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MyFDL Frequently Asked Questions

Terms of Service

Welcome to MyFDL: the online progressive community at Firedoglake, and our affiliated sites. Vigorous discussion is encouraged, but we ask that you be respectful of all who participate in our community. Please be advised that our moderators may remove any comment at any time.

By registering an account at MyFDL, you agree to additional terms as outlined in our “About Us” section.

Tips? Questions? Comments?

Contact Jane Hamsher, FDL founder and publisher, at janehamsher@firedoglake.com

Contact the MyFDL Editor, at MyFDLEditor@firedoglake.com

Contact Siun, Press Secretary, at media.firedoglake@gmail.com

Send tips to tips@firedoglake.com

Having tech issues? Contact tech@firedoglake.com

About Us

MyFDL is the community site of progressive political blog Firedoglake. Anyone can participate by writing a diary, commenting on diaries, or joining groups to find other people in their areas.

Content posted to MyFDL is the opinion of the author alone, and should not be attributed to Firedoglake.

Once a diary has been published, users can recommend it by clicking the “recommend” link at the bottom of the post. If a diary receives enough recommends, a link to the diary will appear in the MyFDL Recommended Diaries box in the right-side bar on the front page of both MyFDL and Firedoglake.

MyFDL was created in October 2010. Your friendly daily editors are Kit O’Connell and Kelly Canfield


MyFDL provides diaries, comment threads and other community-oriented social media features that enable registered users to communicate with others. Participation in MyFDL’s social media is voluntary; users choose what they post. Discretion in posting information is recommended. Information users do not want to make public should not be posted in diaries or comments.

Content posted by community members in MyFDL diaries and comments should be viewed for informational purposes only, and not as a substitute for professional legal or financial advice.

MyFDL does not evaluate or guarantee the accuracy of any questions, answers or other information posted in diaries or comments; all diaries and comments made by community members should be used at community members’ own risk.

MyFDL editors and moderators reserve the right to take down any diary or comment (in part or in its entirety) and ban users at their discretion; please refer to the site’s ground rules.

Diaries and comments expressed by each of MyFDL community members are the opinions of the individual community member author and do not reflect the opinions of MyFDL or Firedoglake and its affiliated sites.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is MyFDL?

MyFDL is the community site of progressive political blog Firedoglake. Anyone can participate by writing a diary, commenting on others’ diaries, or joining groups to find other people in their areas. Content posted to MyFDL is the opinion of the author alone, and should not be attributed to Firedoglake.

MyFDL is the third generation of the Firedoglake community site. What began as the Oxdown Gazette evolved to The Seminal, a single group blog and community site. MyFDL is a new platform with many individual blogs. Each user has their own, real blog, and can make their FDL experience unique — hence the name, MyFDL.

The new, upgraded application also provides better editing and sharing tools. Users will also find more new tools to let them interact more quickly and more often with other community members. All users will now have a more robust WordPress template to write and edit drafts for their posts.

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How do I register for a free account?

Click here to register, or on the blue bar at the top of your screen, click “Create a Firedoglake Account.”

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How do I post a diary?

Once you are logged in, click the “Write Post” link in the Tool Box section on the right hand side of MyFDL. Please consider reading Editorial Note: How to Write an Effective Post for pointers on how to write a great post if you’re new at this and need help.

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What are the ground rules?

  • No hateful or defamatory writing. (This includes racism, sexism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, antidisestablishmentarianism, or any other ism)
  • Do not use ALL CAPS or exclamation marks in titles. It is poor form and annoying
  • Cross posting from your own blog is welcome.
  • “Please Recommend” is not a diary title.
  • Do not violate any copyright laws — This means do not reprint articles in whole from other websites or news sources, unless you are the author. If you are quoting an article, only use a maximum of two or three paragraphs. At the moment please do not use AP sources AT ALL. For more information about what is acceptable use of copyright material, please read more here.
  • We respect anonymity. Revealing the identity of someone who has chosen to remain anonymous is prohibited.
  • Do not spam the diaries or the comments.
  • No duplicate diaries. (Please check before you post)
  • If you are posting a quote or fact, provide a link if possible to an original source or to other supporting material.
  • Refrain from calling out other site users, including commenters, in the diary title.
  • Our moderators reserve the right to take down any post or ban any user.
  • Please do not create diaries to complain about the moderators, editors or site operations. If you have a complaint, make it inside an open thread/watercooler post or email the MyFDL editor.
  • Sock puppets are prohibited and grounds for banning.
  • Avoid single-sentence diary posts; use a micro-blogging site instead. Posts should be a minimum of 100 words and 2-3 paragraphs, composed with some consideration given to a thesis, analysis or commentary, and a summary. Exceptions to this are posts with art or video embedded; these kinds of posts should contain an explanation of the content at a minimum, with additional analysis and commentary preferred.
  • No mind-reading. Please see The Carnac Rule.

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Why isn’t my post in the “Latest Diaries” list?

No, sometimes it takes a few minutes for diaries to appear.

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Why isn’t my post in the “Recommended” list?

Our users choose diaries that appear in the recommend box by clicking the “recommend” link at the bottom of each post. We will not reveal the exact methodology to prevent the system from being gamed, but encourage you to use compelling headlines, and leverage our community and social media to build interest in your writing.

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How do I embed pictures and video in my diary?

Embedding pictures and videos from approved sites is remarkably easy at MyFDL. To add photos or videos, just paste the direct link or URL to the media into the text box. When you publish your post, it should automatically turn the URL into the embedded media. If you’re having trouble, don’t hesitate to contact your friendly MyFDL Editor for help.

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What video sites are allowed for embedding?

You may embed videos from the following approved sites:

  • YouTube (only public videos and playlists)
  • Vimeo
  • DailyMotion
  • blip.tv
  • Flickr Video
  • Viddler
  • Hulu
  • Qik
  • Revision3
  • Scribd
  • Photobucket
  • PollDaddy
  • WordPress.tv (only VideoPress)
  • SmugMug
  • FunnyOrDie.com

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What image sites are allowed for embedding?

You may embed images from the following approved sites:

  • flickr.com
  • imgur.com
  • photobucket.com
  • imageshack.com
  • mac.com

NOTE: Please include only one or two images/videos per diary.

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How many diaries may I post per day?

We currently don’t have an exact daily limit for diaries. However, if you begin spamming the diary section, we reserve the right to take those diaries down. Out of fairness to other community members, diarists should limit themselves to no more than two posts in the Latest Diaries list, with the with the exception of front page contributors at Firedoglake and posts by MyFDL’s editorial team. If you have two posts in the list, as soon as your oldest post has dropped off the list, you may publish a new post.

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How do I post a comment on a diary?

Once you are logged in, a comment box will appear at the end of the discussion thread, at the bottom of the post. If you want to reply to a comment, just click the “reply” link.

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How do I put block-quotes in my diary?

To enter a blockquote in your post, just type:

<blockquote>The text you want blockquoted</blockquote>

…and when you publish, you will see:

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What HTML tags are allowed?

You may use: a, b, blockquote, br, em, img, p, s, strike, strong, u, ul, ol, li, table, thead, tbody, tfoot, tr, td, th.

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How do I advertise at Firedoglake?

Please visit http://firedoglake.com/advertise for more information.

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Copyright Information

All users who post on this site retain copyrights to their work. By posting on MyFDL you grant the operators of MyFDL a non-exclusive right to publish your content online on MyFDL and its affiliated sites, its archives, or its future formats in perpetuity unless otherwise negotiated or noted.