- published: 20 Sep 2012
- views: 1115
- author: TravellerSolidarity's channel
Fight for Sites: Evict the Department for Communities and Local Government
Fight For Sites Mass Action.... 19th October 2012, Meet 1pm Victoria Station Music from Ph...
published: 20 Sep 2012
author: TravellerSolidarity's channel
Fight for Sites: Evict the Department for Communities and Local Government
Fight For Sites Mass Action.... 19th October 2012, Meet 1pm Victoria Station Music from Phien O'Phien http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIIptoRzQaw.
- published: 20 Sep 2012
- views: 1115
- author: TravellerSolidarity's channel
HS2: Jack Dromey, Shadow Minister Communities and Local Government
Jack Dromey, Shadow Minister for Communities and Local Government, believes the high speed...
published: 04 Feb 2013
author: The Information Daily
HS2: Jack Dromey, Shadow Minister Communities and Local Government
Jack Dromey, Shadow Minister for Communities and Local Government, believes the high speed rail link will contribute towards the economic success of the coun...
- published: 04 Feb 2013
- views: 39
- author: The Information Daily
IEWM All Change 2012, Matthew West, Department for Communities and Local Government
published: 28 Jan 2013
author: The Information Daily
IEWM All Change 2012, Matthew West, Department for Communities and Local Government
- published: 28 Jan 2013
- views: 9
- author: The Information Daily
CCF - Caroline Spelman talks about Communities and Local Government
Caroline Spelman, Shadow Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, talks ab...
published: 09 Apr 2010
author: CCFlimited
CCF - Caroline Spelman talks about Communities and Local Government
Caroline Spelman, Shadow Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, talks about issues that are important to Christian Conservatives.
- published: 09 Apr 2010
- views: 341
- author: CCFlimited
Communities & Local Government touch screen
Touch screen media produced by Sightline for the Department of Communities and Local Gover...
published: 17 Jun 2012
author: Keith Thomas
Communities & Local Government touch screen
Touch screen media produced by Sightline for the Department of Communities and Local Government. A simple public survey The department is responsible for pro...
- published: 17 Jun 2012
- views: 19
- author: Keith Thomas
Communities and Local Government Committee
During the CLG Committee's inquiry into regeneration, James Morris questions Lord Heseltin...
published: 22 Aug 2011
author: James Morris MP
Communities and Local Government Committee
During the CLG Committee's inquiry into regeneration, James Morris questions Lord Heseltine, Chair, Independent Advisory Panel for the Regional Growth Fund.
- published: 22 Aug 2011
- views: 91
- author: James Morris MP
Green Spaces - Communities and Local Government - 04/04/2011 - James Gray MP
Mr James Gray (North Wiltshire) (Conservative): Rural buffer zones and other planning desi...
published: 04 Apr 2011
author: James Gray MP
Green Spaces - Communities and Local Government - 04/04/2011 - James Gray MP
Mr James Gray (North Wiltshire) (Conservative): Rural buffer zones and other planning designations protect areas such as my constituency from the westward ex...
- published: 04 Apr 2011
- views: 34
- author: James Gray MP
Housing (North Wiltshire) - Communities and Local Government - 28/02/2011 - James Gray MP
Mr James Gray (North Wiltshire) (Conservative): What criteria are used to determine the nu...
published: 28 Feb 2011
author: James Gray MP
Housing (North Wiltshire) - Communities and Local Government - 28/02/2011 - James Gray MP
Mr James Gray (North Wiltshire) (Conservative): What criteria are used to determine the number of houses which should be built in North Wiltshire constituenc...
- published: 28 Feb 2011
- views: 57
- author: James Gray MP
Center for Florida Local Government Excellence: Building Better Communities
In April of 2007, the Florida City and County Management Association (FCCMA) agreed to for...
published: 10 Jun 2011
author: CFLGEfsu
Center for Florida Local Government Excellence: Building Better Communities
In April of 2007, the Florida City and County Management Association (FCCMA) agreed to form the Center for Florida Local Government Excellence (CFLGE) in par...
- published: 10 Jun 2011
- views: 157
- author: CFLGEfsu
Stephen Mosley MP - Communities and Local Government Questions 15/07/2010
Chester MP Stephen Mosley questions Communities Minister Bob Neill MP on reducing administ...
published: 17 Aug 2011
author: mp4chester
Stephen Mosley MP - Communities and Local Government Questions 15/07/2010
Chester MP Stephen Mosley questions Communities Minister Bob Neill MP on reducing administrative burdens on Councils.
- published: 17 Aug 2011
- views: 5
- author: mp4chester
Fiscal Fallout: The challenge ahead for public spending and public services
Ahead of the Chancellor's Autumn Statement, Michael Bichard, Ian Mulheirn and Ben Lucas de...
published: 28 Nov 2012
author: The RSA
Fiscal Fallout: The challenge ahead for public spending and public services
Ahead of the Chancellor's Autumn Statement, Michael Bichard, Ian Mulheirn and Ben Lucas debate the scale of the public finance challenge, and what this means...
- published: 28 Nov 2012
- views: 3679
- author: The RSA
Once upon a time, local democracy
This video was produced by the Council of Europe's Centre of Expertise for Local Governmen...
published: 09 Feb 2012
author: Council of Europe
Once upon a time, local democracy
This video was produced by the Council of Europe's Centre of Expertise for Local Government Reform as part of its programme to strengthen local and regional ...
- published: 09 Feb 2012
- views: 5798
- author: Council of Europe
Housing (Armed Forces Personnel) - Communities and Local Government - 20/06/2011 - James Gray MP
Mr James Gray (North Wiltshire) (Conservative): What plans he has to provide support throu...
published: 22 Jun 2011
author: James Gray MP
Housing (Armed Forces Personnel) - Communities and Local Government - 20/06/2011 - James Gray MP
Mr James Gray (North Wiltshire) (Conservative): What plans he has to provide support through his Department's housing policy to serving and former members of the armed forces. [60274] The...
- published: 22 Jun 2011
- views: 19
- author: James Gray MP
Community Engagement & the Digital Age - Sara Ordonez - Wyre council
At the LGIU, Sara Ordonez. policy and performance officer at the Wyre council, tells Franc...
published: 21 Mar 2013
author: visionOntv
Community Engagement & the Digital Age - Sara Ordonez - Wyre council
At the LGIU, Sara Ordonez. policy and performance officer at the Wyre council, tells Francis Sealey about the importance of keeping up to date to digital sol...
- published: 21 Mar 2013
- views: 52
- author: visionOntv
Vimeo results:
Electronic Countermeasures @ GLOW Festival NL 2011
In the skies above the city a drone flock drifts into formation broadcasting their local f...
published: 06 Feb 2012
author: liam young
Electronic Countermeasures @ GLOW Festival NL 2011
In the skies above the city a drone flock drifts into formation broadcasting their local file sharing network. Part nomadic infrastructure and part robotic swarm they form a pirate internet, an aerial napster, darting between the buildings....
Today we are much closer to our virtual community than we are to our real neighbours. This death of distance has created new forms of city based around ephemeral digital connections rather than physical geography. The infrastructure that drove the development of the city was once large permanent networks of roads, plumbing and park spaces but are now nomadic digital networks, orbiting GPS satellites and cloud computing connections.
Revolutionary communities are coalescing around social networks and text messages and occupy the city with the force to topple governments. The U.S. military’s has development autonomous aerial drones that they can be launched across a place like Egypt, when the government cut off internet access to prevent people from organizing protests. These drones would fly off and hover above the city, and create ad hoc connections and networks in a new form of nomadic territorial infrastructure.
Electronic Countermeasures is a project inspired by these new forms of nomadic infrastructure. The project explores the design and manufacture of a flock of interactive autonomous drones that form their own place specific, temporary, local, WIFI community- a pirate internet.
We have built a flock of GPS enabled quadcopter drones from components that were originally intended for aerial reconnaissance and police surveillance to create this flying pirate file sharing network. The drones are autonomous and drift above the public spaces of the city as a balletic interactive aerial choreography. Part nomadic infrastructure and part robotic swarm we have rebuilt and programmed the drones to broadcast their own local wifi network as a form of aerial Napster. They swarm into formation, broadcasting their pirate network, and then disperse, escaping detection, only to reform elsewhere.
The public can upload files, photos and share data with one another as the drones float above the significant public spaces of the city. The swarm becomes a pirate broadcast network, a mobile infrastructure that passers-by can interact with. It is a site specific file sharing hub, a temporary, emergent online community where content and information is exchanged across the drone network. When on location, a visitor can log onto the drone network with their phones and laptops. When the audience interacts with the drones they glow with vibrant colours, they break formation, they are called over and their flight pattern becomes more dramatic and expressive. Impromptu augmented communities form around the glowing flock. Their aerial dance and dynamic glowing formations give visual expression to the digital communities of the city.
By Liam Young of Tomorrows Thoughts Today
twitter: @liam_young
Eleanor Saitta
Oliviu Lugojan-Ghenciu
Drone Pilots
Oliviu Lugojan-Ghenciu
Eleanor Saitta
Tobias Rosenstock
Project Team
Denis Vlieghe
Mond Qu
Dessi Lyutakova
Supported by
Mu Gallery, NL
GLOW Festival, NL
Music by
Clint Mansell, Drive OST.
The Economics of Happiness - Official Trailer
Buy the DVD, find a screening, host a screening, read reviews and endorsements, and more: ...
published: 03 Nov 2010
author: The Economics of Happiness
The Economics of Happiness - Official Trailer
Buy the DVD, find a screening, host a screening, read reviews and endorsements, and more:
Web: www.theeconomicsofhappiness.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/theeconomicsofhappiness
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/econofhappiness
The Economics of Happiness describes a world moving simultaneously in two opposing directions. On the one hand, government and big business continue to promote globalization and the consolidation of corporate power. At the same time, all around the world people are resisting those policies, demanding a re-regulation of trade and finance—and, far from the old institutions of power, they’re starting to forge a very different future.
Both hard-hitting and inspiring, The Economics of Happiness demonstrates that millions of people across the world are engaged in building a better world – that small scale initiatives are happening on a large scale. The film shows that countless initiatives are united around a common cause: rebuilding more democratic, human scale, ecological and local economies – the foundation of an ‘economics of happiness’.
The film features a chorus of voices from six continents calling for systemic economic change, including David Korten, Bill McKibben, Vandana Shiva, Rob Hopkins, Richard, Heinberg, Juliet Schor, Michael Shuman, Helena Norberg-Hodge, and Samdhong Rinpoche - the Prime Minister of Tibet's government in exile.
"Helena Norberg-Hodge delivers a powerful message about globalization: It is the small, local economies around the world that are preserving traditions, cultures, and communities, and ultimately safeguarding our happiness." (Alice Waters, chef, author, and the proprietor of Chez Panisse)
"It is good news indeed to find so persuasive an explanation of our ailing world as 'The Economics of Happiness.' This film connects the dots between climate chaos, economic meltdown, and our own personal suffering--stress, loneliness, and depression. It presents the localization movement as a systemic alternative to corporate globalization, as well as a strategy that brings community and meaning to our lives." (Joanna Macy, author World as Lover, World as Self)
"'The Economics of Happiness' offers a unique global perspective on a movement that is often reduced as being too small. Not so. The film tells the story of a grassroots movement for localization that is bubbling up from the cracks of a faltering global economy, in every corner of the world. These are the real 'green shoots' to be hopeful about." (Anuradha Mittal, Executive Director, The Oakland Institute)
"I think this is the best, most holistic film I have seen on the subject." (Jacob Bomann-Larsen, Coordinator of Nordic New Economy Network)
"...it is a great honor for me to endorse such an historic work." (Samdhong Rinpoche, Prime Minister of Tibet's government in exile)
"A must-see film for the future of the planet." (Zac Goldsmith, Member of UK Parliament)
What About God's Will for Me?
Journey 2010 is abo...
published: 25 Jan 2010
author: Jim Tompkins
What About God's Will for Me?
Journey 2010 is about having a church comprised of people who have individually decided to follow God's Will in their daily lives.
Most people are on guard when they spend private face time with their Pastor. Especially if you are a bit older and have been in church a few years. You may have known a pastor who used your or a friends situation as a sermon illustration. You may have experienced the judgmental statements of a pastor. So we normally treat a visit with the pastor as an interrogation at the local police precinct. We watch what we say and what we do. We make sure everything is put up, nothing lying around that shouldn't be.
Personally I would rather visit people when they are lying on a gurney waiting to be operated on. They tend to be more honest. You can tell if they are anxious. Transparent honesty is such a rare thing anymore. We wonder about our politicians, our church leaders, our teachers. We grow up learning to question, exactly because we have seen so much dishonesty
I know some of you question the truth of God's will. To most everyone under the age of 35, the subject of God's Will is strange, foreign, and for the most part irrelevant. We believe that live happens. God rarely has anything to do with it.
Let me assure you, whatever your concept about the importance of the will of God, what you think is not truth. We are easily deceived into believing any old lie the world or the devil wants us to believe. What matters is the Word of God!
This Word is Life, not just for after you are dead, but it is Life NOW! It is health, it is forgiveness, it is peace, it is hope, it is safety, it is security, it is the most powerful force this world has ever know. I can say this because this word says that Jesus Christ is the Word. No other person in the Universe ever lived a sinless life, ever faced Satan one on one and defeated Him, ever stared death in its face and defeated it! If you fail to give your life totally to Jesus Christ, you are robbing yourself of real Life. You are robbing yourself of the very presence of God! You are robbing yourself of ever being a part in the will of God. You may think you know God, but you are believing a lie. Your mind is dark, you are confused and stumbling over the falsehoods of your mind. One day instead of waking to an eternal life of joy in the presence of God, you will wake in the agonies of Hell, screaming in torment for all eternity, ever sorrowful because you knew the truth but you rejected it. There will be no second chance.
We are looking at what the will of God for me is. And number one, the will of God for you is to know Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord. He doesn't want part of you, even three quarters of you. He doesn't want to be just one of your beliefs, and share space with Hinduism, Buddhism, humanism, or even you ism. He must be your GOD! Anything less and your mind is fooling you. You are lost in a lie. You will never know God's Will. This is because you put your will first.
So what is the will of God for me and for you? It is to put Him First! It is to Trust completely and confidently in Him.
Now I know you are thinking how much easier it would be if you could sit down at Applebee's and have a nice long lunch with Jesus. I assure you that football would not be the topic of conversation. Who is going to win the Super bowl would be the farthest thing from your mind. You would want to know what He thinks of your life, if you are going in the right direction. You would want clarity on His will for your life. You would want to know what you should be doing for Him.
If life was only that simple. So many decisions we make.
We make decisions and then our decisions make us.
Should I go to college? Which one? What should I major in?
Should I get married? Which one?
I can't stand my job. Should I look for another, or should I just quit and hope something pops up?
A friend of mine wants me to share a place with him. Should I? Should I live at home?
I'm getting ready to retire? Can I afford to? Where should we live?
We have two children. We’re thinking about having a third. Should we have another one? Or should we think about adopting?
I feel like God is wanting me to go into the ministry. What does He want me to do? Missions, Youth, Pastor?
I told each of my children that in order for them to get married, they had to go to college. I also did not want them to go to state colleges. I also wanted them to live on campus.
No state college because I wanted them to apply to colleges that were a bit more difficult to get into, so it made them work harder on their grades. Live in the dorms because I wanted them to grow up faster, face decisions on their own, what types of friends were best for them, how to manage money, how to do laundry, all the things they need to learn to live on their own.
So our children moved away, Pepp
State of the City - The Decade of San Antonio: A Big City transforming into a Great City 1/28/10
Mayor Julián Castro presented his first State of the City Address on Thursday, January 28,...
published: 29 Jan 2010
author: Mayor Julián Castro
State of the City - The Decade of San Antonio: A Big City transforming into a Great City 1/28/10
Mayor Julián Castro presented his first State of the City Address on Thursday, January 28, 2010, and proclaimed San Antonio as a city on the move that will vault forward economically in the coming decade.
"This is the decade of San Antonio, the decade of our emergence as an economic powerhouse nationally and internationally," Castro said. "We'll get there by building up brainpower and opportunity, making vibrant our public spaces, and getting the fundamentals of city government right."
Mayor Castro told a record crowd of more than 900 business and community leaders that his administration will not hide from the city's most difficult issues, which include raising the educational attainment level of the local workforce and investing in the city's urban core.
"Great cities are defined by their downtowns. San Antonio must invest in downtown and make it a magnet for residents and visitors alike," Castro said. "In these next few years, we will put a new streetcar system on the ground, redevelop our beloved Hemisfair, and enhance our Riverwalk to breathe new life into our downtown."
On Jobs:
"The top priority for 2010 is creating jobs for San Antonians. Our city has fared better than most American communities during this downturn, but we must work to fare better. 20,000 net new jobs in 2010 is the goal."
Green Economy:
"We must embrace new economic opportunities. San Antonio can and should become a leader in the green economy by investing in green job training, incentivizing green manufacturing and leading the way in the use of renewables to meet our energy needs."
Transcript of Speech:
[ Applause ]
Thank you.
Thank you very much for that introduction, Carri. You've already shown in your short time wonderful leadership here at the Chamber. I want to thank you and Richard Perez and all the folks at the Chamber for your tremendous leadership in the city. I particularly enjoyed the opportunity to work with ya'll as we expand the Mentoring Matters initiatives, and make sure that most folks have had the opportunity to reach their dreams. And I want to thank all of ya'll for being here. Carri mentioned that there are over 900 folks here, and when they told me that yesterday, I thought that this event must have been billed as “C.P.S. Energy, Behind-the-Scenes.” [ Laughter ] Or something to draw folks here.
But really, I believe that there is tremendous energy here in San Antonio in 2010. I believe that 2010 marks the beginning of the decade of San Antonio. This is the decade that we will emerge as an economic powerhouse across the nation and across the world, a place that people are looking toward for leadership, a place that people are taking notice of, a place that is in perfect position to seize the opportunity of tomorrow. It has been my absolute privilege to serve as your mayor for the last seven months. These days have been exciting ones, they've been long ones, but they've been well worthwhile because of the work of many, many folks, a couple of which I'd like to just recognize right now.
The first is, and I'd like to ask them all to stand up, the best city council that we've had in years, our San Antonio city council, please, if you would, stand up. I see Councilwoman Cisneros, Councilwoman Taylor, Councilwoman Ramos, Councilman Cortez, Councilman Medina, Councilman Lopez, Councilman Rodriguez, Councilman Williams, Councilwoman Chan, and Councilman Clamp. Thank ya'll very much.
I was, of course, not in office for four years, and in that time we had one of the best mayors in America, Phil Hardberger, who did a wonderful job of laying out a vision and a foundation for us to build on, and I'd like to recognize him as well. Thank you very much, Mayor Hardberger, for being here.
[ Applause ]
Everybody says that we have the best city manager in America, and seven months ago I got a chance to start testing that for myself, and I got to tell you, it's the truth. Sheryl Sculley has done an absolutely wonderful job as city manager, and she's really, and I think that Phil would agree with this, she is the reason that we look so good being mayor. I hope she'll stand up and be recognized. Thank you very much, Sheryl, for your work.
[ Applause ]
I remember coming to a couple of chamber events over the last few years, and Nelson Wolff would always tell this joke about being -- I don't know whether it was him not being the old mayor anymore or the young mayor, or I guess being about the same age as Phil. These days I know that I'm the young mayor, and he's the older county judge but has been a terrific partner and collaborator and one of the reasons that our city does so well. Thank you very much, Nelson, for your leadership. I'd like to recognize you as well.
[ Applause ]
And then I want to recognize my own staff. I see many of them here from Robbie Greenblum who couldn’t be here today to Jaime Castillo, Frances Gonzalez, Jed Maebius. I see Christian Archer, Roland Garza, Sarah McLor
Youtube results:
Part 1 of Resource: COTA Liveable Communities Workshop Process
On 12 October 2012, the LGSA and The Office for Ageing hosted the Age-Friendly Community L...
published: 23 Oct 2012
author: LocalGovernment NSW
Part 1 of Resource: COTA Liveable Communities Workshop Process
On 12 October 2012, the LGSA and The Office for Ageing hosted the Age-Friendly Community Local Government Workshop. Over 60 councils from around NSW attended...
- published: 23 Oct 2012
- views: 12
- author: LocalGovernment NSW
Arcuri Amendment to Help Communities Streamline Local Government Passes in Committee
7-29-10: Arcuri successfully offered an amendment that would help local communities stream...
published: 03 Aug 2010
author: Congressman Mike Arcuri
Arcuri Amendment to Help Communities Streamline Local Government Passes in Committee
7-29-10: Arcuri successfully offered an amendment that would help local communities streamline government and foster economic development during the House Co...
- published: 03 Aug 2010
- views: 30
- author: Congressman Mike Arcuri
Overview of COTA Liveable Communities Project
On 12 October 2012, the LGSA and The Office for Ageing hosted the Age-Friendly Community L...
published: 23 Oct 2012
author: LocalGovernment NSW
Overview of COTA Liveable Communities Project
On 12 October 2012, the LGSA and The Office for Ageing hosted the Age-Friendly Community Local Government Workshop. Over 60 councils from around NSW attended...
- published: 23 Oct 2012
- views: 12
- author: LocalGovernment NSW
A systems approach to policy development
Andrea Lee, Head of the Strategic Analysis team at the Department for Communities and Loca...
published: 08 May 2013
author: Cambridge University
A systems approach to policy development
Andrea Lee, Head of the Strategic Analysis team at the Department for Communities and Local Government, shares her experience of being a CSaP Policy Fellow a...
- published: 08 May 2013
- views: 118
- author: Cambridge University