casa y voy a sorprender a todos los integrantes de la Máximo House.
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, el personaje de Arta exagera las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa.
También, todas las personas que aparecen en las imagenes han dado su consentimiento para publicar y promocionar las mismas.
Quieres ver esto otra vez? Dale like al videos y haremos mas tipos de videos para esta serie!
►Consigue Mi Nuevo Libro: https://bit.ly/libroArta
➽Mi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽Instagram Max: https://www.instagram.com/maxelhusky_
Sigueme en las Redes:
➽ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios?lang=es
➽ Twitter - https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario - https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
La Maximo Squad:
➽ Nakar: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4FEzi4GiOriZQwLEnxKJtg
➽ Ari: https://www.youtube.com/c/Ariancita
➽ Martina: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm1SxtyxTw9moIgzf7q0gkg
➽ Calvo: https://www.instagram.com/calvomh
►Mira el Video de Ayer: https://youtu.be/oFZXUZkvojA
Grupo de Discord: https://discord.gg/N7eJH4R
Mi set up: https://www.amazon.es/shop/artagame
Contacto: contacto@arta.media
He vuelto a casa y voy a sorprender a todos los integrantes de la Máximo House.
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, el personaje de Arta exagera las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa.
También, todas las personas que aparecen en las imagenes han dado su consentimiento para publicar y promocionar las mismas.
Quieres ver esto otra vez? Dale like al videos y haremos mas tipos de videos para esta serie!
- published: 01 Oct 2022
- views: 1373042
Vive al Máximo - ARTA (Video Clip Oficial)
Por fin disponible la cancion “Vive al Máximo”! Ha sido nuestro logo y lema durante mucho tiempo y ahora se ha convertido en algo mas…MUCHISIMAS GRACIAS A TODOS...
Por fin disponible la cancion “Vive al Máximo”! Ha sido nuestro logo y lema durante mucho tiempo y ahora se ha convertido en algo mas…MUCHISIMAS GRACIAS A TODOS/AS!
Sigueme en las Redes:
➽ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios?lang=es
➽ Twitter - https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario - https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
➽Instagram Max: https://www.instagram.com/maxelhusky_
►Video Production:
Idea Original: Arta
Lyrics: Aitor Romero & Arta
Producción Musical: BeatLabs Barcelona
Video Clip Grabado por: Pau Ruiz
VideoPlace: TheSetLab
Car renting: JM Automocion
Postproducción: MaxGlad
Transformer: Orlando
Nakar (Javier Varela)
Jan Cutillas
Guillem Viladoms
Coreografía: Nadia Vilaplana
Soporte en Producción:
Sergi Cerrato
Inés Alexandre
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, el personaje de Arta exagera las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa.
También, todas las personas que aparecen en las imagenes han dado su consentimiento para publicar y promocionar las mismas.
Quieres ver esto otra vez? Dale like al videos y haremos mas videos!
Por fin disponible la cancion “Vive al Máximo”! Ha sido nuestro logo y lema durante mucho tiempo y ahora se ha convertido en algo mas…MUCHISIMAS GRACIAS A TODOS/AS!
Sigueme en las Redes:
➽ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios?lang=es
➽ Twitter - https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario - https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
➽Instagram Max: https://www.instagram.com/maxelhusky_
►Video Production:
Idea Original: Arta
Lyrics: Aitor Romero & Arta
Producción Musical: BeatLabs Barcelona
Video Clip Grabado por: Pau Ruiz
VideoPlace: TheSetLab
Car renting: JM Automocion
Postproducción: MaxGlad
Transformer: Orlando
Nakar (Javier Varela)
Jan Cutillas
Guillem Viladoms
Coreografía: Nadia Vilaplana
Soporte en Producción:
Sergi Cerrato
Inés Alexandre
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, el personaje de Arta exagera las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa.
También, todas las personas que aparecen en las imagenes han dado su consentimiento para publicar y promocionar las mismas.
Quieres ver esto otra vez? Dale like al videos y haremos mas videos!
- published: 17 Jun 2022
- views: 5068108
En este video os contamos Arta y yo como nos sentimos respecto a ser creadores de contenido...
Sígueme en las Redes:
➽ Instagram - https://instagram.com/_lama...
En este video os contamos Arta y yo como nos sentimos respecto a ser creadores de contenido...
Sígueme en las Redes:
➽ Instagram - https://instagram.com/_lamartinita__?...
➽ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@lamartinita_?lang=es
Sergi : Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/soysergi
La Maximo Squad:
➽ Arta: https://www.youtube.com/c/ARTAGAME
➽ Nakar: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4FE...
➽ Ari: https://www.youtube.com/c/Ariancita
➽ Martina: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm1S...
➽ Calvo: https://www.instagram.com/calvomh
📨Gmail: lamartinitamedia@gmail.com
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, los personajes exageran las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa.
Todos los actos descritos en este vídeo, forman parte de una grabación para el canal “Arta Game” en el que se asegura el bienestar y seguridad de todos los personajes.
En este video os contamos Arta y yo como nos sentimos respecto a ser creadores de contenido...
Sígueme en las Redes:
➽ Instagram - https://instagram.com/_lamartinita__?...
➽ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@lamartinita_?lang=es
Sergi : Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/soysergi
La Maximo Squad:
➽ Arta: https://www.youtube.com/c/ARTAGAME
➽ Nakar: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4FE...
➽ Ari: https://www.youtube.com/c/Ariancita
➽ Martina: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm1S...
➽ Calvo: https://www.instagram.com/calvomh
📨Gmail: lamartinitamedia@gmail.com
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, los personajes exageran las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa.
Todos los actos descritos en este vídeo, forman parte de una grabación para el canal “Arta Game” en el que se asegura el bienestar y seguridad de todos los personajes.
- published: 03 Oct 2022
- views: 54679
Donde está Arta ??
Despedidas en canal de :
Si tenéis información ponerla en comentarios
Os dejo momentos bonitos con Arta a ver si...
Donde está Arta ??
Despedidas en canal de :
Si tenéis información ponerla en comentarios
Os dejo momentos bonitos con Arta a ver si los ve y responde.
Sígueme en las Redes:
➽ Instagram - https://instagram.com/_lamartinita__?...
➽ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@lamartinita_?lang=es
La Maximo Squad:
➽ Arta: https://www.youtube.com/c/ARTAGAME
➽ Nakar: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4FE...
➽ Ari: https://www.youtube.com/c/becario
➽ Martina: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm1S...
➽ Calvo: https://www.instagram.com/calvomh
📨Gmail: lamartinitamedia@gmail.com
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, los personajes exageran las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa.
Todos los actos descritos en este vídeo, forman parte de una grabación para el canal “Arta Game” en el que se asegura el bienestar y seguridad de todos los personajes.
También, todas las personas que aparecen en las imágenes han dado su consentimiento para publicar y promocionar las mismas.
Donde está Arta ??
Despedidas en canal de :
Si tenéis información ponerla en comentarios
Os dejo momentos bonitos con Arta a ver si los ve y responde.
Sígueme en las Redes:
➽ Instagram - https://instagram.com/_lamartinita__?...
➽ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@lamartinita_?lang=es
La Maximo Squad:
➽ Arta: https://www.youtube.com/c/ARTAGAME
➽ Nakar: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4FE...
➽ Ari: https://www.youtube.com/c/becario
➽ Martina: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm1S...
➽ Calvo: https://www.instagram.com/calvomh
📨Gmail: lamartinitamedia@gmail.com
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, los personajes exageran las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa.
Todos los actos descritos en este vídeo, forman parte de una grabación para el canal “Arta Game” en el que se asegura el bienestar y seguridad de todos los personajes.
También, todas las personas que aparecen en las imágenes han dado su consentimiento para publicar y promocionar las mismas.
- published: 25 Sep 2022
- views: 175188
EL ÚLTIMO VIDEO DE ARTA...*cerramos el canal hoy*
Despues de 1058 videos en el canal de Arta, risas y diversion. Este canal será borrado en unas horas...
EL ÚLTIMO VIDEO DE ARTA...*cerramos el canal*
➽Mi Insta...
Despues de 1058 videos en el canal de Arta, risas y diversion. Este canal será borrado en unas horas...
EL ÚLTIMO VIDEO DE ARTA...*cerramos el canal*
➽Mi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽Instagram Max: https://www.instagram.com/maxelhusky_
Sigueme en las Redes:
➽ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios?lang=es
➽ Twitter - https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario - https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
La Maximo Squad:
➽ Nakar: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4FEzi4GiOriZQwLEnxKJtg
➽ Ari: https://www.youtube.com/c/Ariancita
➽ Martina: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm1SxtyxTw9moIgzf7q0gkg
➽ Calvo: https://www.instagram.com/calvomh
►Mira el Video de Ayer: https://youtu.be/d3blvVpwC-M
Grupo de Discord: https://discord.gg/N7eJH4R
Mi set up: https://www.amazon.es/shop/artagame
Contacto: contacto@arta.media
El secuestrador de Arta se ha puesto en contacto con nosotros para avisarnos de que es posible que hoy sea el último día de Arta el contador ha llegado a 0...
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, el personaje de Arta exagera las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa.
Todos los actos descritos en este vídeo, forman parte de una grabación para el canal “Arta Game” en el que se asegura el bienestar y seguridad de todos los personajes.
También, todas las personas que aparecen en las imagenes han dado su consentimiento para publicar y promocionar las mismas.
Quieres ver esto otra vez? Dale like al videos y haremos mas tipos de videos para esta serie!
Despues de 1058 videos en el canal de Arta, risas y diversion. Este canal será borrado en unas horas...
EL ÚLTIMO VIDEO DE ARTA...*cerramos el canal*
➽Mi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽Instagram Max: https://www.instagram.com/maxelhusky_
Sigueme en las Redes:
➽ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/artamios
➽ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios?lang=es
➽ Twitter - https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario - https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
La Maximo Squad:
➽ Nakar: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4FEzi4GiOriZQwLEnxKJtg
➽ Ari: https://www.youtube.com/c/Ariancita
➽ Martina: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm1SxtyxTw9moIgzf7q0gkg
➽ Calvo: https://www.instagram.com/calvomh
►Mira el Video de Ayer: https://youtu.be/d3blvVpwC-M
Grupo de Discord: https://discord.gg/N7eJH4R
Mi set up: https://www.amazon.es/shop/artagame
Contacto: contacto@arta.media
El secuestrador de Arta se ha puesto en contacto con nosotros para avisarnos de que es posible que hoy sea el último día de Arta el contador ha llegado a 0...
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, el personaje de Arta exagera las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa.
Todos los actos descritos en este vídeo, forman parte de una grabación para el canal “Arta Game” en el que se asegura el bienestar y seguridad de todos los personajes.
También, todas las personas que aparecen en las imagenes han dado su consentimiento para publicar y promocionar las mismas.
Quieres ver esto otra vez? Dale like al videos y haremos mas tipos de videos para esta serie!
- published: 29 Sep 2022
- views: 1190954
ARTÀ Impressionen, Mallorca, aus der Luft und zu Fuß, Städtetip, Sehenswert, Stadt des Kunsthandel
Die Stadt Artà im Nordosten Mallorcas gelegen, ist bekannt für sein Kunsthandwerk.
Von der Festung Santuari de Sant Salvador oberhalb hat man einen guten Blick ...
Die Stadt Artà im Nordosten Mallorcas gelegen, ist bekannt für sein Kunsthandwerk.
Von der Festung Santuari de Sant Salvador oberhalb hat man einen guten Blick über die Stadt.
In den Gassen vermischen sich Touristen mit den Einheimischen. Überall gibt es schöne Geschäfte, manche mit zauberhaften Innenhöfen, in dem man kühle Getränke und auch Speisen gereicht bekommt.
Ein Besuch in Artà kann ich nur empfehlen.
Erstaunt war ich doch, wie wenig Leute bei meinem Besuch unterwegs waren.
Parken kann man übrigens unterhalb der Festung, von dort erreicht man in wenigen Minuten die Innenstadt.
Die Stadt Artà im Nordosten Mallorcas gelegen, ist bekannt für sein Kunsthandwerk.
Von der Festung Santuari de Sant Salvador oberhalb hat man einen guten Blick über die Stadt.
In den Gassen vermischen sich Touristen mit den Einheimischen. Überall gibt es schöne Geschäfte, manche mit zauberhaften Innenhöfen, in dem man kühle Getränke und auch Speisen gereicht bekommt.
Ein Besuch in Artà kann ich nur empfehlen.
Erstaunt war ich doch, wie wenig Leute bei meinem Besuch unterwegs waren.
Parken kann man übrigens unterhalb der Festung, von dort erreicht man in wenigen Minuten die Innenstadt.
- published: 10 Sep 2021
- views: 2046
How to Choose an Image File Format
JPG, GIF, TIFF, PNG, EPS - how do you know what to use? Find out here!
Like my interrobang necklace? You can get one at http://dftba.com/karen
You can watch all of my graphic design videos here:
Previous videos:
Typography Inspiration in San Francisco: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ixd0cB7u4Sg
Blinged Out Flowerpots Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oySjeAdael0
Learn more about different file types:
End music by Hank Green:
Check out my website: http://karenkavett.com
Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/karenkavett
Subscribe to my second channel: http://youtube.com/karenkavett
Follow me on T...
published: 18 Jun 2013
What is the Best Image Format? | Basics for Beginners
There's plenty of different image formats out there, but which one is the best? There's only one way to find out...FIGHT!
Thanks for watching!
TipTut: https://www.youtube.com/c/TipTut
LinkTCOne: http://www.youtube.com/c/LinkTCOne
Social Media:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tiptutzone
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/tiptutzone
TipTut Theme Assets:
Colour Palette: http://www.flatuicolors.com
Fonts: Lovelo, Caviar Dreams
published: 03 Oct 2016
JPEG or PNG? Why the Right Image Format Makes Your Site FASTER
Blog post: https://thrivethemes.com/jpeg-vs-png/
Yes, this is a whole video about the difference between JPEG (or .jpg) and PNG (or .png) images. Why? Because choosing the right format is an important step in building any high performing, fast loading, optimized website or landing page.
If you do this wrong, your images can look fuzzy and weird AND make your website load too slowly for any visitors to stick around.
Check out the video to learn which image format to choose when and see side-by-side comparisons of what happens when you choose (and compress) the right or wrong image format.
For any website containing photographs, graphics and screenshots (and really, which website doesn't?), this is something you need to consider.
Also, send this video to your designer! Many designers do...
published: 04 May 2018
IMAGE FILE FORMAT || Different FILE FORMAT in multimedia || विभिन्न फ़ाइल फॉरमेट हिंदी में ||
File format in multimedia || types of file format || diffrent file format in multimedia || in hindi
published: 06 Apr 2020
Saving your files in TIFF Format?? Let's talk File Formats
When editing your files in Photoshop saving in the right format with the right settings will ensure that you can preserve your image file integrity to be able to go back and edit without destroying the file (like when you resave a JPG over and over!) Don't do it!
Follow us on:
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/inkfxprinting
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/inkfxprinting
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/shanegoldberg (my personal projects)
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/inkfxprinting
#shanegoldberg #behindthescenes #canvas #canvasprinter #printsonmetal #awardwinningprinter #aluminiumhd #chromaluxe #canvasprintingaustralia #inkfxprinting #inkfx #canson #cansonfineart #fineartprinter #fineartcanvas #photoshoptutorials #adobephotoshop #adobelightroom
published: 24 Jul 2021
How To Save or Export Vector (Illustrator) file as Image Format (JPEG, JPE, PNG etc..)
In this video tutorial, TopTips Graphics give you the best idea for Exporting the Adobe Illustrator file to image format such as .JPEG, .JPG, .PNG etc...
Here you will get the most easiest method to advanced level for exporting the vector as image format.
* The most Easiest way of saving illustrator file to image is by using the whatsapp web.
Instragram : https://www.instagram.com/toptipsgraphics/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/toptipsgraphics
#IllustratorTutorial #VectorToImage #AdobeIllustrator
published: 07 May 2021
Image File Formats for Web Pages, What format does What
http://www.sillybilly.com/dreamweaverteacher.html In this title Bill the Geek, an Adobe Dreamweaver CC Teacher gives an overview of dpi, resolution, jpeg, jpg, tiff, raw data, gif, png24, and png8 file formats. This should answer your questions about what types of image files to put on any web site.
published: 17 Jan 2014
17. Image file format - JPEG, PNG, GIF? | Web Development for Beginners
published: 22 Sep 2020
file format image and colour model
published: 09 Apr 2020
File Types and Print Format for T SHIRT PRINTING & Design
If you are wondering what type of file and format is needed for screen printing, no matter what kind of design you have for custom t shirts, then this is will help.
Subscribe more for weekly Graphic T Shirt Design Tutorials: https://goo.gl/G3BCsT
Support the Channel by Contributing $5/month to Patreon to receive my Free T Shirt Vector and Mockup Download: https://goo.gl/T5ePpc
(Free T Shirt Business Ideas):
Free Online Tutorials on "How to Design a Shirt using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop" :
T Shirt Tuesday/ T Shirt Design Ideas: https://goo.gl/rhBc2m
How to Start a Business (t shirt business) with no money:
How to design a logo: https://goo.gl/Y8ejgL
Channel's Music (Under YouTube Copyright)
Otis McDonald: https://...
published: 14 Apr 2018
Illustrator Tips : 1_ Easy way to convert image format to vector #vector #easytips #illustrator
This is the best way to convert low quality image file to high resolution vector format .. it’s too simple and quick.
published: 28 Apr 2022
All Image file format |JPEG/PNG/PSD/ZIP/WEBP explained|How to save layers in infinite painter
All Image file format |JPEG/PNG/PSD/ZIP/WEBP explained|
All file format explained in infinite painter
video for psd indirect method
Easy method
With brushes names
Music by_
png file format
jpeg file format
psd file format
webp file format
zip file format
what is zip file
how do zip file work
how do zip file work in infinite painter
how to save infinite painter graphics with its layers
what is psd
what is png
what is jpeg
all file format in infinite painter
easy explaination
Digital drawing for beginners
Digital drawing tutorials
Digital drawing tips
Digital drawing tablet
Digital drawing process
Infinite painter drawing
Infinite painter tutorial
Infinite painter vs procreate
Infinite painter brushes
Infinite painter tools tutorial...
published: 21 Jan 2022
Excel 2016 - Insert Images - How to Format Image & Picture Background - Add Clipart - Clip Art in MS
This Microsoft Excel 2016 tutorial shows you how to add images to your Workbook. I also show how to move, size and change the format of your pictures. Brightness and contrast, artistic styles, and setting sizing options are all covered in this video.
Here is a full list of tutorial videos available on my channel:
Windows 10:
Perform Basic Mouse Operations
Create Folders
Explore the Windows 10 Desktop, Taskbar, and Start Menu
Select Multiple Files and Folders
Download a File From a Website
Use File Explorer to Access OneDrive and Upload Student Data Files
Capture an Image of the Entire Screen
Explore the Control Panel and the Settings App
Personalize the Desktop
Modify Screen Brightness and Resolution
Explore the Control Panel and the Settings App
Personalize the Desktop
Adjust the Sound
published: 10 Aug 2019
Art format
published: 17 Oct 2019
How to Choose an Image File Format
JPG, GIF, TIFF, PNG, EPS - how do you know what to use? Find out here!
Like my interrobang necklace? You can get one at http://dftba.com/karen
You can watch al...
JPG, GIF, TIFF, PNG, EPS - how do you know what to use? Find out here!
Like my interrobang necklace? You can get one at http://dftba.com/karen
You can watch all of my graphic design videos here:
Previous videos:
Typography Inspiration in San Francisco: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ixd0cB7u4Sg
Blinged Out Flowerpots Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oySjeAdael0
Learn more about different file types:
End music by Hank Green:
Check out my website: http://karenkavett.com
Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/karenkavett
Subscribe to my second channel: http://youtube.com/karenkavett
Follow me on Tumblr: http://karenkavett.tumblr.com
Follow me on Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/karenkavett/
Thanks for watching, and DFTBA!
JPG, GIF, TIFF, PNG, EPS - how do you know what to use? Find out here!
Like my interrobang necklace? You can get one at http://dftba.com/karen
You can watch all of my graphic design videos here:
Previous videos:
Typography Inspiration in San Francisco: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ixd0cB7u4Sg
Blinged Out Flowerpots Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oySjeAdael0
Learn more about different file types:
End music by Hank Green:
Check out my website: http://karenkavett.com
Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/karenkavett
Subscribe to my second channel: http://youtube.com/karenkavett
Follow me on Tumblr: http://karenkavett.tumblr.com
Follow me on Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/karenkavett/
Thanks for watching, and DFTBA!
- published: 18 Jun 2013
- views: 65662
What is the Best Image Format? | Basics for Beginners
There's plenty of different image formats out there, but which one is the best? There's only one way to find out...FIGHT!
Thanks for watching!
There's plenty of different image formats out there, but which one is the best? There's only one way to find out...FIGHT!
Thanks for watching!
TipTut: https://www.youtube.com/c/TipTut
LinkTCOne: http://www.youtube.com/c/LinkTCOne
Social Media:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tiptutzone
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/tiptutzone
TipTut Theme Assets:
Colour Palette: http://www.flatuicolors.com
Fonts: Lovelo, Caviar Dreams
There's plenty of different image formats out there, but which one is the best? There's only one way to find out...FIGHT!
Thanks for watching!
TipTut: https://www.youtube.com/c/TipTut
LinkTCOne: http://www.youtube.com/c/LinkTCOne
Social Media:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tiptutzone
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/tiptutzone
TipTut Theme Assets:
Colour Palette: http://www.flatuicolors.com
Fonts: Lovelo, Caviar Dreams
- published: 03 Oct 2016
- views: 14162
JPEG or PNG? Why the Right Image Format Makes Your Site FASTER
Blog post: https://thrivethemes.com/jpeg-vs-png/
Yes, this is a whole video about the difference between JPEG (or .jpg) and PNG (or .png) images. Why? Because ...
Blog post: https://thrivethemes.com/jpeg-vs-png/
Yes, this is a whole video about the difference between JPEG (or .jpg) and PNG (or .png) images. Why? Because choosing the right format is an important step in building any high performing, fast loading, optimized website or landing page.
If you do this wrong, your images can look fuzzy and weird AND make your website load too slowly for any visitors to stick around.
Check out the video to learn which image format to choose when and see side-by-side comparisons of what happens when you choose (and compress) the right or wrong image format.
For any website containing photographs, graphics and screenshots (and really, which website doesn't?), this is something you need to consider.
Also, send this video to your designer! Many designers don't know how to pick the right image formats, either.
Blog post: https://thrivethemes.com/jpeg-vs-png/
Yes, this is a whole video about the difference between JPEG (or .jpg) and PNG (or .png) images. Why? Because choosing the right format is an important step in building any high performing, fast loading, optimized website or landing page.
If you do this wrong, your images can look fuzzy and weird AND make your website load too slowly for any visitors to stick around.
Check out the video to learn which image format to choose when and see side-by-side comparisons of what happens when you choose (and compress) the right or wrong image format.
For any website containing photographs, graphics and screenshots (and really, which website doesn't?), this is something you need to consider.
Also, send this video to your designer! Many designers don't know how to pick the right image formats, either.
- published: 04 May 2018
- views: 46344
Saving your files in TIFF Format?? Let's talk File Formats
When editing your files in Photoshop saving in the right format with the right settings will ensure that you can preserve your image file integrity to be able t...
When editing your files in Photoshop saving in the right format with the right settings will ensure that you can preserve your image file integrity to be able to go back and edit without destroying the file (like when you resave a JPG over and over!) Don't do it!
Follow us on:
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/inkfxprinting
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/inkfxprinting
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/shanegoldberg (my personal projects)
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/inkfxprinting
#shanegoldberg #behindthescenes #canvas #canvasprinter #printsonmetal #awardwinningprinter #aluminiumhd #chromaluxe #canvasprintingaustralia #inkfxprinting #inkfx #canson #cansonfineart #fineartprinter #fineartcanvas #photoshoptutorials #adobephotoshop #adobelightroom
When editing your files in Photoshop saving in the right format with the right settings will ensure that you can preserve your image file integrity to be able to go back and edit without destroying the file (like when you resave a JPG over and over!) Don't do it!
Follow us on:
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/inkfxprinting
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/inkfxprinting
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/shanegoldberg (my personal projects)
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/inkfxprinting
#shanegoldberg #behindthescenes #canvas #canvasprinter #printsonmetal #awardwinningprinter #aluminiumhd #chromaluxe #canvasprintingaustralia #inkfxprinting #inkfx #canson #cansonfineart #fineartprinter #fineartcanvas #photoshoptutorials #adobephotoshop #adobelightroom
- published: 24 Jul 2021
- views: 1088
How To Save or Export Vector (Illustrator) file as Image Format (JPEG, JPE, PNG etc..)
In this video tutorial, TopTips Graphics give you the best idea for Exporting the Adobe Illustrator file to image format such as .JPEG, .JPG, .PNG etc...
Here ...
In this video tutorial, TopTips Graphics give you the best idea for Exporting the Adobe Illustrator file to image format such as .JPEG, .JPG, .PNG etc...
Here you will get the most easiest method to advanced level for exporting the vector as image format.
* The most Easiest way of saving illustrator file to image is by using the whatsapp web.
Instragram : https://www.instagram.com/toptipsgraphics/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/toptipsgraphics
#IllustratorTutorial #VectorToImage #AdobeIllustrator
In this video tutorial, TopTips Graphics give you the best idea for Exporting the Adobe Illustrator file to image format such as .JPEG, .JPG, .PNG etc...
Here you will get the most easiest method to advanced level for exporting the vector as image format.
* The most Easiest way of saving illustrator file to image is by using the whatsapp web.
Instragram : https://www.instagram.com/toptipsgraphics/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/toptipsgraphics
#IllustratorTutorial #VectorToImage #AdobeIllustrator
- published: 07 May 2021
- views: 4761
Image File Formats for Web Pages, What format does What
http://www.sillybilly.com/dreamweaverteacher.html In this title Bill the Geek, an Adobe Dreamweaver CC Teacher gives an overview of dpi, resolution, jpeg, jpg, ...
http://www.sillybilly.com/dreamweaverteacher.html In this title Bill the Geek, an Adobe Dreamweaver CC Teacher gives an overview of dpi, resolution, jpeg, jpg, tiff, raw data, gif, png24, and png8 file formats. This should answer your questions about what types of image files to put on any web site.
http://www.sillybilly.com/dreamweaverteacher.html In this title Bill the Geek, an Adobe Dreamweaver CC Teacher gives an overview of dpi, resolution, jpeg, jpg, tiff, raw data, gif, png24, and png8 file formats. This should answer your questions about what types of image files to put on any web site.
- published: 17 Jan 2014
- views: 1002
File Types and Print Format for T SHIRT PRINTING & Design
If you are wondering what type of file and format is needed for screen printing, no matter what kind of design you have for custom t shirts, then this is will h...
If you are wondering what type of file and format is needed for screen printing, no matter what kind of design you have for custom t shirts, then this is will help.
Subscribe more for weekly Graphic T Shirt Design Tutorials: https://goo.gl/G3BCsT
Support the Channel by Contributing $5/month to Patreon to receive my Free T Shirt Vector and Mockup Download: https://goo.gl/T5ePpc
(Free T Shirt Business Ideas):
Free Online Tutorials on "How to Design a Shirt using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop" :
T Shirt Tuesday/ T Shirt Design Ideas: https://goo.gl/rhBc2m
How to Start a Business (t shirt business) with no money:
How to design a logo: https://goo.gl/Y8ejgL
Channel's Music (Under YouTube Copyright)
Otis McDonald: https://goo.gl/HvLmVk
Corey Gangne (Not the King)
(Support his Patreon) https://www.patreon.com/nottheking
Connect with me on these social media platforms:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamloyale
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iamloyale/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/iamloyale/
Behance: https://www.behance.net/iamloyale
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/robertloyale
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/robertloyale
Love to and from St. Louis, Missouri from your favorite YouTuber!
If you are wondering what type of file and format is needed for screen printing, no matter what kind of design you have for custom t shirts, then this is will help.
Subscribe more for weekly Graphic T Shirt Design Tutorials: https://goo.gl/G3BCsT
Support the Channel by Contributing $5/month to Patreon to receive my Free T Shirt Vector and Mockup Download: https://goo.gl/T5ePpc
(Free T Shirt Business Ideas):
Free Online Tutorials on "How to Design a Shirt using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop" :
T Shirt Tuesday/ T Shirt Design Ideas: https://goo.gl/rhBc2m
How to Start a Business (t shirt business) with no money:
How to design a logo: https://goo.gl/Y8ejgL
Channel's Music (Under YouTube Copyright)
Otis McDonald: https://goo.gl/HvLmVk
Corey Gangne (Not the King)
(Support his Patreon) https://www.patreon.com/nottheking
Connect with me on these social media platforms:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamloyale
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iamloyale/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/iamloyale/
Behance: https://www.behance.net/iamloyale
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/robertloyale
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/robertloyale
Love to and from St. Louis, Missouri from your favorite YouTuber!
- published: 14 Apr 2018
- views: 32808
Illustrator Tips : 1_ Easy way to convert image format to vector #vector #easytips #illustrator
This is the best way to convert low quality image file to high resolution vector format .. it’s too simple and quick.
This is the best way to convert low quality image file to high resolution vector format .. it’s too simple and quick.
This is the best way to convert low quality image file to high resolution vector format .. it’s too simple and quick.
- published: 28 Apr 2022
- views: 26
All Image file format |JPEG/PNG/PSD/ZIP/WEBP explained|How to save layers in infinite painter
All Image file format |JPEG/PNG/PSD/ZIP/WEBP explained|
All file format explained in infinite painter
video for psd indirect method
All Image file format |JPEG/PNG/PSD/ZIP/WEBP explained|
All file format explained in infinite painter
video for psd indirect method
Easy method
With brushes names
Music by_
png file format
jpeg file format
psd file format
webp file format
zip file format
what is zip file
how do zip file work
how do zip file work in infinite painter
how to save infinite painter graphics with its layers
what is psd
what is png
what is jpeg
all file format in infinite painter
easy explaination
Digital drawing for beginners
Digital drawing tutorials
Digital drawing tips
Digital drawing tablet
Digital drawing process
Infinite painter drawing
Infinite painter tutorial
Infinite painter vs procreate
Infinite painter brushes
Infinite painter tools tutorial
Infinite painter review
Infinite painter easy drawing
Youtube SEO
Artist tablet
Drawing artist youtube channel
3D illustration in infinite painter
Flat illustration in infinite painter
2d illustration
Pakistan digital art in infinite painter
Digital illustration
Infinite painter illustration
Infinite painter tablet illustration
Drawing with text
Illustration with brushes name
Drawing step by step with brushes explained
Tool and brushes explained drawing in infinite painter
Brushes and tools explained for beginners
how to save layers in infinite painter
how to export layers
how to save layers
All Image file format |JPEG/PNG/PSD/ZIP/WEBP explained|
All file format explained in infinite painter
video for psd indirect method
Easy method
With brushes names
Music by_
png file format
jpeg file format
psd file format
webp file format
zip file format
what is zip file
how do zip file work
how do zip file work in infinite painter
how to save infinite painter graphics with its layers
what is psd
what is png
what is jpeg
all file format in infinite painter
easy explaination
Digital drawing for beginners
Digital drawing tutorials
Digital drawing tips
Digital drawing tablet
Digital drawing process
Infinite painter drawing
Infinite painter tutorial
Infinite painter vs procreate
Infinite painter brushes
Infinite painter tools tutorial
Infinite painter review
Infinite painter easy drawing
Youtube SEO
Artist tablet
Drawing artist youtube channel
3D illustration in infinite painter
Flat illustration in infinite painter
2d illustration
Pakistan digital art in infinite painter
Digital illustration
Infinite painter illustration
Infinite painter tablet illustration
Drawing with text
Illustration with brushes name
Drawing step by step with brushes explained
Tool and brushes explained drawing in infinite painter
Brushes and tools explained for beginners
how to save layers in infinite painter
how to export layers
how to save layers
- published: 21 Jan 2022
- views: 260
Excel 2016 - Insert Images - How to Format Image & Picture Background - Add Clipart - Clip Art in MS
This Microsoft Excel 2016 tutorial shows you how to add images to your Workbook. I also show how to move, size and change the format of your pictures. Brightnes...
This Microsoft Excel 2016 tutorial shows you how to add images to your Workbook. I also show how to move, size and change the format of your pictures. Brightness and contrast, artistic styles, and setting sizing options are all covered in this video.
Here is a full list of tutorial videos available on my channel:
Windows 10:
Perform Basic Mouse Operations
Create Folders
Explore the Windows 10 Desktop, Taskbar, and Start Menu
Select Multiple Files and Folders
Download a File From a Website
Use File Explorer to Access OneDrive and Upload Student Data Files
Capture an Image of the Entire Screen
Explore the Control Panel and the Settings App
Personalize the Desktop
Modify Screen Brightness and Resolution
Explore the Control Panel and the Settings App
Personalize the Desktop
Adjust the Sound
Plan the Organization of Files and Folders
Run an App
Word 2016:
Create a New Document and Insert Text
Insert and Format Graphics
Insert and Modify Text Boxes
Create a Table
Format a Table
Present a Word Document Online
Create a Research Paper in MLA Format
Insert Footnotes in a Research Paper
Create Citations and a Bibliography
Save a Document
Correct Errors as You Type
How to Format a Document in APA Format
Convert Word Document to a PDF File
Microsoft Office Specialist Certification Exam Practice Study Guide
APA Format from Default Formatting
Table of Contents Tutorial
Format Paragraphs
Create a Custom Word Template
Preview and Print a Document
Change Document and Paragraph Layout
Use AutoComplete and AutoCorrect
Correct and Reorganize Text
Header and Footer Tutorial
Page Numbers Tutorial
Captions in Word
Review Document Headings in the Navigation Pane
Reorganize Document Text Using the Navigation Pane
Collapse and Expand Body Text in a Document
Use Continuous Section Breaks for Page Layout
Insert Page Numbers Starting from a Specific Page
Format Text
Undo and redo Commands or Actions
Modify a Style
Excel 2016:
Create, Save, and Navigate an Excel Workbook
Enter Data in a Worksheet
How do you Export Access to Excel and Apply Conditional Formatting
Use Flash Fill, SUM, Average, Median, and MAX Functions and Formulas
Move Data and Rotate Text
Graph Data with a Pie Chart
Format a Pie Chart
MOS Prep - Basic Certification Exam Practice Study Guide
Change Fonts, Font Style, and Font Color
The NOW Function
Export Excel Spreadsheet to Access Table
The VLookup Function
The MIN or MINIMUM Function
Histogram Charts
Use the Sum Button to Sum a Range of Cells
Enter Formulas Using the Keyboard
Format Cells with Merge & Center, Cell Styles, and Themes
Chart Data to Create a Column Chart & Insert Sparklines
Select Cells and Ranges
Use CountIF and IF Functions and Apply Conditional Formatting
Use Date &Time; Functions and Freeze Panes
Use Goal Seek to Perform What-if Analysis
Add Fill Colors and a Background Image
Insert Functions from the Formula Library
Use the PMT Function to Calculate a Loan Payment
Describe the Excel Worksheet
Enter Formulas Using Point Mode
Access 2016:
Identify Good Database Design
Create a Table and Define Fields in a Blank Desktop Database
The Primary Key
Import Excel Spreadsheet into Access
Create a Table in Design View
Modify the Structure of a Table
Create a Subform
MOS Prep - Basic Certification Exam Practice Study Guide
Add Existing Fields to a Form
Create a Query, Form, and Report
How To Use the Property Sheet
Open and Save an Existing Database
Create Table Relationships
Learn Basic Database Concepts and Terms
Create and Use a Form to Add and Delete Records
Learn the Guidelines for Designing Databases and Setting Field Properties
Find, Modify, and Delete Records in a Table
Create a Form Using the Form Wizard
PowerPoint 2016:
Create a New Presentation
Edit a Presentation in Normal View
Add Pictures to a Presentation
Format Numbered and Bulleted Lists
Customize Slide Backgrounds and Themes
Animate a Slide Show
Apply a Theme Used in Another Presentation
Search for and Download an Online Theme
Microsoft Office Specialist Exam Certification
Print and View a Presentation
Lighten Background Images in Microsoft Office
Edit an Existing Presentation
Insert Online Pictures
Create a Title Slide and Slides With Lists
Select and Change a Document Theme and Variant
Insert and Format Pictures
Insert Shapes
Insert a Video
Outlook 2016
Basic Tutorial
Office 2016:
Identify the Components of the Microsoft Office Ribbon
Computer Fundamentals:
Computer Case Types - Dell Inspiron AMD 3656
Printer Ports and Types
The Boot Up Process
How to Get Your Computer Questions Answered
Undo Your Mistakes on Windows 10 or Apple Mac
Routers vs. Modems
What is the Cloud? Storage as a Service
Types of Internet Services on Google Android or Apple iPhone
Browsing the Web
Why Use the Cloud?
Microsoft OneDrive - Creating Uploading Downloading and Syncing
Explain the Importance of File Management
Troubleshoot Common Computer Problems
Microsoft Publisher 2016 Full Playlist
This Microsoft Excel 2016 tutorial shows you how to add images to your Workbook. I also show how to move, size and change the format of your pictures. Brightness and contrast, artistic styles, and setting sizing options are all covered in this video.
Here is a full list of tutorial videos available on my channel:
Windows 10:
Perform Basic Mouse Operations
Create Folders
Explore the Windows 10 Desktop, Taskbar, and Start Menu
Select Multiple Files and Folders
Download a File From a Website
Use File Explorer to Access OneDrive and Upload Student Data Files
Capture an Image of the Entire Screen
Explore the Control Panel and the Settings App
Personalize the Desktop
Modify Screen Brightness and Resolution
Explore the Control Panel and the Settings App
Personalize the Desktop
Adjust the Sound
Plan the Organization of Files and Folders
Run an App
Word 2016:
Create a New Document and Insert Text
Insert and Format Graphics
Insert and Modify Text Boxes
Create a Table
Format a Table
Present a Word Document Online
Create a Research Paper in MLA Format
Insert Footnotes in a Research Paper
Create Citations and a Bibliography
Save a Document
Correct Errors as You Type
How to Format a Document in APA Format
Convert Word Document to a PDF File
Microsoft Office Specialist Certification Exam Practice Study Guide
APA Format from Default Formatting
Table of Contents Tutorial
Format Paragraphs
Create a Custom Word Template
Preview and Print a Document
Change Document and Paragraph Layout
Use AutoComplete and AutoCorrect
Correct and Reorganize Text
Header and Footer Tutorial
Page Numbers Tutorial
Captions in Word
Review Document Headings in the Navigation Pane
Reorganize Document Text Using the Navigation Pane
Collapse and Expand Body Text in a Document
Use Continuous Section Breaks for Page Layout
Insert Page Numbers Starting from a Specific Page
Format Text
Undo and redo Commands or Actions
Modify a Style
Excel 2016:
Create, Save, and Navigate an Excel Workbook
Enter Data in a Worksheet
How do you Export Access to Excel and Apply Conditional Formatting
Use Flash Fill, SUM, Average, Median, and MAX Functions and Formulas
Move Data and Rotate Text
Graph Data with a Pie Chart
Format a Pie Chart
MOS Prep - Basic Certification Exam Practice Study Guide
Change Fonts, Font Style, and Font Color
The NOW Function
Export Excel Spreadsheet to Access Table
The VLookup Function
The MIN or MINIMUM Function
Histogram Charts
Use the Sum Button to Sum a Range of Cells
Enter Formulas Using the Keyboard
Format Cells with Merge & Center, Cell Styles, and Themes
Chart Data to Create a Column Chart & Insert Sparklines
Select Cells and Ranges
Use CountIF and IF Functions and Apply Conditional Formatting
Use Date &Time; Functions and Freeze Panes
Use Goal Seek to Perform What-if Analysis
Add Fill Colors and a Background Image
Insert Functions from the Formula Library
Use the PMT Function to Calculate a Loan Payment
Describe the Excel Worksheet
Enter Formulas Using Point Mode
Access 2016:
Identify Good Database Design
Create a Table and Define Fields in a Blank Desktop Database
The Primary Key
Import Excel Spreadsheet into Access
Create a Table in Design View
Modify the Structure of a Table
Create a Subform
MOS Prep - Basic Certification Exam Practice Study Guide
Add Existing Fields to a Form
Create a Query, Form, and Report
How To Use the Property Sheet
Open and Save an Existing Database
Create Table Relationships
Learn Basic Database Concepts and Terms
Create and Use a Form to Add and Delete Records
Learn the Guidelines for Designing Databases and Setting Field Properties
Find, Modify, and Delete Records in a Table
Create a Form Using the Form Wizard
PowerPoint 2016:
Create a New Presentation
Edit a Presentation in Normal View
Add Pictures to a Presentation
Format Numbered and Bulleted Lists
Customize Slide Backgrounds and Themes
Animate a Slide Show
Apply a Theme Used in Another Presentation
Search for and Download an Online Theme
Microsoft Office Specialist Exam Certification
Print and View a Presentation
Lighten Background Images in Microsoft Office
Edit an Existing Presentation
Insert Online Pictures
Create a Title Slide and Slides With Lists
Select and Change a Document Theme and Variant
Insert and Format Pictures
Insert Shapes
Insert a Video
Outlook 2016
Basic Tutorial
Office 2016:
Identify the Components of the Microsoft Office Ribbon
Computer Fundamentals:
Computer Case Types - Dell Inspiron AMD 3656
Printer Ports and Types
The Boot Up Process
How to Get Your Computer Questions Answered
Undo Your Mistakes on Windows 10 or Apple Mac
Routers vs. Modems
What is the Cloud? Storage as a Service
Types of Internet Services on Google Android or Apple iPhone
Browsing the Web
Why Use the Cloud?
Microsoft OneDrive - Creating Uploading Downloading and Syncing
Explain the Importance of File Management
Troubleshoot Common Computer Problems
Microsoft Publisher 2016 Full Playlist
- published: 10 Aug 2019
- views: 13009