• Welcome to ACS

    Over our 10 year history, ACS has become a "powerful institution that's helping to shape the law." Hear what Sen. Tom Daschle, Sen. Al Franken, White House Director of Domestic Policy Melody Barnes, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, Gov. Deval Patrick and others have to say about where we have been, where we are and where we are going.

  • Here Comes the 2013 ACS National Convention June 13-15

    The 2013 National ACS Convention will bring together more than 1,000 of the nation's top lawyers, judges, law students, policymakers, scholars and activists to debate and discuss legal issues. Last year's speakers included the Honorable Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Gov. Deval Patrick.
  • Read the ACS Papers on Why Courts Matter

    What impact might a more conservative or more progressive Supreme Court have on major issues such as congressional authority to solve national economic problems, judicial integrity, criminal justice, voting rights, church-state separation, reproductive rights and more? Check out the ACS paper "Courts Matter: Justice on the Line" for an analysis.

  • Judicial Nominations in 2013

    How will the election year affect the confirmation of judges to the federal bench where vacancies are already high? Stay up-to-date with statistics, analysis, and coverage of congressional action at and ACSblog.

  • Help ACS Continue its Important Work

    ACS needs your support to continue shaping the debate, building networks and making a difference. Now more than ever, we need you standing with us. Please give to ACS today to help us carry on our vital work promoting our progressive agenda.

  • Money and Politics

    The U.S. Supreme Court’s opinion in Citizens United v. FEC overturned decades-old precedent for federal regulation of corporate campaign finance. Watch video of a panel discussion exploring how the decision may impact upcoming elections. 

  • Explaining Constitutional Interpretation

    Keeping Faith with the Constitution is a common-sense approach to constitutional interpretation written by Goodwin Liu, Pamela S. Karlan, and Christopher Schroeder. ACS originally published the book in 2009. Oxford University Press released an updated version as part of its acclaimed Inalienable Rights series in 2010.

  • Addressing the Indigent Defense Crisis

    To address persistent failures to fulfill the promise of Gideon v. Wainwright (1963), ACS has launched an initiative to strengthen the federal role in improving the indigent defense system.

Shaping Debate

  • Join Us at the 2013 ACS Student Convention

    ACS’s inaugural Student Convention will take place at Stanford Law School, March 1-2, 2013. Featured speakers include Justice Goodwin Liu, Pamela Karlan and Steve Bright.The full schedule can be seen here. The submission deadline for the 2013 Student Convention Scholarship Application is Jan. 31. 

  • ACS, NLADA Placing Public Defender Interns

    ACS and the National Legal Aid & Defender Association have partnered to match public defenders with qualified law students. ACS is using its national student network to create a roster of students committed to indigent defense and seeking internships at public defender offices. Students can sign up here to join the applicant pool.

  • Sen. Whitehouse in RI Discusses Stalled Judicial Nominations

    Senator Sheldon Whitehouse used remarks at the inaugural event of ACS’s Rhode Island Lawyer Chapter to highlight the negative impact of judicial confirmation delays on the work of the courts and the administration of justice.

  • Dawn Johnsen Addresses ACS Chapters

    Professor Dawn Johnsen, an ACS Board Member, has been a featured speaker at ACS Chapter events across the country, discussing constitutional interpretation and the obstruction of her nomination to head the Justice Department’s OLC.

Building Networks

  • "Thank You" to ACS's Major Supporters

    We would like to say thank you to the ACS supporters who have demonstrated their commitment to protecting our constitutional values with a gift of $1,000 or more over the past year. Your support enables us to produce the programming, publications and activities that help us make a difference on so many important issues.

  • Educating the Next Generation

    Our "Constitution in the Classroom" program brings ACS members into primary and secondary classrooms across the country to raise awareness of fundamental constitutional principles.
  • Visit ACS's Health Care Resources Web Page

    ACS has created a web page featuring the latest news, legal filings, videos, and other resources relating to the Affordable Care Act and state efforts to challenge it. Among those resources are two Issue Briefs (here and here) published by ACS, which are still cited frequently in the media and policy debates.

  • ACS & Partners Promote Booklet on Becoming a Federal Judge

    In an effort to illuminate the federal judicial selection process, ACS has partnered with the HNBA, Justice at Stake, NAPABA, NAWJ, NBA, NCAI, and the National LGBT Bar to produce and promote The Path To The Federal Bench.

  • ACS and the Obama Administration

    Many key figures in the Obama administration have engaged with the ACS network, either having been ACS leaders and members, worked with ACS chapters, or spoken at ACS events.

  • Influencing Editorials

    The Akron Beacon Journal editorial board draws from an ACS Issue Brief by Lisa Heinzerling, a Georgetown Law professor and former senior Environmental Protection Agency official, to combat claims that government regulation inhibits economic growth.

Making a Difference

Now at ACS

ACS Conference to Commemorate Roe and Lawrence Anniversaries

ACS is co-hosting a conference in California on Jan. 18-19 on the impact of Roe v. Wade and Lawrence v. Texas and assessing equality and liberty concerns. “Liberty/ Equality: The View from Roe's 40th and Lawrence's 10th Anniversaries” is co-hosted with the UCLA School of Law, Williams Institute, Yale Information Society, and Program for the Study of Reproductive Justice.

Read Publications

Christopher Durocher
Emily J. Martin
ACS paper Courts Matter: Justice on the Line discusses what impact a more conservative or more progressive Supreme Court would have on major issues

Find Events

2020 Academic Roundtable: The View From Roe's 40th and Lawrence's 10th Anniversaries - Jauary 18-19, 2013, at UCLA School of Law

As we commemorate the anniversaries of two landmark Supreme Court decisions, Roe and Lawrence, ACS will bring together leading experts on gender and sexuality to analyze the past, situate current conflicts, and contemplate the future. Law students can register for the conference here at no cost. Registration for attorneys is $50, and 6 California CLE credits can be earned; attorneys, please register here

Read ACS News

  • The American Prospect quotes ACS President Caroline Fredrickson on importance of judicial nominations in an article on U.S. courts.

Join ACS

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Read the Constitution

Click to view the U.S. Constitution and read our founding document.

"ACS Law Talk" Podcast Series

In each episode of "ACS Law Talk" we’ll be talking to scholars, policymakers, and legal experts about current topics, cases, and debates. Listen to the podcasts here.

Judicial Nominations

Visit the ACS Judicial Nominations Website

The latest developments on nominees, delays, and the continuing vacancy crisis.