In the month following the school shooting in Newtown, Conn., Democratic politicians throughout the country – from President Barack Obama to governors, state lawmakers and mayors – have heightened calls for stricter gun laws.

It's cold in California. Not just in the usual isolated Siberian pretenders like Truckee and Mount Shasta. It's cold everywhere.
Lance Armstrong confessed that he used performance-enhancing drugs to win the Tour de France during an interview with Oprah Winfrey on Monday, a person familiar with the situation told the Associated Press.
The state's top fiscal analyst generally embraced Gov. Jerry Brown's budget Monday, agreeing that the state's spending and revenues are "roughly in balance" and that the governor is right to focus on fiscal discipline for the foreseeable future.
Trustees in the Sacramento City Unified School District will begin discussions this week on closing what one official said is a "significant" number of under-enrolled schools, nearly a year after the school board wrangled over closing three elementary campuses and ultimately voted to close just one.
As two cities struggle over the future of the franchise, Sacramento Kings fans on Monday kicked off an intense effort to have a say in the outcome.

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