How the Government Hopes to Argue Bradley Manning’s Alleged Leaks Aided Terrorism

By: Wednesday January 9, 2013 2:10 pm

(update below) In a process where the military judge can allow facts to be introduced into evidence for trial which are well known or can be proven, the government asked the judge to take notice of multiple pieces of evidence that show how the government intends to tie Manning’s alleged leaks to aiding terrorism. Al [...]

Bradley Manning’s January Motion Hearing, Day 2

By: Wednesday January 9, 2013 10:42 am

9:35 PM EST Note: All of the evidence mentioned in today’s proceeding that the judge was asked to consider as fact during trial was simply presented and raised by the defense or government. Judge Army Col. Denise Lind made no rulings on whether any of the evidence should be admitted. She will rule on the [...]

Government Moves to Prevent Bradley Manning’s Defense from Discussing Over-Classification

By: Tuesday January 8, 2013 10:47 pm

The government argued two motions in the court martial of Pfc. Bradley Manning intended to constrain the defense from being able to discuss motive and over-classification of information. Manning, who the military is prosecuting for allegedly releasing classified information to WikiLeaks, faces the following charge, which is an Espionage Act charge: In that Private First [...]

Judge: Bradley Manning Punished Unlawfully But Not Enough to Warrant More Than Weak Relief

By: Tuesday January 8, 2013 5:18 pm

In a highly anticipated court decision, a military judge awarded Pfc. Bradley Manning 112 days sentencing credit for unlawful pretrial punishment experienced while confined in a brig at Marine Corps Base Quantico. She did not find evidence to support the dismissal of any charges against Manning. The soldier, who the military is prosecuting for allegedly [...]

Bradley Manning’s January Motion Hearing, Day 1 UPDATED

By: Tuesday January 8, 2013 1:21 pm

10:55 PM EST Report on argument over government’s motion to prevent Manning’s defense from discussing over-classification of the charged information during trial here. 5:20 PM EST Getting rushed off base: here’s a full report on the judge’s ruling. I’ll have more in the next few hours. Check back here later this evening. 4:41 PM EST: [...]

Government: Bradley Manning’s Confinement Conditions Justified by ‘Odd Behaviors,’ Lack of Communication

By: Thursday December 13, 2012 11:58 am

A significant pretrial hearing in the court martial of Pfc. Bradley Manning, the soldier being prosecuted by the United States government for allegedly releasing classified information to WikiLeaks, concluded on December 11. For more than ten days, the defense and government had witnesses testify on Manning’s treatment while he was confined at Quantico Marine Brig [...]

Defense: Amazing Bradley Manning’s Spirit Wasn’t Broken While He Was Confined at Quantico

By: Wednesday December 12, 2012 11:13 am

A significant pretrial hearing in the court martial of Pfc. Bradley Manning, the soldier being prosecuted by the United States government for allegedly releasing classified information to WikiLeaks, concluded yesterday. For more than ten days, the defense and government had witnesses testify on Manning’s treatment while he was confined at Quantico Marine Brig in Virginia. [...]

Bradley Manning’s ‘Unlawful Pretrial Punishment’ Hearing, Day 11

By: Tuesday December 11, 2012 9:59 am

Closing arguments in Pfc. Bradley Manning’s “unlawful pretrial punishment” hearing will take place today. It will bring to an end argument on a defense motion alleging Manning was mistreated at Quantico Marine Brig that began over ten days ago.

Key Details on Bradley Manning’s Confinement Were Kept from Army Commander Who Visited Regularly

By: Monday December 10, 2012 7:06 pm

A company commander in Pfc. Bradley Manning’s Army chain of command, who made multiple visits to see Manning while he was imprisoned at Quantico Marine Brig, took the stand as a government witness today to provide testimony on Manning’s treatment. He did not initially appear to have any notion that Manning was mistreated while he [...]

Bradley Manning’s Defense Grills Former Brig Commanding Officer on Decision to Take Underwear

By: Friday December 7, 2012 7:58 pm

The commanding officer in charge of the Quantico Marine Brig, who took over in the middle of January 2011 while Pfc. Bradley Manning was in the prison, took the witness stand to give testimony in an “unlawful pretrial punishment” hearing this morning. The hearing continued argument on a defense motion alleging that Manning was subjected [...]

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