The Healthcare Equality Index (HEI) is a unique and invaluable resource for healthcare organizations seeking to provide equitable, inclusive care to LGBT Americans—and for LGBT Americans seeking healthcare organizations with a demonstrated commitment to their care.

Each year, hundreds of hospitals and clinics show their commitment to optimal care for LGBT patients by using the HEI to:

  • Document that they meet the “Core Four” foundational criteria for LGBT care, which include CMS and Joint Commission requirements
  • Familiarize themselves with additional best practices in LGBT care
  • Receive free expert training in LGBT care
  • Achieve public recognition as “Leaders in LGBT Healthcare Equality

Healthcare organizations are warmly invited to participate in the HEI 2013, an online survey that closes on February 15, 2013, and is free of charge. Participating organizations enjoy these benefits:

  • Free online training for staff at all levels
  • A customized needs assessment for planning and benchmarking
  • Featured status in the HEI report--and designation as Equality Leaders, if the Core Four criteria are met

LGBT patients can search the HEI report to learn which facilities have participated in the HEI, and which have been designated as Equality Leaders. In 2012, a record 407 facilities were represented in the HEI, with an unprecedented 57% designated as Leaders.


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More About the HEI

Learn more about the HEI and how to participate.

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For LGBT Patients

Find resources to navigate healthcare and protect your rights.

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The Healthcare Equality Index is funded in part by a grant from Pfizer Inc.