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"The Case for Not Bombing Iran" at SOU Nov 19

Reza Mohajerinejad, 17.11.2012 19:02

What: “The Case for Not Bombing Iran: The Case for Peace,” talk and discussion with Reza Mohajerinejad, author and participant in the 1999 Iranian student uprising

When: 5 p.m. Monday, Nov. 19, 2012

Where: Rogue River Room, Stevenson Union, Southern Oregon University, 1250 Siskiyou Blvd., Ashland, OR

Admission: Free

The Case for NOT Bombing Iran
The Case for NOT Bombing Iran

Reza Mohajerinejad is a student activist and one of the organizers of the Iranian student uprisings in July of 1999. Founder of the International Alliance of Iranian Students and the Global Student Alliance.

Reza Mohajerinejad is author of the book "Live Generation"

Here is video about "Live Generation"

Reza Mohajerinejad was on KSKQ community radio 5/23/12, on the Brain Labor Report where he was joined by Kathleen Gamer, Secretary/General of the SOU UN Club

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Reza interviewed on KSKQ
22.11.2012 - 20:38
Reza Mohajerinejad was interviewed on the Brain Labor Report radio show on Wed., Nov. 21, 2012. A big thank you to Kathleen Gamer who came into the studio for this production to help out with the interview when we spoke with Reza.

Here is the radio show which is now in the archives. The interview with Reza starts 13 minutes or so into the show.


In solidarity,

Brain Labor Report
Wednesdays 9AM Pacific
KSKQ Community Radio 89.5FM
Ashland, Oregon
Streams  http://www.kskq.org
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