How Quilts Became Popular in Europe?
By admin on Feb 5, 2013 | In News | Send feedback »
We all know that quilting is an art of layering and stitching on fabric. It offers different designs showing an art of historical scenarios of the time it was made. It gives comfort and warmth when used.
As time goes by, quilting from the ancient clothing of China and other Asian countries, travelled together with them during the times of battles. It was then brought to and embraced by the Europeans during the colonial years.
The civil war also witnessed the use of quilted fabrics to cover them on cold nights and cover their weapons as well. Women soldiers spent time on it while the men were sent up front to battle or communicating in field of war that time. These quilts had major roles during the war, they became the warmth of the men out in the field in a cold night, they cover the bodies of heroes of war, and also became a part of the delivering of the messages during those times. Europeans started to see the benefits of quilting and welcome it in their society. It became famous in Europe and sewing machines were invented to help in the the making of quilt items especially those with special quilt designs. Although many ready made quilts were on sale, these are quits made using a sewing machine, many are still opting for a quilt manually done or handmade. They believed that the passion of the person who made the quilt by hand made the fabric more enticing and expensive. The only difference in machine made quilts is that it is easily done compared to hand made quilts that takes days, weeks, or months, depending on its design.
Europe has many art works to offer and one of it is its beautiful Kids quilt covers. Children appreciate different colors, designs or the story it is showing on its fabric. Aside from its looks, children learn to appreciate not only the design but the use of it too. It serves as they're warmer during the cold days and to others, it becomes a fashion statement of their identity.
Aside from its artistic outlook, quilting has a main role in the fashion industry. Over the years, quilts in Europe are no longer used just for beddings alone. People have explored its uses as a a frame designed for houses, a customized dress or skirts, mantels, scarves, curtains and other historical illustration on museums and schools. Today in Europe, the use of quilts are now being popularized by famous fashion designers, worn by best models, used in high class hotels and even mansions.
How Changes In German Politics Have Affected Volkswagen Designs
By admin on Nov 18, 2012 | In Background | Send feedback »
Germany is a country known for its industry and technical expertise. German craftsmanship has an established reputation the world over. Products made in Germany have a reputation of being both functional and durable. In no other field is this more evident than in the car manufacturing industry. German cars are ranked among the best in the world. VW dealers in Sydney have benefitted from this reputation.
The roster of German car brands are among the world’s most expensive, yet also the most popular. Audi, Mercedes Benz, BMW, Porsche and Volkswagen are cars that people all over the world aspire for. Despite improved efforts and design breakthroughs from much cheaper cars from America, Japan and Korea, the German cars never needed to justify their higher price tag. People knew why they were expensive. They never doubted their value and they kept on buying.
Since the German car companies are their country’s pride, it is not a surprise that they would have close connections with that country’s political situation. Germany has been a powerful nation all throughout recorded history, and that never relented since the invention of the automobile. In the 20th Century, Germany is probably one of the most pivotal countries in the world. They were in the middle of the darkest periods of that time (World War II) and one of the brightest (The end of the Cold War).
Volkswagen is not just a German car company anymore for the Germans. It is already a cultural icon. They are very proud of Volkswagen, and with good reason. The Germans view Volkswagen as a cultural icon, and its designs will inevitably reflect their country’s current state. Volkswagen, after all, is translated as “the people’s car.”
Volkswagen’s creation, in fact, was brought about by German leader Adolf Hitler’s directive to Ferdinand Porsche, known as the “brilliant design engineer.” Hitler wanted Porsche to design a people’s car, a ‘volkswagen,’ that can seat 5 people, travel at 62 mph, have a fuel efficiency of 33 miles per gallon and cost only 1000 Reich marks. This was the finished product, the V1 (Volkswagen experiment 1).
Eventually, the car was developed further, and became part of the Nazi’s propaganda machine. Porsche was upset, because he wasn’t part of the Nazi party.
The design of what was known as the KdF Wagen, shown in this image (Kdf was an acronym for the German words ‘Strength through Joy’) was continued even after the war. It was exported to different European countries and eventually the world.
In 1989, the Berlin Wall fell. This was symbolic of the end of the Cold War, and the unification of Germany. This marked a sparkling new time in their country, and Volkswagen designs reflected the openness of their country, and their goals for the future.
The rounded design, with the pastel colors reflected the new optimism of the Germans, now that they are united. They maintained their excellence when they were separated, but they thought they will be better as one.
The Beetle was conceptualized when Germany was united under the world’s worst despot, and the new concept was unveiled shortly after they were united with much different circumstances.