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RRAW stands with Walmart Workers on Black Friday

J U S T I C E * A T * W A L M A R T, 21.11.2012 01:46

This Friday, 23 November, is known in the USA as "Black Friday©," the day following Thanksgiving and the traditional beginning of the Christmas☃shopping season.

It will also go down in history as a turning point in the effort to win rights at work for employees of Wal-Mart, the world's largest employer, as strikes take place at Wal-Mart locations across the United States.

Rogue Residents Against Walmart RRAW has adopted the new South Medford Walmart and joins in the national campaign to win rights at work. Southern Oregon Stands with Walmart Workers! ✌

Follow the news on LabourStart -- bookmark this page:

♡ ♡ R E S P E C T ♡ ♡
♡ ♡ R E S P E C T ♡ ♡

Dear Rob Walton & Walmart Executives:

For over a year, Walmart workers and workers throughout Walmart’s supply chain have been coming together to speak out for change. They have called on the company to ensure safe working conditions, adequate hours, sufficient staffing, a living wage, regular schedules, and above all, respect in the workplace.

Instead of listening and learning from your workers, you have sought to silence them and retaliate against those who dare to speak up. Warehouse workers who work for your contractors have also experienced retaliation for speaking out. Now, your workers and our communities have had enough.

Walmart makes close to $16 billion in profits and its executives brought home more than $10 million each. Six members of your family, who own half the company, are worth more than the bottom 42% of American families combined. Those profits are made by keeping all workers in poverty ☺ ☺

We call on you to immediately end your illegal retaliation against Walmart workers who speak out for change and mandate your warehouse contractors to do the same. You must improve standards for Walmart's retail, warehouse and supply chain workers now.

[Add your name!]
SIGN THIS PETITION HERE:  http://corporateactionnetwork.org/campaigns/black-friday/petitions/respect-your-employees-right-to-speak-out

☞Organization United for Respect at Walmart — OUR Walmart  http://forrespect.org/
☞Making Change at Walmart —  http://makingchangeatwalmart.org/
☞Stand with Walmart Workers on Strike / Corporate Action Network —  http://corporateactionnetwork.org/petitions/stand-with-walmart-workers-fighting-for-their-rights

☞Follow the news on LabourStart -- bookmark this page:  http://www.labourstart.org/wal-mart

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