
The Dells - Oh What a Night
The soulful classic 1969 remake of their doo-wop debut hit of the same name. RIP to Johnny...
published: 17 Nov 2009
Author: timmy841212
The Dells - Oh What a Night
The soulful classic 1969 remake of their doo-wop debut hit of the same name. RIP to Johnny Funches and Johnny Carter.

The Dells-Stay in My Corner
published: 19 Nov 2007
Author: WSPFLATS23
The Dells-Stay in My Corner

The Dells - Run for cover
The Dells - Run for cover...
published: 12 Aug 2007
Author: soulfan3
The Dells - Run for cover
The Dells - Run for cover

There Is The Dells
The legendary Dells performing the northern soul classic There is. The Dells have been sin...
published: 23 Nov 2006
Author: razelma
There Is The Dells
The legendary Dells performing the northern soul classic There is. The Dells have been singing and performing for over five decades, have sold millions of records, and are considered the most enduring vocal group in the history of Rhythm and Blues. Affectionately known as The Mighty Dells by fans and leaders in the music industry, its members -- including Marvin Junior (lead baritone), John Carter (lead tenor), Charles Barksdale (bass), Michael McGill (baritone) and Verne Allison (second tenor) -- have continued to set the standard for top-to-bottom male harmony. Initially known as the El-Rays, The Dells started in 1952 in Harvey, Illinois, as five friends from high school. Eventually, the El-Rays cut their very first single, "Darling I Know," for Chess Records. It went nowhere. Two years later, with a new record contract with Vee Jay Records as The Dells, they released their 3rd recording "Oh What A Night." It became an immediate R&B hit, finishing third behind Elvis' Don't Be Cruel at number two and Fats Domino's Blueberry Hill on top. By 1960, The Dells were soon opening and touring for Dinah Washington. Here they fashioned their hypnotic melodious sound and caught the attention of Ray Charles. The Dells soon began touring with Charles, singing more ballads and standards and incorporating jazz into their singing styles. By 1967, The Dells began charting a string of R&B & Pop Billboard hits, including 3 number one R&B hits: "Oh What A Night," certified as a million <b>...</b>

WICHITA LINEMAN (soul rendition) - The Dells
A great soul rendition of this song.........
published: 17 Aug 2008
Author: luckysmusic
WICHITA LINEMAN (soul rendition) - The Dells
A great soul rendition of this song......

The Dells - I touched a dream
The Dells - I touched a dream...
published: 24 Aug 2009
Author: p4soul
The Dells - I touched a dream
The Dells - I touched a dream

The Dells Always Together
published: 29 Aug 2009
Author: TheSoulhawk
The Dells Always Together

Nicholas Brothers. Dells 'Run for cover'
The Nicholas brothers to the Dells northern soul classic 'Run for cover' TheTwiste...
published: 15 Jan 2008
Author: docludi
Nicholas Brothers. Dells 'Run for cover'
The Nicholas brothers to the Dells northern soul classic 'Run for cover' TheTwisted Wheel is a non commercial, interest site only. Should any copyright owner feel this offends, infringes or interferes in any way with the legitimate rights of use I will remove the item from display.

The Dells "I can Sing A Rainbow / Love Is Blue" (1969)
Originally released on their 1969 album "Love Is Blue" A US soul vocal and close...
published: 16 Dec 2008
Author: rovingeye2
The Dells "I can Sing A Rainbow / Love Is Blue" (1969)
Originally released on their 1969 album "Love Is Blue" A US soul vocal and close harmony group formed in 1953 as the El-Rays, when the members - Johnny Funches (b. 18 July 1935, d. 23 January 1998; lead), Marvin Junior (b. 31 January 1936, Harrell, Arkansas, USA; tenor), Verne Allison (b. 22 June 1936, Chicago, Illinois, USA; tenor), Lucius McGill (b. 1935, Chicago, Illinois, USA; tenor), Mickey McGill (b. 17 February 1937, Chicago, Illinois, USA; baritone) and Chuck Barksdale (b. 11 January 1935, Chicago, Illinois, USA; bass) - were all high school students. As the El-Rays the group released one record on the Chess Records label, "Darling Dear I Know", in 1953. After a name change they recorded "Tell The World" in 1955, which was only a minor hit, but a year later they released "Oh What A Night' (number 4 R&B chart), one of the era's best-loved black harmony performances and the Dells" last hit for 10 years. In 1965, the Dells returned to the R&B chart with "Stay In My Corner". Three years later, under the guidance of producer Bobby Miller, a re-recorded version of this song effectively relaunched their career when it became a US Top 10 hit. An enchanting medley of "Love Is Blue" and "I Can Sing A Rainbow" (1969) was their sole UK hit in 1969, but a further re-recording, this time of "Oh What A Night", introduced a string of successful releases in the USA, including "Open Up My Heart" (1970), "Give Your Baby A Standing Ovation" (1973) and "I Miss You" (1974). The Dells <b>...</b>

The DELLS - Love is Blue (I Can Sing A Rainbow)
My tribute to the super vocal group - The Dells - and the best version of "Love is bl...
published: 06 Jul 2009
Author: antidotum6
The DELLS - Love is Blue (I Can Sing A Rainbow)
My tribute to the super vocal group - The Dells - and the best version of "Love is blue" - one of the most beautiful songs in the word ( Music: Andre Pop, Pierre Cour/ Arthur Hamilton. English lyrics by Bryan Blackburn). 90% of the pictures (from Sydney) are mine. A few I took from my friend and the internet - Thank You!

Rock Monster in the Dells
This is a video of the Rock Monster rockin it outdoors year-round in Wisconsin Dells......
published: 08 Jan 2007
Author: DanFaupel69
Rock Monster in the Dells
This is a video of the Rock Monster rockin it outdoors year-round in Wisconsin Dells...

Levert - Tribute to the Dells!
Levert, (Gerald Levert, Sean Levert and Marc Gordon) pay homage to the ones that came befo...
published: 19 Sep 2009
Author: DetroitLives313
Levert - Tribute to the Dells!
Levert, (Gerald Levert, Sean Levert and Marc Gordon) pay homage to the ones that came before them......The Dells! In this 1996 clip, they perform two of the Dells classic hits "Oh What A Night" and "Give Your Baby A Standing Ovation" and do a fantastic job! Sadly, Gerald and Sean Levert have passed on recently, but we still have the music and the memories. RIP Levert Brothers....you were great! God loves ya!

Oh What A Night--The Dells
published: 21 Jun 2009
Author: railwalker1
Oh What A Night--The Dells

The Dells - Wear It On Our Face
Great Northern Soul number from Chicago-based group The Dells...
published: 05 Oct 2007
Author: JFBridge
The Dells - Wear It On Our Face
Great Northern Soul number from Chicago-based group The Dells
Vimeo results:

Lovely Bloodflow
Directed by Alex Takacs and Joe Nankin
— www.youngreplicant.com
DP: Adam Kauper
AC: Andrew...
published: 24 Aug 2010
Author: BATHS
Lovely Bloodflow
Directed by Alex Takacs and Joe Nankin
— www.youngreplicant.com
DP: Adam Kauper
AC: Andrew Taylor
Wardobe: Lina Lund Mortensen
— http://cargocollective.com/linalund
Make-up: Maria Lee
— http://www.marialeemakeup.com/
VFX, Edit, Post: Alex Takacs
Featuring: Takumi Akin, Jane Kilcullen,
Molly Garber, Genevieve Ward
PAs: Ben Krueger, Katherine Carlsburg,
Andrew Scott Levy, Marcus Inglizian,
Will Wiesenfeld, Mario Luna
Very special thanks: Mike Prior, Jason Wolchuk,
Gina Dell'Amico, Jasmin Avila, Mackenzie McNabb,
Erik Krasney, Robert Giardina, Nimrod Zalmanowitz
Baths is Will Wiesenfeld,
song 'Lovely Bloodflow' is from the
debut album 'Cerulean' out now on anticon.

Lightheaded is a journey we tak...
published: 26 Mar 2010
Author: Mike Dacko
Lightheaded is a journey we take with temperature sensitive candle creatures who sacrifice what they know to become who they are.
This is my first independent film. My advances in 3D allowed me to fully realize a concept I never stopped believing in. I managed to create all of the visuals by myself on a Dell laptop. A brilliant thanks to Mac Smith of Skywalker Sound for his sound design and Thievery Corporation for the congruous soundtrack.

L'homme 100 têtes by JUL & MAT All rights reserved
Directed by Jul & Mat - All rights reserved
Demandes de diffusion, ou utilisation du conce...
published: 30 Oct 2008
Author: JUL & MAT
L'homme 100 têtes by JUL & MAT All rights reserved
Directed by Jul & Mat - All rights reserved
Demandes de diffusion, ou utilisation du concept : http://www.juletmat.fr
Music: http://www.believedigital.fr/p/3661585033189/1179/fr
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/julandmat.directors
Twitter : https://twitter.com/juletmat
web : http://www.juletmat.fr
100 and one faces. 101 faces
Playing off the theme of a recent video contest, « Transformation : Live and React », JUL & MAT (France) explored the human face, the most exposed and personal part of the human body. Their dynamic portrayal of 1000 and one faces is a mosaic of portraits and emotions that plays off of the power of faces seen close up. Julien Fargo composed the melody that encapsulates the film.
All rights reserved L'homme 100 têtes
Demandes de diffusion, ou utilisation du concept : http://www.juletmat.fr
L'uomo dalle 100 teste.
Per un concorso video per il quale il tema era "Trasformazione:Vivere-Reagire". JUL & MAT si sono interessati al viso, parte più personale e più esposta del nostro corpo. Questo quadro in movimento delle "1000 e una faccia" ci offre un mosaico di ritratti ed emozioni che giocano sulla potenza dei visi in primo piano.
In più, Julien Fargo è il compositore di questa melodia in cui si racchiude l'essenza di questo film.
All rights reserved L'homme 100 têtes
Demandes de diffusion, ou utilisation du concept : http://www.juletmat.fr
El hombre 100 de cabezas.
Para un concurso cuyo tema era "Transformación: vivir-reaccionar", JUL & MAT (France) se interesaron por el rostro, el más personal y más expuesto de las partes de nuestro cuerpo. Esta pintura agitada de los " 1000 y uno rostros" nos ofrece un mosaico de retratos y de emociones que se aprovecha del poder de los rostros en primer plano. Por último, Julien Fargo es el quien compuso esta melodía, verdadero joyero para esta película.
All rights reserved L'homme 100 têtes
Demandes de diffusion, ou utilisation du concept : http://www.juletmat.fr
L'homme 100 têtes.
Pour un concours vidéo dont le thème était "Transformation:Vivre-Réagir", JUL & MAT se sont intéressés au visage, la plus personnelle et la plus exposée des parties de notre corps. Ce tableau mouvementé des « 1000 et une faces » nous offre une mosaïque de portraits et d'émotions qui joue sur la puissance des visages en gros plan. Enfin, c'est Julien Fargo qui a composé cette mélodie, véritable écrin pour ce film. Future pub Apple ou Benetton ?

A N E W _Erotic shortfilm
Title : ANEW_Erotic shortfilm
published: 16 Feb 2011
A N E W _Erotic shortfilm
Title : ANEW_Erotic shortfilm
REGIA e MONTAGGIO : Giovanni Barberis
SCENEGGIATURA e CONCEPT : Alessio Lentinello
FOTOGRAFIA : Alessio Lentinello / Giovanni Barberis
SCENE / COSTUMI : Tommaso Pispico
THANKS : Roger,Caterina e Noémi
music from Vladimir Sterzer http://www.vladimirsterzer.com
WORDS BY : Alberto Montani / PJ
Se passi il tempo a mentirti.
Se credi di non averne bisogno e te lo urli cosi' forte in testa da farti sanguinare il naso.
E sai di sbagliare.
Se con la solita stupida, ignorante arroganza, continui a convincerti del contrario.
E sai di sbagliare.
Se remi in direzione ostinata e contraria ma invidi la corrente.
E sai di sbagliare.
Se sei certo di essere uguale agli altri.
E sai di sbagliare.
Se fingi che alcune cose non siano per te cosi' importanti, e sai di sbagliare.
Se le tue azioni sono una sudicia catena di conseguenze e mire, ma ogni fibra, ogni tensione del tuo corpo e' rivolta ad uno scopo diverso, edonista e perfetto.
Se ti manca il fiato a certi pensieri.
Se la tua vita potrebbe rimanere chiusa in una stanza ben arredata, o non arredata affatto.
Se la tua mente e' zeppa, trasuda il suo sudore.
Gocciola immagini della sua carne.
Se ogni cosa che vedi ti esplode in tutt'altra immagine.
Se ogni fotogramma che ti stai proiettando, e' il loop delle sue mani e delle sue labbra.
Girati e ama.
If you're spending your time whispering yourself lies.
If you pretend not needing it, and you're shouting so loud on your mind, your nose is bleeding.
And you know you're wrong.
If your super-used ignorant arrogance, keeps on bringing you the opposite.
And you knou you're wrong.
If you paddle in the strong opposite going flow, but you pretend to wish the opposite again.
And you know you're wrong.
If you're sure to be the same of the other.
And you know you're wrong.
If you 're supposing something particular is not so meanfull for you.
And you know you're wrong.
If every act you're acting is just a line of targeting target, but every molecule, each tension of your body is pointed to something different, hedonist and perfect.
If you stay breathless on thinking it.
If all your life can stay closed in well designed room, or not designed at all.
If your mind is full, is swearing her swear.
Drops pictures of her flesh.
If everything you're watching explodes in something else: her skin.
If every image you're studying is her's lips and hands loop.
Turn around and Love.
words by Alberto "PJ" Montani
Youtube results:

The Dells - Wear it On Your Face
Special thanks to MARV GOLDBERG and MARV GOLDBERG'S R&B NOTEBOOKS a great place to...
published: 22 May 2008
Author: Adagiosoulb4flesh
The Dells - Wear it On Your Face
Special thanks to MARV GOLDBERG and MARV GOLDBERG'S R&B NOTEBOOKS a great place to learn about The history of Soul & R&B groups thanks Marv :-) The Dells started singing in 1953 in Harvey, Ill. They soon got a contract with Checker. Originally called the El Rays, they released "Darling I Know" soon afterwards. Later, they moved to VJ records of Chicago, and their fantastic career really took off. In a matter of years, they were the top group. Their smash hit, "Oh What A Nite" is now one of the all-time hits of R&B history. The group is composed of Jerry Funches, Michael McGIll, Verne Allison, Chas. Barksdale, and Marvin Junior.

The Dells - Since I Found You
One of The Dells greatest hits, first released on their album, On Their Corner: The Best O...
published: 17 Feb 2008
Author: PD10WW
The Dells - Since I Found You
One of The Dells greatest hits, first released on their album, On Their Corner: The Best Of The Dells, not only is this one of their greatest songs, but I believe this is one of the greatest songs of all time...as requested here are the lyrics (to the best of my knowledge)... Never knew...until know...that true love...could ever be...(no,no) Now there's you...and it makes...all the difference...in the world There'll be no more lonely moments...wishing the day was over before it begins...and when i wake up in the morning..i get right down on my knees and thank the Lord...Since i found you baby...since i found you...since i found you There's no need...remembering...all those empty hours... Now there's you...and it makes...alll the diffrence in the world... when i open up my eyes...i can see the sunlight in my life...coming home in the evening...to an empty room is over..all over.. for me...since i found you...since i found you I know true love...true love.. isnt easy to find...sometimes...i feel that i'm blessed...i feel so good now baby...now that your mine...your all mine Since i found you...never knew till now...no more empty hearts...love could be so true...there's no need remembering (no more coldcold night) lonely days...no empty arms...no more cold nights...since i found you.... never knew...love was true...i'm not blue since i found you x 3 in background...(ad lib vocals during this time are)... makes all the difference in the world...love can be so sweet...when we <b>...</b>

The Dells - I Hear Voices
Cadet (1973)...
published: 21 Nov 2009
Author: mandrilchina
The Dells - I Hear Voices
Cadet (1973)

The Love We Had~The Dells
published: 28 Jun 2009
Author: chicanoII
The Love We Had~The Dells