- published: 20 Oct 2007
- views: 16893
- author: travelvideoone
Zvolen - Slovakia
In 2003 the town of Zvolen celebrated the 760th anniversary of its foundation.The first re...
published: 20 Oct 2007
author: travelvideoone
Zvolen - Slovakia
In 2003 the town of Zvolen celebrated the 760th anniversary of its foundation.The first reliable document of the independent royal town of Zvolen is the royal charter of King Belo IV of December 28, 1243 reinstating the Zvolen's town privileges. Written documents on the existence of the town (settlement), however, date back also earlier than 1243. In 1222 it is written about Detrik - a head of the Zvolen County; at the turn of the 12th and 13th centuries the chronicler Anonymus dates foundation of Zvolen Castle back to the 10th century. Zvolen has lived for years under the auspices of the Castle, today known as the Deserted Castle, which was the seat of the royal "komitat", that is a territory stretching in the area of the whole today's Central Slovakia. The importance of this vast castle (it was divided into the Upper and Lower Castle and its area was over 7 hectares!) faded away a little after building up the new castle right in the town. In the end, the Deserted Castle was burnt down by Ján Huňady's troops in 1452 (according to the latest research) and it remained in ruins. Hungarian King Louis the Great of Anjou had Zvolen Castle built in the second half of the 14th century. Since the time of its founding the Castle has often been rebuilt and had several owners. King Matthias Corvinus and his wife Beatrix would enjoy coming here; it was also a residence of Ján Jiskra of Brandýs, and the Ján Thurzo's possession. The cruelest period in the history of Zvolen was the 16th ...
- published: 20 Oct 2007
- views: 16893
- author: travelvideoone
HKM ZVOLEN HC05 BANSKA BYSTRICA 11 9 2009 bitka BB fans
co dodat? agresivita jedneho z sbs-karov bez zjavnej provokacie fanusikov...
published: 14 Sep 2009
author: njanjaauxt
HKM ZVOLEN HC05 BANSKA BYSTRICA 11 9 2009 bitka BB fans
co dodat? agresivita jedneho z sbs-karov bez zjavnej provokacie fanusikov
- published: 14 Sep 2009
- views: 7795
- author: njanjaauxt
Zbity rozhodca Zvolen-Slovan
Zbity rozhodca v play off 2004 Zvolen-Slovan...
published: 18 Dec 2010
author: PaTrEsQo10
Zbity rozhodca Zvolen-Slovan
Zbity rozhodca v play off 2004 Zvolen-Slovan
- published: 18 Dec 2010
- views: 76965
- author: PaTrEsQo10
DJ Trava live @ MINISTRY of FUN Zvolen mixed by VJ Mixo
DJ Trava live @ MINISTRY of FUN Zvolen mixed by VJ Mixo + 2 cam view...
published: 14 Jan 2008
author: longplay2
DJ Trava live @ MINISTRY of FUN Zvolen mixed by VJ Mixo
DJ Trava live @ MINISTRY of FUN Zvolen mixed by VJ Mixo + 2 cam view
- published: 14 Jan 2008
- views: 45194
- author: longplay2
DJ Trava live @ MINISTRY of FUN Zvolen mixed by VJ Mixo pt.2
DJ Trava live @ MINISTRY of FUN Zvolen mixed by VJ Mixo pt.2...
published: 14 Jan 2008
author: longplay2
DJ Trava live @ MINISTRY of FUN Zvolen mixed by VJ Mixo pt.2
DJ Trava live @ MINISTRY of FUN Zvolen mixed by VJ Mixo pt.2
- published: 14 Jan 2008
- views: 20409
- author: longplay2
sprint grand prix zvolen 09 prvni pokus
published: 13 Sep 2009
author: Petr Kořán
sprint grand prix zvolen 09 prvni pokus
- published: 13 Sep 2009
- views: 3149
- author: Petr Kořán
Prezentacia mesta Zvolen - vychodna cast
Prezentacia mesta Zvolen - vychodna cast mesta minulost a sucasnost...
published: 02 May 2011
author: zvolensk
Prezentacia mesta Zvolen - vychodna cast
Prezentacia mesta Zvolen - vychodna cast mesta minulost a sucasnost
- published: 02 May 2011
- views: 1619
- author: zvolensk
Zvolen city Slovakia
V tábore už zasadali všetci muži, ženy, starci aj deti, o tom, či zostať alebo nie. Všetci...
published: 24 Jan 2011
author: Tlivax
Zvolen city Slovakia
V tábore už zasadali všetci muži, ženy, starci aj deti, o tom, či zostať alebo nie. Všetci sa zhodli na tom, že po dlhom putovaní naozaj našli miesto "raj na zemi" medzi horami. No starešina sa ešte opýtal svojej jedinej dcéry, čo si o tom myslí a ona s džbánom v ruke povedala: "Nech rozhodne tento džbán av ňom voda, ktorú som priniesla z neďalekého prameňa". Rad-radom pili všetci vodu z tohto džbánu a všetkým zahoreli v očiach ohníčky radosti a súhlasu. "Teda sme sa rozhodli. Zvolili sme si miesto nášho budúceho a verme, že aj šťastného domova," vyhlásil staršina. "Zvolen jest kraj, kde budeme v šťastí av pokoji žiť my i rody, ktoré prídu po nás". "Nech sa náš nový domov volá Zvolen,"
- published: 24 Jan 2011
- views: 10181
- author: Tlivax
Zvolen - Dobšinská Ľadová Jaskyňa 2009 Lokomotíva 422.0108
Dampflok, steam engine Locomotive HD video, steam trains, Parni vlak,...
published: 26 Aug 2009
Zvolen - Dobšinská Ľadová Jaskyňa 2009 Lokomotíva 422.0108
Dampflok, steam engine Locomotive HD video, steam trains, Parni vlak,
- published: 26 Aug 2009
- views: 7982
- author: PAPARACISK
Youtube results:
Bryndziari Crew, Derby 30.12.2012. Zvolen - B.Bystrica
Derby 30.12.2012 v "Bukas Aréne" Zvolen - B.Bystrica 4:2...
published: 31 Dec 2012
author: RobinoZV
Bryndziari Crew, Derby 30.12.2012. Zvolen - B.Bystrica
Derby 30.12.2012 v "Bukas Aréne" Zvolen - B.Bystrica 4:2
- published: 31 Dec 2012
- views: 2855
- author: RobinoZV
Zvolen city (slovakia)
Mesto, v ktorom zijem a ktore zboznujem. Nikdy by som s tadeto neodisiel...vsak posudte sa...
published: 12 Jul 2008
author: bbreaker18
Zvolen city (slovakia)
Mesto, v ktorom zijem a ktore zboznujem. Nikdy by som s tadeto neodisiel...vsak posudte sami
- published: 12 Jul 2008
- views: 6527
- author: bbreaker18
HFT 002 Zvolen august 2009
Ivan - Hatsan 105x Torpédo .177 .Walther 6x42. JSB exackt 4,50. Igor - Hammerli 900 .177 ....
published: 10 Aug 2009
author: IvcoK2
HFT 002 Zvolen august 2009
Ivan - Hatsan 105x Torpédo .177 .Walther 6x42. JSB exackt 4,50. Igor - Hammerli 900 .177 .Hammerli 6x42. JSB exackt 4,50. Palo - Gamo CFX .177 .JSB exackt 4,50.
- published: 10 Aug 2009
- views: 5131
- author: IvcoK2
Borova Hora Zvolen / sanatorium - asylum urban exploration video
Abandoned sanatorium on Borova Hora (Borova Mountain) in Zvolen , Slovak republic Urban ex...
published: 10 May 2012
author: LinkmanSK
Borova Hora Zvolen / sanatorium - asylum urban exploration video
Abandoned sanatorium on Borova Hora (Borova Mountain) in Zvolen , Slovak republic Urban exploration video LinkmanSK (Linkman) - Art Weiner Cameraman and director: Art Weiner (Linkman)
- published: 10 May 2012
- views: 441
- author: LinkmanSK