Issue:  Vol. 43 / No. 2 / 10 January 2013

More News

Online Extra: Political Notes: Sacto welcomes gay schoolboard member

First gay Sacto school board member gets to work; first lesbian harbor commissioner set to take oath of office. (read more)

Marlena's bar
to change hands

The new year is set to bring big changes to Marlena's, as the famous Hayes Valley gay bar is being sold. (read more)

SFPD updates
condom policy

The San Francisco Police Department will no longer take photographs of condoms or mention them in police reports in prostitution cases, ending the city's practice of using condoms as evidence in such cases.
(read more)

Gays mixed on
Hagel nomination

Senator Tammy Baldwin said this week that she wants to see whether Defense Secretary nominee Chuck Hagel's apology for anti-gay remarks 14 years ago is "sincere and sufficient. (read more)

Grant named for
Martell to help
trans women

After last April's murder of Brandy Martell, the staff at TransVision, an East Bay HIV prevention and treatment program for transgender women, experienced a tragic drop in morale as they mourned the loss of one of their own peer advocates to a senseless act of violence. (read more)

Former DJ 'bugged'
by landlord

Former disc jockey and outspoken LGBT personality Jon Zuckman is facing an eviction hearing next week after a long simmering feud with his landlord centered on bed bugs in his apartment. (read more)

Book shares
Tenderloin lives, deaths

Lives and losses in one of San Francisco's poorest neighborhoods are the subject of Death in the Tenderloin , a recently released book that shares the stories of people whose passing generally received little notice.
(read more)

City College
trustees sworn in

Assemblyman Tom Ammiano (D-San Francisco), left, administered the oath of office Monday, January 7 to two members of the City College of San Francisco Board of Trustees, Rafael Mandelman, center, and Chris Jackson. (read more)

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More Arts

Music -
Two boys out of line

Life is full of surprises. There I was at Philip Glass' former studio in New York's SoHo to get a CD of composer Nico Muhly's work from Cat Celebreeze, and just as she was giving it to me, Muhly – tall, with a pale, open face – appeared and said hello. (read more)

Theatre - Pixie liberation

A quick quiz in cinematic pop-culture terminology: What do the following screen performances have in common? Natalie Portman in Garden State, Kirtsen Dunst in Elizabethtown, Charlize Theron in Sweet November, Melanie Griffith in Something Wild, and in case these examples don't flutter forward in memory or experience, consider also Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's and Barbra Streisand in What's Up, Doc? (read more)

Film -
Torturous manhunt

Zero Dark Thirty opens sans credits, with a black screen and a soundtrack filled with random voices, the anxious and gradually terror-stricken voices of office-workers trapped on the upper floors of the Twin Towers. (read more)

Out There - Dream Arias

It warmed our tiny gay hearts last week when we heard Django Unchained director Quentin Tarantino on NPR waxing rhapsodic about our very own Castro Theatre, naming it his "dream theatre. (read more)

Theatre - Tennessee Williams on the beach

It's rare when you can experience a great playwright collaborating with himself at both the beginning and end of his career.
(read more)

Fine Arts -
Humanizing escorts

On Jan. 4, a lively crowd of about 100 attended the Magnet SF opening of Escort: The Classic Beauty of Male Sex Workers in San Francisco. (read more)

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