SFTT's Unique Mission

Support our frontline troops with more than lip service—help them survive the rigors of war and reclaim their lives.

Eilhys England, Chairperson of Stand For The Troops received the following Thanksgiving note from Maj. Ben Richards.


I would like to thank Stand for the Troops and the many individuals and organizations who have contributed to help my family and me. We have been truly fortunate. Last week I returned home to my family in Iowa after a two-month course of pro bono hyperbaric treatment arranged by SFTT and conducted by Dr. Paul Harch in New Orleans. The treatment has been very beneficial. I will share more details about the treatment in a future post.

Dr. Harch is uncomfortable being spotlighted for his work, but I would like to recommend him to you as a man of extraordinary character, compassion and patriotism. All of us in the military community should be grateful to know there are men and women like Dr. Harch who are dedicated to healing the wounds we have incurred in our service at great personal cost to themselves.  Dr. Harch has provided care to dozens of veterans like me who are suffering from the invisible injuries of war with great success and at his own expense. I would like to point out that Dr. Harch provides hyperbaric care for a number of other conditions at his clinic for less than a quarter of the cost of the same treatment at nearby hospitals. He has traded personal wealth to heal many who otherwise would not be able to afford healing care. It has been my privilege to get to know him.

Next week I will travel to Bethesda, Maryland, for two months of different type of treatment for TBI. The treatment is called Flexyx Neurotherapy. It uses small electrical pulses to improve brain activity. I will be undergoing treatment at the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences. The cost of treatment has been covered by a research grant. Travel and living expenses have been covered by generous donations.

I am more optimistic about my future than I have been in years and I am truly grateful for the blessings and support my family and I have received.


Thank you,



Editors Note:  We too are delighted at the tremendous progress shown by Maj. Ben Richards.  As chronicled in previous entries, the noticeable improvement after the hyperbaric treatment conducted by Dr. Paul Harch in New Orleans is little short of remarkable.  We are hopeful of seeing similar results with the Flexyx Neurotherapy in Maryland.   A special word of thanks to all those who have made contributions to support Maj. Richards on his road to wellness.

According to studies quoted by Fox News, brain images may reveal Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (“PTSD”)risk before problems begin to materialize.  Previous studies have proven the brains of individuals with Post traumatic stress disorder vary from individuals with no condition. For example, certain brain areas are more compact in individuals with Post traumatic stress disorder, in comparison with individuals who experienced distressing occasions, but who didn’t develop unusual behavioral reactions.

Each day new guidance appears on the Internet and in forums dealing with the treatment of PTSD similar to the Fox News reports on Brain scans. Unfortunately, the majority of this help and advice is not supported by solid clinical scientific tests or highly regarded explanation. Though there are quite a few approaches to briefly take care of the conditions of Post traumatic stress disorder, the road to wellness is prolonged and treatment procedures will differ depending on the particular individual, the severity of the injury and his or her present social and financial situation.

Stand For The Troops has constructed a prestigious circle of physicians, clinical psychologists and therapists to examine these promising treatments. While some of these emerging new techniques will appear regularly on SFTT, readers are seriously counseled to see their physician or primary care giver before switching treatment.
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Veterans administration Clinic seeks female veterans for brand new Post traumatic stress disorder study

Cortisol is called the “fight or flight” hormone. Studies have proven greater amounts of cortisol may really hurt the mind and become associated with Post traumatic stress disorder signs and symptoms. Through the years, scientists have analyzed Post traumatic stress disorder to try and comprehend the underlying brain processes.
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Programs helps Veterans adapt to existence home

Doan not just provides extensive experience like a dog trainer, but is another adding author of the greatest Practices Paper on training Post traumatic stress disorder Service Dogs for help Worldwide. Last November., Doan stated she in the privilege to talk at Harvard …
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To his credit, former Vice Chief of Staff General Peter Chiarelli has always been at the forefront of focusing the public’s attention on the “unintended consequences of war” facing our brave men and women when they return home from repeated deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq. His moving and pointed introduction to the 2010 report seeking to understand the increasing rates of suicides among military personnel demonstrates his resolve in supporting our men and women in uniform. The 350 page report entitled “Health Promotion Risk Reduction Suicide Prevention,” painted a rather disturbing picture of the terrible and ongoing “mental” costs faced by our military veterans and their families.  Sadly, two years later, the problems are compounding rather than diminishing.

General Chiarelli is currently CEO of One Mind For Research, a new-model non-profit dedicated to delivering accelerated new treatments and cures for all brain illness and injury within ten years time.

SFTT concurs with General Chiarelli grim assessment of the situation and has realigned its energies to focus on PTS (“Post Traumatic Stress”).  In fact, SFTT has formed a Medical Task Force to evaluate current and emerging treatment methodologies to provide long term treatment to veterans who suffer from this debilitating injury.

While General Chiarelli and others have raised public awareness of the ravages of these debilitating injuries, we have been lax as a society to accept the consequences of sending young men and women to war.   Make no mistake, PTS and TBI have terrifying social consequences that extend well beyond the individual who suffers these debilitating injuries.  Thanks to the generous support of  Dr. Paul Harch with his Hyperbaric Treatment, Dr. Henry Grayson on providing an alternative approach to dealing with trauma and many other concerned individuals, we are now beginning to mobilize the necessary resources to attack this problem head on.

SFTT welcomes General Chiarelli’s call to action to provide our military personnel with the best available treatment to help return them to wellness.

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Our Story

photo of a soldierStand For The Troops (“SFTT”) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Educational Foundation established by the late Col. David H. Hackworth and his wife Eilhys England to insure that our frontline troops have the best available leadership, equipment and training.

In the past four-plus years SFTT'S active campaign has focused on ensuring America's frontline troops get the best available individual protective equipment and combat gear.

Donations and contributions from concerned Americans help fund the SFTT website.

Hackworth Memorial DVD

photo of HackworthIncludes rare footage from Hack's memorial service at Fort Myers Chapel and burial in Arlington National Cemetery.
All donations received from purchasing of The Hackworth Memorial DVD go to Stand For The Troops a 501 (c) 3 non-profit, non-partisan apolitical foundation established by Hack and his wife Eilhys to make sure that America's front-line forces—the kids Hack loved out at the tip of the spear—always have the right training, leadership and equipment to meet their assigned missions and make it home alive and in one piece.

Our Campaigns

  • December 23, 2009: The law firm of Kirkland & Ellis LLP filed the final motion with the Federal Court in Washington, DC in the Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) on behalf of the SFTT’s editor for forensic records held by the Department of Defense (“DOD”).
  • October 16, 2009: The Government Accountability Office (“GAO”) issues report to Congress calling for “independent expert assessment of Army body armor test results.” This damning report of US Army body armor test procedures is the outgrowth of a two-year investigative and educational campaign by SFTT to seek fair and impartial test procedures.

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