rich guy 1% cnbc bankers wall street

CNBC asks, is income inequality really so bad? (Hint: Yes)

I suppose CNBC’s ongoing freak-show makes for good TV (with a certain crowd). But are they good for America?
Rich guys 1%

Fiscal cliff deal exempted Big Oil’s billion dollar subsidies

“GOP Speaker Boehner refused to rule out trimming oil and gas subsidies as part of a fiscal cliff deal.”
Rich 1%

Not missing a beat, CNBC launches next assault on “entitlements”

The pampered class has done quite well, including their runaway defense spending, tax cuts and federal bailouts.
olive garden

Obamacare critic Olive Garden/Red Lobster reports 37% drop in profits

Darden restaurants criticized Obamacare, then changed their position. Is that to blame for their bad numbers?
Filip Fuxa /

Poll: Obama has large mandate to raise taxes on the rich

Americans want tax increases for the Republican protected class and it’s not even close.

Why do Democrats always ask for small items when negotiating?

What would a large Democratic “ask” look like in the “fiscal cliff” negotiations?
To solve the “deficit crisis,” just tax all Wall Street transactions

To avoid the “fiscal cliff,” tax all Wall Street transactions

Wall Street’s role in getting us to the “fiscal cliff” is never noted. Nor is the obvious solution – tax them.
Video: Mr. Burns explains the “Fiscal Cliff”

The Simpson’s Mr. Burns explains the “Fiscal Cliff”

“Think of the economy as a car, and the rich man as the driver. If you don’t give the driver all the money…”
doctor health care obamacare

Papa John’s, Denny’s, Applebees brands suffer after Obamacare criticism

Sometimes the free market does work. Just ask Papa John’s, Denny’s & Applebees after they criticized Obamacare.
Joe Scarborough

Joe Scarborough: “There is something immoral” about low tax rates for rich

It’s even more immoral to listen to the Moocher Class talk about how we have to gut Social Security & Medicare.
Money politics corruption

The push to fix the debt is a billionaire- and corporate-financed looting scam

The “fix the debt” crisis is financed & driven by looters; watch as the rubes give the rich whatever they want.
Carly Fiorina

Failed CEO Carly Fiorina, with $40m retirement package, says union pensions too high

After being fired from HP with a $40m severance, failed CEO Carly Fiorina says unions pensions are too high.
Goldman Sachs logo

Goldman’s multi-billion dollar bailout queen CEO insists on Social Security, Medicare cuts

After receiving billions from taxpayers, CEO Lloyd Blankfein says “we can’t afford” Soc. Sec., Medicare.
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