Obama Administration Won’t Show Secret Legal Opinions for Targeted Killings to US Senator

By: Monday January 14, 2013 5:17 pm

(update below) Ahead of the confirmation of Deputy National Security Advisor John Brennan to the position of CIA director, US Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon has sent a letter to Brennan asking him to provide Congress access to “secret legal opinions outlining the government’s ability to target and kill Americans believed to be involved in [...]

Judge: Bradley Manning Punished Unlawfully But Not Enough to Warrant More Than Weak Relief

By: Tuesday January 8, 2013 5:18 pm

In a highly anticipated court decision, a military judge awarded Pfc. Bradley Manning 112 days sentencing credit for unlawful pretrial punishment experienced while confined in a brig at Marine Corps Base Quantico. She did not find evidence to support the dismissal of any charges against Manning. The soldier, who the military is prosecuting for allegedly [...]

The Only CIA Officer Scheduled to Go to Jail Over Torture Never Tortured Anybody

By: Sunday January 6, 2013 10:52 am

Reporter for the New York Times, Scott Shane, wrote a feature story on the case of former CIA agent John Kiriakou, who is the first from the agency to face jail time for a classified leak. He is to be sentenced to 30 months of jail on January 25. Kiriakou pled guilty to the charge [...]

Rescuers Reportedly Killed in US Drone Strike in Pakistan

By: Thursday January 3, 2013 5:22 pm

At least fifteen people were killed in two drone strikes in Pakistan on January 2. While one strike killed a powerful Pakistan Taliban leader along with other known fighters, the other strike killed four people, whose names were not immediately known, and reportedly involved the targeting of rescuers—a war crime. In the Associated Press‘ initial [...]

Obama’s Embrace of Rendition & the Appearance of Three Men with Somali Roots in Federal Court

By: Wednesday January 2, 2013 12:09 pm

(update below) The Washington Post has published a story that spotlights how the administration of President Barack Obama has embraced the practice of extraordinary rendition, highlighting the rendition of two Swedish men and one British-Somali man who had his British citizenship revoked. It details what is known about the men who had been missing and [...]

Anti-Leaks Provision in Intelligence Authorization Bill May Encourage Selective Leaking

By: Monday December 31, 2012 12:31 pm

Though most of the anti-leaks proposals in the Senate were droppedfrom the intelligence authorization bill, one provision remains in the bill that could potentially encourage selective leaking. One section of the bill requires government officials “responsible for making certain authorized disclosures of national intelligence or intelligence related to national security to notify congressional intelligence committees on a [...]

Senate Reauthorizes Surveillance Law for Five More Years Without Reform

By: Friday December 28, 2012 11:49 am

The United States Senate reauthorized a surveillance law that grants the government expanded authority to collec communications of foreign persons outside the US. It also is believed to permit the government to engage in dragnet surveillance of Americans’ communications. The program under the FISA Amendments Act is shrouded in immense secrecy, with there being very [...]

US Drone Strikes, Cyber Attacks Carried Out Under Cover of the Christmas Holiday

By: Wednesday December 26, 2012 11:25 am

On Christmas Eve, a US drone attacked a vehicle and killed at least two suspected al Qaeda militants in the southern Bayda province of Yemen. The attack happened in the early evening in the country. It was believed a “mid-level al Qaeda Yemeni operative,” Abdel-Raouf Naseeb, was one of the men killed. It was the [...]

British High Court Refuses to Review UK Intelligence Agencies’ Involvement in CIA Drone Strikes

By: Friday December 21, 2012 2:31 pm

The British High Court has refused to review whether intelligence agencies in the United Kingdom have been involved in passing on information that has been used by the CIA to carry out drone attacks.The Pakistani man, Noor Khan, whose father was killed by a US drone strike, intends to appeal the decision. On March 17, 2011, [...]

System of Classification for Information Enables Corruption, Increases Likelihood of Leaks

By: Monday December 17, 2012 12:11 pm

The Cold War system of classifying and declassifying information held by United States government agencies is “overly complex,” “keeps too many secrets” for too long and obstructs information sharing inside government and with the public, according to a report produced by a board of individuals that President Barack Obama ordered on classified information. As part [...]

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