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First Draft Krewe in NOLA

  • Click above image for our Hurricane Katrina coverage, including photos and stories from our recent First Draft New Orleans trip.

Lower 9th Ward: March 2006

  • 23
    These are stills captured from video shot March 2006 in the Lower 9th Ward of New Orleans specifically the area between N. Claiborne, Florida Ave, Tupelo and Tennessee.

Lower 9th Ward: August 2006

  • 9th_marking_side
    These are photos and stills captured from video taken August 2006 of the Lower 9th Ward specifically the area between N. Claiborne, Florida Ave, Tupelo and Tennessee.

« Saturday Blogwhoring Thread | Main | The Cult Topic »

February 16, 2008


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Yo, A--

Here's a better link:


Goes directly to your event--no searching needed!


Uh, oops.

It's a better link to the Madison event. I need to be more specific about things.

Do you all have your books? (2 each!)

A - There is a mention of your Oak Park appearance in something called OakLeaves (maybe a local section of the Sun-Times).


I'll be on the panel about blogging and journalism.

Must be nice to be an IMPORTANT blogger. :-) (I keed)

A, think you'll make it to NYC?

geor3ge, it's looking possible! It might not be until April, though, March is already pretty jammed up with stuff.


I'll be by ROOO Sunday afternoon though I may be a little late (bad, bad Aaaargh!).

(Black-footed ferrets on CNN, Athenae!)

I think Pittsburgh is *between* Madison and Philadelphia...

Just sayin'.

Fellow Duggar Houser made good. Yay! :) Long live the One and True Ogg.

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  • Adrastos
    adrastos at bellsouth.net
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    athenae25 at yahoo.com
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    jude_t at live.com

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