We were excited to learn that this is a thing that exists in the world: An online dating site called “The Atlasphere,” which is dedicated to “connecting admirers of The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged.” Admirers, because a great thinker does not have mere “fans.” So of course, we registered and got ourselves a clever username (“Galt Trip”) and went looking for the wackiest, most completely out-there profiles we could find, and boy, were we ever surprised to find out that…Objectivists trying to attract a romantic partner are INCREDIBLY BORING. READ MORE »
Ayn Rand Dating Site Marginally Less Horrifying Than ‘Ayn Rand Dating Site’ Might Imply
The Fix: Is John Boehner Hitting The Bottle?
The Fix, as reposted by Salon, had a simple question: Is John Boehner hitting the bottle? But nobody could discover the answer, because the story was one million three hundred seventy-four thousand two hundred twenty five point four words long, all like
Five days before Christmas, House Speaker John Boehner stood before the Republican-controlled Congress—his Plan B alternative for avoiding the fiscal cliff defeated by lack of votes from his own party, a public humiliation and repudiation of the Speaker’s authority, rare in House history. Choking back tears, Boehner faced his colleagues and surrendered himself to a Higher Authority: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference,” Boehner intoned.
No one with any credibility has come out and said that Boehner is an alcoholic. The Fix contacted a large number of politicians, former colleagues and opponents for input, including former Speaker Dennis Hastert, outspoken freshman Republican Representatives Steve Sutherland of Florida and Patrick McHenry of North Carolina, even well-known Republican pollster and message strategist Frank Luntz, but none wanted to speak on the subject. But all these jokes and allusions are dancing around the topic. And there are plenty of people who admire Boehner for having the courage of his transgressions. Unlike President Obama, who never wanted to be photographed smoking before he finally quit in August, Boehner has smoked and sipped his wine in public. He also doesn’t hide his crying, which in other realms of public and private life is reason for enlightened praise. Feminists have come to his defense, asking why the double standard over crying?
and on and on FOR EVER. So we will answer it for them. Is John Boehner hitting the bottle? READ MORE »
[Delta] House Teabaggers Plan Gingrich-Worthy Stupid And Futile Gesture
A guest post from your comrade Fakakta South.
Remember when you were a kid playing a board game, maybe Checkers or “Life” if you were kinda dumb, or chess maybe if you were a nerd, and there was that one kid who, if he got way behind and saw he couldn’t win, would throw a tantrum and just toss the board up in the air and scatter all the pieces and say “this game is stupid anyway”?
Hopefully that kid is now in prison after the police finally found out where all those missing hookers wound up, tossed up into his crawlspace.
But sadly, not all of our budding sociopathics wind up as serial killers or senators’ sons harassing waitresses on airplanes. Some of them become tea-bagging members of Congress and now, because of them, the historically terrible House Speaker John Boehner has to meet with his “leadership team” today. It has, by unchallenged House Speaker electoring, fallen to the Great Drunken Crying Orange to figure out how to deal with these people, and with mastermind precision, the man who was much more adept at delivering checks to his friends on the house floor, must somehow appear understanding of how good defaulting on already incurred debt would feel, while simultaneously explaining just how wretchedly, apocalyptically bad actual default would be. So! What to do in tragicomically serious times like these? Of course – shut it down like a fake rape pregnancy. READ MORE »
Attention Maryland Gays: Wonkette Will Marry You So Good (UPDATE)
Updated below.
We have a contest on our hands, people! There are no rules but the prize is getting married.
Since Maryland voters got all hopped up on equality and passed Question 6, Your Wonkette has decided to get in on the gay marriage game, because we Care About The Community and it sounds way fun. If you are a gay couple who wishes to get married and you need an officiant, Wonkette will provide you, free of charge, a genuine ordained reverend in the Universal Life Church. (It is so legal, he has been ordained for five years now, and he is me.) READ MORE »
Known Black Person Colin Powell Simply Does Not Care For Sarah Palin Being A Balls-Out Racist
Hey, Colin Powell, you are a black Republican. What do you think of people in your party who are constantly not being racist with their watermelon emails and their funny nose-bone witch-doctor shirts? Oh, you are against it? Perhaps you would like to CALL SOME PEOPLE OUT, BY THEIR NAMES, STARTING WITH SARAH PALIN? Please proceed!
“There is also a dark vein of intolerance in some parts of the party,” [Powell] continued. “They still sort of look down on minorities. How can I evidence that? When I see [Palin] saying that the president is ‘shucking and jiving,’ that’s a racial-era slave term. When I see [Sununu] after the president’s first debate, where he didn’t do very well, says that the president was ‘lazy’ — he didn’t say he was slow, he was tired, he didn’t do well — he said he was lazy. Now, it may not mean anything to most Americans, but to those of use who are African Americans, the second word is ‘shiftless’ and there’s a third word that goes along with it.”
OH BOO HOO. Talk about old news. READ MORE »
Mark Sanford To Admit Affair With 2014 Election
Remember Mark Sanford? He ran off with a lady friend while Governor of South Carolina and thereby graciously gave the world the phrase “hiking the Appalachian trail” as a euphemism for illicit sexytime. (If you are a person of a younger persuasion and do not remember this, just think of him like Anthony Weiner, but without Twitter.) After some Boehner-level public crying about the whole thing, he resigned and we forgot all about him and figured his career was over and he was off having exotic sex with his Argentinian lady-person. But, like the proverbial bad penny, he’s back:
Oh Whoops, Add ‘Assaulted A Stewardess’ To Charges Against Rand Paul’s Drunky Underage Son (Updated!)
Hey ladies! When we reported on Rand Paul’s drunky underage son’s pre-11 a.m. bout of airplane awesomeness, we somehow missed that he was also charged with assaulting a stew! Whoops! READ MORE »
Let These Chickenhawks Explain You Why Chuck Hagel/Military Service Are Irrelevant In Post-9/11 World
Are you sick of hearing about Chuck Hagel? We are sick of hearing about Chuck Hagel too, but there are so many pearls of wisdom and hidden insights in this New York Times article about him that we cannot resist sharing it with you. For example: did you know that being a war hero does not give you any credibility whatsoever, unless you happen to be speaking in favor of more war, in which case, please step up to the mike? Also, did you know that there is such a thing as “mainstream internationalism,” and that Bill Kristol is the perfect spokesperson for it?
Go Galt In Detroit’s Centrally Planned Puerto Rico For Rich Jerks
Sitting in the middle of the Detroit River is Belle Isle, one of the nation’s finest urban public parks. It was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted of Central Park fame. Unfortunately, Belle Isle isn’t in the best condition right now because Detroit is super poor. There exists a perfectly reasonable plan to make Belle Isle a state park so Michigan taxpayers can fund maintenance of this beloved landmark in the state’s largest city, as they do for comparable parks across the state. Naturally, this will never happen because Detroit doesn’t end up like Detroit by accident. It takes a lot of incompetence and inaction.
So what are the other options for Belle Isle? How how about letting it secede from Michigan and become its own Puerto Rico-like commonwealth for entitled rich people who pretend they’ve read the “This Is John Galt Speaking” chapter of Atlas Shrugged.
As the broken city thinks big and radically about its future, a developer is stepping forward with a revolutionary idea: Sell the city’s Belle Isle park for $1 billion to private investors who will transform it into a free-market utopia.
The 982-acre island would then be developed into a U.S. commonwealth or city-state of 35,000 people with its own laws, customs and currency. READ MORE »
Bobby Jindal Will Be Louisiana’s Reverse Robin Hood
You know what’s hard? Income taxes. How do we make them fair? Should there be refundable credits? Why do you get a credit for having a kid but not for, say, TOTALLY HOUSING a bottle of Johnny Black on your yacht? Progressive taxation “punishes success” by charging a higher rate to people who make more money, and a flat tax “punishes regular people” by taking the same percentage from everybody, even though low- and middle-income people spend a far larger percentage of their earnings to, like, stay alive.
But hero Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, who presides over a wonderful, flourishing state with gaping radioactive sinkholes and taxpayer-funded fairy-tale schools, has the answer. It is so good and fair! READ MORE »
Gun Show At Cow Palace Draws Patriots Ready To Fight ‘Revolution’
Good news, Californians, because tens of thousands of people showed up at a Daly City gun show this weekend so they could prepare for the “revolution.” When is the revolution, what are we revolting against, and how will guns help us defend ourselves against, say, Apache helicopters, tanks, pepper spray, and LRAD cannons? Shut up, Commie, not important, and how dare you question these patriots who are here fighting for your Freedom to overthrow democratically elected officials?
Glennbeckistan: Your Libertarian-Commune Paradise Awaits
Time to revisit the attention-whore time-suck that is Glenn Beck. Earlier this week, we had Glenn Beck explaining how his pathetic internet empire will now become some sort of global libertarian news powerhouse, complete with foreign bureaus. (Wingnut fightsies sidenote: Alex Jones went on HuffPost Live to claim that Glenn Beck stoled all his ideas and isn’t a real libertarian like Alex Jones nuh-uh. We can only hope they’ll fight to the death.)
That not-at-all earthshaking announcement apparently bought Beck only a couple days of the news cycle, because now he’s back again to tell us all about his new dream, his vision for the future, his awesome planned community that will be totally libertarian yet totally communal: