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New York Lawmaker: There Will Be More Than 7 Bullets In My Wife’s Firearm!

New York State Assemblyman Steve Katz (R) spoke out against the state’s proposed ban on assault weapons on Tuesday and threatened to defy the legislation should it become law.

New York is expected to become the first state to pass a gun safety measure since the shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, with a final vote scheduled for Tuesday. The comprehensive measure outlaws assault weapons and high capacity ammunition and requires New Yorkers who own military style firearms to register them with the state police. Gun magazine that can hold over 7 rounds of ammunition would be banned, the state will conduct more background checks and access to guns by the mentally ill will be drastically limited.

Speaking against the bill, Katz warned that it transforms gun owners into “a new class of criminals overnight” and pledged to load his wife’s guns with more bullets than is allowed under the proposed legislation:

KATZ: After what happened to the young mother in Loganville, Georgia who defended her two young children against an intruder, this bill would turn me into a criminal because you can bet that before I leave to do the people’s work, there will be more than 7 bullets in the magazine of my wife’s firearm.

Watch it:

While some Republicans support the measure, others argue that it will result in job losses and limit the rights of law abiding citizens from protecting themselves.

Throughout Tuesday’s debate, the GOP warned that some gun owners or dealers may refuse to register their weapons, conduct background checks, and “push back” against the restrictions through violent means. Republicans also charged that New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) is rushing the restrictions to advance his own presidential ambitions.

Meanwhile, research shows that a “gun in the home is 22 times more likely to be used in a completed or attempted suicide (11x), criminal assault or homicide (7x), or unintentional shooting death or injury (4x) than to be used in a self-defense shooting.”


Virginia Waters Down Report On Impacts Of Climate Change After Tea Party Complaints

Earlier this year, Virginia’s legislature commissioned a study to determine the impacts of climate change on the state’s shores. After Tea Party complaints, lawmakers approved the report on condition it strike the words “climate change” and “sea level rise” from the title.

This week, Virginia released its analysis, under the title “Recurrent Flooding Study for Tidewater Virginia.” The report discusses the threat of flooding and rising sea levels to coastal Virginia, but gives less notice to the causes of climate change.

State Delegate Chris Stolle (R), a climate denier himself, deemed terms like “sea level rise” “liberal code words” and insisted on cutting them from the report’s description. The Virginia Tea Party originally slammed the study as “more ridiculous studies designed to separate us from our money and control all land and water use.”

The science backing climate change is noncontroversial. Even the modified report recognizes the reality of the changing climate:

Sea level rise in Virginia is a documented fact. Water levels in Hampton Roads have risen more than one foot over the past 80 years. The causes of this rise are well understood and current analyses suggest the rate of rise is increasing.

Despite the report’s concrete recommendations that Virginia “should immediately begin comprehensive and coordinated planning efforts,” lawmakers have already decided to ignore it, even though Virginia cities spend millions each year elevating roads and replacing piers to withstand flooding. The Virginian-Pilot writes, “State Sen. Ralph Northam, a Democrat who represents Norfolk and the Eastern Shore, and who was a co-patron of the study request last year, said he has no plans to introduce legislation on sea level rise this year. Neither does state Del. Chris Stolle, R-Virginia Beach, who also was a co-patron of the study last year.”


Fox News Host Fed Up With GOP Refusal To Offer Specific Debt Ceiling Plan

Tea Party Congressman Steve King (R-IA) appeared on Fox News Tuesday morning to argue in favor of shutting down the federal government and breaching the debt ceiling if President Obama does not agree to drastic spending reductions. “We can start shutting down the appropriations. We can dig in,” King explained. “We must have cuts to go along with any debt increase. They must be substantial. There must be a line.”

But when pressed for specific spending cuts the GOP could support by host Martha MacCallum, King demurred, arguing that any details Republicans offer would simply be attacked as political fodder:

MACCALLUM: I guess what I’m asking for is in terms of a plan, I mean, are you going to put forth something that says, we, the House Republicans believe that this program should be cut, this agency should be cut, these are the spending cuts that we would outline in order to offset the increase in the debt ceiling? We believe that there needs to be cuts and these are what they would be? Are you going to do that?

KING: You know Martha, we’re going to get together this weekend and we’re gona crunch all that out. So I don’t want to presume that there is consensus there I might adhere to. [...]

MACCALLUM: You need to sell that idea to the American people with specifics and with a plan and say we’re the House GOP. Here’s what we would do. Here are the programs we would cut in order to reach parity over the next five years. We may never get this, but we want the American people to understand what we stand for. Is that something we can expect?

KING: Well, Martha, I take your point that we need to sell it with specifics. But you also understand as soon as a specific is put out there, it is attacked by the spending piranhas on the other side.

Watch it:

King’s approach mirrors the tactic of the Republican leadership, which refused to offer spending specifics throughout the debate over the so-called “fiscal cliff,” instead demanding that Democrats detail reductions the GOP might agree to.

Republicans point to the Rep. Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) budget as evidence of the cuts they’ve proposed, but that document is not an appropriations bill that specifies where the cuts will come from.


Utah Smoothie Shop Charges Liberals More, Donates Surcharge To Conservative Causes

A smoothie shop in Vernal, Utah is sparking outrage over an unorthodox pricing structure that charges liberals an extra dollar. The shop, tellingly named the I Love Drilling Juice and Smoothie Bar, is owned by George Burnett, a pro-oil and gas activist. He donates the extra money to conservative organizations like the Heritage Foundation.

“I’m very open about it, very public about it, that I’m going to charge them a little bit more, and I have liberals come in and pay the extra dollar surcharge,” Burnett said, referring to his unique pricing structure. [...] “And actually all three liberals have been happy to pay it. We had a husband and wife come in — he was conservative and she was liberal — and he paid conservative for himself and liberal for her.”

Watch it:

The juice bar is just one element of Burnett’s activist gimmick. On his website, he sells “I Love Drilling” shirts and bumper stickers. Burnett claims he wants to start a conversation about “the fiscal differences between big government/small government and liberal ways.” The liberal tax is intended to “help make that point.”

One conservative customer went even farther, explaining, “For him to do this kind of puts a face out there on people who are, in my opinion, in the wrong. ‘In the wrong’ being liberals,” Peterson said. “To see them being charged a little bit more, it makes me happy.”


The Five Gun Safety Laws That Gun Owners Support

Vice President Joe Biden is slated to deliver his suggestions for a series of gun violence prevention measures to the President today. Most likely, stronger gun regulations will be among the measures Biden proposes. And while the gun lobby may argue that such laws are out of step with the opinions of gun owners, a new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows that people who have a firearm in their home actually support a lot of gun safety measures.

Here are the top five gun laws that most gun owners would like to see:

1. Universal background checks. The poll found that a huge majority of gun owners — 86 percent — would like to see every single person who wants to purchase a firearm go through a background check. Currently, the so-called ‘gun show loophole’ allows some purchasers (those who buy used guns and those who buy at gun shows) to forgo a background check, setting up a system where criminals can easily purchase weapons.

2. Background checks for ammunition purchasing. As the law currently stands, ammunition can be purchased in bulk online with absolutely no background check. This is how mass murderer James Holmes was able to stockpile so much ammunition without anyone noticing. Seventy six percent of gun owners surveyed by the Washington Post want to see this law changed by instituting background checks for buying ammunition.

3. Ban on extended magazines. Extended magazine clips have been a focus of the recent gun law debate. Such clips, when used in mass killings, prove exceptionally deadly since, paired with an assault weapon, the gunman rarely has to stop and reload. Adam Lanza, the gunman responsible for the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, used extended clips, as did Holmes. There’s no reason why a clip with more than is necessary to hunt, or for self protection, and 55 percent of gun owners want to see them outlawed.

4. Gun database. The United States already has a database of those who cannot buy guns — the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, NICS — but has much weaker methods of tracking the guns sold in the United States. Sixty two percent of gun owners like the idea of a database of guns purchases, so that the government has some handle on how many guns are out there. There have been reports that such a database, and a database of gun violence, might be among Biden’s suggestions.

5. Assault weapons ban. There’s not quite a majority of gun owners who support an assault weapons ban, but at 45 percent popularity, it’s close to tied between those who support and those who oppose. An assault weapons ban would block military-grade weapons, like those used by Lanza and Holmes, from sale on the public market. There’s evidence that such bans reduce the number of firearms deaths.

The support for each of these measures demonstrates that the gun lobby is out of step with everyday gun owners. NRA representatives insist that Congress won’t pass ammunition clip bans, for example, and say that background checks are “unnecessary” and expensive. But even NRA members support more regulations on guns than the lobby would like to indicate.

And members of Congress will soon have an opportunity to stand with the gun owners who support these stronger gun laws. Eight bills have already been introduced in the House that deal with these issues, and more are likely to be introduced after Biden presents the findings of his task force to President Obama.


Republican Congressman Threatens To Impeach President Obama Over Gun Safety Measures

Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX)

Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX)

Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX), who just began his second stint in the U.S. Congress, is already threatening to impeach President Obama should the administration use executive power to implement gun violence prevention efforts.

Stockman, who served one term in the mid-1990s, returned to the House of Representatives on January 3. Just 11 days later, he issued a warning that he intends to introduce articles of impeachment if necessary to obstruct any use of any executive order to keeping guns out of the hands of criminals and other dangerous people.

In a statement, Stockman denounced the president’s potential actions as “unconstitutional and unconscionable attack on the very founding principles of this republic,” saying:

I will seek to thwart this action by any means necessary, including but not limited to eliminating funding for implementation, defunding the White House, and even filing articles of impeachment.

The President’s actions are an existential threat to this nation. The right of the people to keep and bear arms is what has kept this nation free and secure for over 200 years. The very purpose of the Second Amendment is to stop the government from disallowing people the means to defend themselves against tyranny. Any proposal to abuse executive power and infringe upon gun rights must be repelled with the stiffest legislative force possible.

In his first House tenure, Stockman received criticism for his office’s handling of a letter that appeared to be evidence in the Oklahoma City bombings — a note his office was slow to deliver to the FBI and also sent to the National Rifle Association. He also wrote a controversial letter to the Department of Justice objecting to raids of anti-government “citizen militia” groups.

Last week, Stockman proposed a repeal of all gun-free school zones, claiming that such laws have “placed our children in even greater danger.”

President Obama said at a Monday press conference that he is “confident that there are some steps that we can take that don’t require legislation and that are within my authority as president. And where you get a step that has the opportunity to reduce the possibility of gun violence, then I want to go ahead and take it… for example, how we are gathering data, for example, on guns that fall into the hands of criminals and how we track that more effectively.”


Indiana GOP Lets Glenn Beck Set Legislative Agenda: Introduces Bill To Fight U.N. Conspiracy Theory

You’d be forgiven for having not heard of Agenda 21. Developed at a summit in Brazil in 1992 with support from President George H.W. Bush, Agenda 21 is a series of non-binding UN recommendations for ensuring that economic growth does not undermine the environment. The agreement aims to encourage “international cooperation to accelerate sustainable development in developing countries” through voluntary actions by UN member-states. You can read the full, innocuous text here.

But right-wing Republicans have somehow come to believe that Agenda 21 contains a secret, nefarious plot to destroy American life and society as we know it, birthing a cottage industry devoted to spreading misinformation about the UN proposal. The most recent evidence of this movement’s reach is a proposal by two Indiana lawmakers to ban the implementation of any Agenda 21-inspired initiatives in the state. The Republican state legislators, Rep. Tim Neese and Sen. Dennis Kruse, proposed laws prohibiting the implementation of Agenda-21 inside Indiana. Neese worried that the document — which has no legal power to reshape American law — was a “mandate” that threatened his freedom:

I don’t see it as a battle with environmentalists, as long as people have the ability to choose. So when any type of special interest tries to — through a policy whether it be a legislative body or local or state official — to mandate that a specific type of material has to be used. That’s where I think the Agenda 21 policy is going beyond what is neutral.

As far as Agenda 21 fearmongering goes, however, Neese is on the moderate side. Last October, Georgia Republicans fretted that President Obama was using CIA-developed mind-control to implement Agenda 21′s plot to establish a dictatorship and ban suburbs. Sen. Ten Cruz (R-TX) deemed the it to be a paramount threat to America’s golf courses. The Republican National Committee called Agenda 21 “destructive and insidious,” and the 2012 party platform condemned it as “erosive of American sovereignty.” And this isn’t just idle talk – Alabama and Tennessee have already passed bans on Agenda 21 implementation, and five states (including Indiana) will consider them this legislative term.

Sadly, GOP paranoia about the United Nations isn’t limited to fear of Agenda 21. During the campaign, former Presidential candidate Mitt Romney suggested the United Nations was planning to force American parents to raise their children according to UN guidelines and override the Second Amendment. The latter fear is widespread among Republicans — Senate Republicans spiked the UN Arms Trade Treaty, a convention regulating the international arms trade with no effect on domestic law. Senate Republicans did the same thing, on similarly paranoid grounds, to the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disability and the Law of the Sea treaty.


RNC Chair: Rig The Next Presidential Election For Republicans

A little over a year ago, Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett (R) proposed rigging the presidential election for Mitt Romney by allocating electoral votes based upon which candidate carried each individual congressional district, rather than upon who wins the state as a whole. Thanks in large part to Republican gerrymandering, if Corbett’s election-rigging plan had been in effect last November in the Republican-controlled states of Florida, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin, Romney would have won the Electoral College despite losing the popular vote by nearly four points.

In an interview with the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus did not simply endorse this election-rigging scheme, he indicated that it should be targeted towards consistently Democratic states where it is most likely to skew the presidential election to the GOP’s benefit:

Republicans are in a unique position to make headway with such a plan nationally because Wisconsin and other key states that have gone to the Democratic presidential candidate in recent elections are currently controlled by Republicans at the state level. The change would give Republicans a chance to claim some of those states’ electoral votes.

“I think it’s something that a lot of states that have been consistently blue that are fully controlled red ought to be looking at,” Priebus said of the plan to change how electoral votes are granted.

Such a system “gives more local control” to the states, he argued.

This would not be the GOP’s only effort to rig elections so that they win no matter what the will of the American people may be. Last November, Democratic House candidates won the national popular vote by nearly 1.4 million votes. Yet, thanks to Republican gerrymandering, they would need to win the popular vote by over seven points in order to take back the House.

[HT: Dave Weigel]


10 States Take Action To Prevent Gun Violence

One month after Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre prompted a national debate about preventing gun violence, state lawmakers have indicated they will push gun violence prevention measures, such as universal background checks, limiting high-capacity ammunition, and banning assault weapons. Right now, the vast majority of states have no laws on many of these issues.

While the country anticipates Vice President Joe Biden’s taskforce recommendations, Congress and many states have already pushed for some practical reforms:

New York: The state will be the first to enact tougher laws. It expects to vote on the package on Monday, which expands New York’s ban on assault weapons, limits magazines to seven bullets, and requires background checks for private gun sales.

Massachusetts: Governor Deval Patrick will seek tougher gun restrictions this session, such as limiting gun purchases to one per month and enhancing background screening.

Maryland: Gov. Martin O’Malley plans “to propose limits on assault weapons and high- capacity magazines, as well as tougher licensing requirements for handguns.”

Illinois: There are proposals to ban assault weapons, after a similar measure died last year due opposition from the NRA.

Colorado: Gov. John Hickenlooper used his state address to call for background checks on private gun sales, currently exempt through the “gunshow loophole.”

Arizona: In the Republican-controlled Arizona legislature, Democrats unveiled a plan for universal background checks.

Delaware: Lawmakers are seeking background checks on private gun sales, a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition clips.

Oregon: State Sen. Ginny Burdick (D) is backing bills that would ban or limit assault rifles and and expand background checks.

California: State Sen. Leland Yee (D) will reintroduce a bill from last year prohibiting gun owners from outfitting semi-automatic weapons with devices that allow them to shoot more rounds.

Florida: Florida has a new bill introduced by the Democratic House minority that gives local governments authority to ban concealed weapons from public events.

In Congress, lawmakers have already introduced eight smart bills on gun safety.

The debate has also galvanized gun groups from extreme quarters, notably the National Rifle Association. Elsewhere, Republican lawmakers in South Carolina, Indiana, Texas have pushed to weaken gun violence prevention in the wake of Sandy Hook.

A new report from the Center for American Progress outlines the 13 steps Congress and the president can take to address gun violence, including background checks on all gun sales and reinstating the assault weapons ban.


Wyoming Lawmaker Introduces Radical ‘Fetal Heartbeat’ Bill To Ban Abortions After Six Weeks

State lawmakers across the country are gearing up for their new legislative sessions — and, just two weeks into the new year, Republicans are already planning their next attacks on women’s reproductive rights. Since voters largely rejected extreme anti-abortion ideology in the November elections, some Republican lawmakers are now treading somewhat cautiously to avoid risking more public outrage over their positions on women’s health.

But at least one anti-choice lawmaker in Wyoming isn’t as worried about disguising his radical agenda. Despite the fact that a similar measure was unable to gain traction in Ohio because the state’s Republicans admitted it was too controversial even among abortion opponents, Wyoming Rep. Kendall Kroeker (R) has introduced an extreme “fetal heartbeat” bill to redefine the medical concept of viability for the women in his state:

Rep. Kendell Kroeker, R-Evansville, a sponsor of HB97, said that detecting heartbeats is a unique way to look at life.

“It became clear that if a baby had a heartbeat, that seemed simple to me that it’s wrong to kill it,” he said.

The bill substitutes two words in current state law with four words. Current law says abortions are prohibited after the embryo or fetus has “reached viability.” The proposed law removes “reached viability” and adds “a detectable fetal heartbeat.” [...]

Kroeker said that the idea for the bill just came to him, but it’s possible that he heard about it in the news.

Restrictions on late term abortion procedures were one of the most popular methods that Republicans employed to limit reproductive freedom in 2012. However, those extreme laws can come under the scrutiny of the courts for banning abortion before the point of viability, which medical professionals agree occurs at about 22 or 23 weeks of pregnancy. Several laws seeking to ban abortions at 20 weeks of pregnancy have been blocked in court because they go too far to threaten women’s constitutional right to an abortion under Roe v. Wade.

But so-called “fetal heartbeat” bills move the goal posts even further, banning abortion procedures as soon as a fetal heartbeat can be detected — which can occur as early as six weeks, before some women even realize they’re pregnant. According to Kroeker, limiting abortion procedures by an additional 17 weeks is “a unique way to look at life,” but it’s actually a dangerous step toward rolling back women’s constitutional rights.


Tea Party Rep: Gun Regulation Won’t Work Because Hammers And Hatchets Exist

On Sunday, Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) denounced the recent push for anti-gun violence measures, blaming hatchets, hammers, video games, and “psychotropic drugs” for the nation’s homicide rate. Appearing on CNN’s State of the Union, Blackburn claimed that the conversation after the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre should focus on mental health instead of guns, because disturbed individuals could use “a hammer, a hatchet, a car”:

BLACKBURN: We need to do a couple of things. Number one is to drill down on the mental health issue. Number two is to look at the psychiatric and psychotropic drugs, because that is many times linked to the individuals who carry out these crimes. They are also wanting to make certain that we begin to get in behind these video games. [...] The problem is it could be a hammer, a hatchet, a car.

Watch it:

In the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting, Republicans and pro-gun advocates have continued to insist that gun safety measures are not only useless but infringing on gun owners’ rights. A week after the shooting, NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre held a controversial press conference in which he raged against gun safety and tried to divert attention to video games, corporate media, school security and hurricanes. Conservatives have taken up the NRA’s message; Blackburn’s colleague Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) used the same rationale to claim that any assault weapons ban would have to include hammers and machetes.

America’s gun homicide rate is 19.5 times higher than comparable nations. The FBI estimates that 8,775 people were killed by guns in 2010 — more than an order of magnitude higher than the 540 people killed with blunt objects. Furthermore, despite the gun lobby’s scapegoating of mentally ill individuals, people with mental health problems are not statistically more likely to be violent than the average person.

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Obama On The Debt Ceiling: House GOP ‘Will Not Collect A Ransom For Not Crashing The American Economy’

President Obama today held the final press conference of his first term, and used the opportunity to reiterate that he is not interested in negotiating with House Republicans over the debt ceiling. “They will not collect a ransom in exchange for not crashing the American economy,” Obama said:

Raising the debt ceiling does not authorize more spending. It simply allows the country to pay for spending that Congress has already committed to. These are bills that have already been racked up and we need to pay them…[House Republicans] will not collect a ransom in exchange for not crashing the American economy. The financial well-being of the American people is not leverage to be used. The full faith and credit of the United States of America is not a bargaining chip.

Watch it:

“We are not a deadbeat nation,” Obama reiterated later. The last time that House Republicans threatened to push the U.S. past the debt ceiling, it cost nearly $19 billion in increased interest payments in the national debt. Obama also noted that Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) admitted in 2011 that breaching the debt ceiling would bring about a “financial disaster.”

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