
We provide secure and private email accounts, accessible via the web, shell, IMAP, or POP. Get help on mail. Login to webmail. Request an account. Reset lost password. Change my settings.

Mailing Lists

We provide mailing lists for activist organizations. Get help on lists. Login to lists. Request a list. Subscribe. Unsubscribe.

New Services

We are testing VPN, chat, and etherpad services. These services are still under development, and may be unreliable at times. If you want to help test them, please give them a try.



Resources and tutorials for more secure communication.

Help Desk

In order to contact us with a question, use the help desk form to create a help ticket. But first, please search and read the online documentation found on this site.

Our old help documentation is still available at

System Updates

Having trouble logging in? Switch to secure connections...

04 Jan 20:16
If you are having trouble checking your Riseup email, it might be because we have disabled insecure connections. Check your email client configurations and make the right changes to switch to secure connections:

intermittant authentication problems

12 Dec 18:17
There have been some authentication problems with mail today, we are aware of the issues and are working to resolve them. Thunderbird often requires a restart to work again!

list delivery delayed

03 Dec 18:44
Due to our slow machines, and some monthly tasks that caused more load than it could handle, list delivery has been delayed. We’ve resolved the issue that was slowing things down, so things are being sent now. No, you do not need to resend your messages, they will get sent out as soon as the system can, sending them a second time will just send a second one!

list maintenance over

25 Nov 19:06
Everything went smoothly, your list mails will be delivered shortly. Let us know if there are any problems!

planned outage: lists sunday 16:00 UTC

23 Nov 22:15
NOTICE! The mailing list service will be taken offline for an upgrade on Sunday, 25 November at 16:00 UTC. We expect service to resume after a few hours.

lists was down, catching up now

14 Nov 06:49 had a problem. It is fixed and is catching up now. All mailed will be delivered in time, no need to resend. Sorry for the delay.

Support your friendly autonomous tech collective today!

08 Nov 21:14
We just hit the $40,000 mark in our fundraising drive. If you can, join over one thousand other Riseup users and donate today.

Services coming back online

30 Oct 14:48
Update to previous status: services are coming on line now, sorry for any interruptions

Services affected by hurricane

30 Oct 04:21
Most of our regular services are unaffected by the hurricane hitting the east coast of the US right now, but some servers are affected and have lost power. Please be patient while mother nature takes her toll, we dont know when she’ll be finished and we can get those machines back online, but we will as soon as we can….

We had a power outage

27 Oct 05:45
Everything should be working now. And, we just passed the halfway point towards our fundraising goal! Have you donated?

Donate today, if you can!

24 Oct 20:39
We’re about halfway through our fundraising campaign, but we haven’t raised half our goal yet. Eep! Help today and donate if you can —

list delivery delayed

19 Oct 16:22
we’re not yet sure of the cause, but list delivery is delayed. we’re doing our best to help it catch up.

lists delayed due to pile-up on the list delivery highway

16 Oct 02:53
the blockage has been removed and pending messages are being processed as fast as possible, your messages should get through soon!

Support Riseup during our 2012 Fundraising Drive!

15 Oct 19:28
Riseup is a labor of love, but we need cold hard cash to continue providing services. Please consider making a reoccurring donation,

minor service interruptions

03 Oct 02:18
There will be minor interruptions in service while we perform necessary service. Sorry for any inconvenience, things will be back to normal as soon as possible.

Mailing list delivery is delayed.

28 Aug 17:55
Please be patient! The emails to mailing lists will come through eventually, so do not re-send. upgraded

15 Aug 19:28 has been upgraded, please report any problems

lists maintenence

14 Aug 19:48
As announced is down for upgrades. All mail will be delivered when it is back, no need to delay sending or resent.

Networkng turbulence ahead

05 Aug 20:36
Expect some networking turbulence today while we work on some issues

Riseup no longer supports PPTP access to the VPN

17 Jul 01:35
If you are using the VPN and suddenly can no longer connect, you are probably using the Point to Point Tunneling Protocol. Riseup no longer supports PPTP. Please update your configuration to use openvpn. See Also, if you use the VPN, don’t forget to support riseup! Our bandwidth isn’t free! :)