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Barack Obama
"Lincoln Sells Out Slaves"
by: Rob Kailey - Sep 13
If You Haven't Seen This
by: Rob Kailey - Apr 28
Impeach the President?
by: Rob Kailey - Mar 16
It's the system, stupid!
by: Jay Stevens - Oct 25


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Rob Kailey is a working schmuck with no ties or affiliations to any governmental or political organizations, save those of sympathy.

Recreational Use and Healthcare

by: Carla Augustad

Tue Jan 15, 2013 at 05:36:03 AM MST

When asked if legalization of marijuana for recreational use is the right direction for our country, Miss Iowa, Maria Cary responded that she didn't think that it should be used for anything but recreation use and healthcare.
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Max Baucus: Connoisseur of Revolving Door Corruption

by: Bob Brigham

Mon Jan 14, 2013 at 13:00:06 PM MST

"Baucus' Finance Committee passed a bill in August extending 50 expiring deductions and credits for favored industries. At Obama's insistence, the Baucus bill was cut and pasted word for word into the cliff legislation."
-Timothy P. Carney, The Washington Examiner, January 6, 2013

"Now to be honest, there were a couple in there I was not happy with. One that's come out in the press, quite frankly, I'm not very happy with, and I don't know how it got in there."
-Senator Max Baucus, Great Falls Tribune, January 11, 2013

Major tax cuts were extended for giant corporations -- while the average Montana was stuck with a $900/year in increased taxes -- and the person responsible is claiming he doesn't even know how his staff put it in there for his former staff?

This is why last night Bill Moyers referred to Max Baucus as, "a connoisseur of revolving door corruption."

The Baucus revolving door cabal numbers in the dozens. In fact, his last revolving door scandal was less than a month ago. There was another Baucus revolving door scandal only six weeks ago. And another Baucus revolving door scandal only six months ago. Last year, Baucus had a revolving door scandal on tax policy. In the previous congress, there was his revolving door scandal on climate change. And of course, who could forget the obscene revolving door scandal during health care reform. And these are just some of the highlights from this term, which is only 2/3 of the way done. And Baucus is in his sixth, 6-year term in DC.

Montana voters rightfully retired Conrad Burns for his culture of corruption. Unfortunately, Montanans are still represented by the most corrupt member of the United States Senate.

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Guns Of Mass Distraction

by: Carla Augustad

Fri Jan 11, 2013 at 05:14:04 AM MST

What were we talking about the day before the Newtown shootings?
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Please Nominate Jennifer Granholm For Secretary of Labor

by: Carla Augustad

Thu Jan 10, 2013 at 02:03:21 AM MST

Now that Hilda Solis has Resigned,
I agree with all the commentators who want Obama to appoint Jennifer Granholm to be our next Secretary of Labor.
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Light Up the Switchboards!

by: Carla Augustad

Mon Dec 31, 2012 at 19:36:37 PM MST

This Fiscal Y2Craziness is utter crap, where the Republicans and their pet Democrats are now holding out to shield the first $550,000.00 of income from any tax increases choosing instead to increase payroll taxes.

 If I understand this correctly, their deal is to wait two more months to gut the safety net , and Vice-President Biden is re-educating our Senators on how to look helpless while they stick it to the sick, the poor, the weak, the old, and our veterans.

Call your senators toll free now at 1-866-338-1015- or 1-866-220-0044 No Deal Is Better Than a Bad Deal

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Narrow the Gap

by: Carla Augustad

Mon Dec 31, 2012 at 17:43:36 PM MST

Women in the U.S. make 81 cents to the dollar men earn doing the same job.    This clever tool is another brain child of Lifehacker founder Gina Trapani.  This is especially important because a woman who gets paid eight grand less than her male counterpart will ultimately be living on a much smaller Social Security allotment as well.  

Social Security income allows people to live carefully, but with a little dignity and does not contribute a single cent to the federal debt.  

“Social Security benefits are financed only through payroll taxes and the Trust Fund,” Baucus (left) said during a hearing held by his committee entitled “Perspectives on Deficit Reduction: Social Security.” Social Security, he continued, “is not responsible for the deficits we face in the general fund today. Therefore, I believe Social Security should not be part of our efforts to reduce those deficits.”  By law, Baucus said,
Social Security must remain separated from the rest of the Federal budget and the program cannot borrow money from the general Federal budget.”

Please tell Senators Baucus and Tester that cutting our little safety net to give more to the wealthy is stupid and morally wrong.  It would be much kinder and wiser to just let the tax cuts expire.

No deal is better than a bad deal.

Toll free congressional switchboard numbers to call your Senators are: 1-866-338-1015 and 1-866-220-0044.

No Deal Is Better Than a Bad Deal.

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Dear Attorney General Holder

by: Carla Augustad

Wed Dec 19, 2012 at 07:40:27 AM MST

Dear Attorney General Holder: This letter is in regards to your recent comments suggesting the reinstatement of the ban on assault weapons. We oppose reinstating the ban on the sale of assault weapons, and we call on the Department of Justice to enforce existing laws before it considers imposing any new restrictions on gun ownership. Your comments noted increased violence among international drug traffickers as a reason to reexamine the ban on assault weapons within this country; however, this statement fails to acknowledge laws already in place that work to address this issue. Under current law, both transferring a firearm to someone knowing that it will be used to commit a violent or drug-trafficking crime as well as possessing a firearm in furtherance of a Federal drug trafficking crime are already federal felonies punishable by imprisonment. We will strongly oppose any legislation that will infringe upon the rights of individual gun owners.


Digby has the rest


U.S. Senator Max Baucus

U.S. Senator Jon Tester

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No Recount!

by: Carla Augustad

Wed Dec 12, 2012 at 00:22:39 AM MST

My friend Lynn, who did such a great job finding people (including me) to be counters, keeping our communication accurate and timely sent us the notice this afternoon with this paragraph.


Breaking news today is that Sandy Welch dropped her recount request because she couldn't come up with the $115,000 cost, citing some financial pledges that had fallen through.  She has until 5:00pm today to post the bond, but she has publicly said she's dropping the request.  Here is a link to the story in the Billings Gazette:

I offer sincere and respectful congratulations to Denise Juneau, who I know will continue to do us proud.  I also offer my sincere and respectful condolences to Sandy Welch who had a very different vision of education for Montana's children.    

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Wall Mart Walk Out to Change Our Economy

by: Carla Augustad

Thu Nov 22, 2012 at 05:24:56 AM MST

Perhaps you heard that some workers are planning a one day strike on Black Friday to change Wal Mart's policies. Maybe you are even aware that Wal Mart employs more people than the United States government, and that many of their employees have incomes low enough for them to qualify for public assistance.


Kaj reports that "strikers" are scheduled to meet in front of the North 7th Wal Mart Supercenter in Bozeman at 8pm tonight.

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No Debt Crisis For United States

by: Carla Augustad

Thu Nov 22, 2012 at 03:32:47 AM MST

Not Now, Not Ever. Forbes provides more detail, but Alan Greenspan is quoted with the following statement.
[A] government cannot become insolvent with respect to obligations in its own currency. A fiat money system, like the ones we have today, can produce such claims without limit.

Who will have the heart to tell Rep. Bubble Boy Jerry O'Neil?

via John Amato

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