Rogues' Gallery (Gotham)
"Rogues' Gallery" is the eleventh episode of the television series Gotham. It premiered on FOX on January 5, 2015 and was written by Sue Chung, and directed by Oz Scott. In this episode, Gordon (Ben McKenzie) is transferred to Arkham Asylum and tries to avoid a conflict when inmates riot with the help of Dr. Leslie Thompkins (Morena Baccarin).
The episode was watched by 7.06 million viewers, an improvement over the previous episode. It received mixed reviews, with critics criticizing the time spent in Arkham Asylum. On January 17, 12 days after the episode aired, FOX announced Gotham would be renewed for a second season.
Gordon (Ben McKenzie) has been transferred to Arkham Asylum after Dick Lovecraft's "suicide". During a play, inmates wreak havoc, sending some to the nursery. Director Dr. Gerry Lang (Isiah Whitlock, Jr.) begins to doubt about his progression in the Asylum. He stands guard on an inmate at the nursery as Dr. Leslie Thompkins (Morena Baccarin) treats him. In the streets, Selina (Camren Bicondova) discovers Ivy (Clare Foley) living behind a dumpster in the rain. She takes him to Barbara's penthouse to sleep.