The Vigilantism of ‘Zero Dark Thirty’

By: Sunday January 13, 2013 11:15 am

The Oscar-nominated film Zero Dark Thirty depicting the hunt for Osama bin Laden opened everywhere in the United States this weekend. Coincidentally, the date it opened was also the eleventh year anniversary of the opening of the Guantanamo Bay prison. Much has been written about the film throughout the past month, particularly how it shows [...]

How the Government Hopes to Argue Bradley Manning’s Alleged Leaks Aided Terrorism

By: Wednesday January 9, 2013 2:10 pm

(update below) In a process where the military judge can allow facts to be introduced into evidence for trial which are well known or can be proven, the government asked the judge to take notice of multiple pieces of evidence that show how the government intends to tie Manning’s alleged leaks to aiding terrorism. Al [...]

US Drone Strikes, Cyber Attacks Carried Out Under Cover of the Christmas Holiday

By: Wednesday December 26, 2012 11:25 am

On Christmas Eve, a US drone attacked a vehicle and killed at least two suspected al Qaeda militants in the southern Bayda province of Yemen. The attack happened in the early evening in the country. It was believed a “mid-level al Qaeda Yemeni operative,” Abdel-Raouf Naseeb, was one of the men killed. It was the [...]

HSBC Bankers Get No Jail Time for Terrorist Financing While Somali Sentenced for Charity

By: Sunday December 16, 2012 12:49 pm

This past week, the Justice Department announced that HSBC Bank had agreed to forfeit $1.256 billion and “enter a deferred prosecution agreement” for engaging in money laundering that involved the financing of drug cartels and groups with ties to terrorism. The agreement indicated there would be no criminal prosecution. Not one bank executive or lower-level [...]

Kucinich: Want to Stop Attacks on US Embassies? Stop Trying to Overthrow Governments (VIDEO)

By: Wednesday October 10, 2012 4:27 pm

A congressional committee held a hearing on the security failures that led to the killings of four Americans at a US consulate in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11. The hearing included two witnesses from the State Department that agreed to begin to share key details on what occurred. Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight & [...]

In Yemen, Al Qaeda vs. US Drones

By: Wednesday May 30, 2012 4:45 pm

A recent edition of the PBS program “FRONTLINE” examined how Al Qaeda has taken over cities and rugged mountain areas of Yemen and taken advantage of civil unrest in the country brought about by the Yemen uprising that began the spring of last year. The edition followed journalist Ghaith Abdul-Ahad as he courageously traveled to [...]

The Bin Laden the Obama Administration Wants You to See

By: Saturday May 5, 2012 12:52 pm

Coverage of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden’s killing has been a prime example of American establishment journalism, a public relations operation designed to validate all the activities of the national security state and the military industrial-complex in the past year. This operation has been bolstered by the official release of documents found in bin [...]

History Will Ultimately Judge Bradley Manning

By: Thursday December 22, 2011 11:53 am

The Military Public Affairs Office is not permitting the media to remain on base past noon. Therefore, you will have to wait for a report on what the prosecution presented. Most significant was that the prosecution identified “the enemy” Manning is charged with “aiding.” They played an Al Qaeda propaganda video and said he knowingly [...]

NYT: Soufan Book Adds to Charges CIA Kept 9/11 Terrorist Info from FBI

By: Monday September 12, 2011 8:12 pm

Former FBI special agent Ali Soufan has published a tell-all book about what he saw and experienced in his role as an FBI interrogator on some of the biggest pre and post 9/11 terror cases. But his biggest revelation is that he and other FBI investigators “were deliberately kept out of the loop” on the existence of Al Qaeda terrorists identified by the CIA. The result, these operatives were not found, nor their links to their associates, the other 9/11 terrorists, and, well, we know the rest…

The US Drone Program, Terrorism & the Debt Ceiling Talks

By: Monday August 1, 2011 10:32 am

Drone (photo: Calips ) (update below) Former US intelligence chief Dennis Blair, at the Aspen Security Forum in Aspen, Colorado, suggested that it may be time for the US to stop employing drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. In the midst of ongoing political theater in Washington that is slowly but surely producing an [...]

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