One more time:  Yes We Can

How Obama used Biden to undercut Reid on fiscal cliff deal

Which Obama is more real, the one you want to exist, or the one who gives your stuff away? Your choice on that.
Human Sacrifice via Shutterstock

The Mayan Apocalypse and John Boehner’s own human sacrifices

The Mayan Apocalypse meets the GOP Apocalypse: Mayan priests wanted human hearts, the GOP wants your Medicare.
Elderly Medicare Social Security seniors

A good progressive counter-offer to Boehner: Lower the Medicare age

Seven progressive ways to raise the money Obama claims to want to raise.

Obama offers Chained CPI (plus master list of “benefit cuts”)

There are seven ways to attack signature social insurance programs. This hands-off list names them all.

Boehner caves, agrees to tax hike. Will Obama say thank you?

There are exactly two weeks left before the No Deal that’s a good deal. Will social insurance get there intact?
Grim Reaper

How many will die if Barack Obama raises the Medicare eligibility age?

Complicit Congress types, take note. This decision is very much either-or. Vote carefully.
Social Security via Shutterstock

GOP demands tax cuts for rich be made permanent in fiscal cliff talks

New poll shows even Republicans hate most of the GOP positions in the fiscal cliff talks.
Couple via Shutterstock

Obama finally admits cuts to Medicare, Social Security are on the table

Obama: “We need to strengthen Social Security, we need to strengthen Medicare for future generations.”
fiscal cliff grandma

Poll: GOP voters oppose GOP fiscal cliff cuts

You’d think that would make the fiscal cliff talks a piece of cake for Democrats. Think again.

Politico confirms Obama’s fiscal cliff frame: “Let’s each kill one of our own”

“Democrats would win on taxes. Republicans would win on entitlements.”
Sen. Coburn

GOP Sen. Coburn: Medicare, Social Security “are things we don’t absolutely need”

If we don’t “need” Medicare, then why do we “need” Congress’ cushy health plan that’s subsidized by taxpayers?

Obama’s fiscal cliff deal: “Dear John, let’s each kill one of our own”

Ezra Klein detailed a two-part deal offered by Obama. If that’s close to right, it will be a Grand Betrayal.
Friends via Shutterstock

It’s immoral to cut Medicare to pay for George Bush’s lies

It’s pretty ballsy of Republicans to ask us to give up two years of Medicare coverage to pay for their lies.
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